• Published 4th May 2024
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Tom and Jerry: The Movie - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike are off on another adventure. This time, they will team up with the one and only Tom and Jerry, cartoon's legendary rival duo. However, they're in for quite the dramatic adventure with this one.

  • ...

Part 2: Predation at it's Finest

The journey through the portal was something the Main 6 and Spike had gotten used to by now. The almost free falling feeling was becoming quite the norm for them. Especially since it seemed the multi-versal friendship missions were becoming a bit more frequent. Regardless, Twilight and her friends were prepared for anything. The end of the portal came in sight. One by one, they popped out through the portal opening, landing right on a sidewalk. The portal closed as soon as they were all out. The Main 7 began taking in their surroundings. Large buildings and towering skyscrapers were all around them. It became evident that they were in some kind of giant city.

"I know I've said this with the Big City. But, place also reminds me of Manehatten." Rarity stated.

"Probably because Manehatten looks exactly like any other city." Rainbow said bluntly.

"It does not." Rarity spoke defiantly.

"Name one thing that makes it unique from any other city." The pegasus mare challenged.

"Simple. Manehatten has the most famous boutiques. No city can top that." Rarity boasted.

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Still pretty boring and samey." She said.

Rarity glared at the unamused pegasus.

"Well, how about that for a change of pace?" Spike pointed to a grassy opening surrounded by larger buildings.

In the middle of the open spot was a small, yellow and red house with a moving truck parked against the curb. The ponies and dragon noticed two humans carrying furniture into the truck.

"Well, if the portal brought us here, then there's got to be something going on in the house." Twilight said.

"Must be. That place sticks out like a sore hoof." Applejack said.

"Well, let's head over there, then." Rainbow said.

The Main 7 headed over to the house. Meanwhile, inside, a woman made her way downstairs with her purse.

"Are you almost finished?" She asked to the moving guys.

"Just about." One of them said.

"Don't forget the love seat." She made her way out through the door.

"We got it." The two guys heaved the seat up and hauled it away.

"And please hurry. It's a long drive to our new house." The woman said.

In the now, vacant living room, a light grey housecat was sound asleep against his pillow. A food bowl with the word "TOM" printed on it lay next to him.

"Tom? Thomas!" The lady called.

The cat, not wanting to wake up, mashed his pillow against his hear to drown out the calls.

"Hurry up, Tom. We're leaving." The lady said.

That woke the cat up. Tom realized it was moving day and, with a gleeful smile, grabbed his pillow and flipped the bowl onto his head. He hurried out of the house. As he rushed by the flight of stairs, a tiny door in the wall opened up and a little, brown mouse poked his head out. He, too, realized it was moving day. He took a handbag and a blanket and chased after Tom.

Tom nearly leapt across the front porch, almost colliding with Rainbow in the process. The two stepped back in surprise.

"Hey, watch where you're going." The pegasus snapped.

Tom just looked at her with a quizzical, yet weirded-out look. He noticed the other ponies and purple dragon, too.

"Oh, it's a cat." Fluttershy was pleasantly surprised. "That's...standing upright."

Despite the oddity, she came up to him to say hello.

"Hi, there. I'm Fluttershy." She presented her hoof out.

Tom looked around in confusion, not entirely sure how to go about this. Hesitantly, he took out his paw and shook the pony's hoof.

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight greeted. "And for the sake of transparency, these are our friends Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Spike."

Various greetings came around from the others.

"And who may your name be?" Rarity asked.

Tom didn't respond. He remained mute.

"...Usually, anypony would introduce themselves when asked what there name is." Rarity pointed out.

"Oh, oh. Maybe it's speaking telepathically." Pinkie said excitedly.

"But, I don't sense any sort of magic from this guy." Twilight said. "Do you know what he's saying, Fluttershy."

"Uhm...no, because he's not saying anything at all. I can't translate him if he doesn't say anything." Fluttershy responded. "I'm sorry."

Tom gave an impatient eyeroll and ran off toward the family-owned station wagon.

"Rude." Rarity huffed.

Tom dropped his belongings into the back of the car. He fluffed up his pillow and laid down against it, prepared for the relaxing journey to his new home. The Main 7 came up to the back of the car.

"It was awkward 'nough that Shaun couldn't directly speak to us." Applejack stated. "But, this fellow ain't even movin' his lips period."

"Maybe he's just mute." Twilight said.

"I didn't think of that." Spike said to himself.

As Tom lounged in the back, he noticed a tiny handbag and blanket fly up to the edge of the trunk. Soon after, his bitter enemy, Jerry Mouse, climbed up into the trunk. The Main 7 noticed him, too. Fluttershy got closer to him, adoring the small rodent.

"Hello, little guy." She said sweetly.

Jerry stepped back a bit. He looked at Fluttershy then to Tom, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Waaahhh! A mouse!" Rarity shrieked.

She jumped into the air from fright and landed on Spike, who instinctively held out his hands to catch her. She landed in his arms, which caused Spike to strain to keep from dropping her.

"Oh, thank you, Spike." She thanked.

"No problem." Spike strained, a blush forming on his face.

"But, get that mouse away from me!" She helplessly demanded.

Jerry just gave her a sideways glare, before redirecting his attention to his belongings. As he did so, Tom looked around the boxes of supplies in the car to get rid of Jerry. Not out of Rarity's request, but because he couldn't stand that mouse. For as long as they knew each other, Tom and Jerry were bitter enemies, constantly feuding with each other. Always trying to one-up each other in screwing over each other's lives. Tom spotted a cue stick and grabbed. This would do nicely. Taking the end of it, he slowly maneuvered it underneath Jerry. He lifted the stick, taking the mouse by surprise.

"Um, Mr. Cat, what are you doing?" Spike asked as he watched the spectacle.

Tom held the stick upright, forcing Jerry the hold onto it to keep from falling. He brought the mouse right up to his nose and glared at him. Jerry flashed an innocent smile, but Tom wasn't having any of it. The grey pussycat pulled the end of the cue stick back to send Jerry flying. At the last second, however, Jerry grabbed ahold of Tom's whisker just before launch. Before Tom realized, he had already let go of the stick. Jerry was catapulted away, but since he was still grasping the cat's whiskers, Tom was pulled along with him.

The Main 6 and Spike watched as the cat and mouse and sailed across the sky. Jerry was the first to land on the sidewalk. He bounced along the concrete before coming to a stop. He held his head in discomfort and looked up, spotting Tom about to land right on top of him. He tried to get out of the way, but there wasn't enough time. Tom slammed to the ground on top of the mouse. He grinded to a halt against the sidewalk. The impact somehow landed Jerry on top of Tom. Taking the opportunity, he scurried back inside the house, trampling over Tom's head in the process.

Jerry frantically clambered up the stairs to the front door and Tom was soon to chase after him with the same cartoonish vigor. All the while, the Main 6 and Spike watched.

"Pff. Bah, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Rainbow laughed hysterically. "Those two are hilarious."

"You know, I can understand the whole feuding thing, kind of. Cats are the natural predator to mice." Twilight said. "But, I was expecting him to either kill the mouse or eat it and not flick it away with a stick."

"Well, as long as the mouse is away from us." Rarity sighed.

"Rarity, that mouse was more civil than some ponies." Fluttershy defended. "It even had a handbag."

"Sorry, Fluttershy, but I just don't like mice." Rarity said.

"I ain't a fan of mice, either." Applejack added. "But, even ah know this is downright ridiculous."

"Let's just follow to see if they're okay." Twilight sighed.

"Do we have to? I'd rather not be near that mouse." Rarity whined.

Just then, the car revved up and began pulling away along with the moving truck.

"Hey, Mr. Cat. Mr. Mousie, you're owner's leaving." Pinkie called out, hopping to the front door.

"Now we should really notify them" Twilight spoke with a more urgent tone.

The Main 7 all galloped inside the house to find the cat and mouse. Inside, Jerry skittered inside his hole, closing and locking the door. Tom was soon to arrive there. While Jerry was now cooped up in his home, that wasn't enough for Tom. He needed to make sure that mouse never got out ever again. As Jerry finished putting up all the locks on his doors, he breathed a sigh of relief and wiped away the sweat off his forehead. Suddenly, his entire home began to shake. Tom began hammering wooden boards against Jerry's door to keep him permanently locked up. The Main 7 soon came up to the spectacle.

"Mr. Cat, what in Equestria are you doing?!" Fluttershy asked in horror.

Tom didn't reply as he finished nailing to remaining board to the wall.

"You're pretty much deadlockin' to poor thing inside it's home!" Applejack scolded.

"How could you do something so cruel?" Fluttershy got right up to Tom's face.

Tom, however, wasn't really intimidated. He tossed the hammer away and nonchalantly left the house to get back to the car.

"And you're just gonna brush off the fact that you left that mouse to starve?" Twilight asked in disgust. "That's inhumane!"

"Come on, we have to get the little mouse out of there." Fluttershy began trying to pry the boards out of the wall.

The rest of the Main 6 and Spike all began trying to remove the wood boards. Even Rarity despite the fact he didn't even like the mouse.

"Hold on. Maybe I can try burning the wood away." Spike suggested.

"And risk burning the entire house down, too?" Twilight questioned him.

"Oh...yeah. Fair point." The baby dragon answered sheepishly.

Meanwhile, Tom exited the house, feeling rather pleased with himself. That was, until he noticed that his owner's car was gone.

"Oh, yeah. We were going to tell you that your owner was leaving you." Pinkie walked up alongside the cat. "Buuut, we kinda got distracted with the whole mousie situation."

Tom ran into the road. He looked around the street before spotting the moving truck and his owner's car rounding a corner and disappearing behind the buildings.

"Heh, that's your karma." Rainbow smirked.

Tom glared at the mare. He shook away the impolite thoughts and frantically ran down the street to catch up to the car.

"Hey, Mr. Cat! Wait up!" Pinkie hopped after him.

"Pinkie, wait!" Rainbow called at to her. "Ugh, why am I always the one who as to fetch her."

Tom raced around the corner as Pinkie chased after him. He didn't get very far as he found himself trying to stop and bumping into a large stray dog on the sidewalk. Pinkie wasn't watching where she was going and crashed into Tom and Rainbow was flying too fast to stop and crashed into them. The dog growled maliciously at the cat and two mares, baring it's razor sharp teeth.

"Hi, there." Pinkie greeted cheerfully.

"Agh, you got bad breath." Rainbow winced in disgust.

Tom gulped. He knew he was in some serious trouble now. He grabbed the dog's floppy ears and tied them around it's eyes, giving him enough time to make a run for it.

"Oo, oo! Can you do that with my ears?" Pinkie asked as Tom ran away.

"Forget that. We need to get out of here before we get eaten!" Rainbow took the pink mare by the midsection and shot off down the street.

The dog was quick to shake his ears away from his eyes. he growled and barked angrily and gave chase to the three. Tom, Pinkie, and Rainbow rocketed back to the house, only to discover the door was now shut. Tom pulled at the door handle, but the door didn't budge.

"Did you girls close the door on us?" Rainbow yelled.

"Sorry, Rainbow, we didn't want to be rude and leave the door open." Rarity said.

"Nopony lives here anymore. There's no point to that." Rainbow argued. "Besides, we have a serious issue right now."

"I know. The poor mouse is still stuck." Fluttershy said woefully.

"No, not that!" Rainbow yelled. "We've got another situation now."

"What? What's going on?" Spike asked.

"Uh, Dashie." Pinkie pointed to the sidewalk.

The dog was right there, racing toward them with a furious vengeance.

"Uh, oh." The unease mare said.

Tom let out a shriek and raced around the house.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Rainbow and Pinkie galloped after him.

Around the back was second door with a pet door installed, which led to the kitchen area. Tom and Pinkie tried crawling through, but ending up getting stuck.

"Dashie, a little help!" Pinkie cried.

"Pinkie, what'n tarnation is goin' on?" Applejack asked as she and the others.

Rainbow soon burst through the pet door, pushing Tom and Cat through in the process.

"There's a dog out there." Rainbow warned.

"A dog? Ya seriously scared of lil ol' mutt, Dash?" The apple farmer asked jokingly.

"Yeah, what's gotten into you two?" Twilight asked.

"There's nothing little about that dog." Pinkie waved her hooves. "It was like this big and had these nasty teeth."

Curious, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike all tried looking out through the pet door. Using her magic, Twilight opened the flap to view outside. Soon as she did so, the massive hound dashed right up to the pet door and started barking furiously. The only thing keeping it from entering was it's size.

"Eeep!" Fluttershy shrieked.

The four mares and dragon all slid back and fear.

"That's one big dog." Spike shook.

"See." Rainbow glared at her friends.

"Well, now what do we do?" Rarity asked helplessly.

"Try the front door again." Twilight said.

Tom, along with Rainbow and Applejack immediately raced up to the front door and tried exiting from there. Tom opened the door, but, somehow, the dog was right there, still barking wildly. Tom quickly slammed the door shut.

"How did he get there so quickly?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

Spike then tried peaking out through the pet door again. The dog was there again, still barking. He jumped back in fright.

"It's like it knows where we're trying to escape, somehow." He hid behind Twilight's hindlegs.

Tom then raced up to a window. He opened it, but, once again, the dog was there, jumping and barking. Tom let out a shrieking meow and slammed the window shut.

"It's bad enough were stuck in a vacant home now. And now we're being stalked by dogzilla over here." Rainbow stomped her hoof in annoyance.

Everypony, relax." Twilight said. "There's got to be a way around this."

"Let's try being sneaky." Pinkie dipped down onto her belly. "See if he can try to track us down now."

"How much good is that going to do?" Rainbow asked. "That thing practically knows where we are it all times."

"It's worth a shot. At this point, anything is worth a shot." Rarity said.

The Main 6, Spike, and Tom all laid low, out of sight from the windows. Tom then stopped as he noticed the dog's ears poking over the windowsill.

"Is the coast clear?" Spike whispered.

The grey cat slowly peaked his head to the a window to see. At the same time, the dog peaked it's head to the same window. For a split second, the two mammals locked eyes, then Tom swung away from the window, standing flat against the wall. He wore a lost looked on his face.

"Can't you just magic it away, Twilight?" Rainbow pushed.

"But, I don't know what kind of effect it will have on the dog." Twilight debated. "Plus, I don't want to hurt the thing."

"That thing wants to hurt us!" Rarity argued desperately.

"Fine. Fluttershy, try scaring it away with you Stare." Rainbow ordered.

"W-Wh-What?" Fluttershy said feebly. "I-I don't know if I can do that."

"Come on, Fluttershy. You're our only hope." Spike begged.

The nervous mare debated whether she should do so or not. She gulped and peaked through the window. The dog was still there. It flashed it's sharp teeth at her. Fluttershy quivered, but closed her eyes and inhaled. She glared at the muscular mutt with her Stare. The dog moved back a bit, slightly taken aback. However, it started barking angrily again, even clawing at the window. This startled Fluttershy badly, letting out panicked cry. She jumped away from the window and landed on her rump.

"I-I-I d-don't think it w-worked." She whimpered.

"Oh, great. Now we're stuck here for who knows how long." Rainbow shouted in frustration.

"Don't worry to much, Rainbow. I'm sure it will leave eventually." Twilight came up to the cyan pegasus. "Until then, we can just stay here until it loses interest."

Rainbow gave a heavy sigh, then looked at Tom.

"This is also you're karma." She said coldly.

Tom glared back at her and walked away.

"Let's not make the atmosphere any more tense, now, darling. I'm sure that slobbering scoundrel will leave soon." Rarity comforted.

And so, the Main 6, Spike, and Tom all waited for the dog to leave. The dog showed no interest in leaving, constantly prowling around the house's parameters. As their patience began to where thin, the sun was slowly starting to disappear behind the towering, city buildings. Day turned to dusk and dusk turned to night. The tired group were still stuck in the vacant house, moping around the pitch black rooms. Twilight looked through one of the windows and noticed the dog had gone to sleep right at the front entrance.

"Didn't know "eventually" meant taking this long." Rainbow hissed.

The purple alicorn gave a tired sigh.

"Let's just try and get some sleep. Maybe it will be gone by tomorrow." She said.

"Yeah, and when it hasn't, we'll spend the entire next day stuck in here." Rainbow pouted.

"I understand your frustrations, darling, but Twilight makes a good point. It's awfully dark outside. The least we can do is try and get some rest." Rarity said.

Tom seemed to share the same idea. He walked up to a box of miscellaneous objects. A sofa cushion lay against it. He took it and fluffed it out before laying it on the floor. He laid on top of it, trying to get comfortable.

"Hey, don't hog that all to yourself." Rainbow climb over the pussycat and laid on top of him.

"Pardon me, but a lady, such as myself, should not designate herself to sleeping on a dusty, old floor. Move over, please." Rarity pushed Rainbow to make room for herself.

"Hey." Rainbow pushed back.

Soon, the rest of the Main 7 were fighting over the cushion in attempt to get comfortable.

"Your hooves are cold." Spike muttered.

"Stop shovin' so hard." Applejack complained.

"Hey, my wings." Twilight protested.

"Umm, excuse me, please." Fluttershy said softly.

Eventually, the group were able to get as comfortable as they could get.

"Goodnight, everypony." Pinkie said.

"Goodnight." The other sighs.

Before they could properly go to sleep, one of the cushion springs burst from the fabric. It wobbled about, making the cushion even my uncomfortable.

"Oh, come on." rainbow griped.

"Ugh, I hate this place." Rarity said bitterly.

Tom internally grumbled to himself and laid his head on the spring.

"Goodnight, everypony." Twilight muttered.

The others, at this point, were too exhausted to respond. Despite the undesirable conditions, the Main 6, Spike, and Tom all managed to fall asleep. A cacophony of snores echoed throughout the empty household. Hopefully, tomorrow might be a better day.

To be continued