• Published 14th May 2024
  • 107 Views, 2 Comments

Romance for Dummies and the Otherwise Evolutionarily Hopeless - J3sterking

Flash Sentry had been feeling the blues for some time now. Derpy Hooves was insistent on trying to cheer him up. Almost...too insistent.

  • ...

The Two of Us

Derpy's bicycle skidded to a stop, landing perfectly into the bicycle parking. "Here we are!" she said, climbing down from the bike.

Flash shook himself, then got down after her, wobbling unsteadily. Rainbow Dash's magic necklace had nothing on how fast that ride had been.

Flash brushed a stray, blonde hair off his shoulder, then stared up at the building in front of them. "Derpy, is this..."

"My favorite place to eat out: Rise N Shine Bakery!" she said proudly.

Flash stared at it in surprise. Well, it wasn't the weirdest place he'd gone on a date, but he'd yet to meet someone who suggested it first.

Derpy looked at him, confused. Did I do something wrong? she thought. She hadn't gone on a date before. Lyra had just said, "Take him somewhere nice," and, as usual, forgot to follow up with anything more specific.

And Derpy had never been smart.

Flash chuckled, thankfully. "Alright," he said. I mean, I can't think of anyone who doesn't like pastries, he thought. Maybe a bakery was a better first date location than he'd have thought.

The two walked into the Rise N Shine. Flash considered taking her hand, but...he didn't want to come across as too forward. She might think it creepy. He instead looked around the bakery. He'd been in here before, but Sugarcube Corner was his normal haunt, though Sunset had never liked eating--

Again with Sunset, he thought. She's not here, and not interested. Derpy is interested...and I've got to admit, at this point, I am, too.

He's not taking my hand, Derpy thought to herself. I thought he'd want to, but...is that too forward? Oh, why don't people come with manuals? Derpy had never been able to read the room, or 'get a clue', and still wasn't sure why they called it a 'poker face'. Were there things she wasn't getting? Was the girl supposed to take the guy's hand?

I should have asked for more details, she thought.

Flash lead the two to the counter, examining the menus he hadn't seen in months, at least. She's being quiet, he said. Did I do something? Truth be told, Flash hadn't gone on as many dates as people had assumed. Being popular was one thing, but he'd never just accepted dates from random people he barely knew.

Aside from Sunset, who had apparently been a unicorn from another dimension.

"Hey, Derpy," the woman behind the counter said. "Been a while, huh? What can I do for ya tonight?"

"Well," Derpy said, "how about a dozen of the regular, to share. And Flash? What do you want?"

"Well," he said, thinking, "let's get some donuts, and share those, too."

"Okie-dokie!" Derpy said. "A dozen of those, too!"

"That's a lot of pastries," Flash muttered.

"Oh, um..."

"No, no, it's fine!" Flash said. "We can just pack up anything we don't eat." I have got to learn when to shut my mouth, Flash thought to himself.

Maybe the Rise N Shine was a bad idea, Derpy thought to herself. I need to be careful not to ruin this for him...

The two sat down with a box of donuts, and a large basket of muffins.

Flash took a muffin, and Derpy took one of the donuts immediately.

"You come here often?" Flash asked.

"Well, I used to," Derpy said. "I haven't been in a while, though."

"Why not? Seems like you like the place."

Derpy sighed. "Yeah, but I accidentally broke the kitchen, so I'm helping pay for that." She stared at the donut, almost forlornly.

"You broke...the kitchen?" Flash asked. "You mean, like, the countertop, or--"

"I accidentally hit the island, knocking it into the stove," Derpy explained. "Mom was upset. Her pie was fine, though."

Flash stared. "Wow. That's a huge cabinet, and you just...threw it into the stove?" FIND YOUR FILTER, MAN!

Derpy nodded. "I'm really strong," she said. "I break things all the time, but normally smaller stuff. Less expensive stuff."

"Oh. Well, uh...sorry to hear that."

Derpy stared at the donut. "I break lots of things," she said.

"I like buying unnecessary and expensive things," Flash replied.

"I can't drive a car."

"My only real talent is music, and that's only so-so," Flash said.

"I have lots of doubt problems," Derpy said.

"So do I," Flash said. "But...you..."

"You deserve better than me," they both blurted out.

There was a pause. Then, Derpy laughed. A wonderful, musical laugh that wrapped up Flash and brought him along for the ride.

They laughed for a good long time. "I don't want better than you, though," Derpy finally said, wiping tears from her eyes.

"I just want you," Flash agreed. "I was...a little on the fence about it. It was really sudden, you know? A random, spur-of-the moment choice. But...I'm glad I made it. You're a wonderful person, Derpy."

"I...I am?"

Flash chuckled. "Of course. How many other people would be sitting there, helping the guy they like try to get together with someone else? How many other people would still be around after so many klutzy mistakes? How many other people could smile like you do? So sincerely...so nice."

Derpy frowned. "Well, um...you're wonderful, too. How..."

Flash waited patiently.

"How many people, could, uh...play the guitar like you do?"

Flash sighed. "Rainbow Dash," they both agreed.

"Hold on," Derpy said. "Um, oh! I got it! How many people would keep going after being rejected over and over again by the same woman?"

Flash paused. "Well, yes, but you don't have to phrase it like--"

"How many people are so nice they become the most popular person in school? How many people keep going after things don't work out, again and again? Just...keep fighting. Keep being you. Keep on...keeping on." Derpy smiled.

Flash smiled. "Thanks. It'd have been better if you hadn't taken two tries, but...still. Thanks." He smiled, picking up a muffin.

It took him a second to realize they were out of muffins. He frowned, looking at the empty box, then looked up to Derpy, who was chewing happily. She looked at the empty box, swallowed, then gasped. "Oh! Sorry, did you want another?"

"How in the..."

The earth shook. They both jumped up in alarm, as the windows rattled.

"Earthquake!" Flash yelled.

Derpy seized him by the front of his jacket, pulling him closer, and kissed him. Flash froze, unable to move, as a rainbow blast shone outside, along with the distant cry of, "Friendship is ma-gic!"

After a long moment, Derpy let go, blushing. Cheers rang up from the other customers as Flash ran a hand through his hair.

"I, uh...it felt right," Derpy said.

Flash grinned. "Same time, next week?"

Derpy nodded. "Yes." She took his hand, holding it in hers, and added, "Thanks for giving me a chance."

He kissed her, catching her off guard. "Thanks for everything," he told her.

Author's Note:

And here we are. It's been a while since I wrote romance, but I think it turned out okay. Drafts alternated between hyper-fixating on both of their insecurities, or just being completely comical, but in the end I decided upon this mix of the two. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! I will be getting the next chapter of Cyberpony: Y2K out this evening or early tomorrow, and I wish you all good evening.

Comments ( 2 )

I haven't seen any other fics with this particular ship, so I'd count it as rare enough.

Oh, there are stories for this ship besides this one. Can't remember any names, but I know they exist.

Well, they popped up on the 'related stories' list, so, as expected, they exist, but they're still rare.

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