• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 22,587 Views, 3,140 Comments

Fire & Rain - Ruirik

Sometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightest

  • ...

Nothing Else Matters

“Come on, Dash, wake up,” Spitfire pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes as her voice cracked, “please wake up...”

The air carried the acrid reek of smoke and electricity, Rainbow in particular was covered in the scent. Spitfire tried her best to ignore the pungent odor of burnt hair and flesh that emanated from her marefriend. Cold droplets of water dripped down onto Spitfire, sending a shiver down her spine.

Spitfire cast her gaze up to the sky searching for a rain cloud that wasn’t there, errant tears spilling down her cheeks. She realized, after a few moments, that the rain was from the exploded tanker cloud. The lightning detonation having reduced both it and the clouds around it to vapor and water.

Another bolt of lightning lashed out from the heavens, striking an old oak tree towards the outskirts of the staging area. The tree exploded, sending shrapnel in all directions, Spitfire reacted on instinct, throwing her body over Rainbow’s to offer what little protection she could. She winced when she heard the screams of pegasi who had been too close and held Rainbow’s body closer still. Nothing would move her from the unconscious mare again, not until she knew Rainbow was safe.

She saw Flash Cloud, a large group of splinters jutting angrily from his right foreleg Despite the pain on his face and the blood flowing down his limb, Spitfire watched as he flew from pony to pony, doing whatever he could to organize them. She knew she should leave Rainbow to another pony, she knew she could help Flash organize his team. Yet for all her logical mind told her what she was supposed to do, she couldn’t move a feather, she wouldn’t.

A light green stallion landed nearby to her, his eyes going wide and his jaw dropping the moment he noticed Rainbow’s condition.

“No way, this can’t be—”

“Headwind!” Flash shouted, flying over towards Spitfire and Rainbow.

“Sweet Celestia, Flash, you’re—”

“Shut up,” Flash interrupted, his teeth gritted from the pain in his foreleg. “I need everypony you’ve got to get paramedics and carriages here now.”

“What happened here Flash? I thought your team—”

“I don’t have a team anymore, Headwind, I have casualties!” Flash shouted, his voice trembling.

“Oh no, Flash... Is... is anypony dead?”

“I don’t know.”

Headwind’s attention shifted to Rainbow Dash’s still form. “I-is she...”

“I don’t know,” Flash answered again.

Spitfire leaned over so her ear was almost touching Rainbow’s snout. For a cold and terrible moment, she felt nothing. The cold tendrils of despair spread through the back of her mind, threatening to consume her until she felt it: Rainbow’s breath. Spitfire waited a moment longer until she felt a second breath wash over her ear, no stronger or weaker than the first.

Her heart nearly leapt for joy, though Spitfire restrained herself for a moment longer. Something didn’t sound right. He kept her ear close to Rainbow’s snout, listening carefully to the fallen mare’s breathing. Then she heard it; a faint crackle in every weak breath.

Spitfire sat up quickly, her mind resolute on a plan of action.

“She’s alive, but she needs medical attention right now, where’s the nearest hospital?” Spitfire asked, the traces of her command mask slowly reasserting themselves.

“Manehattan General, it-it’s a fifteen minute flight if you push yourself hard, thirty five if you’re flying casual,” Headwind said, pointing out the direction.

“Maybe fifteen for you,” Spitfire said, her eyes remaining fixated to Rainbow.

“What do you mean?” Headwind asked.

Spitfire afforded the stallions a confident smile as she lifted Rainbow into her forelegs. “I’m the captain of the Wonderbolts, I’ll get her there in five.”

“You should go too, Flash,” Headwind said.

“I’m fine,” Flash growled. “When you get there, tell them we need help over here.”

“Consider it sent,” Spitfire spread her wings, but hesitated for a moment. She looked at Flash again. “I never caught your name.”

“Flash Cloud, ma’am, I’m Manhattan’s senior lightning wrangler,” he answered.

Spitfire nodded once.

Taking one last chance to reaffirm her grip on Rainbow, Spitfire kicked off of the ground and into the sky. Her right wing, already sore from the flight to the staging area, quickly made its displeasure known. Spitfire ignored the discomfort, forcing herself to fly faster, compared to Rainbow’s need nothing else mattered.

Her mind raced, memories of the prior night threatening to overwhelm her.

Rainbow exhaled a shaky breath, a fresh round of tears streaking down her cheeks. “I… I think I’m falling in love with you, Spitfire. And… and it scares me. It scares me so bad that I want to fly to the ends of the earth and hide from it. I just… I just don’t know what to do.”

“... I don’t know what to say, Rainbow. I don’t know how this ends, or how either of us will act if it does. But I don’t want this to end either. I want there to be an us tomorrow, and the next day, and the next week, and the next month, and the month after that too. Because… because I think I’m falling in love with you too.”

Spitfire gritted her teeth, shaking her head violently to rid the thoughts from her mind. She couldn’t allow herself the distraction, not yet. The ache in her wing grew worse with every beat, Spitfire ignored it as best she could. All that mattered was Rainbow.

The mare in her forelegs let out a weak cough that drew Spitfire’s attention. Her heart leapt for joy at seeing Rainbow’s eyes crack open, only to race in horror at the smattering of blood that decorated her foreleg from Rainbow’s cough.

“Where...” Rainbow croaked, her voice quiet.

“I’ve got you, Dash, we’re going to the hospital. Everything’s gonna be okay now,” Spitfire promised.

Rainbow muttered something, her words slurred and incomprehensible to the Wonderbolt. Spitfire glanced down long enough to notice the vacant, glassy-eyed stare in Rainbow’s eyes as well as the trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth. Spitfire forced herself to fly faster, unable to do anything else without losing her grip.

“We’re almost there, Rainbow, just stay awake for me, okay?”

Despite the agony on her face, Rainbow forced a smile. “Never thought... you’d be carrying me.”

Spitfire could resist a bark of laughter despite the situation. “I think I owed you one or two.”


“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, Dash.”

Rainbow let out a pained groan as she tried to lift her head. “I don’t feel so good.”

“I know, Rainbow, I know. It’s gonna be alright though. We’re gonna get you to the hospital, and they’re gonna get you patched up in no time!” Spitfire reassured Rainbow, hoping Rainbow didn’t pick up on her fear.

“Hurts,” Rainbow said, her voice barely more than a whisper.

“I know, Dash, I know, but you’re gonna be okay,” Spitfire promised.

“I don’t... don... feel,” Rainbow mumbled, her speech getting slower as she faded.

“Rainbow? Rainbow, please, you gotta stay awake for me now!” Spitfire begged.

Rainbow didn’t answer, her body going limp in Spitfire’s forelegs.

“Rainbow? Rainbow?!” Spitfire shouted, glancing down at her lover once again. Panic gripped Spitfire’s heart. “Don’t you dare leave me hanging like this, Rainbow, don’t you dare!”

Blinking the tears from her eyes, Spitfire pumped her wings harder than ever determined to get Rainbow to help. Pain spread through her wing making her fumble in her flight for a moment, Spitfire groaned, her teeth gritting, and face contorting as she fought through the pain. Nothing, not pain, lightning, nor Celestia herself would stop her from getting Rainbow to a hospital.

Pushing herself as hard as she could, the hospital soon came into view. Tall white stone walls were capped by a salmon colored roof, large red crosses were painted on the sides of the building as well as the roof so flying pegasi could identify it at a distance.

From the angle she was approaching, Spitfire could see the hospital’s back garden, a peaceful arrangement of shrubbery and flowers for patients and families to rest and reflect on things. Off to the side near a blossoming cherry tree was a white unicorn mare with an electric blue mane and tail sitting in a wheelchair. The Wonderbolt flared her wings out to slow down.

She realized too late the cost of her actions.

She heard the snap before she felt it as the already weakened muscle ruptured. White-hot agony surged through her wing and into her shoulder. Spitfire screamed as she fell from the sky, her left wing doing all it could to slow her down. At the last moment, Spitfire managed to roll to her back, using her body as a cushion between Rainbow and the ground.

The impact knocked the air from Spitfire’s lungs and pulled Rainbow free of her grip. Spitfire clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut, the pain in her wing overwhelming her mind. No matter how hard she tried, Spitfire couldn’t open her eyes. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t focus, she could barely breathe, the pain in her wing engulfed her entire being.

“Hey, help! Help! Somepony, help!” the wheelchair bound mare shouted.

Spitfire managed to roll herself onto her belly, her hooves scraping lines into the grass. Forcing her eyes open, she was able to see Rainbow laying in a crumpled heap barely two feet away. The Wonderbolt tried to crawl over to her fallen marefriend, yet she was stopped by searing lances of pain through her wing. Spitfire’s nose pressed into the grass as she groaned in agony.

Ponies seemed to flood out of the hospital enveloping Rainbow and Spitfire. Spitfire bit back a cry as she was hefted onto a gurney and raced into the hospital. Every bump and jostle creating a perpetual torture for her. She couldn’t stop the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

Her gurney came to a stop in a bright room, the glare from the overhead lights nearly blinding Spitfire to the organized chaos around her. She felt a sting in her right foreleg where someone started an IV, a blood pressure cuff wrapped tightly around her left foreleg, and leads were attached to her chest

“Ma’am, what’s your name?” A mare asked from somewhere spitfire couldn’t see.

“Spitfire,” She answered through gritted teeth.

“Can you tell me the name of the mare you were with?”

“Rainbow Dash,”

“Can you tell me what happened to her?”

“No, I-I don’t know,” Spitfire answered through a pained moan.

“Alright, that’s okay. How about yourself, then? Can you tell me where the pain is?” the mare asked.

“Right wing... bicep...”

Gentle hooves touched the injured limb, Spitfire let out a sharp cry of pain from the delicate contact. Instinct took over, as Spitfire lashed out at her tormenter with a hoof. The strike missed hitting anypony or anything, and just as quickly medical ponies where restraining her with magic and hooves. A warm feeling flooded into her foreleg through the IV, Spitfire felt her strength vanish as the morphine did its work.

“... Rain...” she whispered as the darkness claimed her mind.

Soarin’ hummed to himself as he went fixed a salad for breakfast, the radio was his only companion for the morning. He was looking forward to the day, with plans to catch a movie and write some letters to his family. He was sure that it was going to be a very good day, until the radio broadcaster interrupted the song.

“Ladies and gentlecolts, I apologize for the interruption, however we have a breaking news announcement.”

Soarin’s ears perked from the urgency of the broadcasters voice. He turned to face the radio as he popped a cucumber slice into his mouth.

“There has been some sort of problem with todays scheduled storm, there are fires around the weather staging grounds and we are getting scattered reports of injuries to the weather team. Fire brigades from all around the city are being mobilized to the scene as well as paramedics. All ponies on the northeast edge of the city are advised to be on the lookout for fires and stay alert until further notice. This is a developing story, please stay tuned for more as we get it.”

Soarin’ cursed, his salad forgotten about as he ran out to his porch and leapt into the skies. The usual euphoria of flight was lost on Soarin’ as he flew as fast as his wings would carry him towards the weather staging area. He didn’t know what he would be able to do, but damned if he wouldn’t try.

Flying as fast as he could it still took Soarin’ nearly thirty minutes to get from his apartment to the weather staging grounds. A slow, creeping dread built in his chest the closer he got the the staging grounds. The smoke from dozens of fires billowed up from the ground while sporadic flashes of lightning arced out of the ominous grey clouds floating over the area.

“Celestia steh uns bei,” Soarin’ whispered.

“Hey, Mallow!” a voice called from behind Soarin’.

Turning around, Soarin’ quickly spotted Rapidfire, the smaller stallion came to a stop just beside him.

“I’m guessing you heard the news flash too?” Soarin’ asked.

“Yeah, got any bright ideas?” Rapid asked.

“Find Rainbow Dash and have her tell us what she needs help with,” Soarin’ answered.

“That’ll work for me,” Rapid said, “I wonder if Spits was listening to the radio.”

“She could probably see this mess from her window if she happened to look,” Soarin’ commented.

“True, shall we?”

“Race you there!” Soarin’ shouted as he took off.

“Cheater!” Rapid shouted from a fair distance behind.

Soarin’ allowed himself a small laugh at Rapid’s expense.

The two Wonderbolts covered the distance in only a few short minutes, Soarin’ intentionally slowing down to match Rapidfire’s pace. As they approached the scene, the two slowed down even further, hesitant to get too close to the lightning spewing clouds or the raging flames below. Nearer to the city’s edge, they spotted a small assembly area filled with white and red ambulance carriages.

Soarin’ whistled to Rapifire, and with a jerk of his head the two simultaneously dove to the ground, landing just behind the carriages. It was only a matter of moments before a hay colored pegasus mare with an auburn mane trotted over to them.

“Unless you two are with the fire brigade, you’ve gotta get out of here!” she said.

“I’m Soarin’ and this is Rapidfire, we’re here to offer whatever assistance we can,” Soarin’ told her.

The mare recoiled slightly from the surprise. “As in the Wonderbolts?”

“That’s us!” Rapid said, giving the mare his best smile.

“Okay, um, what can you guys do?” she asked.

“I’m trained in basic field medicine and I know how to work a rain cloud,” Soarin’ answered.

“I can work a rain cloud well enough to douse a fire,” Rapid said.

The mare didn’t seem convinced.

“Look just take us to Rainbow Dash, tell her Soarin’ and Rapid are here to help.” Soarin’ said.

The blonde mare winced. “You don’t know?”

Rapid and Soarin’ exchanged a confused look.

“Don’t know what?” Rapid asked.

“Come with me,” the mare said before she galloped towards the carriages.

Soarin’ and rapid followed close behind, afraid to ask the questions that festered in the back of their minds. The mare led them to an exhausted looking stallion with a black mane and light grey coat. His right foreleg was wrapped in gauze, spots of blood visible through the thick wrapping. Soarin’ and rapid could both see the long, jagged, splinters of wood jutted out of his limb, Rapidfire paled at the sight.

“Flash,” the mare called to him, earning a weary glance. “These two just showed up looking to help.”

“Well damn my eyes,” Flash said with a tired smile, “if it isn’t two more Wonderbolts.”

“Two more?” Soarin’ asked, “who else is here?”

“Spitfire showed up a while ago,” Flash answered, his body leaning heavily against the side of the ambulance.

“What happened here?” Rapid asked, keeping his eyes away from Flash’s wounds.

“Our shipment got botched,” Flash answered simply, “and we got our flanks kicked for it.”

“What can we help?” Soarin’ asked.

“The thunderheads have already formed an unstable storm engine. There’s nothing we can do except control the fires now.” Flash said, his posture sagging.

“Where’s Rainbow Dash, can we talk to her, or maybe Spitfire if she’s around still?” Rapid asked.

Flash’s face pulled into a sad frown. “She got tagged by a thunderhead somehow. Spitfire took her to the hospital almost an hour ago.”

“WHAT?!” both Wonderbolts shouted.

“Which hospital did they go to?” Rapid demanded, nearly tackling Flash to the ground.

“Manehattan General.”

“Rapid, get over there now,” Soarin’ ordered, “I’ll stay here and do what I can.”

With a curt nod, Rapidfire took off. Flying faster than he had in a long time, Rapid made record time from the staging grounds to the hospital. He circled the building once to find the emergency room entrance before landing and charging inside. He skidded to a stop just in front of the check in desk.

The mare behind the desk barely flinched from Rapid’s sudden entrance. “How can I help you sir?”

“I’m looking for my sister, Spitfire. She should have come in about an hour ago with another mare.”

The earth pony thought for a moment. “You’re the first pegasus that walked in the door today, let me check the trauma bays.”

Rapid nodded as the mare disappeared into the emergency room. His wings twitched as he tapped his hoof against the floor impatiently. The few minutes the mare was gone seemed like hours to Rapid. His nerves didn’t calm any when she reappeared and motioned for him to follow her.

“You sister is in room four,” she said, leading him to the room in question.

“Is she in there with Rainbow Dash?” Rapid asked.

The mare gave him a confused look. “Um, no, she’s in there alone.”

Rapid’s heart skipped a beat and his steps faltered momentarily. “Why is she in there? What’s wrong?”

“Doctor Salve will be able to tell you more than I could, I’ll see that he speaks to you as soon as possible,” she said, as she stopped in front of room four.

Rapid bit back a growl and forced a nod. He mumbled a brief thanks to the mare before pushing into the brightly lit room. He froze just inside the threshold, his jaw dropping and his eyes growing wide at the site.

Spitfire was in the bed, her right wing sticking straight out and her coat matted from sweat. Her eyes fluttered open and closed without rhyme or reason and she made a muted groan of pain every few moments. A single white sheet was pulled up to her chest, offering what little comfort it could.

“S-Spits?” Rapid uttered as he cautiously approached the bed. “Sweet Celestia, Spits?”

Spitfire made a loud groan, seemingly unaware of her brother’s presence. Rapidfire felt his heart sink as he sat beside her bed.

“Spits? Can you hear me?” he asked softly.

“Rainbow...” Spitfire moaned, “gotta... get... help...”

Rapidfire took in a trembling breath, his hoof resting on top of hers. Questions flooded his mind, question to which he knew he wouldn’t get any answers for a long time with Spitfire so heavily medicated.

After a while, there was a gentle knock on the door. Rapid looked up in time to see a green unicorn with a brown mane trot in. The unicorn stallion held a manilla folder in his magical grasp, which Rapid assumed was Spitfire’s file.

“Good morning sir, I’m Dr. Salve,” he introduced himself.

“Rapidfire,” Rapid said, extending his hoof, which the doctor quickly shook, “I’m Spitfire’s brother.”

“Pleasure to meet you sir, though I wish the circumstances were better.”

“Likewise, what happened to her?”

“Your sister has what is known as a third degree muscle rupture. Now, what that means is that the muscle was pushed far beyond its capabilities and tore itself apart in mid flight, probably from the extra weight of the mare she brought in with her. Now, we can correct this through surgery, which...”

Rapidfire began to feel woozy as Dr. Salve explained the injury and procedure in further detail. His mouth became dry, his stomach twisted in knots, his equilibrium began to slip away, and darkness rapidly encroached into his vision. Squeezing his eyes shut, Rapid quickly sat down and took slow, deep breaths. Salve paused in his speech when he noticed Rapid sit.

“Uh, are you okay?” Salve asked.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m great!” Rapid insisted, “Just, you know, got a little lightheaded.”

“Do you need me to get you a wet towel and some water?”

“No, no, I’m okay!” Rapid said and he stood back up and sucked in a deep breath. “You were saying?”

“Uh, well, we’re hopeful that we can repair the rupture, we’re just waiting for a specialist on pegasus wings before we begin the surgery.”

“But, she’ll be able to fly again, right? I mean, in a few months once she’s recovered?”

“We won’t know for a while, but if we do nothing then I promise she won’t fly again so long as she lives. This operation is the best bet she’s got though.”

“W-what about Rainbow Dash?” Rapid asked.

“Beg pardon?”

“Rainbow Dash, the mare my sister brought in, is she okay?”

“Unless you’re family then I’m afraid I can’t—”

“I don’t need to know much, just please tell me if she’s okay!” Rapid demanded.

The unicorn allowed himself a quiet sigh as he contemplated the request. After a few moments of thought he locked his gaze on Rapidfire and spoke.

“I believe she was taken to the O.R. a little while ago.”

“Sweet Celestia,” Rapid whispered, instinctively taking a step back. “I-is she going to be okay?”

“... We have excellent surgeons here,” Salve answered, “they’ll do everything they can.”