• Member Since 27th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Cutie Mark Crusaders Forever!!!


A sequel to Twidark.

Everything went back to normal after Twilight Sparkle had her little "episode". And nopony got hurt. Except Pinkie, but she's gotten over it. Well there might have been a few nightmares. And therapy. Actually quite a lot of it. Most of it consisted of lots of hugging and sugar. It's not every day that your closest friend tries to torture you to death while under a curse and thinking that you're only a weird hallucination brought forth by the embodiment of all things chaotic. Some ponies might take it a bit personally.

The raging rioters also went home. Some of them actually bonded over mugs of cider and formed life-long friendships. The construction crew was found with only minor bruises and were not going to press charges. And Applejack and Rarity assure us that the CMC will make a full recovery from their burns.

But MOSTLY nopony got hurt.

But when a burning mare bearing Twilight's cutie mark walks out of the likewise burning library, flanked by two mythical creatures and shouting for her old friend, something might be off. Even by Ponyville standards.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 62 )

Sorry for the heavy moderation. I will delete all replies that contain story spoilers I find, whatever else they contain. Please don't spoil the story to others, just enjoy. :twilightsmile:

This is a sequel to my first Dark fiction, Twidark. Unfortunately this is not written in such a way that a new reader could just dive in.

All criticism, positive and negative feedback, praise and ego-bursting is all very welcome, and even expected. Should you find enough time to write a few words in the comments, I'd ask you to leave a few lines about the story itself, what worked for you, what felt off, anything.

Also a great many thanks for Tyrni and CandyQuill for the beautiful cover art commission. Find the link to their tumblr below the image.

:rainbowderp: Sequel to Twidark? Fuck yes.:pinkiehappy:

Keep going, you have my attention.

you deleted my "extremely" thought out comment?:fluttercry:...oh well...cdn.broni.es/images/emotes/mlp-pshrug.png

great first chapter, a little confusing up until the very last sentence. i wonder how twi fits in with all of this...

1583150 I tried answering you to change it so there wouldn't be spoilers, but when it got through moderation I had to. I HAD TO! I'M SO SOWWY! :applecry:

don't worry about it, didn't exactly lose something:pinkiehappy:

1583167 *sniff* Are... are you sure? You're not angry at me or anything? :fluttercry:

no, im not angry, everything is fine *awkward pat on the back*:twilightsheepish:

Sequel? I like that word, sequels are good. Fav'd and upvoted, because I really want to know what'll happen next!

I had to get an account just to comment on this.
AMAZINGFUL! :pinkiesad2:
MOAR :flutterrage:

1584452 Yeah many people asked me to continue Twidark, either in comments and PM:s. And it's a story that still has a lot to give, so grab your nuts (the salty kind), lean back and enjoy the ride.

1584973 Then let me be the first one to welcome you to FIMfiction. Drugs are on the left, hoes are on the right, so if you need to get some aspirin or do some gardening, you've come to the right place. Oh and thanks for the praise too. :twilightblush:

1585010 I have read so many sad/scary fanfics within the last 30 seconds my lower jaw is now quivering. :twilightoops:

1585128 Oh you poor thing. Go read something nicer, like

Ice Cube



You can't stay sad with those two. Also several fics in 30 secs? Damn you're good.

You have my attention. This is looking to be very interesting. Question though. Any more elderic horrors drifting about in this one? Ponythulu perhaps?

1585928 Ponythulhu, schmonythulhu. What you should really be afraid is Yarnthulhu, the enemy of all who try making sweaters! It captures little fillies in it's grasp, and if you weave clothes from it, they shall twist and turn the dimensions until anyone who sees them shall fall insane from the twisted seven-dimensional geometry.

1587458 It's from another great fic. Check out Scootamom if you haven't already. It's AU, but fun as heck.

1585168 Yeah... thanks. Right now, I think I feel content with playing MLP on my iPhone :yay:

please please please post the next chapter soon!

1633818 The next chapter and the fate of the story is kinda dim at the moment. For more info, check out my blog posts. TLDR: Flu and depressed about stuff.

Wrote something. Took me far too long, and I'm not 100% satisfied with it. Still, I got it done and it started feeling a lot better thanks to the support I got in my blog post. Maybe the next chapter will blow you away in a never-before seen show of literary mastery and verbal trapeze acrobatics (without a net). Or it might suck. We'll see. :twilightoops:

...but one thing...
There are a few errors like punctuation etc.
Also, just so you know, I know it wouldn't be right to say "the columbia blue pony," but RD isn't cyan. Try sky blue, which is closer ^.^

So Twilight's in a whole lot of trouble? I wonder what kind, considering that she's not in danger. At least not physically, so maybe something else? Can't wait for the next chapter!!

Wrote something. Took me far too long, and I'm not 100% satisfied with it.

Dont be, this fic is turning out awesome, looking forward for the continuation.
And dang it, I feel a little sorry for not commenting anything on the blog post. I kind of skipped past it as I was waiting for the episode stream, and, well, you started writing about the episode before I'd seen it, well, eh, :twilightblush: :facehoof:
Glad that you decided to continue writing though :twilightsmile:


Anyhow, as I said, this fic seems to be going steadidly forward. You've found an interesting storyline, and I'll be reading it to whichever point you decide take it - at least I think, cant think of anything now that would turn this story bad.
Its nice that Twilights friends didn't panic over Inferno showing up, one thought did just hit me writing that sentence though - They have seen Twilight turn into Inferno once before, maybe thats why they are calm-ish. ^^

Well, again, looking forward for the continuation. Twidark was a great read, this is pointing the same way, or if not higher, that's left too be seen :twilightsmile:
Liked and Faved since chapter 1 :)

1638483 They've seen her "flame out" twice yes, but actually met the pony in question? Not as much.

1638331 Yeah yeah everyone's a critic. :twilightangry2: Oh wait... that's what the site is for. :twilightoops: And RD is often said to be cyan in fics, and as I have pathological colour vision, I'll stick to that. Plus it's such a nice word... cyan... CYANNN... reminds me of cyanide, which in turn reminds me of almonds, which leads to rice porridge with cinnamon and eventually, christmas. Which is awesome awesome. Also cyan is so much shorter than True Sky Blue to type.... :twilightsmile:

1638399 Last time she was "not in trouble" enough for Inferno to intevene (Infernovene?) she was about to burn herself along with the library to get rid of a mindfuck curse. Just sayin'.

1639000 Oh please, she does that all the time so why would this time be any different :rainbowlaugh:

1639133 Hmm... meh. I'll give that one to you. :twilightblush:

great chapter! inferno seems a little "cold" (no pun intended), she's simply not entirely there emotionally in my eyes, was that a part of the plan? is she usually like that, or is she just good at hiding it (like celly)?

Maybe the next chapter will blow you away in a never-before seen show of literary mastery and verbal trapeze acrobatics (without a net). Or it might suck. We'll see.

so it's either do or die? nothing in the middle?dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_TwilightWut.png

1641564 I always go for broke, BABY!

And you caught onto Inferno's personality quite fast. There's so much more to come.

1639000 "The cyan lemonade had a distinct flavor of cyanide. 'MEH'" :rainbowderp:

I think this is a lot better chapter than the previous one. I wrote that in the dumps and still think I should probably burn it and re-write it completely. Well that's a chore for some other day. Have some dark feels and Woobie Luna.

dagnabit alright here is what you do, listen to Luna and Zecora as they give their advice, then let them plan, then afterwards follow their plans and save Twilight instead of charging in like frigging headless chickens. Which is exactly what your going to do,:facehoof: and save the day just as twilight is about to die, though if you do follow that rout I hope twi dies just to spite your stupidity.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Twilight_crazy.png


It's spelled
-YOUR stupidity
-That you are stupid
-How stupid you are
-Twilight, you're stupid..
But this mix 'n' match shit has gotta go.

Also in this context, it should be "their". No, not "they're".

Also punctuation. Learn it. Love it. Caress it. Spank it. And no using the "I not americano" -card. Neither am I.

1717579 eh I keep getting the two mixed up:facehoof: and punctuation also seems to be a major problem for me. Let me see if I can at least somewhat fix my previous post. That video was... cant stop laughing, and agreed the main six will fuck this up royally.

great chapter! this is still getting interesting.
one thing i did catch, only because i made the same mistake often before:

/.../ Night Mare Moon is no more. /.../

it's Nightmare Moon, not Night Mare Moon.:twilightsmile:

1722528 Varies. It can be either. I'd like to write it as Nightmare Moon, but I wrote it the others way around this time. son NYEEEH!:rainbowwild:

oh well, your choice:twilightsmile: what you call it doesn't really matter in the end.

1725603 Can't a man have his weekly rant and assault random people with grammar? Forsooth, ye wordes art aulder than thee and thine mother, ye cur!

Phew. Been a while since I updated since. I promise to keep a bit better schedule in the future. This chapter finally starts unraveling the things that have been happening, but of course all that the answers bring are more questions. :twilightsmile:

My stories are like ogres. They have layers and make you cry. :twilightoops:

So her name is Disco Inferno? Lol!

Now what's this about ritual sacrifices? I doubt it's a pony, probably one of Flutt's chickens, but still...

1752919 Yeah, it was the big surprise about the name. Cos it just had to be done. 70's will NEVER fade away!

great chapter!:pinkiehappy:

i feel sorry for DISCO inferno (no, not her name...seriously, i don't feel bad for her about her name...iambrony.steeph.tp-radio.de/mlp/gif/mlfw4606.gif ); knowing that every emotion you show shortens the life of the individual you're trying to save, that has to be quite depressing.
one thing that always bothers me; when ppl downplay twi's magical prowess, sure, you didn't really do that, she's merely not quite there yet but most certainly has the potential, but stilldl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_unsuresweetie_flip.png . btw; now im interested in what she was doing, this is really shaping up into quite the mystery.

and the sacrifice; i wonder if it's a child, more likely that it's an animal though; like angel or something absolutely random.

"So... you're actually... trying to protect her?

duh:facehoof: RD, always quite to act, never the one to think first.

Comment posted by Poyoarya deleted Feb 3rd, 2019

is this ever gonna be back in production?

I'm going to regret it because this hasn't been updated since 2012, but down the rabbit hole of reading I go! I'll simply spend the rest of the night staring at the ceiling coming up with my own ending!

Raiding? Bugs? As in insects? It was a joke?

In the name of you Luna, that was a horrible joke! If I got it right, she was referring to the bug killer brand 'Raid'? For some reason, that got me to laugh more than most things do though. I think my sense of humor is out of whack.:rainbowlaugh:

Why is Luna so oblivious to the events of Twi-Dark? Wasn't she a major character that explained what happened to the girls? She was there for pretty much the whole thing!

Oh, dear. Please tell me it was an animal they killed? Dear Luna don't let it be a filly!

Honestly when Inferno was holding something back from the others I thought she was going to say that Twilight had attempted suicide or something. My mind is dark like that sometimes.:twilightoops:

And 'Disco Inferno'? Wow, that song is older than I am! Not to mention its freaking catchy!

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