• Published 30th Apr 2024
  • 149 Views, 1 Comments

Blue Bird - Horizon Sky

A colt has just won the Wonderbolt Filly Race, but who is he really?

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Blue Jay sat in the restaurant booth with the stranger he had just meet in the alleyway.

Back only a few minutes ago had the Stanger introduced himself to Blue Jay. He asked Blue Jay again about an autograph, something that he didn’t understand. Blue Jay never answered his question, but a response did come from his stomach when it gurgled for food. Soaring asked Blue Jay if he wanted some food and to talk. Blue Jay shook his head yes.

Now the pair sat together in a booth side to side, with Blue Jay next to the window and Soarin on his left.

For the pair it was strange when they both looked at each other. For both thought that they stared at a mirror that changed their age. Even the restaurant staff asked a few times if the pair were related. Which for some reason Soarin would say yes. Blue Jay wanted to say no once Soarin answered but he didn’t know why.

After some time of silence between the two their food was served, both got the same hayburger with extra grass. At first Blue Jay didn’t eat his meal and would only stare at it. Soarin noticed his hesitation to eat and put a hoof on his shoulder. “It’s ok, you can eat it.” said Soarin.

Soarin watched Blue Jay eat his meal in a snails pace, as if to savor every bite. He started to eat his as well with the occasional glance back at Blue Jay. After he took his first bite out of his hayburger Soarin spoke again “So, where’s your parents?”

“Don’t know” said Blue Jay as he continued to eat

“Do you know your parents?” asked Soarin with a hesitate tone

“No” answered Blue Jay

“Jeez, this is going to be hard.” mumbled Soarin to himself. He looked around the restaurant to see if anything could help him with Blue Jay. “Do you know who or what I am?” said Soarin as he looked back to Blue Jay

Blue Jay shot a glance to Soarin with a confused look. He raised his right wing to and said “A pegasus?”

“Yes I’m a pegasus but that’s not what I meant,” said Soarin in a annoyed tone “Do you know what a Wonderbolt is?”

“No” answered Blue Jay

“Huh,” said Sorain in a mutter “Well that’s something.”

A thud sounded from the grass window. As the pair both looked to see the cause of the noise they saw a yellow pegasus mare with a fiery orange mane that stared directly at Soarin. She started to walk over to the entrance of the restaurant. Beads of sweat rolled down Soarin’s forehead as he looked at Blue Jay and said in a frantic tone “Ok you are not going to say a word, I’m going to do all the talking got it?”

Blue Jay shook his head in a agreed manner.

The mare entered the restaurant and marched straight toward. With a fierce and loud voice she yelled “Sorin! You better have a good reason for leaving your post!” all the ponies in the restaurant watched the uproar.

“Captain, I was heading back to my post but was stopped by this colt who challenged me to a low air stunt off, for...for a meal with meal with me if I lost.” said Soarin in a frantic tone

“And you lost!” yelled the mare with a look of disappointed anger “Well then I he’s so good to beat a cadet like you then I best recruit him now when he’s young. Say kid what’s your name?”

Blue Jay stared at the fierce mare with a scared demeaner. He didn’t want to say anything to her because couldn’t tell if she would to yell at him also. Soarin spoke first “Captain, his name is Blue Bird.”

She huffed as a response to Soarin’s answer and reached into her coat. Her hoof rustled around counts that the pair couldn’t see. As she pulled her hoof out of her coat she produced a gold pin of two crossed wings. She put the pin on the table and slide it to Blue Jay. “Here kid, if your able to beat a cadet like Soarin your able to earn your own wings. Just make sure to join the Wonderbolts when you’re old enough.” said the mare. She looked at Soarin and the two exchanged a solute with each other after the mare said “Make sure you’re at you post in ten minutes.”

As she exited the restore Soarin skunked into the booth chair and drew a heavy sigh. He looked out the window to she the mare pass by and said “Well that went better that I hoped for, good going Blue Bird.” Soarin nudged Blue Jay on his shoulder “But I’m sorry, I have to leave you now to get back to my job.”

Blue Jay stared at Soarin with a confused look and wanted to say something but didn’t know what.

“It was nice knowing you, I’ll see you whenever.” said Soarin as he started to leave the booth seat. His exit was stopped when he felt small hooves grab on his should. He turned around to look once more at Blue Jay.

“How…how can I become a Wonderbolt?” asked Blue Jay with the widest eyes Soarin has ever seen in his life

Soarin chuckled while he lowered his head and said “You really are something. Come, take a walk with me.”