• Published 28th Apr 2024
  • 229 Views, 13 Comments

Spike Piece - Rock-Lee

Spike being a pirate searching for one of the most important treasures on the world

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Let's start with this trip

"So what's the plan, Captain?" Spike would say as he leaned on the railing, looking at the woman with a smile, munching on a bacon and ham sandwich while Rainbow enjoyed a plate of noodles.

"Well, lad, the plan is simple," Rainbow began, her tone filled with confidence. "We'll keep sailing until we find an island where we'll look for someone who can read that map you've got."

"I see," Spike replied, sipping calmly from a glass of water. "And what do we do if we find someone who can read the map? How will we know if we can trust them?"

"That's a good question, lad," she said, taking a sip of her drink before continuing. "It'll depend on the situation. If we find someone trustworthy, we'll have them guide us, and if they try anything funny..."

The knife slamming into the table by Rainbow was enough for the lad to understand the hint, causing him to swallow nervously. The serious expression on Rainbow's face made Spike take a couple of steps back, feeling nervous.

"Understood, Captain," Spike said, running his hand through his stylish hair.

"So... what's with all the fancy clothes? Weren't you a pirate?" Rainbow would say, raising a slightly confused eyebrow.

Spike chuckled slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed by Rainbow's question.

"Well, yes, I'm a pirate, but that doesn't mean I can't dress stylishly," the lad replied with a smile as he brushed dust off his shoulder. "Besides, I think it's important to maintain a good appearance even at sea. You never know when we might encounter someone important, right?"

"The most important person is always me, kid. There's no one who's going to consider themselves superior to me," Rainbow would say with a somewhat smug smile, arms crossed.

"Well, that's true, Captain," he responded with a playful smile. "But it's always good to keep up appearances, isn't it?"

"I guess you're right, lad," she said, extending a hand to give him a friendly tap on the shoulder. "Seems like you've got more on your mind than I thought. Maybe you're not so useless after all."

"Hey!" Spike would say, slightly offended by those words, but he'd laugh a little afterward.

"Now go get yourself ready, arm up if you have to, sharpen your sword if you have one, steal a knife from the kitchen or whatever, because this is about to get dangerous, kid," Rainbow would say with a smile, getting up and grabbing her empty bowl, giving him a gentle tap on the cheek with her knuckle.

Out of nowhere, a huge cannonball would pass between them, inches away from hitting Spike lethally, before sailing past and plunging directly into the water.

"CURSE!" Spike would say, falling to the ground from the shock of the cannonball coming so close to him.

Spike quickly got up from the floor, eyes filled with surprise and adrenaline from the narrow escape. He clung to the railing tightly, trying to regain his balance as his heart continued to beat fast from the closeness of danger.

Rainbow, on the other hand, reacted quickly, running to Spike to ensure he was unharmed. With a serious expression on her face, the captain examined Spike for signs of injury, relieved to see he was unharmed but worried about the seriousness of the situation.

"What was that!?" Spike would say, looking around, before both he and Rainbow would see what looked like a large ship with its cannons aimed at them.

"...Oh, this is going to be fun," Rainbow would say with an almost predatory smile.

Excitement and tension filled the air as Rainbow and Spike prepared to face the imminent attack from the enemy ship. With determination in her eyes, Rainbow took on a leadership position, ready to lead her crew of one into battle.

"Prepare your weapons and maneuver for combat!" Rainbow ordered firmly, her tone full of authority as she headed for the helm of the ship. "We won't surrender without fighting to our last breath!"

Meanwhile, the enemy ship was approaching rapidly, its cannons aiming directly at Rainbow's ship. The roar of the shots filled the air as the cannonballs dangerously approached the ship, shaking the deck and rattling the crew members.

"I EAT CANNONBALLS FOR BREAKFAST, SUCKERS!" Rainbow would say with one hand on her helm, while her other hand would seem to almost disappear to reveal a much more advanced cannon than any cheap ship cannon. "TAKE THIS!"

And so the woman would unleash a massive burst of what seemed to be light directly toward the enemy ship, unleashing a powerful attack that tore through the enemy ship's sails and left its crew stunned. The roaring flames and thunderous boom filled the air as the enemy ship staggered from the impact, struggling to stay afloat. The enemy ship swayed violently, its structure weakened by Rainbow's powerful attack. The enemy crew struggled to maintain control as flames consumed their ship, leaving them in a state of chaos and desperation.

"Ha! Nobody messes with me, you bunch of idiots!" the woman would say with a big smile as she made her hand reappear.

"..." Spike would only look in shock between the woman and the now almost destroyed ship.

Rainbow turned to Spike with a triumphant smile, her gaze filled with pride for her powerful display of combat skills.

"Thanks, kid!" she responded, her tone filled with satisfaction. "Looks like you've had a taste of what I'm capable of today! Maybe any possible thoughts of betrayal have vanished from your young head."

"There's no doubt you're amazing, Captain!" Spike exclaimed, his voice full of admiration as he got up from the floor and approached Rainbow. "I've never seen anyone fight like you. That was awesome!"

Rainbow smiled with satisfaction at Spike's praise, her expression radiant with joy at having impressed her new crewmate.

"Now go prepare a feast, kid! Sinking a ship really gets the blood pumping!" Rainbow would say with a smile before walking off to her cabin to do something.

While all this was happening, in the remains of the now stable ship, there would be a group of pirates trying to salvage whatever they could.

"Captain! What are we going to do!? They're getting away!"

"Forget it... This won't stand, it was our mistake... But next time this WON'T end well for that brat," a deep, rough voice would say as he used his slightly pawed but gray-furred hands to grab a knife, before throwing it at a poster with Spike's photo.

Dead or Alive

Spike "Prince of New World" Drake
