• Published 14th May 2024
  • 208 Views, 4 Comments

Schrödinger's Relationship - SparklingTwilight

Starlight Glimmer and Trixie are trapped in-between worlds. Starlight confesses something to Trixie. Then, Starlight wants a do-over.

  • ...

Stuck in the Box

Author's Note:

For the dialogue-only contest... thus, no speaking tags.


"Yes, Trixie?"

"Are we going to die?"

"... I'll figure something out."

"But what if you don't?'

"I will."

"But why haven't you already?"

"I need time to think. Space."

"We're floating in it."

"Space to concentrate."

"Oh. You could let go."

"I can't."

"It's all right. Nothing seems to be drifting too far apart. That vial's been floating beside us for... quite a while. Should we open it?"



"The villain said it was a deadly poison!"

"I'll kick it."

"No! You could smash it!"

"Sorry! I think I cracked it—a little—not enough to leak. I've done this to enough vials—it's fine. And it's floating away, anyway."

"Trixie—please don't leap before looking!"

"Trixie was kicking, not leaping."

"And you really wrenched my foreleg. Okay. Thanks for rubbing it. That does make it better."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie knows how to apologize! She has perhaps had too much experience with making apologies. Trixie will do better."

"Thank you. It's nice. But—wait. It's coming back! Duck!"

"Whew! And it's back where it started. Trixie supposes this proves we can't drift too far apart. No matter what we do, we'll come back together!"

"A deterministic view. Optimistic..."

"A what?"

"Deterministic—we have a set life path."

"Is that a fancy metaphor?"


"Since I can't get rid of it; should I smash it? Or, maybe opening it is the only way we'll get out? Let the genie out of the bottle, as they say in Saddle Arabia."

"It may bring us closure one way or another.... But, I need to think.... We don't seem to need air—beyond what we're breathing here."

"I don't think we're breathing."

"That's... not a good sign. But, we'll need water. Are you getting dehydrated?"

"I am quite thirsty. We're not in Tartarus, Starlight, right?"

"No. Tartarus doesn't look like this."

"You've been to—"

"Yes, I have. With Twilight."

"Speaking of ponies who deserve to be there."

"And speaking of water, I am also a bit parched.... Trixie. There's no water here."

"We'll be all right."


"... Ow. Don't cuddle Trixie there. You can let go. Please. Move up. Less tight."


"I'll just move a bit away—"

"No! Don't let go. We could lose each other. We don't know if we'll suddenly start drifting!"

"Then, should Trixie be quiet for a while? Would that help?"

"Yes! Of course!"

"Certainly! The Great and Powerful Trixie is eager to please!"


"... Are you all right, Starlight? Why are you moaning?"

"I'm fine, Trixie. Just relaxing. I like hugging you."

"Much appreciated. And appreciated that you're pressing higher up, like usual, this time."


"... How about now? Any ideas? You're so smart, Trixie is certain you must have a plan.... Trixie also is becoming a bit dizzy from floating forever. Or, maybe from thirst."

"Focus your eyes on one point in space. Or, you could close them. Since that villain caused our reality to bleed into that other world's and we got partway back... It's not like there's much to stare at."

"Except you."

"You make me blush. Actually, Trixie. There's something I've been meaning to tell you."


"I didn't realize you felt the same way. I wasn't sure. I wanted to be sure. But you kept not getting the hint. You kept playing coy. You're really clever, Trixie. Were you just being polite?"

"Trixie is always polite!"

"But were you being polite to spare my feelings?"

"Trixie would never spare anypony's feelings. Directness is important."

"Except in your show?"

"Misdirection is also important!"

"... Fine... I'm—we're here together—until something—"

"Until you get us out."


"You will get us out."

"... We could be stuck here forever. Or, only a moment. I think we're in a place beyond time. Any time could have passed outside. We're in a sort of box. Trapped together. Not quite alive or dead to the outside—until we get out."

"Hugging in a box?"

"We're in a hug-box. Sure. Fine. That works."

"A comfy hug box."

"You feel so nice."




"I love you."

"... As a friend? I love you too."

"More than that."

"As a best friend!"

"More than that!"

"As a co-adventurer..."

"Yes! That!"


"Do you feel the same?"

"You never hinted before...."

"I gave plenty of hints!"

"Such as?"

"Compliments. Massages."

"Trixie thought best friends did that?"

"They do!"

"Then how was Trixie to understand otherwise?"


"This is all very surprising to Trixie the Great and Powerful..."

"In a good way?"

"Trixie needs to think... needs some time, and space."

"I really wish we had been intimate... before this."

"... I like you a lot, Starlight. But, I—Trixie has not felt any attraction like that for you... except, perhaps, maybe when you have aggressively held me and I was in a dream—and that's scary. Because I imagined you were—Trixie does not want to imagine that. But it was fine—I knew you wouldn't do anything bad. I felt safe with you. And here... you scared me. You held me differently.... I'm really sorry. I'm worried. Feeling worse. I want to hug you. I won't."

"I can't let you go. I'm so sorry. If I release you, we could get separated... lost in the interstices of time."

"Trixie's a coward, she thinks. She wants to love you. And I do, but I don't feel what lovers are supposed to feel. Physical things. I feel emotionally good sometimes. But I don't feel anything like what I'm supposed to feel for a lover where that matters—when that matters—without confusing physical interactions. I should—our relationship won't be different, though, Trixie hopes?"

"Can I still hug you?"

"Trixie would like that—Trixie thinks—maybe. But, that would be cruel. Trixie would not want to lead you on. Or make ponies uncomfortable."


"But I do like hugs."


"... Starlight. I—you should find a good life partner."

"We hugged a lot before."

"I am... I don't know.... Trixie feels really bad for leading you on."

"... You like me as a friend, still?"


"And you don't have a stallionfriend. Or another marefriend?"


"Are you not interested in anypony romantically?"

"I have felt deep physical attraction sometimes..."



"... Seriously, Trixie?"


"... Anypony else?"

"... It's too disgusting. Trixie doesn't want to think about it."

"... Were you hurt?"

"Nothing like that."


"It was... disgusting."

"Have you been with a pony before?"

"No, no."

"Then how do you know it's disgusting?"

"I've seen it."

"Dare I ask what?"

"I ran away from home, remember. Mother was in entertainment."


"She entertained ponies."


"Some clients were awful. Not all. But enough."


"I can't stand how ponies' libidos get in the way of their relationships. I felt so safe with you—to be who I was. I knew you wouldn't push me. You wouldn't take advantage of me like a lover. You'd be a good friend.... I did not realize I was so tempting. I'm a bad pony."

"I'm the bad one. I've always been the bad one. It's why I took those adjustment drugs."

"The what?"

"I suppressed my urges. They wore off a bit ago, I think."

"That's why you've been twisting?"


"... Why do you need them?"

"I'm... in heat all the time."

"Isn't that typical to feel toward somepony you love?"

"No. I'm feeling it all the time around all sorts of ponies: sometimes."

"Like an animal?"

"Yes. Not like ponies who are only in heat for their special someponies."

"You feel like an animal—not just because you really, really like me? For me? It's not special?"

"Sorry. I do really, really like you. But I've also got a problem."

"Trixie does not understand."

"I want... ponies. Any type of pony. It's all... I feel a need that makes me upset and bottled up when I can't—you know."

"Did you ever... do something terrible—"



"When I was young, I almost did something horrible. But, I got on medications."


"I stopped the drugs. Couldn't get them in the middle of nowhere when I founded Our Town, which I ruled with an iron hoof."

"They forgave you."

"They shouldn't have. I got back on my medications. I was going to repeat my crimes... Twilight—"

"You had feelings for Twilight Sparkle!"

"I know you two don't get on. I didn't want to, but I was panting, yearning. So, I met a doctor and got back on my prescription."

"Drugs to make you calmer?"


"How intense could this feeling become.... Should I... Should Trixie be concerned?"

"I'll grit my teeth and bear it."

"I know you don't want to do those bad things..."

"I really don't."

"And you didn't. And you won't. But—"

"Please, Trixie."

"I'm so sorry, Starlight."

"Don't let go!"

"Trixie doesn't feel comfortable..."

"No, no!"

"Maybe hold Trixie lightly... at foreleg's length?"

"I might lose you. I can't let you go."

"I'll still be here."

"I'm so sorry. You're shaking."

"... I can't hold on."

"If we had more time—maybe, Trixie—"

"Please don't hurt me."

"I would never hurt you."

"You can't help yourself, you said."

"I'm a bad pony."

"You forced yourself—"

"They always said yes, but I was their leader. Maybe they felt they couldn't say no. Anyway, I brainwashed them. It's my fault whether they say it is or not."

"You're right."

"But I didn't attack a pony. I never did that—"

"But you might."

"Please, Trixie."

"... Starlight."

"... I can let you go. I don't want you to shake and quake. But I don't know what will happen. If you let go first—I won't hold on."

"Wait. Trixie sees something...."

"A white light! Take my other hoof. Let's move towards it."


"I think... I think this is right."

"It's blinding."

"It's so hot. It's okay."

"Are we dying, Starlight?"

"... Maybe."

"Can we turn back?"

"Ponies don't get second chances."

"I'm sorry, Starlight."

"I'm sorry, Trixie."

"We're back! I see background. Ponies. Not just an ever-unwrapping wall of darkness—that—it's rather fuzzy. Did we hit our heads?"

"I think we were stuck somewhere. Twilight? Is everypony all right?"

"Yes, Starlight! I am glad the two of you are fine. You were sucked into the villain's quantum box—and we worked together to get you out. We're so glad you're okay. It's been days. What happened? You're all white and discolored... and Trixie's flushed red. We need to get you liquids! We'll get a doctor!"

"I don't know. I... don't remember. I just... It's fuzzy."

"Don't worry, Starlight. Trixie will help you hug it out."

"Really? A hug? You want to—"

"Why not?"

"I'm... not sure. I don't remember. Time passed and I feel—my insides feel terrible. It seemed like we had a lot of time together, but it's all gone. I feel so queer."

"Is that all there is?"

"What more could there be?"

"Don't worry. I'll always be here."

"Okay. I love you."

"... As a friend?"

"As my best friend."

Comments ( 4 )

I'd liked it and the unique way of portraying a relationship between Trixie and Starlight Glimmer; the situation of being stuck in a (form of) box worked well for the Dialogue-only contest.

And creating tension/suspense with that format.

Not a fan of the idea that pony biology can lead them to rape, but otherwise an interesting story and format

I certainly understand why people would not want that to happen! It is a very bad thing. :ajsleepy:

Some of my stories explore something like Cold in Gardez's tagline of "Stories about ponies are stories about people" but with additional examination of ponyish characteristics melded with human characteristics, to look at important matters from an additional angle.

Thank you for giving the story a try! :twilightsmile:

For anyone just passing by and seeing the comment before the story: no rape happens in this story but it and consent are discussed (And consent is quite important)! See the content note on the story's landing page.

Thank you!

I agree, but also disagree - you added in heat as a concept and reason for Starlight's bad behavior. That's not canon for the show, nor a thing that happens to humans. That breaks the "about people" part of your analogy.

Edit: Even if the claim is that Starlight had abnormal heat, that's *still* not a human-like thing. Humans don't do this. To push the concept over to human territory: Civilized countries have banned the practice of using drugs to suppress sexual urges as being both ineffective and inhumane; therapy and monitoring are considered the humane and appropiate treatment.

tl;dr This breaks analogy with humanity in an uncomfortable way for this version of ponies

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