• Published 9th Apr 2024
  • 279 Views, 2 Comments

Werescoots - Scootaprisoner

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Chapter 1

Stormy Twister looked outside towards the setting sun, the orange glow of the sunset bouncing off the window. She then turned to look at the anxious pegasus filly that was sitting on the couch. Both of them knew, what was going to happen next. Stormy had been trying to put it off for as much as she could but she knew that if she did not do it then there would be catastrophic consequences. With a heavy heart, she cleared her throat to get the filly's attention before saying, "Scootaloo dear, we need to head down to the basement."

Scootaloo gulped before following her mother, towards the stairs. She hesitated at the top, looking down towards the dimly lit pit with fear. Stormy reassured, "I know it's scary but it has to be done."

Scootaloo nodded before beginning to trek downstairs, once reaching the bottom, she looked towards her mother who nodded towards a silver collar that was chained to the wall. With shaky legs, Scootaloo sat down next to the collar and peered at the light grey and blue maned pegasus mare. Stormy, reluctantly began to lock the collar around her daughter's neck; Scootaloo winced as the silver made contact with her skin.

Stormy then opened a wooden chest that was sat in the corner of the room and pulled out several hoof cuffs and chains. Scootaloo, who saw the chains, asked nervously, "Do I have to be chained up?"

Stormy looked at her daughter with sadness in her eyes as she told her, "I'm sorry sweetheart, but if we don't do this then you could accidentally hurt me or your friends."

Scootaloo replied shakily, "I know, it's just that I find it uncomfortable and scary; they also hurt."

"I know but it's for your own good. Now will you please be a good girl for mummy and let me put these cuffs and chains on you, I promise to be very gentle." She said while wiping the tears away that were slowly rolling down her daughter's face.

Scootaloo nodded and Stormy told her "I need you to lie down onto your belly, honey." Scootaloo complied and lay down onto her stomach. Once Scootaloo was in position, Stormy secured her hindhooves with one pair of cuffs before moving onto her forehooves and lightly pulled them behind her back before placing a second pair of hoof cuffs onto them. She then attached a short chain to her cuffs that were around her hind hooves before pulling her hindhooves upwards and attaching the second pair of hoofcuffs to the chain, effectively hogtying her.

She then wrapped a longer chain around Scootaloo's wings, preventing her from moving them. Scootaloo began to whimper and shake with fear as she told her mother, "I can feel it coming."

Stormy began to move quicker and told her restrained daughter, "I'm going to blindfold you now."

Scootaloo nodded as Stormy wrapped black adhesive tape around her eyes and head, successfully blocking out any form of light. Scootaloo hated the tape as it was so tight that it would give her headaches, originally they had used a scarf or sleeping mask but she had easily pulled them off.

Stormy then asked, "Can you see anything?"

Scootaloo shook her head, "No mummy." Stormy's heart broke at hearing the fear inside her daughter's voice. She then told her, "I love you Scootaloo, no matter what happens I will still love you. I'm going to put the muzzle onto you now."

Before she could secure the muzzle, Scootaloo replied, "I love you too, mummy." Stormy smiled at hearing this before guiltily placing the muzzle over her daughter's mouth.

She examined the restraints, making sure that they were all tight, "Scootaloo, will you try and speak, sweetie."

"Mmmmmph" Scootaloo mumbled through the gag.

Glad that the muzzle worked she then said, "Try and escape."

Scootaloo then used her strength to try and escape from the bonds. Despite all the pulling and twisting of her body and hooves, she could not free herself of the restraints. Stormy then said, "I'm going to go now, Sweetie. I will come down and release you in the morning."

As Stormy began to walk up the stairs, She could hear Scootaloo starting to make grunting noises as the chains began to rattle. When she got to the door, she heard Scootaloo making muffled screams "MMMMMPH!" filled with pain. This told her that the beast was already trying to emerge


Stormy knew that she would not be able to sleep while her daughter was chained up in the basement, fighting off the beast that attempted to take over her body. Stormy had to keep her daughter's condition secret as most ponies that had the same condition would be imprisoned or worse...

When Scootaloo was a foal, she was diagnosed with a condition called lycanthrope. Lycanthrope was a genetic condition that would cause the pony to become a wolf-like creature during the night. While they were transformed the pony would be trapped within their own mind, unable to control the beast that they would become, they would have to watch helplessly as they killed innocent ponies. There were three types of Lycanthrope: Type One, Type Two and Type Three.

Type One Lycanthrope was the least dangerous, as the pony would only transform when they were exposed to moonlight, they were also less aggressive and could be controllable if the infected pony stayed away from any form of moonlight.

Type Two Lycanthrope was the most common and second most dangerous as the pony would transform anytime that there was a full moon, even if they aren't exposed to moonlight.

Type Three Lycanthrope was the most dangerous and rarest form of the condition as the pony would transform every night even without exposure from the moonlight, they were the most aggressive and the condition could also affect them during the day through their diet and emotions. A pony would have a thirst for meat and they were also at risk of transforming if they were too angry, even during the day.

Scootaloo had been diagnosed with Type Three Lycanthrope, which meant that every night, she would have to be chained up in the basement. She also had to be careful at school as if she was made too angry then the beast would take over. She had recently started to find wild animals and began to kill them before eating them. When she was diagnosed the doctor had told her that there was no cure and that, he would have to tell the authorities. Stormy had to beg him not to tell the guards before eventually bribing him with a large sum of money.

While she was sat in the living room, she could hear the muffled sounds of chains rattling through the thin basement door. Stormy, was forced to ignore them as she knew stepping into the basement could potentially make things worse, all she could do was pray that daytime would come quickly...

Comments ( 2 )

Its always nice to see a new author on the platform. This is one of those things where you don't realize you loved the idea until you interact with it. The idea of Scootaloo being a werewolf? I loved that idea the second I found this.

I do think the writing style could have some water sprayed on it, for example by adding more metaphors or similes, but that is nothing that can't be fixed with good ol' practice. This is better then the first stuff I wrote (As of today unpublished), so don't be discouraged from writing in the future.

Anyhow, welcome to FIMfiction! Hope you enjoy your journey here.

An interesting idea you got there. Eager where this goes

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