• Published 7th May 2024
  • 1,181 Views, 11 Comments

Now You've Been Told - stealthcam

Celestia discovers love again although the circumstances may be a touch odd. Difficulties are had in making two lives one.

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Now You've Been Told

Author's Note:

Author's note: This is the sequel to Do As I Say... - Fimfiction if you have yet to read that this story will make very little sense. Go read that first.

Anon looked conflicted, “Alright, let's head in I have a feeling I’ll need to sit down for this one,” turning and stepping inside his home, waving for me to follow him in.

I followed him, almost tripping over the threshold, my hooves made of lead and my heart racing.

It has been a while since I have been in his house. It always feels too big with too little inside, sparsely furnished would be an understatement—simply a single chair, couch, and gramophone. He always called the chair a ‘lazy boy’, whatever that means—the burgundy walls of the small suburban townhome felt constricting under the current circumstance.

He sat down, his chair rocking lightly. He motioned to the couch, “Feel free to sit down, I have a feeling we will be here awhile.”

I trotted over to the couch trying to look confident. I sat down on the couch, my hooves tucked under me. I couldn’t look him in the eye, “I um…”

He softly smiled, “Whatever it is I’m not going to judge you.”

“I have had a crush on you for a while, would you… would you like to go on a date?” I hitched barely able to make the words escape.

He stopped for a moment his mouth cartoonishly opening and closing.

I cringed stepping off the couch, “I’m sorry, I’ll go.”

“Stop! Just give me a moment, that’s a lot to take in.”

I stopped dead still, the rush of adrenaline finally making itself known. The room spinning, I sat unable to stand. I held my breath bracing for the worst.

He stood stepping towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder, “I would love to, where would you like to go?”

I jumped up hugging him, inadvertently knocking him back into his chair. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Startled he exclaimed, “Jesus girly, slow down we haven’t even made it past the first date!”

I jumped off of him, almost knocking over the chair, “I’m sorry I um…”

Rebalancing he put his elbows on his knees, leaning forward and looking conflicted. “I take it this has been a long time coming?”

“FUCKING FINALLY!”, startling us both, Chrysalis was heard from next door, her violent yell echoing through the walls.

We both broke into giggles. Anon choked out, “I guess that answers that.”

Sidestepping up onto the couch again I tried to compose myself.

“To answer your previous questions in order, It’s been a year or so. I was afraid to ruin things…”

I paused trying to find the words and chuckled awkwardly, “It’s not every day that royalty asks an alien on a date, I would love to go anywhere simple.”

“How about the Hay Burger across town,” he suggested lightly.

I smiled the joke already rolling off my tongue, “Taking royalty for a date and all you can muster up is a three-bit hay burger, how scandalous.”

“Well… I could take you to one of those high-class places with the small portions and nobles abound.”

I politely fake coughed, “No, no I think a hay burger will be more than sufficient.”

“That’s what I thought, ” he stuck his tongue out at me. “Pthfft-.”

He glanced at the clock a smirk gracing his face, “Why don’t we get going then they close in about an hour.”


He stood up stretching, his shirt lifting just enough to expose his impressive musculature, “Why not, it’s not like you get to come down here just anytime.”

I looked away my face heating, “I just was not expecting to um,” I looked back trying to show some confidence, even if it was false, “Alright, let’s go then.”

“I’ve got to grab a few things and then we can go,” he said, quickly exiting the room.

I shifted uncomfortably on the couch, even if this has gone well so far I have a lot I can still screw up.

Anon reentered far faster than I thought, he offered a hand up. I placed my hoof in it standing up. The short walk to the door felt like miles.

He stopped at the door, and turned to me, “One thing first,” he stepped closer, gently removing my crown and necklace, and placed them on a side table near the door. “That's better.”

I looked at him quizzically.

He laughed, “I am dating Celly, not the crown,” he opened the door gesturing out, “Ladies? mares? I don’t know the proper vernacular here first.”

I stepped out looking back and swiping my tail at him, “Right now I don’t feel much more than a filly on her first date.”

“Why are you so worried about this? Regardless of what happens, we will still be friends after this, I don’t think I can give up my pen pal,” he said closing and locking the door.

Ignoring his question I said, “You don’t have to do that here, you know that right?”

His tone hardened, “Old habits die hard, been a long time since I left a door unlocked.”

“Anyway, you know the way,” I pointed with a wing to the rest of town. He seemed to lighten up a little.

“Right this way madam,” he stepped next to me, practically pulling me along. As we made our way through Ponyville he commented, “Isn't there supposed to be a sunset right about now?”

I jumped startled, looking back to the sun still high in the sky, “I should probably do something about that hmm, yes?”

He looked at me in mock shock, sarcasm dripping, “Noooo, I’ll just move the burning ball of hydrogen out of the sky myself.”

I lit my horn not even looking back, this half of the planet got darker, “To quote you, ‘the gryphons can have a little sun as a treat.’”

“Yah know, I’m glad I was at that summit. It was fun dueling that dumbass,” he said reminiscing.

I frowned, “You didn’t have to cripple him though.”

He poked me in the side, “Hey! I’m not the one who ran at the guy with a spear level with my chest!”

“I guess he did have it coming, does not mean I have to be happy about it.”

He stopped and made a big flourish to Big Frys’ a quaint home-style cafe, “We are here,”

I looked over to Hay Burgs, “I’m surprised you are not taking me there,” I nodded to the other establishment.

He placed a hand on his chest, pretending to be offended, “Ya know, I do have some class only the best greasy fast food on the first date. No chain stores for you, only the best homegrown heart attack on a plate for the pretty mare.”

I blushed mumbling, “You think I’m pretty?”

“I don’t think there is a ma-stallion on Ear- on Equis that doesn’t, I just get to say something about it now,” He stuttered.

He walked to the door opening it for me, the blushing mess that I am. We entered to mild fanfare, it’s not every day that a princess eats at a mom-and-pop shop. After the commotion, was over. We ordered food and were seated, the booths too small for either of us.

Anon shifted his seat slightly, the large chair moving like it weighed nothing. He smiled at me, catching me staring. Speaking up he said, “Anyway on to the more serious topics. How would the living situation work if this becomes more serious? I would hate Canterlot living, big cities never sat well with me.”

I shifted in my seat not sure what to say, “I-I’ve never made it that far, I guess we will figure that out when we get there. As much as retiring from princesshood sounds like fun, I believe that is unlikely.”

He sat quietly for a moment seemingly contemplating something, “What duties would I inherit? The whole prince thing does not sit well in my head.”

The waiter interrupted, dropping off dinner then quickly made his leave. There was an odd smell from Anon's plate, a darker smell than a normal hay burger.

“I take it from the nose scrunch, something is up?” Anon held his plate up offering it to me.

I leaned over slightly getting a closer look. It was something breaded in a bun slathered in red sauce.

Anon laughed, “It is chicken, with the population of non-pony residents food choices have opened up a lot around here.”

I leaned back less confused, “Ah I knew I recognized the smell from somewhere, cooked meat always smells the same to me. Anyway, if we get more serious, I hope we do, your duties would probably include day court and a few other simple things. I’m sure that Shining would love to be able to stop administrating the Canterlot guard.

He frowned, “Yes, my favorite things, lawyers and rebuilding things from scratch”, he laid the sarcasm on thick.

I joked, “Are skills past heating things up and hitting them with a hammer beyond my little humans’ abilities?”

He took a bite of food before replying, “No they are not, however dealing with nobles makes my brain cells slowly off themselves one at a time. I’ll be braindead before we pass second base.”

We started eating in earnest, conversation slowing down just enjoying each other's company, we lost track of time.

We were both startled when the waiter arrived back at our table, having long since taken our plates. “I’m sorry Princess, Anonymous, however, it is twenty minutes after closing and the restaurant needs to be cleaned. I’m afraid, I need you both to head out for the evening.”

Both Anon and I stood, quickly speaking over each other, “I’m sorry, we will be on our way.”

We stepped away from the booth and Anon quipped, “Jinx! you owe me a soda.”

“At some point, you will have to explain all of the colloquialisms you use to me, you know.”

“Well I’m not sure on where it came from but, it sure is fun to say,” Anon explained as we exited the restaurant. A quiet Ponyville greeting us.

I snickered, “You have used so many I’ll write a book, It will be an encyclopedia of humanisms.”

Anon mused out loud, “I wonder what the pony equivalent of hand-holding is? I’m sure walking on three legs is difficult.”

“I’ll explain along the way,” I said pulling him close with a wing as we walked. “You see it is easy for pegasi, having an extra set of prehensile appendages makes displays of affection simple.” I tightened my grip on him lightly, “Earth ponies simply lean on each other, their shoulders pressed together.” I shifted a little of my weight onto him lightly, “Unicorns have it the hardest, most touch horns lightly as they walk tilting their heads occasionally.”
I joked “I’m not sure I can make that one work with you.”

“Not before third base,” Anon quipped seemingly before his brain could catch up with his mouth.

I replied words falling out, “Ahh-Ah, not yet we have to make it through a few more dates, princesses don’t do one-night stands,” I clasped a hoof to my mouth almost falling.

Anon stopped dead in his tracks, in a fit of giggles, “My humor seems to be rubbing off on you.”

He pulled me in to continue the walk and joked, “We’re almost to my place, you can stew on your true crass nature once you get back to Canterlot.”

“I am not crass! I am very dignified,” I said with mock offense.

We arrived at his home, the lamp out front still dark. He worked his keys, unlocking and opening his door, “I guess this is where we part ways for tonight.”

I stepped back looking over the house, “I guess it is, it’s been a very good night. I wonder how much Twilight would lose it if I made Ponyville the new capital.”

“I don’t know but you better get going hot stuff, it’s almost eleven and the sun rises early these days. I’ll catch you later celly.”

“Good night anon.”

His door punctuated the goodbye, the only noise in Ponyville was the clop of my shoes and the occasional pop of an oil lamp.

“Hey Celly! You forgot something,” Anon said from his doorway, holding my crown and accompanying necklace.

I trotted over, quickly stepping forward. He placed the necklace over my head and pulled me closer. Anon held the crown and placed it on my head, pulling me down into a chaste kiss.

He whispered in my ear, “Have a good night,” he stepped back and closed the door.