• Published 14th May 2024
  • 410 Views, 35 Comments

Spike's and Twilight's lost Connections - Twilightsonic75

Spike believes that she and Twilight are drifting apart, and wants to get closer to her friends. Can he succeed?

  • ...

Bond of rarity

As Rarity and Spike made their way to carousel boutique, they began to take in the view of the evening sky. Princess Luna- co-ruler of equestria,guardian of the dreamscape, and keeper of the night sky, had made an excellent masterpiece of stars and consultants for her subjects to enjoy. Spike always enjoyed looking at the stars and imagining himself being the first dragon or any creature in equestria for that matter - to explore the vase reaches of space!

A dream of his ever since he was a little drake and was studying them with twi- oh. Spike depression and sadness started to resurface when he remembered the fun times of him and Twilight in their younger days. Days he wished he could get back.

Meanwhile, Rarity noticed once again Spike's sadness and was sadden herself at his misery. She couldn't count how many times Spike over the years had taken time off his schedule-even when he was exhausted from helping Twilight - to come help with a massive order by grabbing supplies, helping with chores she didn't have time doing, or even served as her pincushion. That last one she wasn't proud of, even with hard scales, it must've hurt to be sticked with sharp nettles on your flank. She would feel more guilty when she saw him not sitting right at times.

Even with all that abuse she unintentionally given him, Spike's devotion to her was stronger then ever. And she wished she could pay him back for all the generous help he's given her all these years, but failed how to express her gratitude to her knight in shining scales...even though she at times she wasn't loyal to spike with all the dates she gose on with the high end singles stallions she managed to score. Every night after the grand galloping gala for the past 4 months, she had gotten dates after Prince Blueblood had rejected her, and she rushed to the castle garden to avoid the humiliation she had. Luckily for her, Spike was back there to comfort her from that experience.

The potential dates afterwards were pathetic at worse to enjoyable at best. But a few dates however had the potential to be enchanting. Some she would think to be her potential husband. However, one thing that would happen every time she would be on such a date is that every time she looked at her date instead of a elite society stallion, she would see Spike's face instead. At first she thought it was nerves about her dates. But as the months and dates when by, the sight of Spike became more noticeable. It would get to the point that she no longer saw the full stallions but instead she saw Spike in a gorgeous tuxs and charming her with his undying love for her. Even the stallions voices would be replaced with Spike's voice when deciding there love for her.

It was then that Rarity came to the truth that she was head over hoofs in love with Spike.

At first she didn't think it was possible. But Spike wasn't a stranger to dating as well. He had a few dates over the three years since moving into ponyville with Twilight. And every time she saw him on a date, she was overcome with jealousy. At first she only felt concerned that the mares he was with was using him as a one stand and they would brutaly reget him. But to her shock and enrageing surprise, they loved the date they when on, they would kissed him, and even invited him back to their place to make out! That last fact made Rarity absolutely furious! In her mind, she was the only one that was allowed to kiss and make out with her dragon! So she made it her mission to stop this and any mare that ever wanted a piece of her drake.

She when as far as to misdirecting the mare away from Spike, to spying on Spike's dates, to even sabotage them to make sure they don't grow into something more. Rarity admitted that she wasn't too proud of herself of her sabotaging Spike's dates while she was on amazing dates herself. So from that moment on she refused to date anypony for the past year...well except for Spike. From Their outdoor picnics, to the occasional at home dinner dates, Rarity felt like the happiest mare in all of equestria!

And Spike admitted that he enjoyed their special dates he would go on with Rarity. At first, he was only going on other dates on Twilight's advice. To "keep his opinions open" as she put it. Despite never having a date in her life. Course, he wasn't the one who should talk, as he only had two other dates in the past back in cantelot. In fact, the first date he ever when on was such a disaster, that it made the cartrlot tabloids!

...It took all of Princess Celestia's P.R team to cover and bribe the newspaper company to not publish that story outside of the cantrlot walls. But after having another chance with another mare, he eventually became known as "the dragon playboy" and got dates left and right! He eventually had to stop going on dates for a while as they started to blend together after enough time. But after seeing rarity going on dates, Twilight pushed him to give the other mares in ponyville a chance. It took a bit on the first date to shake the rust off his dating skills, but eventually he was making mares fall for him. However he DID notice that his recent dates have been getting ruined somehow and they had to call it off early. He was beginning to wonder if he was losing his skills at dating mares.

However around that same time Rarity started to ask him to lunch at the park, and even to at-home dinners. Rarity was a surprisingly good cook and Spike even surprised her with his Colonary skills he learned while in cantrlot. In fact he was enjoying the dates so much that he stopped going on other dates for the past 6 months.

Rarity decided that one day she'll tell Spike her true feelings for him. But not tonight. Tonight she was on a mission. To find out what has made her knight in shining scales depressed and fix him anyway she can!

When they both arrived, Rarity levitated Spike back on the ground, and opened the door to enter. Inside the boutique, Spike could see that Rarity wasn't kidding about the size of this order! Boxes were stacked, Gems were scattered, fabric was pilled up, and rejected designs papers overflowed her trash bin.

If any other pony saw this mess, they think there was a robbery here. But after helping her for nearly two years, Spike knew that this was what she called 'controlled chaos' as she put it. Spike was reminded about the time Twilight first saw Rarity controlled chaos and fainted on the spot... She had nightmares about Rarity's controlled chaos for weeks after that.

Still Spike could tell this was worse then normal based on the size of the mess and asked " Rarity, what happened here?!"

Rarity blushed in embarrassment. Knowing that Spike could tell that this wasn't her normal state of work. "Darling, I'm so sorry you have to see the boutique in such a state. But I'm afraid I'm suffering something any creative artist dreads the most... ARTIST BLOCK!!!"

Rarity pulled out her signature fainting couch and layer on top of it. Spike knew what that could mean. Rarity was about to have her signature-over the top- freak out moments. And Spike knew at this point, that she NEEDED to get it all out of her system. As she her also signature phrase, "It is the WORSE. POSSIBLE. THING! EVER!!!"

After a few minutes of stress crying and comforting from Spike, he asked "If it was getting this bad, why didn't you come get me sooner?"

Rarity wiped her tears, looked at spike with a guilty conscience, and said "I would dear. But I already had your help with a massive order last week. I didn't want you to think I only ask invite you here for your services. But after three days of work-"

"THREE DAYS?!" Spike said surprised and admittedly angry at her. "Three days you've been at this?! Have you eaten?! Have you washed up?! HAVE YOU SLEPT?!"

Rarity flinched in fear. Knowing how Spike was adamant about her and her friends should take care of themselves. She's seen his scolding on Twilight when she pulls all night study sessions multiple nights in a row, on Pinkie Pie when she overwhelms herself with multiple partys a day, on Rainbow dash when she gose too far on training and over exhausts her body to the point of injury, Fluttershy for trying to please all her animals with specialized food she makes hoofmade, and Applejack (probably tied with Twilight for being the worse offender) for overworking herself on the farm to the point of extreme Exhaustion.

Rarity then looked to the ground ashamed and said "I'm so sorry darling. I know you said not to go too far, but I have a business to run and-"

"And you can't run it in this condition! I'm sorry Rarity, but I insist that you rest and recover until your 100% Rested and ready!" Spike said with a serious look. For a young dragon, he had intimidating face on him.

Knowing he was serious and not wanting to get on his bad side, Rarity said "but what about Princess Celestia,Princess luna, and princess Cadence?! They need all three dresses for the next grand galloping gala coming up! I can't-"

Spike turned to her and said " I'll write to them saying that you need to recover from your burn out for a while and that they'll be done a little later then intended."

Rarity gasped "B-but Spike! It's the Princesses! They-"

"I'm sure mom won't mind if- *gasp*" Spike covered his mouth and looked terrified. Cursing himself for accidentally letting out his deepest secret! Next to his crush on Rarity.

Rarity looked in surprise. What she heard just now right? "S-spike? Did you say m-mom?!"

Spike was sweating out a storm. Trying to think of something to say when Rarity said, " Spike. Please be honest with me. Isn't that what friends are for?"

That did it. That was what he wanted tonight. To make a connection with her and the opportunity has let itself be open.
Will she treat him differently with this knowledge? He didn't know. But one thing he did know was that wanted Rarity to trust him. And this was the first step in that trust.

With a deep breath and a nervous look. He said "y-yes. Princess Celestia...adopted me. I'm her son."

Rarity was shocked to say the least. She didn't know WHAT to feel. Here in her boutique. Was a Prince. A prince, that unlike Blueblood, was kind, caring, loving, , funny, and a gentlecolt. Was someone she never expected to be of royal lingerie. She blushed in embarrassment, realizing that he's seen her in her most embarrassing moments.

Spike immediately got close to her and made her look at him saying " look Rarity! Me being a prince doesn't change the fact that I'm still me! That young dragon you know since I moved here with Twilight 3 years ago! Please don't treat me different because I'm a prince! I JUST WANT TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE FOR ONCE!!!"

Spike cried out with tears. He knew once his biggest secret got out, his normal life would be over. Now he not only lose Twilight, but his chances of having a normal friendship and political relationship with Rarity were down the drain. He sat down on the floor away from Rarity, and cried his eyes out. Knowing he lost everything he worked for.

Rarity looked at Spike and her heart broke into pieces. The realization hit her hard. Spike was right. He was still the same caring young dragon she knew 3 years ago. Being a prince was just another new thing to add to him. She slowly moved towards him, hugged him, and gently rubbed his spines on his head as the both of them cried together. Both of them knowing that their friendship has reached a new level of trust.

1 hour later.

After crying, Spike and Rarity decided to not think about the massive order and start to put up all the material Rarity had out. The order all three princesses had was a huge undertaking, and neither of them in the right state of mind to focus clearly on the dresses now. Spike offered to cook Rarity some dinner and give her one of his signature massages to help her relax and calm her down. Rarity agreed on two conditions. One was that they continued their talk after all is said and done and two was that she help him relax too.

After dinner and the massage were done and Spike finished with the letter to all three princesses, Rarity drew a bath for the both of them. Rarity looked at Spike and said "Aren't you gonna join me~" Spike was floored to say the least. Though out his dating life, he Never shared a bath with a mare before...well except for one other mare... so he decided to take advantage of this opportunity saying "a-are you sure I ca-"

"Of course I'm offering you to join me darling! After all that happened down stairs a little while ago, I think the both of us need a soak to wash our worries away. Besides~" Rarity looked at Spike with a playful look "Don't pretend your not excited sharing a bath with a mare~ And if your nervous. Think of it like a hottub with shampoo."

Spike looked at Rarity and said "Ok Rarity. You convinced me."

After the bath was filled up and Rarity found the perfect shampoo for the both of them. (Apple cinnamon twist) the two of them began to soak in the tub and felt the stress melt away.

Spike then said" Thanks for letting me join you Rarity."

"Daring it's the least I can do after all you've done for me. And your the first one and only one to join me in my bath. And don't worry. No other stallion is even close to our level of trust after tonight."

Spike couldn't help but say " Is it Cas I'm a prince?" Looking nervous thinking that this was special treatment cas of his royal states.

Rarity however, quickly crushed those fears saying "Absolutely not darling! I wouldn't do this with ANY pony! Even a prince! Especially that blow heart Blueblood! You however, are my close friend. And after tonight...I consider you my best friend. Everything you've done for me and my business...I feel selfish and unworthy to call you my best friend..."

Spike immediately spoke and said "But you ARE worthy! You've helped me so much when I first arrived in ponyville, you made me that amazing tux for the grand galloping gala-"

"Which I still feel guilty for abandoning you at. I was filled with my Illinois of grander that I didn't think of your feelings then." Rarity once again felt guilty about that incident. "And I robbed you of a good time when you went to comfort me in the garden. I'm so sorry darling."

Spike gave a reassuring look and said "You were heartbroken Rarity. I hate to see you like that. Those tears weren't meant for you."

"Or for you tonight either darling. I never want to see you suffer like that again. As my best friend, I'll never let you face such sadness alone ever again!"

"Wow. Now I wonder who truly is the element of loyalty. You or rainbow dash?" Spike said, thinking about his question.

"Well darling, I say that you would also be a contender for the element for loyalty AND generosity. You've given me and the rest of us so much and we never showed gratitude to you."

Before Rarity could look guilty, Spike immediately said " but you already have Rarity." Spike had to remember that day, but he had to tell her. "You saved me from my greed when it took me over remember?"

Rarity remembered that day well. And Spike said "You helped me to snap out of my greed and returned my to normal. You called me your hero that day...but in reality...you were my hero that day. Thank you"

Spike gave a kiss to Rarity's cheek and while Spike didn't notice it, Rarity was on cloud 9! She felt redder them one of Applejacks prized apples and for a minute only saw hearts as she said" Y-y-your w-welcome d-darling."

After the bath, both Rarity and Spike continue to talk in her bedroom when a question came to mind that she needed answers to. "Spike darling. I've been meaning to ask. How is it that your so good at dates? I've been hearing though the gossip chain that your a real playcolt with the mares in town." She said trying not to sound jealous. Which was harder then it looked.

Spike began to remember and said "well It wasn't always like that. The first date I EVER when on was... disastrous." Spike blushed in embarrassment.

Rarity only chuckled and said" it's alright darling. Not anypony's a master at dating right off the bat. I've had some awful dates from at first and from time to time."

"Did you end up being on the cantrlot gazete and embarrassed for two weeks?

Rarity sat still. Wondering what he meant by that. "Umm...was it That bad?"

"Please Rarity. I don't want to talk about it. It's too embarrassing to think about."

"Fair enough darling. I understand."

Before Rarity could change the subject, Spike said" I can tell you about my second date though. If you want."

That surprised Rarity. She was about to learn about Spike's dating past. And what made him the 'dragon playboy' in the first place.

"OH yes darling! I would LOVE to hear about that!" Spike began to tell about his story. "Ok, well..."

*4 years ago*

Spike was in his room depressed about what happened two weeks ago. To say he when though torture that day was an understatement. As his image was nearly destroyed by a bad date. He was glad to have friends like fancypants and sapphire shores to help with his mom's P.R team to contain it to just inside cantelot. He had to repay them somehow for there kindness later on.

Spike wished he was with Twilight right now, But she was visiting family up north with her parents this week. As Spike laid on his bed defeated and alone, a knock was heard.


"Spike? Can I come in?" Spike instantly recognized the voice and immediately got nervous. He then said, "c-come in cadence."
The door opened and revealed Princess cadence. Princess of love, Celestia and luna's niece, and (in that time) Spike's first crush.

Even though they were 'technically' cousins, Spike never that way for Cadence. To him, Cadence was a goddess. A true beauty. And one of the few beings in the world other then Princess Celestia who knew the real Cadence.

When Princess Cadence wasn't acting graceful and proper, she was surprisingly down to earth...and flirty to the guards. But with the guards he noticed that it wasn't serious. Just enough to sneak herself and Spike out for a night on the town. While her flirting with shining armor, Twilight's older brother, was definitely romantic, She had a special kind of flirting with Spike that borderlined on teasing and romantic. He didn't know why she did it, but he still enjoyed it all the same.

Cadence walked into Spike's room concerned, hearing what happened two weeks ago from her aunt, Cadence had a...interesting relationship with Spike. While she was in love with Twilight's older brother shining armor, she would admit to having feelings for little 'cousin' that were more...romantic then normal. Being the Princess of love, She's more intune with creatures hidden feeling then most ponys. In fact that's how she found about Shining armors feelings for her and Spike's crush on her as well. And honestly in her heart, if shining armor wasn't around, she would've totally made the first move on Spike and asked him to be her drakefriend.

But, she was with shining armor now, but her feelings for Spike haven't changed. She still wanted to be with him. Even if it wasn't romantic, like watching movies,reading comic books, eating ice cream, and of course the borderline flirting. However with Shining armor gone with Twilight to visit family, she had a rare opportunity to have truly romantic moments with him! Without the worry of either Shinning or Twilight walking in on them And Accusing her of cheating. But before that, she needed to comfort her embarrassed dragon.

"How are you holding up champ?" Cadence asked, having a feeling what he was gonna say.

"Cadence. I appreciate you checking up on me, but I just want to be Left alone now." Spike said depressingly. Knowing Cadence was only trying to help.

Cadence however, was determined to get him to talk, so she tried another approach. "Spike... Remember our kiss of trust~"

That got Spike's attention. Before he knew about the pinkie promise, there were her 'kisses of trust' as cadence called them. It means that you promise something and seal it with a kiss. Cadence made this arrangement when they were younger and kept it going ever since.

However, Cadence decided to remind him about is promised with a quick kiss, Surprising Spike in the process. "C-Cadende! What if-"
"Someone comes walking in~ hehe~ don't worry your cute little dragon head Spike. Twilight and Shining armor are gone for the week, the guards are ordered to give us privacy, and auntie Celestia is busy in the day court right now. So we'll FINALLY have some alone time~" Cadende said with a sulty look on her face. Ready to take her dragon right there and then.

"But what about blueblood?! If he finds out He'll never let it go and make me his servant to keep this from Twilight and Shining! Or worse! IF HE TELLS MOM SHE'LL-

"Don't worry spike. It's sweet you care, but I already paid old blue butt a visit. And told him if he EVER comes and tries that kind of stunt with you or Twilight again..." she cooed and held him gently as she said "I'll bust his knee caps~" While Spike knew she was a gentle and forgiving soul, Cadence also had a limit with her patience. And unfortunately for his cousin Blue blood, he's one of the few beings that has crossed her one too many times. Especially how he bothers Spike and gets him to do all his royal dutys instead of him, which unfortunately for him, ended up with a trip to the cantrlot hospital, courtesy of the Princess of love herself...which Spike found to be really sexy honestly. Ever since then, blue blood hasn't been using Spike as his butler and started to do more of his royal dutys himself and left Spike and Twilight alone.

As soon as Spike heard Cadence mention the threat on Blue blood, he immediately started to make out with her as he was turned on by what she said. Call it a dragon thing that happens. Cadence immediately followed suit as she kept up with the young drake in tounge wrestling. After 5 minutes of making out, the two royals broke the kiss and sat next to each other, feeling great afterwards.

Spike looked at Cadende and said "heh. I never get tired of that candy~" Cadence looked at Spike with the same look as she turned around at him when he said that nickname. She immediately got turned on again after hearing the nickname Spike gives her as she found it sweet, but resisted to ask Spike something.

"Spike~ I sometimes wonder if you only like me for our make out sessions?~" she said with a tease. Spike knew this and decided to fire back with his own tease "Are you sure YOU don't like me for my forked tounge~ I bet it doesn't compare to Shining tongue when he kisses you, huh~ Huh~"
Cadence Flinched as he manage to hit the point home. As much as she loved shining, she admitted Spike was built as a better lover for her as she could potentially do things with him then she could ever do with shining armor. Before he asked to continue with this topic, she decided to take the opportunity to ask him one important question.

"Spike..."she asked nervously. Nervous if he'll say no. "If you want another chance at dating...I know a mare that'll love to go out with you." Spike was surprised at what she said was puzzled and asked "wait what? Who did you get? Considering what happened two weeks ago I don't see-"

She decided to just to go for it and said "well...with me of course. Spike drake solàr. Will you go on a date with me?"

Spike was floored! He always hoped but never expected the Princess of love to ask HIM on a date! Quickly deciding not to waste this chance he said "but what about-"

"Don't worry about Shinning finding out. As I said he's out for the week and I've already taken care of the details of our date tonight. So what do you say? Wanna go out with me?"

To this Spike quickly said " of course I'll go out with you candy!" He immediately kissed her and hugged her as she hugged back and said "oh thank you Spike! I've got everything planned! At 6 will have reservations at Dimond delights, at 8 we have tickets to see the new power pony movie that released, and at 10 will head back home for some... private fun~"

Spike thought that this was a dream. That Cadence wanted to get intimate with him! This was one of the greatest moments in his life!

Cadence could see his eyes light up. That look that always makes her heart beat with happiness. The very thing made her fell for him in the first place.

The date itself was amazing. They both arrived at Dimond delights and ordered their food. Cadence surprisingly got a hay patty stake with dandelion sauce while Spike got a Oat Spaghetti with rose sauce and ruby shavings. After dinner Spike surprised Cadence by paying for dinner instead of her. She said, "Why did you pay? It was my treat to you." Spike who was confused said "Candene.
It would be bad as a gentledrake to let a beautiful mare like yourself to pay for dinner. Especially after all you've done for me today." He kissed her hoof in gratitude and Cas he always wanted to do that.

Cadence blushed at this and resisted the Urge to take him now, besides, she'll have all the time in equestria once they were back home.

That the movie's, Cadence paid for a private showing of power ponys 3 revenge of dusk breaker. Spike had already seen the movie opening day, so he knew what it was about. However, what a private theater to themselves, they enjoyed snuggling up to each other under the romantic setting of a empty room, without risk of getting caught by castle guards, nosey reporters, or jealous potential coltfriends. The both of them enjoyed their time together. But they needed to return home soon...and cadence's final and favorite part could began.

As Spike began to relax after a grand date he was noticed the blue flash of Cadence's teleport spell as he was brought into...her private bathroom? He looked behind him and saw cadence with a sluty look and said "Our date isn't done yet~"

As the two started to make out in the bath, they poured out how much loved each other as the two of them had a make out session unlike any of their past make out sessions they had before. They moaned from each other's passion and hickeys were made all over there bodies. It was a perfect date night. They only wished that this feeling could last forever.

3 hours later

"Cadence..." Spike said in a caught breath. Drained from the best make out session he ever had with Cadence. "I love you so much~"
Cadence looked at Spike feeling the same as she said "I love you too Spike! But..." She dreaded this moment, Having to say this to him. "I'm afraid that..."

"We can't be in a official relationship. I know. All because of a ancient law that provides royals in the same castle to be in a romantic relationship. It sucks and I'm tempted to tell mom to change it. But..."

"You know it's impossible now right?" Cadence said depressed. Knowing Spike figured out why it was impossible.

Spike then said "Cas the law needs BOTH of the royal sisters to disband the law?

"Exactly." Cadence said saddened, angry that she was denied happiness.

Spike, despite heart broken by the news himself, was able to comfort his princess. "Hey candy. Don't worry. Everything will be ok."

"B-but how?"

"Can we do a kiss of trust?

Cadence then immediately kissed him deeply as she wasn't sure if this was the last time they would kiss like this. "W-whats the secret love?"

"A vow. A vow that we will always love each other. Even if we can't be together, we will always love each other in our hearts."

They kissed again, longer, not wanting their love, their relationship, to end. But some things weren't meant to last...in that time.

Present time

"And that's what happened at the end."

Rarity was hugging Spike by the end of the story. She was so moved by what happened that she never felt jealous hearing all they did. However two questions remained. "Spike? I hate to ask but, do you think she still feels the same about you? I mean, I remember the cantrlot wedding and she did seem to notice you at all. And you you two didn't seem that close during the king sombra incident. Do you think her feelings for Shinning armor won out in the end?"

Spike began to think about those events and wondered if he ever had a chance with Cadence in the first place. When he felt a familiar feeling in his gut. He then belched out a letter thinking it was mom telling them it was ok to extend the wait time on the order. However, instead it had the mark of heart. Spike knew that it was Princess Cadence's royal mark and decided to read it out loud.

"Dear Spike,

It's been awhile since I gotten a letter from you, And It made me think about our days in cantrlot. It also reminded of a promise we made together all those years ago. So I decided to personally write to you to tell you something. Spike...I was in love with you back then...and I'm still in love with you Even now! Even with Shinning armor by my side, I still feel like somethings missing...or should i say...a certain dragon~ I know it's been four years since we made that promise, but now... We don't live in cantrlot anymore. That dumb law doesn't apply to us anymore! So I'm saying it now! I love you Spike drake solàr! Please be my drakefriend!!!... sorry, I got a little too excited. I also know about your feelings for Rarity, but I don't mind sharing you with her. She looks like she's a dependable mare and looks like she loves you very much. I'm willing to share if your willing to share me with shining. You do you say? Also if Rarity with you by any chance, tell her that all three of us are willing to wait for our dresses a little longer if she needs to rest. Can't wait to see you soon my scaled lover~

- Your marefriend,Cadence~

Spike was floored. After 4 years, he finally knows how she feels about him. But now a new problem faces him. Rarity. He loves her too. And now he didn't know what to do!

Rarity saw his turmoil and asked him. "Spike? I know it's been four years from what you told me. But do you still love Cadence romantically?"

Spike looked at luna's moon and said "I do Rarity. Part of my heart is still with her. Just like part of mine is with you."

Rarity was glad he said that. It makes the next thing she's about to say easier. "Well if you feel that way for her...guess I better get use to sharing you then."

"Wait what?!"

Rarity had a confident look and said " that's right Spike! I want to share you! Just like the six of us share you, I want to share you with cadence! I mean, I AM the element of generosity after all. As long as my best friend is ok with this, I'm ok with this."

Spike smiled and said " What did I do to deserve a best friend like you?"

"By being the best young dragon ever!" Rarity hugged him and said "ummm...can we do a kiss of trust ourselves?"
Spike was surprised that she suggested that but decided to let here do it. "Ok, what's the secret?"

"A vow actually. Promise me you'll never leave us Spike? Especially me?"

Spike looked into Rarity blue eyes and said "I promise Rarity." And they kissed, sealing there vow now and forever. And for Spike, a deep friendship and a potential relationship
with Rarity was born.

Author's Note:

I know that this was alot to take in. But I wanted to add cadence in the story somehow without it being the same back story as twilight's. So making them secret lovers before the events of the show seemed like a good idea. Plus I thought cadence's letter can hint for a future side story in the future. *wink* And before you ask, yes i know she has Shinning armor. but hey, shes the princess of love! Im sure that ONE lover isnt enough for her. But thats my headcannon. See ya in part 3!