• Published 29th Apr 2024
  • 2,721 Views, 481 Comments

Universal Language - David Silver

First Contact. It was all over the news, how could it not be? A station could be heard, if one tuned into the right AM station. It played on repeat. It came from outside this world. Was it in peace? What did it mean?

  • ...

12 - American Born

The lawyer faced the judge. There were no jurors, nobody had been accused of a crime. Yet, the lawyer was entirely required, as was the judge, looking at him sternly. "Your honor." He held out a card that the bailiff snatched up and ferried towards the judge. "This has been proven entirely valid. It was issued by the United States government, by all proper bodies."

The judge looked over it, huffing slightly as she looked at the document, showing off the image of an alien standing proudly. "Is this mare here with you?"

The lawyer stood aside to allow the aforementioned mare to step into view, followed by her human companion, both of them holding their young child. The judge nodded at the family. "That does seem to match." She held up the ID, spotting the listed gender. "Her. May I ask why you showed this to me? Her Visa status is not in question."

He nodded slowly. "That it isn't. Half of America is aware of her immigration status. She has a visa. To have a visa, one must be a someone. We do not issue visas to dogs, cats, or especially friendly cacti." He waved his hand at the three people in front of him. "These people are clearly here today to set into motion a complicated series of events that will forever change their lives. They need my services, as well as your confirmation to properly navigate a very difficult path."

The judge folded her arms ahead of herself. "You are making a move against the actions of the same immigration that granted this visa."

The lawyer paused for effect. "Her son, Angel, was denied a birth certificate, and with it, a social security number." He directed to the colt being held up by the two parents. "Child of one native American, and one visa-holding guest. On American soil. They said, as you have likely read, that the intended recipient did not meet their requirements." He plucked at his lapel. "That is their prerogative, and I respect them for standing by their values and ethics, but they cannot simply do whatever they please without consequences."

The judge took a slow breath. "While that pony is adorable, are they—" She struggled for the right word. "Will they learn how to talk? Are they sapient?"

Applejack rumbled with a soft cough, clearing her throat before she spoke up, careful with her words. "My son is, for sure, one of us." She patted the boy's side with her free hoof, careful not to poke him with her dangerous modification. "Ponies were invited here for friendship." She looked ready to say more, but their lawyer held up a hand for quiet.

The judge's view went to the parents. "Do you have proof of when and where this child was born?"

Applejack shifted a little. "I do." She paused a moment, then nodded firmly. "He was born in the United States of America."

"You are a legal alien, you understand?"

"Ah am. Not very alien though." She whistled softly. "Most people know me at this point."

Cindy snickered, but did her best to be quiet.

Their lawyer coughed gently. "Ma'am." He looked to Cindy specifically. "She called me at a specific time. With her consent, we were able to locate where she was at the time, including a timestamp." He offered a paper to the bailiff to carry towards the judge. "This will satisfy any reasonable person's inquiry into the origin of this foal."

The judge read the form over carefully, even going so far as to check it against another document she had in front of her, double-checking their numbers. "Well, if they are a person, and they were born in the United States, the laws are clear." She raised her gavel. "If there are no objections." She looked to the representative of the group that had denied the application in the first place.

"This sets a dangerous precedent, your honor." The other lawyer frowned with meaning. "Think of where this could lead."

"A person was born on the soil of the United States." The judge clapped her gavel down. "They are a citizen of this country. Until and unless that law is changed, this is the law of the land. This case is found in favor of the plaintiff." She nodded slowly as she set down her gavel, content with her decision.

Applejack bowed politely to the judge, thanking her before they left the courtroom, leaving with their paperwork in hand. Once outside, Applejack looked to the two of them. "Well, I'll be. That's all that? Got a son!" She leaned into Cindy with a giggle. "Never thought ah'd get ta be a mother. AJ's got a kiddo now. Well, and he's got two mothers. We're gonna do fine."

Cindy squeezed their son gently. "You had a son before today, but now he's an American, like me." She ruffled the top of the filly. "Now we have to finish getting his documents. At least we can do that now. Now you can use the right name for our son." She looked over at Applejack with a soft smile. "Should I be looking at titles, to call you 'mom' too?"

Applejack cuddled up close to Cindy and her child. "We're both moms. Ah'm okay with—" A bright flash made her eyes contract sharply, and more followed as they were swarmed by cameras and loud questions. The press were upon them, and they had so many questions about what had just happened in court.

Cindy laughed as she buried herself into Applejack's side, leaning into the soft furry presence to use it as a shield against the attention they were receiving, as well as an anchor to keep herself steady in the world, giving her something to hold on to amidst the chaos around them. She was surrounded by voices demanding her attention, calling out to her for anything she could give, people desperate to find out what had just happened.

Her lawyer did his best to ward them away. "Angel is a citizen of the United States of America," he did announce, which brought about a whole new wave of flashes as Cindy held Angel close. Thankfully, they made it into the Secret Service car awaiting them. The moment they were in, they took off down the road, away from the gathered reporters, speeding down the streets with their destination set in stone and their course laid out clearly.

They'd be getting their son's documents.

An image of Angel appeared, smiling and bright eyed. "Welcome our newest citizen. There were approximately nine thousand and nine hundred ninety nine others competing for the spot, but exactly one of them has hooves." The image shifted, showing Angel dangling from Cindy's arms, hooves clearly visible. "Child of a native American human woman and an alien female, scientists are clamoring for a chance to study him."

The picture shifted to show Applejack staring at a cupcake on a plate. "We hope they won't interfere with his daily life, especially since his mothers seem determined to make sure he is raised to be the best boy he can be." The image flipped to the United Nations. "The UN is still deliberating their response to Applejack's visit, and the arrival of her child complicates things. Some want to force the issue and expel the pony from the country, while others are urging that they make peace with her before more severe events come to pass."

The screen flickered to show a montage of the pair taking care of Angel, playing with him, cuddling him, feeding him, and other gentle, wholesome images of his life. "Others are bringing up the concerning nature of this union. Even if they were both humans, which they are not, two mothers is still a dividing line, with some for and others against. Adding in the alien component has some people saying they are setting their son up for a difficult life, while others point out he could be the bridge between worlds."

Cindy appeared, moving. "I named him Angel. At the time, it was spontaneous, but I checked myself, and the name was no mistake. Angel is a messenger. Angel is that, and he will carry a message of peace and unity that bridges two species together, even if one of them hasn't even—" Her video ended, swapping to a reporter at the United Nations.

"All sides are bickering over the legal ramifications of the case. If Applejack is allowed to stay, and a child born to her becomes a citizen of this country, what does that mean for other nations? Should we have been sending invitations out to space? Will the Japanese embassy be sending out invitations to all their cute little mascots? Is this a good thing? Can we trust them? The arguments rage on, but no side seems willing to give ground, and we may have a long night ahead of us."

The view swapped back to the primary reporter. "The event rages on, and we'll be keeping an eye on it. Next on the news—"

Author's Note:

A bonus chapter of family victory. Welcome home, Angel, child of America.

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