• Published 29th Apr 2024
  • 438 Views, 18 Comments

Illusions of Desires - Jymbroni

After weeks of endless meetings and political tedium takes its toll on Princess Sunny Starscout, her loyal guard seeks help from the one pony she trusts to make an evening just a little more magical.

  • ...

Fairytale Incantations

“Why do these meetings have to be so long?” Sunny whined as she stumbled into her private chambers.

“Because there are a lot of things to discuss,” Zipp stated bluntly while shutting the door behind them. “Generational resentment doesn’t go away overnight, your highness.”

Sunny flopped onto her bed and heaved a long sigh. “But did that duke really need to drone on about it for hours? Like, we got the point the first time he brought it up.”

Zipp trotted over to the princess, giving her a pointed stare through the cutouts of her helmet.

“What?” Sunny asked.

“You know what.”

“Really, Zipp? It’s my bed, why am I not allowed to be in it?”

“Because you’re dirty.”

She scoffed, sitting upright to meet her guards' gaze. “The only thing that we’ve done today was sit in the grand hall as ponies just talked endlessly about trivial things.”

“That may be true,” Zipp conceded half heartedly. “But you know if Fluffer Duster finds out that you’ve been laying in your bed without having a bath, she’ll change your sheets.”

Sunny pouted and folded her hooves across her chest.

“Fine, make Duster do extra work on your behalf when there’s a perfectly good day bed right over there, drama queen.” Zipp turned away to set her helmet on a nearby table.

Reluctantly, Sunny got off the bed and stomped over to the daybed, flopping down onto it. “Better?”

“Much, Your Highness.” The captain bowed. “Duster will surely thank thee for such a kind gesture.”

Sunny rolled her eyes. “You can be a real pain in the flank sometimes.”

“So I’ve been told, your highness.”

Sunny glared at her.

“I mean, Sunny.”

“Better.” She turned to look out the window and sighed wistfully. “Still so much royal treatment. I expected this trip to be so much different.”

Zipp trotted over to her side. “How so?”

“I thought I was going to explore more of Zephyr Heights and meet other pegasi.”

“Really? Surely, you knew that most of your time would be spent at the castle because of the dangers outside.”

“Yes, but that was weeks ago! Since then, we’ve had a full delegation of earth ponies arrive along with selected lords and ladies from the pegasi. Ponies know that something is going on now, so it’s not such a huge secret anymore.”

“True, but it’s still my job to keep you safe, and the safest place is in the castle.”

The princess rested her chin on the window seal and sighed longingly as she watched the sun slowly set. “We haven’t even been back to the garden.”

“I want to do that, but they have us on such a tight leash that any hoof out of place would send this place into a frenzy.”

Sunny didn’t reply as she watched a pegasus glide through the air, tracing her hoof along the glass as her eyes grew heavy.

Zipp chewed on her lip. The past couple of days had been extra grueling on them. As Queen Haven and King Argyle extended invitations to their respective lords and ladies of their prospective kingdoms, the castle had become a circus of politicians. Timetables and security had tightened significantly, leaving little room for them to explore the castle, let alone see the rest of Zephyr Heights. Each new addition to the Peace Council—or whatever stupid name the representatives for the peace accords hadn’t quite agreed on—raised more issues than resolutions. Sunny’s zealous optimism was being dragged down by squabblers and sycophants blustering constantly about decorum. She hated it more than those mandatory moral events that her leadership would try to put on. At those events her superiors at least gave off the perception that they cared about their soldiers.

In these meetings, noble ponies would prattle on about issues that were miles away from what the common pony was facing. The only joy she had with this was imagining her driving a hoof through their skull to bring them back to reality. Unfortunately, the only thing she was allowed to do was stand behind Sunny and watch the princess slowly sink into her seat.

“What would you like to do?” Zipp asked, trying to brighten their bleak week.

Sunny’s ears perked up, turning towards her guard. “What?”

“If you were allowed to do something right now, what would you want to do?”

She cocked her head. “Weren’t you just saying that they wouldn’t let me leave my chambers?”

“True,” the captain conceded, causing the downtrodden princess to sink lower. “But, I could bring somepony here.”


Zipp gave a sly grin. “I have a couple of ponies in mind.”

“Really?” Sunny squealed, bouncing to her hooves. “Who?”

“You’ll have to wait and see, but let's not guess too much so you don’t spoil the surprise.”

The princess pranced around the room, but then ground to a sudden halt. “But wait, how would you even get them in here? I thought you were the only one allowed to enter my chambers.”

“That’s where my position has its perks.” Zipp grabbed her helmet and put it on. “If I sign off on it, they should be granted access to your chambers. With your permission, of course.”

“You can do that?” Sunny wrapped her hooves around her guard's neck. “You have my permission.”

Zipp froze with the sudden contact as the scent of lavender wafted around her. “T-thank you, my lady.”

Sunny released her quickly and backed away as her cheeks began to redden. “Sorry, I-I got…”

“It’s okay,” Zipp eased, feeling her heart racing. “You just caught me off guard, which is supposed to be my whole job.”

Sunny giggled. “Do I need to question your capabilities if you can’t even anticipate a simple hug?”

“Now that I know it’s in the cards, you won’t be getting the drop on me so easily next time.” Zipp flared her wings, lowering herself with a cunning smile.

Sunny matched her guard’s stance. “Oh, I have a few tricks left in the saddlebag.”

“Good, I like a challenge.” Zipp returned to her full height, trotting over to the door. “No shenanigans while I’m gone.”

Sunny scoffed. “What do you think I’m going to do?”

“Who knows.” Zipp shrugged, opening the door. “You’re the one with a saddlebag full of tricks. You could have some spell in there that changes us into common ponies so that we could walk right out the front gate.”

“Har har, like I can actually do…” Sunny’s eyes lit up as she rushed towards the closing door. “You read the story!”

“Be back in a minute.” Zipp quickly closed the door with a victorious grin.

“I will be bringing Lieutenant Pipp back to the princess’ chambers. Do not let anypony in,” she announced trotting past Thunder and Zoom.

“I see you’re taking a breather from the dirt fornicator,” Zoom said, chuckling to herself.

Zipp spun around lunging at the guard, driving her metal hoof into the stone inches from the guards face. “You want to run that by me again, corporal?”

Zoom's panicked breath washed over her muzzle as she stammered.

“Well?” she asked again, burning a hole right through the idiot's brain.

“She said, ‘I see you’re taking a breather from the dirt fornicator,’” Thundered chimed in.

“Thank you sergeant,” she thanked evenly, keeping her eyes focused on the frightened guard. “If I hear any more slurs from either of you, I will shove a spear so far up your flank that you’ll be begging for lube. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, captain!” They snapped to attention and saluted.

Zipp gaze lingered on the soldier in question as beads of sweat began to trickle down the corners of her face. With a snort of derision, Zipp turned and started to head to the barracks. Her solid hoof clicks upon the hard tile mirrored the prickling annoyance burning at those feather brain’s crassness. She didn’t even want to think about what she’d do to them if Sunny heard them. Venting her frustration through her nose, Zipp adjusted the straps on her armor easing the tension in her chest.

Zipp recalled the image of the princess’s surprised expression in her mind, easing the fire that coursed through her blood. The corners of her lips began to curl as the many nights of secretly reading Sunny’s favorite book had finally paid off. She’d been very meticulous in returning the book to its proper place every night and playing dumb whenever Sunny would make a passing reference. All just for a simple, joyful smile from her princess.

“Her princess.”

The words tingled her lips with a forbidden thrill. It wasn’t the first time the words had crossed her mind, but after reading the old tales, it felt different. Zipp wondered if Twilight had harbored the same feelings the closer she became with Rarity. Silently wondering to herself if they could trade places would it playout for her and Sunny like it did Twilight and Rarity in The Illusion?

Zipp let out a heavy sigh as she placed her hoof on the barracks door. She needed to get her head straight and stop living in the pages of a fairytale. Even if there was a nugget of truth in the centuries-old story, such a thing between a royal and her guard was a ridiculous notion, especially in these troubled times. Straightening up, she reminded herself she needed to be Sunny’s protection first and foremost before opening the door.

“Lieutenant Pipp.”

Groans emanated from the night watchstanders as beds in the dark began to rustle at the captain's presence. Her ears flattened as she made her way through the rows of racks in the dimly lit barracks, focusing on a singular light source in the far corner. The candlelight danced happily to Zipp’s presence as she rounded the wood post, seeing her sister pointlessly brushing her mane.

“You know you’re just going to put on a helmet later,” Zipp teased.

“Well, I don’t question what you do in your rack when you think everypony is asleep,” Pipp rebutted without missing a beat. “Honestly, I’m surprised somepony hasn’t called you out on it when you start...”

“Okay! I get it!” Zipp cut in, looking anxiously around to see if anypony was eavesdropping on them. “Did I piss you off or something?”

“Nope! I’m just tired of hearing you moan…”

“Would you stop already?” Zipp hissed, trying to keep her voice down. “I’ll do it in the shower like everypony else. Happy?”

Pipp hummed to herself as she continued to run her brush through her mane.

“Look, I need you for something.”

“Are you being serious right now? I don’t see you for, like, three weeks, and all of a sudden you just drop by because you need me.”

“Is that why you’re mad? You know I have to be with the princess all the time.”

“Obviously,” Pipp scoffed before side-eying her sister. “But somehow you’re magically able to leave. Did the princess request new guards because you’re such a pain in the flank?”

“No, but I think you would really like to come with me.”

Pipp turned away, folding her hooves across her chest. “Why? So you can ignore me in front of your princess again?”

“I haven’t been ignoring you.”

“Liar! Everytime we pass each other you have your head so far up your asset’s flank that you don’t even realize I’m there!”

Zipp groaned as she tried to recall seeing her sister at any point in the past three weeks, but all she could remember was Sunny.

“Even a simple wave would have sufficed,” Pipp continued, sniffling. “You made me feel like you forgot about me.”

Zipp pressed a hoof into her forehead. “Okay, I’m sorry for being a shitty sister. But I promise this will make up for that.”

Pipp harrumphed, rolling over in bed.

Zipp leaned close to her sister's ear. “The princess wants to meet you.”

Pipp’s ear twitched. “Now you’re just being cruel.”

“Honest, that’s why I came down here. She’s not allowed to go anywhere, so I thought bringing you to meet her would not feel like such a prisoner.”

Pipp rolled over, her eyes fixed on the captain. “Why’d she ask for me?”

“Okay, she didn’t ask for you, but you’re the only pony I fully trust.” Zipp flashed a smile that was reserved for her sister. “Also, I talk about you constantly.”

Pipp clicked her tongue. “Duh, because I’m an awesome sister.”

Zipp scoffed, but caught a free pillow out of the corner of her eye. With a cheeky grin, she swipedit and swung for her sister's head. Pipp barely managed to duck out of the way. She quickly checked her mane before launching herself at her sister in a fit of laughter. Zipp collided with the locker behind her as she tried to fight her sister off with the most comfortable of weapons.

“Oi, cut it out!” A faceless voice barked.

“Yeah! Some of us are trying to actually sleep around here!”

“Let’s go before we piss off more ponies.” Zipp snickered quietly pushing her sister off.

Pipp agreed with a giggle as she blew out her candle as they fled the barracks. She was bouncing off the walls of the hallway with effervescent energy, earning weird glances from the other guards.

“Oh my gosh, I really get to meet her! I have so many questions!”

“Let’s save them for when you’re in her chambers. And could you maybe calm down a bit? ”

Pipp nodded as her wings continued to twitch with anticipation. As they made their way back to the Princess' chambers, Zipp couldn't help but be swept up in her sister's excitement. However, anxiety still gnawed at her chest. Her little sister had a tendency to be hit or miss upon first impression, especially with nobles who were not accustomed to her forwardness.

As they approached Sunny’s room the sister’s ears perked as sounds of clanking armor alerted them. Quicking their pace, they arrived at the entrance to the antichamber where Thunder and Zoom were posted. Zipp readed herself to whatever was in the room with the Queen’s guards that would cause that sort of commotion. As they entered, Zipp was annoyed to see Zoom snapping to attention a second too late.

Zipp trotted over to the quaking guard. “Slurs and lazy watchstanding. You’re really making sure I remember you, Zoom. I wonder if the Queen will allow you to take up your old post with this… enlightening information.”

Zoom clamped his jaw, holding his thousand yard stare.

“Hopefully, you can take the corrective actions before I have to,” Zipp said coldly before they passed into the antichamber.

“What was that about,” Pipp whispered, checking over her shoulder.

“The same shit we deal with everyday, young kids being stupid.”

“You know we used to be like that,” Pipp pointed out.

Zipp snorted. “Not like that. We did dumb stuff because it was funny or we were bored.”


Zipp placed a hoof on the handle and leaned over to her sister.

“Remember your military bearing.”

“Duh, what do you think I was going to do? Something stupid.”

“Knowing you, that’s always a possibility.”

Zipp pushed open the door to the grand chamber, revealing the stunning sight of the princess lounging on the plush daybed, her muzzle buried in a thick tome. The soft light of the chandelier bathed the room in a warm glow, casting a golden hue on the walls and sparkling on the crystal decanters on the nearby side table. As soon as she heard the clicking of the sister's hooves on the marble floor, the princess lifted her head from the book, her eyes alight with curiosity.

Sunny sprang up and bounded over to them with infectious glee.

“Your Highness, this is my sister.” Zipp motioned to Pipp as she bowed respectfully.

“Nice to meet you, Pipp Petals.” She extended a hoof. “My name is Sunny Starscout.”

Pipp looked at the princess perplexed as Zipp watched the wheels grind to a halt in her sister's head.

Giggling Zipp nudged her sister. “It would be considered rude for you to not shake the princess’s hoof.”

Pipp snapped to, grabbing it while informally bowing. “It’s an honor to meet you, princess.”

“Zipp… I mean, the captain has talked a lot about you.”

Pipp eyed her sister with a devious smile. “‘Zipp,’ huh?”

The captain could feel the heat rising in her cheeks at the informal slip.“Her highness felt it was better for us to be on a first name basis since we would be spending a lot of time with each other,” Zipp clarified while rubbing the back of her head.

“It’s been quite fun getting to know your sister,” Sunny added, smiling at her new guest. “I’ve got to learn a lot of things about pegasi that we had no knowledge of back in Maretime castle. Plus, she has been an excellent host, and even showed me the castle's gardens.”

“Wow, that sounds so wonderful.” Pipp flashed an all knowing smile towards Zipp. “It’s almost like my sister is a completely different pony around you.”

“I would go that far,” Zipp said, not wanting her sister's imagination to run wild. “But this experience has been very… educational for both of us.

A licentious smile began to form on her sister's lips as Zipp heaved a sigh of defeat as she inexplicitly fed into Pipp’s wild fantasies.

“Oh my goddess, your wings!” Sunny squealed.

Pipp clamped her wings to her side. “What about them?”

“They’re so beautiful and fluffy!” Sunny trotted in place like an excited filly. “May I touch them?”

Pipp gazed hesitantly at her sister, unsure of how to react. However, after a moment's contemplation, she decided to comply with the princess’ request and gingerly extended a wing towards her. Sunny, her eyes widening in amazement, reached out and delicately grasped Pipp's wing. She ran her hoof down Pipp's primary feathers with a look of wonder on her face, taking in every detail of the feathers.

“They’re so soft. Not even the silk sheets I have from Saddle Arabia compare to this!”

“Oh, thank you, Sunny. I try to preen them at least twice a week to keep them looking nice. You wouldn’t believe what our wing armor does to them.”

“Where is your wing armor, by the way?”

“I’m off duty, so I like to let them free whenever I get the chance.” Pipp did a light flutter of her wings, producing enough of a breeze to blow some of the princess’ mane causing her to giggle.

“Why don’t you take your wing armor off, Zipp?”

“I have to make sure that you’re protected.”

“But you never take it off,” Sunny complained. “Isn’t it uncomfortable being in it all day?”

“I do take it off when I bathe and when I sleep,” Zipp pointed out. “It gives my body enough time to relax before getting back into it.”

“Well, could you take them off now?”

“Yes I could, Your Highness, but I really shouldn’t…”

“Please, Zipp,” Sunny begged.

With a deep sigh, Zipp loosened the straps under the joints of her wings that connected them to the vest underneath her breastplate. As she wiggled her wings, the metal plates began to slump off. They clanged to the ground, setting her free from their needless weight. With a powerful thrust, flared them out, scattering loose feathers and misting sweat as she extended them to their full brilliant span.

Not wanting to be outdone by her sister, Zipp leapt into the air and pirouetted, showcasing her wingtips’ hues of blue and purple to her princess. As she twirled, her feathers shimmered in the candlelight creating a dazzling display that left the princess in awe.

“Show off,” Pipp mumbled.

“Hardly,” Zipp rebutted as her hooves returned to the ground. “You’re the one that started it anyway.”

Pipp gasped. “I was merely displaying my unique wings to the princess.”


“Well, I think both your wings are splendid,” Sunny exclaimed with giddiness.

“So, what do you two do all day?” Pipp asked nonchalantly inspecting the room.

“We go to meetings, greetings, and more meetings.”

Pipp exaggeratedly rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“That’s it. Really.”

“Come on,” Pipp snatched the book left on the lounge and began skimming it. “You expect me to believe that you two are on a first name basis, but all you do is go to meetings?”

“Well what do you expect, Sunny is here for the peace accords.”

“So, you just keep her locked in her room all day? Explains why I never see you two.”

“Well, Zipp did take me to the castle gardens when I first arrived,” Sunny said pointedly.

“Oh, really?” Pipp set the book down. “How was it?”

“It was sublime!” Sunny bounced on her hooves, causing Zipps cheeks to flush. “There was a massive weeping willow that overlooked a small pond with flowers around its edges! It’s just like in the stories we read!”

Pipp raised an eyebrow. “What stories?”

Sunny bounded over to her bedside, retrieving her treasured possession from the nightstand. “Zipp told me that you always loved these stories.”

She approached the guard and extended the book towards her. Pipp received it with care, her eyes fixated on the ancient hoof pressed manuscript. The humble tome had none of the flourishes or fancy bindings demanded attention. Even still, Pipp’s hooves trembling as she reverently pulled on its leather cover, revealing a white and purple unicorn entwined in a lovers embrace.

“It’s the real deal,” Zipp commented.

“H-how… you have.” Her eyes darted over to her sister. “Explain!”

“It surprised me too,” Zipp admitted with a sheepish smile. “Honestly, you’re handling it better than I did.”

“But this is a pristine copy of The Illusion.” Pipp pressed the book into her sister's face before flipping through the pages. “How does she have it? Where did she get it? Does she have more?”

Sunny chortled at the flabbergasted guard. “Let’s just say we have a lot more in common than other ponies want us to believe.”

“But that doesn’t answer any of my questions,” Pipp whined.

“She has a castle full of books, so it wouldn’t surprise me that Sunny would have at least one of those.” Zipp added.

Pipp fell to her flank, clutching the book. “B-but it’s this book.”

“What's so special about that one?”

“Well unlike you, some of us would like to meet a special somepony at some point in our life and this story gave me hope that I could!” Pipp fired back. “That somepony would see me for more than a soldier or a guard like princess Rarity does!”

Zipp's breath hitched. She knew Pipp liked those old stories, but this? She never expected it to be so raw. To be so hurt. She looked over to Sunny, expecting the princess to be transfixed or unsettled. However, Sunny was just there, taking it all in. Her brilliant emerald eyes darted between the two, connecting dots in her mind.

Pipp sniffled. “Sorry Sunny, that was umm a lot.”

Sunny placed a supportive hoof on her shoulder. “I feel that way too.”

“Ha, I bet you have suitors lining up to ask for your hoof in marriage.” Pipp chuckled bitterly. “The only issue would be just picking one.”

“Yeah,” Sunny answered, defeated. “But, they only care about my title. Just a tool for somepony to possess so they could rule a kingdom,” Sunny paused for a moment looking up at Zipp. “Until I came here.”

Zipp looked back, unsure of what to do or how to process what was happening. Pipp straightforwardness made her feel something. Envious? Jealous? That her sister was able to connect with Sunny and reveal something that she hadn’ even known, despite spending weeks with the princess. They kept things professional, but in her heart, she wanted something else; something different. And the worst part was, she could see that desire reflected back at her when she met Sunny’s gaze.

“I have an idea,” Sunny announced apprehensively. “I could have the kitchen staff deliver our food to my room and…” Sunny trailed off scrapping her hoof across the ground. “You can take off your armor so it would feel like three friends having dinner.”

Zipp's eyes darted towards her sister, her mind working in overdrive as she rapidly assessed the situation. As a professional, she knew the importance of adhering to strict safety protocols, especially when they were at their most vulnerable. But, when she saw the pleading look in Pipp's eyes, she knew the right thing to do.

“Sorry, stupid idea! I just wanted…”

“We can do it,” Zipp cut her off to the surprise of them both. “Just for dinner.”

“Deal!” The princess and Pipp shouted in unison before turning to each other giggling.

Pipp was quick to jump out of her armor, the metal pieces clattering to the floor in an unorganized heap. With the delicacy of a manticore, she shoved the pieces into an unoccupied corner. Zipp cast her sister a disapproving glance as Pipp groaned loudly, gathering up the armor and setting it down properly on a nearby chair.

“Happy?” Pipp asked, thrusting a hoof at the properly folded armor.

“I’m just trying to look out for you so you don’t have to spend all your time buffing out those scratches.”

“Oh thank you, great captain. How will I ever survive without your guidance?” Pipp wailed before falling onto the daybed. “Oh this is really nice.”

She stretched out with a contented smile as she sank into the plush cushions. It always astounded Zipp with how easily her sister could drop her guard in front anypony when given an inch. Meanwhile, Sunny let out an innocent giggle.

Zipp reached for the buckle under her chest plate and she hesitated.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Sunny clarified.

Was she so obvious that Sunny could easily pick up on it?

“No, I want to.”

Zipp meticulously undid her armor, placing each piece carefully on a nearby chair to avoid even the slightest hint of a scratch. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Sunny’s fascinated gaze followed every careful movement as she stripped herself piece by piece. Sunny's expectations weighed down on her as each heavy plate slumped off, bit by bit.

As Zipp liberated herself from the last vestiges of her armor, a faint gasp struck her from behind, sending her rigid.

“W-what?” she asked.

“Umm, I’ve just never seen you outside of your armor,” Sunny admitted tepidly as she gawked at her guard. “You’re very… tone.”

Zipp couldn’t help but avert her gaze as she felt the heat rushing to her cheeks.

A chortle came from the couch. “You guys are too cute together.”

Zipp lunged for a nearby pillow and catapulted it towards her sister, nailing her directly in the muzzle. Which only caused her to laugh more as she clutched the pillow to her chest.

Fluffer Duster had gone above and beyond preparing a dizzying amount of food for just three mares. The deserts alone could feed an entire squad if properly managed. Pipp wasted no time digging into the assortments of noble dishes. Sunny however was more hesitant with her selection weighing her options among the foreign delicacies. Meanwhile, Zipp explained each selection’s level of spiciness so Sunny wouldn’t risk searing her sensitive taste buds.

While Pipp was indulging herself in the free desserts, they shared stories from their foalhoods, comparing their contrasting upbringings. Sunny poked and prodded for details and stories about growing up with Pipp. The princess rested her chin on her hooves, enraptured by the tales Pipp wove together, some a little grander than Zipp remembered.

No matter how ridiculous, Sunny hung on every word, asking for story after story of their sisterhood. She was enamored with the idea, saying more than once that she wished she’d been there. As the wholesome well ran dry, Zipp and Pipp continued to raise the stakes, teasing each other with embarrassing stories until Pipp pulled out the stops.

“Pipp, why does it have to be that story?”

“Because it was hilarious!”

“Not for me,” Zipp whined, burying her face into her forelegs.

Sunny bounced enthusiastically in her seat like a filly ready for story time. “Ooo, what happened?”

“So, I just got done showering and I was brushing my teeth exiting the tent. It was late at night and I just got off watch so I wasn’t expecting anypony to be out. Then out of nowhere I hear a loud cry just around the corner. So, I rush over to find Zipp on top of this stallion giving him one of those intense stares that she does.” Pipp chortled nudging her sister playfully with her wing. “The poor guy didn’t know if he should be aroused or scared for his life.”

Zipp ears twitched to the soft giggles from Sunny. “Are you done?”

“Never!” Pipp declared, wrapping her forelegs around her embarrassed sister. “You’re stuck with me.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.”

“Did you know she did the same thing to Miss Duster when I first arrived?”

Pipp gasped. “No!”

Zipp pressed her head into the table, hoping it would break to change the subject.

“I’m surprised she even steps foot in here after that.” Sunny added with a giggle.

“How many ponies mounted, Zipp?”

“None of them!” Zipp fired back, her face red hot from embarrassment. “I pounced on them not mounted them.”

Pipp waved a dismissive hoof. “Pounce, mount, same diff.”

“Huge difference, Pipp. Huge!”

Pipp smiled victoriously as Zipp bore holes into her head, fuming at the utter crassness of her so-called sister.

“Zipp, it’s all in good fun, right Sunny.” As Pipp turned to the princess who was fidgeting with a fork her smile shifted as she started piecing something together. “She pounce-slash-mounted you too?”

The fork screeched to a halt, as Sunny’s cheeks furiously turned red.

“By the goddess…”

“Thank you, Lieutenant Pipp!” Zipp announced, pulling her sister down. “I think it’s time for all of us to turn in for the night.”

“I’m not even tired,” Pipp whined.

“You can do whatever you like in the barracks, but the Princess needs to get some rest.” Zipp trotted over to her sister and started to nudge her to get up. “She has a lot of meetings tomorrow and it would look very bad if she falls asleep during one.”

“Fine,” Pipp conceded, slowly getting up from her seat cushion. “But you need help clearing the table.”

“I got it just fine.”

Sunny stood up from her seat. “Zipp, she doesn’t have to leave this instant,”

Zipp hung her head in defeat. The torment at her expense would continue to drag on for a little longer. “Let’s just get all the dishes back onto the cart so Duster won’t be mad at us.”

Sunny and Pipp exchanged a warm smile, the corners of their eyes crinkling from their well-earned victory. As they cleaned up, the air was filled with giggles and idle chatter. Even though they’d just met, Pipp and Sunny were getting along like lifelong friends. In these moments, she realized how lucky she was to have Pipp as a sister.

“See that wasn’t so bad,” Pipp said, sticking out her tongue as she stacked the last plate on their cart.

Zipp rolled her eyes. “But, for real, it’s time for you to head out.”

“I know. You sound like a broken record.” Pipp trotted over to Sunny and gave her a small bow. “It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope we can do this again soon.”

Sunny sucked in her lips seeing the decorum. She shook her head as she lifted Pipp's head and rushed in. "No," she whispered as she squeezed tightly. "Thank you for coming, Pipp. Come back when you can, please."

Pipp wrapped her foreleg around her neck as her wings slowly covered the princess.

“I still can’t get over how soft your wings are,” Sunny giggled.

“Well, if you ever need to find me for another wing hug, I’m sure the captain here will know where to find me.” Pipp turned to give her sister a wink.

“Okay,” Sunny said, releasing the guard.

Pipp quickly donned her armor and trotted to the door. “Well good night, your highness. And Zipp?
Pipp stepped out the door before leaning her head back in with a cheeky smile. “Don’t have too much fun with the princess!”

Zipp lunged for the door as her sister closed it cackling to herself. She hastily locked the door as the sounds of her sister began to get further and further. “Glad that’s over with.”

“Aww, she was a delight.”

“If you say so. Did you at least have a good time?”

“The best!” Sunny joyfully twirled around on a rear hoof. “I hope we can do it again, soon.”

“We’ll see,” Zipp answered with a smile of her own. “Soon might be difficult to pull off with all the stuff on our plates next week.”

Sunny’s ears fell flat. “Don’t remind me.”

“Sorry, that’s my job.” Zipp trotted over to her armor and picked it up. “Along with protecting you.”


“For what?”

Before Zipp could react, Sunny leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek, wrapping her forelegs around her guard. The scent of lavender wafted around them, mingling with the warmth of their bodies as their coats brushed against each other. Zipp's heart raced as the hug grew more intimate her armor fell to the ground with a dull clang.

“Zipp, your armor!”

“I won’t be needing that.”

Sunny’s eyes went wide with horror. “What… Why?”

“Because this is the second time you caught me off guard.”

Sunny scoffed, wiping away an errant tear before nuzzling back into her guard.

“Thank you,” Sunny whispered into her neck. “Tonight was magical.”

“It seems like we didn’t need a spell after all.”

Zipp could feel Sunny’s grip tighten around her, confirming that she said the right thing. She savored the intoxicating scent clinging to the last moments of the illusion. Sunny pulled away, the emerald gems in her eyes lingering on her guard, longing for something more. Zipps' wings twitched with desire to lunge at her princess, wrapping her in her wings and pouring her passion into an enveloping kiss. But, her wild longing was tamed by Sunny’s tender smile, easing her deep yearning with shared truths spoken in silence.

Captain Zipp remained fixed in her spot as Princess Sunny turned and headed off to bed. With each step she took Zipp the sunshine lingering on her coat faded away. But even as the warmth dissipated, Zipp's smile remained, stalwart and steadfast, eagerly waiting to write their own fairytale.

Author's Note:

This story was very much a love letter to my favorite story Our Illusions. I just hope I did it justice.

This was the song I was listening to as I was finishing the last of my edits and genuinely made me smile the whole time.

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section.

Comments ( 18 )

Ooh! This was so good. I loved the teasing between the two sisters and how Pipp pushed the two lovebirds closer together. A small note that you accidentally switched Zoom and Thunder's pronouns.

Oh I didn't even realize that. Thank you!

Rego #3 · April 29th · · 2 ·

何TF? They're not both guys? Googles...
Oh... I guess all aboard the G5 misgendering bus again for me. Did the same thing with Cloudpuff in my own fic calling him a girl. #EditorFails :ajsleepy:

This is actually so good! I loved the way ZIpp was so committed! Im never getting over this :pinkiecrazy:

I love this sooo much

Congrats on hittin’ the ol’ feature box!

Someone is disliking the comments on this story... SHOW YOURSEFL, DEMON! THIS STORY DESERVES THE PRAISE IT'S RECEIVING'!


It’s one of “those” people, so the less we see of them the better

axxuy #9 · April 30th · · 2 ·

I'm sure Pipp has always known that it would be her destiny to play wingmare for Zipp. Zipp is lucky for that because she sure needs the help.

Thank you so much! Zipp is definitely one of my favorite characters to write.

Thank you!

Thank you! Yeah who ever is doing it is being very thorough with it.

Thank you! Zipp and Pipp (in my opinion) have the best sister dynamic and you can really feel the sisterly love between them. So I try to really bring that out when I write them, but for the most part they just carry on a conversation and I'm just taking notes.

Sunny x Zipp is so underrated. They need more stories as good as this one written about them!

I agree so much! I feel they're are the closest to RarTwi (which is my favorite mane 6 ship) but it sad how rare any content with those two are. Finding cover art is a task in its self.

Gavier #13 · May 1st · · 2 ·

hy heart....... I love them your honor

You had me grinning from start to finish. Absolutely love it!

Need more of these two.

Not specifically from you, but just overall

I'm just doing my part to produce content for an underrated ship.

Yay! I do have a couple more stories planned out, so I hope you stick around for those.

Personally, Zipp should've gone for it, but I suppose that's coming on a little strong...

ikttnrr ttttttrtrtt

Howdy, hi~! Its DaOtterGuy

This was super cute. I love the little interactions between Zipp and Sunny in this. It took me a moment to get used to the militaristic alt U of Zephyr Heights but once acclimated, I really enjoyed how you fleshed out the world with it. The dimensions and wordplay on Zipp being Sunny's guard and potential love interest were very fun and Pipp's characterization was on point. It was a banger read thanks :)

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