• Published 18th Apr 2024
  • 345 Views, 22 Comments

Sun Redacted - daOtterGuy

Redacted. Here to protect you even when you don't know about it.

  • ...

Cosmic Love

Author's Note:

Content Warning
Blood, Erasure, Body Horror

Flash looked over his appearance in a mirror. He swept back his mane with a wing, taking the time to double check the studs he’d pinned into his ears were in their proper place. His jacket hung loose over his form, making his lean frame look bigger than it was.

He looked hot as Tartarus. His next date was going to drool over him, because who wouldn’t over a pegasus as fine as Flash Sentry?

Screaming reverberated from the other room. He ignored it.

Grabbing his saddlebags and keys from the front door stand, he threw the prior over his back and the latter into his jacket pocket.

“Open the door! For the love of Celestia, open the door!” A muffled voice shouted through the bedroom door.

“Don’t play with your food, babe,” Flash called back, his voice raspy. “Drawing it out doesn’t make it taste better.”

A ting resounded through the house. Like a metronome being struck by a metal baseball bat. It didn’t resound on a physical level, but within his mind. Several other sounds echoed through his mindscape, before the bedroom went quiet.

Whomever had been screaming was gone.

Flash tried to recall who had been in the bedroom with his paramour, but he couldn’t remember any details about them. Not even an exact name. He was sure it had been something like Brick or Bulwark or some other B word, but it didn’t really matter.

“I’ll be back tonight,” Flash said. “Hopefully with another stallion in tow. If not, I’ll still be home.”

“Good… luck,” a Something said through the bedroom door.

He was giddy. That had been the first words his love had been able to speak in a week since that abomination had harmed him enough to require giving up his physical form. It was still off, the cadence wasn’t right, and the volume wasn’t there, but it was a good sign that his beloved was on the mend.

“Thanks!” Flash replied.

He trotted out the door with a spring in his step.

Flash entered the bakery, taking a deep whiff of the tantalizing smells. It was a cozy place with homemade goodies that tasted just like what you’d find on your grandparents’ kitchen counter. It was his favourite place to go for a date, as they also made the best pies in Canterlot.

Sitting in a corner, nervously sliding a spoon across the table, was his guard buddy and date Mounted Defense. He was a bulky Earth pony with a swoop of light brown mane complimented by his dusty brown fur. He was wearing what he probably thought were nice clothes (they were not) and looked ready to bolt at the slightest provocation.

He walked toward his date. Mount noticed his approach, and his entire demeanor changed. He came to life with a brilliant smile that, if Flash wasn’t already taken, he’d probably come to adore.

“Flash, you made it!” Mount said, then corrected, “I mean, obviously you would, since you said you would be here. I didn’t mean to presume that you would bail or something, which isn’t to say that you’re obligated to come, just—!” He cut off his babble with a cough. “It’s great to see you.”

Taking the seat across from him, Flash gave him a beaming smile. “Great to see you too, Mount.”

There was a swish sound from under the table. Flash noticed that Mount’s tail was wagging behind him. He almost felt bad about what he was about to do to the poor guy, but Mount was on the list and he’d heard that Mount had a years-long crush on him, which made him a perfect target.

“Yeah, yeah.” Mount nodded his head, his back hooves tapping the wood floor. “You’re looking really good today. I mean, you look good everyday, but especially today, though—” He narrowed his eyes at Flash “—you seem kind of… smaller? Did you lose weight or something?”

“Been going hard on cardio recently. Felt like a change of pace,” Flash easily lied. He gave a suggestive grin. “Course, what matters is still as big as ever.”

Mount stiffened in place. “I-it is, huh?” He laughed. It sounded like a bagpipe having the air squeezed out of it. “Looking forward to seeing it later.”

“Wow. That’s pretty forward of you,” Flash teased.

“N-no, I didn’t mean—!” Mount fumbled. “I mean, yeah, but I wanted to get to that after a few dates. N-not to presume that—!”

“You’re surprisingly confident, Mount,” Flash said. “I would never be so bold to assume I’d get another date when we haven’t even finished this one.”

Mount sunk into his seat, covering his head with his hooves to hide his embarrassment. “I-I didn’t mean it like that…”

Flash chuckled.

“Can I get you gentlecolts anything?”

They turned toward the unicorn server that had approached their table, notepad hovering in their magic.

“Slice of apple pie,” Flash answered.

“...Strawberry tart for me, please.” Mount looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“Will be out shortly,” the server said.

Once the server was gone, Flash asked, “What’s with the look?”

“I thought you didn’t like pie,” Mount said.

“I didn’t. Then I tried some recently and found I actually liked it,” Flash explained. “So, I decided to try a new flavour today to continue the trend.”

“Okay.” The suspicion left Mount’s face. “Oh, did you hear about the new disappearance?”

“Work talk on a date, huh?” Flash teased. “How romantic.”

“I-I don’t really know how to start these kinds of conversations,” Mount stuttered.

“Just teasing, Mount,” Flash replied. “Also, no. I haven’t.”

“R-right.” Mount cleared his throat. “We got a report this morning from the night officers. A stallion has gone missing like the others these past two weeks. No records, just some nobody off the street that was reported by a building owner downtown.”

“Interesting. I think my superior officer had actually mentioned that yesterday.” After he yelled at Flash about improper procedure and how he needed to get his act back together. Again. “Seems like a cold case.”

Mount sighed. “Yeah, looks like it. No traces. No documentation. Not even any real descriptors since we couldn’t find anyone that knew his appearance outside of some vague ideas of what he looked like.”

“That’s unfortunate.”

“It is, but…” Mount leaned in closer “I have a theory.”


“I think it's connected to the disappearance of that Wonderbolt.”

“You think they’re related?”

“Maybe?” Mount said uncertainly. “He disappeared similarly to this case and the last couple. Just gone without any trace.”

“But unlike this victim, there’s a ton of information about him,” Flash said.

“Yeah, there is, but maybe this was the culprit’s first ponynapping case and he got better over time?”

“Or they’re unrelated.”

Mount deflated. “You think it’s a long shot?”

“I think you need more evidence,” Flash said. The server dropped their desserts in front of them. “Don’t drop the potential lead, but maybe keep it to yourself until you have more to support your theory.”

“Yeah, I’ll do that.” Mount took a bite of his tart. He moaned in pleasure. “Damn this is good.”

“Best pastries in town.” Flash leaned forward. “You know, if you finish soon we can go do that shopping we planned to do or—” He stroked Mount’s leg with his own under the table. A shiver of delight passed over Mount’s body. “—We could go to my place for a different kind of dessert.”

In lieu of an answer, Mount began to eat his tart at a fervent pace.

Mount sounded like a foghorn. Each exhale of breath shook the couch they had entangled themselves on. Flash was a light sleeper, and Mount was making it impossible to actually rest. He disentangled himself from Mount’s hooves and got off the couch. They’d ended up there after a round of heated ‘passion’, or whatever you were supposed to call Mount’s mindless thrusting.

He glanced at Mount’s form. His dusty brown fur had already become a bit more gray, his mane closer to white. Close proximity with his paramour had already begun the process, so Flash only had to continue to string Mount along. Waking up in his hooves would help keep his obsession strong, but loneliness tugged at Flash’s heart that night.

Flash trotted toward the bedroom door attached to the living room. It was locked, with the usual excuse that he didn’t like showing guests how messy it was inside.

Leaning his head against the door, ear flat, he listened. Mount’s loud snoring faded away, to be replaced by a rhythmic thumping. The beating of a heart. His own soon followed, syncing up with the steady rhythm and making him feel like there wasn’t as much distance between him and his love.

Against his better judgement, he laid down at the foot of the door, pressing as much of his body up against the wood as he was able to.

He wanted more, but they both knew that physical contact had to wait until his beloved regained his physical form for Flash’s own safety.

Another stallion or two and he would be restored. He should have felt some form of guilt for what he did, but none of that mattered in the face of aching in his heart. The crippling gap of loneliness.

A single oily black tendril slipped under the door. It wrapped itself tenderly around Flash’s hoof. It burned, singing the fur slightly at the touch, but the gesture was more than welcome.

Flash smiled, feeling less lonely. He drifted off to sleep.

“What can I get for you?”

Flash gave the server a wide smile. “Slice of cherry pie.”

“Coming right up,” the server said.

They turned to leave.

“One moment,” Flash interrupted.


“You haven’t taken my friend’s order.” Flash gestured with a hoof to his companion on the other side of the table.

The server looked confused. He looked in the indicated direction then widened his eyes in surprise.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, I didn’t… see you,” the server awkwardly finished. “What can I get for you?”

Mount stared blankly forward. He looked tired. His fur had dulled to a dirty gray, his mane had turned white and was matted with sweat. Each breath he took was a labour of effort for his sunken body.

“...It’s fine,” Mount said. Just those two words had seemed like the equivalent of trying to lift a loaded cart off the ground. “I’ll have…” he trailed off.

“A strawberry tart,” Flash finished for him.

“I’ll grab that with your pie slice.”

The server left.

“... Sorry,” Mount said.

“Nothing to apologize for,” Flash replied.

“No, I… I’ve been feeling… under the…” Mount furrowed his brow, searching for the right words. “...weather?”

“Everybody feels bad sometimes. It’s pony.” Flash rubbed Mount’s leg with his own for comfort.

“...Yeah.” A small smile spread on Mount’s face. “I just… I’m so glad… No family or… work. I have… you.”

“Hey, we’ll get you back on your hooves in no time,” Flash lied. “Maybe the Guard would take you?”

“Can’t.” Mount weakly shook his head. “Tried… too many…”

“Then something less demanding. Maybe the hobby shop? We could go tomorrow. I think I saw a help wanted sign there.”

“Sounds… nice.”

Flash leaned forward, a loving expression plastered on his face. “Let’s finish up here and go back home so you can rest. Maybe I can even help you feel better? Forget your troubles for a while?”

“That would be… thank you.”

They left the cafe, desserts uneaten. That was the last day that a stallion known as Mounted Defense ever existed.

Flash leaned against the bedroom door. Climb or something had just been taken by his paramour. There had been the expected screaming and begging, but Flash had hardly cared.

No one would have missed him even if they could remember him. His own superior had sold him out to them for abusing his position. Tampering with evidence to fit his conspiracies about captured ponies. Or his superior just hadn’t liked him and used this as an excuse to remove him, permanently. Either way, it got what Flash wanted, so he hardly cared.

A tendril was wrapped around his hoof, slowly burning his flesh. It was less black now, more orange in colour.

A good sign, but one that did not quell his aching heart. It had been too long since they had last held each other, since he’d even seen the love of his life. This idle comfort was nothing compared to the ability to be able to hold his warm body close. To feel his heartbeat pounding in his chest.

How much longer did he have to wait?

“One more,” his paramour said.

“Really?” Flash said, hope bridging life to his voice.

“One more and I’ll be able to physically manifest,” his love confirmed. His voice sounded better, closer to what it was supposed to be.

“Okay, I got the list. I’ll track someone down tomorrow. Another few days—”

“No, tomorrow night,” his lover interrupted. “I can control myself again and I’m sick of waiting. I want to touch you again.”

Flash’s heart soared. “O-Of course! I can even grab someone—”

“Not tonight.”


“I want you near me tonight and not with someone else.”

Flash curled tighter around the tentacle, ignoring the pain that followed.

“I-I didn’t even know that you—” Brilliant Mind coughed, his face turning bright red. “—I’m just s-surprised you were interested.”

He wasn’t, but Flash could lie with a wide smile and a flick of his tail to show Brilliant what he craved. The stallion choked. It was too easy. Flash was a stallion of adoration, which was to be expected, because he loved Flash more than anything.

“Nonsense, Brill. I love how adorkable you are,” Flash lied. “So, do you wanna chat first or…?”

Instead of replying, Brilliant squeezed his butt with a hoof. He looked at Flash with what might have been the grossest expression he had ever seen and wiggled his eyebrows. There hadn’t been any real mention of why Brilliant had been on the list, but Flash was beginning to get a good idea now.

“Then right to the fun part then,” Flash said.

They trotted into Flash’s house with Flash in the lead. He beelined to the bedroom, bringing out his keys to unlock the door.

“You lock your bedroom?” Brilliant asked.

“It’s really messy and I usually don’t like stallions poking around,” Flash replied. “But I’ll make an exception for you.”

An overconfident grin. The kind he probably thought was sexy but came off as sleazy and disgusting. Thankfully, that would be fixed soon.

The bedroom opened into a dark, normal looking bedroom.

“Wait inside,” Flash said. “I’m going to get us a little surprise in the kitchen.”

“Hurry back,” Brilliant said, the nervousness replaced with misplaced confidence. “Don’t want you to miss any prime time with me.”

Flash suppressed the eye roll and trotted to the kitchen. As he crossed the threshold, a loud scream resounded through the apartment. Blasts of magic mixed with unnatural sounds that reverberated on a plane not of this world.

For his part, he began to cut up a fruit and vegetable platter to snack on.

He looked up through the window divider between the kitchen and living room. Brilliant was desperately trying to claw his way out of the bedroom. His face was twisted into pained fear as tendrils and claws attempted to drag him back in. Wisps of smoke emitted from whenever the tendrils touched him on his body.

Unlike the case with the prior few stallions, Brilliant was being devoured at a rapid pace. His body shriveled into taut skin over bones. His fur faded to a dull grey. His Cutie Mark dissolved off his rump like paint in water. He cried and screamed as his facial features smoothed over, his head turning into a blank featureless blob.

Flash could feel his memory fade about Bright Stack or whoever they were. He was being erased from existence. His identity being fed into the reconstruction of his lover’s physical form. All Flash could really remember about him was that he’d been gross and that he was glad the stallion was gone.

With a final scream, the stallion was pulled into the bedroom, the door slamming shut behind him.

Grabbing the finished plate of hors d’oeuvres. Flash made his way back to the living room and plopped himself onto the couch.

After what felt like an eternity, the bedroom opened. Flash Sentry, the real one, stepped out. He slinked toward the fake Flash Sentry, an easygoing smile on his lips. He held himself up high, as he should, towering over the fake and exuding pure confidence.

Fake Flash could feel heat race through his body in anticipation.

“I made some snacks,” Fake Flash said. “I thought you’d like to eat something that wasn’t screaming at you first.”

Flash grabbed the plate with a wing, and placed it gently on the floor. He stepped onto the couch and pushed Fake Flash onto his back. Flash’s bulk easily encompassed the lesser Flash’s, entrapping him amongst his limbs and wings.

“Are you ready to drop the disguise?” Flash asked. His voice was smooth and husky, with an undercurrent of something darker under the surface. “I long to see you as you again instead of this lesser copy of myself.”

“Anything you want, love,” Fake Flash replied, his voice dripping with equal amounts obsession, lust, and adoration.

He held up a hoof. It morphed into a three-pronged claw like that of a griffin’s. He plunged one clawed tip into Fake Flash’s forehead, then tore down. It was excruciating. Like having tape torn off his entire furred body.

Yet, despite the pain, he couldn’t have been more in pleasurable bliss.

Sky blue fur. Dark blue mane. A Cutie Mark of a lightning bolt piercing a cloud. Soaring Skies, or Soarin as he preferred, panted heavily as Flash tore off the remainder of the skin and tossed it away. The brittle husk crumbled into flakes as it floated to the ground.

“I finally see you,” Flash said, heavy with emotion.

Soarin grasped Flash’s transformed limb. It pricked his exposed skin, drawing small pools of blood. Flash brought the hoof to his face, smearing the blood along one side of his face.

“It’s been too long, babe,” Soarin replied.

They kissed, hunger driving them toward equal measures of pain and pleasure. They were finally together again.