• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 6,894 Views, 160 Comments

The Lesson Plans of a Winning Teacher - Cloudhammer

It's never easy being the only teacher in a town like Ponyville.

  • ...

The Pony Who Just Wanted to Reflect

I woke up in pretty much the same position I’d fallen asleep in, if the crick in my neck was any indication. “Alright Cheerilee, you can do this. Just put one hoof in front of the other.” I repeated the little mantra to myself as I half rolled off the couch, and winced as my back protested. Alright, I was definitely going to get new cushions for that couch. Still muttering, I walked across the living room toward the hallway, and just beyond the bathroom. “Just gonna take things one step at a time.” As I passed the table, I noticed a plain notebook underneath it and swerved to the side. I opened it and frowned as I saw Apple Bloom’s name scrawled in the upper corner. “Well, I don’t have anything planned, I could always go by the Acres and return it...” I felt my face warm at the idea, and with a snort stamped it out. “And talk to Macintosh like a responsible adult about last night. Then I’ll go talk to Zecora and make sure everything’s alright.” My mind made up, I set the notebook on the table and continued into the bathroom.

Once in the shower, I made sure to slide the lever to warm first, then pressed the tile to start the water. I winced as the cold water briefly splashed me, but it quickly heated and I relaxed into it. As the water poured down, I shuffled a bit to get my coat completely saturated, then pressed the tile for the soap to mix in.

“I really ought to take showers more often. . .” I mused as I scrubbed down. “Can’t even remember the last time I took a long shower.” I closed my eyes as I stuck my head under the water, a pair of strong hooves gently massaged my shoulders. I could feel the soap as it washed off of me, my head draped across a strong, supportive neck. . .

I abruptly jerked back, out of the fantasy of a certain red stallion and the things I’d not mind doing together in the shower.

“Maybe I should go see Zecora first,” I muttered as I pressed the soap tile to shut it off. I let the last of the soap wash off, and carefully climbed out of the shower. Once I was dry, I walked back to my saddlebags, replaced the schoolbooks with Apple Bloom’s notebook, and trotted out the door.

The air outside was at least a little warmer than it had been yesterday, so that at least was a blessing. I trotted along the path toward the edge of town, thankful for the lack of stares at least. The grapevine had probably gotten word of my date as far as Canterlot by this point. I reached the intersection of Mane Lane and Canter Court, and started to turn right, toward Sweet Apple Acres before I caught my rebellious hooves and continued straight ahead. Soon, I found myself at the path that led into the Everfree Forest and hesitated for a moment, the low branches like gnarled claws reaching for me.

“Stop it Cheerilee. It’s just a bunch of trees. Fluttershy’s lived right on the edge her entire time here in Ponyville, and Zecora even further in. Just stick to the trail and you’ll be fine.” I took the first few steps haltingly, silently encouraging myself the whole time. When the trees didn’t reach down and snatch me up, I relaxed a hair and continued along the trail.

As the trees slowly pressed in on me, I found myself wondering what in the world would possess anypony to live out here. I don’t think anypony actually knew when Zecora had first made her home in the Everfree, just when she’d started coming into Ponyville. I still felt embarrassed about how we’d treated her before Twilight and her friends had pointed out how foolish we were being.

It was as I ducked under a low-hanging branch that a flock of birds chose to swoop out of the tree overhead. Their screeching cries sounded like the howl my mother used when she told me about the windigoes every Hearth’s Warming Eve. Ears flat, I did the only thing a self-respecting mare could do in my situation: I squealed like a filly and bolted forward along the path. My heart hammered in my chest as I blindly took the next turn, narrowly avoided a skid into a patch of blue flowers, and barreled into a clearing before I stopped.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I spotted what had to be Zecora’s hut across the clearing. Celestia knows I’d heard enough about it through Applebloom’s reports. I crossed the clearing, throat a little dry as I looked at the bizarre masks and other charms decorating the exterior. I realized I’d been standing on the doorstep for a few minutes and knocked.

A minute passed before I heard the sound of hoofsteps on wood, followed by the door creaking as it swung open. Zecora smiled warmly when she saw me. “Well hello, Miss Cheerilee. What is it that brings you to my tree?”

I returned the smile, though it felt a little forced. I had to admit, her nonstop rhyming was still something I was adjusting to. “Good morning Zecora, I’m just... well...” I fidgeted, more than a little embarrassed at bringing this up again.

Zecora seemed to pick up on my embarrassment and nodded reassuringly. “Please, make yourself comfortable. I’ll be with you as soon as I’m able.” She trotted to the low table against the far wall, where a number of jars were set out. She paused to set the lid back on one jar, gently coaxing a green tentacle back inside despite its best efforts.

I gulped nervously, trying to pretend I hadn’t seen that. “Um, thanks...” I walked across the room, making sure to give the jar a wide berth. “Well, I wanted to ask you about... about the love poison again.” I took a deep breath and tried to steady my nerves. “I... went on a date with Big Macintosh last night, and the memories... came back.”

Zecora paused in her straightening up, and nodded solemnly. “You want to be sure this is not a superficial cure. And for more than yourself--you worry for your stallion’s mental health.”

I was glad I hadn’t been drinking anything. “W-w-well, he’s not my... Anyway, I know you checked me out after Hearts and Hooves Day, but I just want to be sure, you know?”

Zecora clucked her tongue thoughtfully for a second, then smiled. “Would you like to quench your thirst, or proceed with the examination first? Either one would work for me--let me know which you prefer, Cheerilee.”

I thought about it for a few seconds. I did still want to go by the Acres, but otherwise had no plans for the day. “Some tea would be delightful, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“Don’t you worry, I’m in no hurry.” She began to open cabinets and rummage through them. “I’ll see what I have in-- ah! Chamomile, or jasmine. These are quick, though if you don’t mind a wait I have something more exotic.” She carefully slid another log onto the fire and carried over an ancient-looking kettle.

“Surprise me. I admit to enjoying new or unusual tea.” I blinked, then stifled a laugh at my impromptu rhyme.

Zecora joined in the smile. “I’ve spent many years in Equestria, but today I crave something from Zebrica.” As she added a few more herbs to the water, an oddly pleasant smell filled the room. “A rare and particular spice makes mediocre tea very nice. It’s a rare brew, as the leaves must be fairly old--but one I always enjoy as the weather turns cold.”

I nodded, though was seized by the beginnings of an idea taking root. Even with Twilight and her friends telling us she was okay, and her more frequent visits to town, it remained an unfortunate fact that Zecora didn’t have many friends within Ponyville. Maybe there was a way to change that, though. Even just teaching the class about the various herbs found within the Everfree would spice up the class a little, and a history lesson on Zebrica would be icing on the cake.

“On the topic of that disease, I find that this will clear the chest with ease. Though in my home snowfall is rare, the sickness still pops up there. For a brief duration I find that it will relieve the sensation.”

“That’s really interesting, Zecora.” I decided that asking her now was the best way to go about it. “Listen, I was wondering if I could ask you to come and do a lecture for my class? Most ponies don’t know anything about zebras, so I think it’d be fun to have the kids learn about something new that isn’t math.” I felt my conscience give me a little nudge and sighed. I at least owed her the truth. “There’s also the matter of my teacher’s inspection coming up next month, so I figure going a little off the beaten path couldn’t hurt.” I tried to chuckle, but it came out more than a little flat.

Zecora’s ears perked up and she smiled even wider. “I would be glad to speak with your students! Far too few know about the culture of my parents.” She winked. “If it helps your grade letter, then so much the better.”

I felt myself sag a little in relief and smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Zecora.”

She patted me on the shoulder. “It’s fine. Really, the pleasure is mine.” She glanced over as the teakettle started to whistle. “Excuse me, that would be the tea.”

I waited and watched curiously as Zecora deftly lifted the kettle off the fire, carried it over, and poured two cups for us. I lifted mine and sniffed at it, eyes wide as the heady aroma of the spices raced up my nose. I felt my chest relax a little as I held the breath in, and finally exhaled. “Zecora, this stuff really works! I might have to start coming out more often, unless I could trouble you for the recipe?”

Zecora frowned. “You should follow me to collect this bloom, or else it may just spell your doom. Most of the herbs are from normal flowers, but it’s the seeds from poison joke that give this brew its clearing power. Gathering and distillation takes practice and time, though the payoff is most worthwhile, I find.”

At the mention of that particular plant, I swallowed nervously. I remembered the time when Twilight and her friends had their run-in with it, and wasn’t keen on going through it myself. “I see... well, I’d love to come out more often.”

“You are more than welcome to come out,” she tried, but couldn’t quite hide the bitterness in her voice. “I would love the company when trouble is not about.”

I felt my ears fold back at the memories of the times when Ponyville had flown into a panic when Zecora came to town. “Look, I know the town apologized to you after the poison joke incident with Twilight and her friends, but I wanted to apologize again. What we did was wrong.”

Zecora waved a hoof, though her expression remained melancholic. “The mistakes and stereotypes are in the past.” She seemed to perk up. “I think I can help dispel them by speaking to your class.”

I nodded. “I know they’d love to have you. Applebloom wrote a very nice essay on you and the lesson her sister learned.”

Zecora blinked in surprise, before a smile broke out across her face. “Did she now? Bless her heart, that filly is off to a great start.” She inclined her head toward me. “Thanks to a good teacher, in no small part.”

I smiled and waved a hoof. “You give me too much credit. Applebloom is a wonderful student, I’m just helping what’s already there.”

“And helping her become a talented young mare. In spite of her impatience and pride, the door to her future is open wide. The teacher’s heart befits you, the perfect balance of patience, cheer, and wisdom too.”

I felt my cheeks burn and I ducked my head. “Well, I appreciate the compliment, thank you.” I finally took a sip of my tea, and blinked in surprise. “Oh my, this is delicious!”

Zecora took a sip from her own cup. “I'm glad for you to enjoy it as you do. This is the last of my store--I’ve been setting things aside to make more, though it may be the next moon before the poison joke is in full bloom. In keeping with its nature, the flowers are harmless in full moon’s light, and only when most would be asleep--around midnight.” She shrugged. “‘Tis a pity, the groves are a gorgeous sight.”

I nodded, but sat up straight as another idea struck me. “Zecora, you’re a genius! We could make a field trip of it for the class!”

She arched an eyebrow. “Giving my help I would not resent, but would that not require written consent? Poison Joke is dangerous to be around--exposing your students to it is a certain way to run your career into the ground.

I tapped a hoof on my chin. “Well, we’d need a couple of chaperones, but I think finding a few wouldn’t be too big a problem.”

Zecora nodded agreement. “Some older siblings or parents to help you.” She smirked. “Though if Macintosh came we’d need somepony for the two of you.”

I nearly choked on the mouthful of tea I had, and settled for spitting most of it on the floor, my cheeks burning.

Zecora laughed as she removed her hoof from covering her cup. “My, my. I can see he rather has caught your eye.”

I wiped my muzzle, and wished the heat in my face would go away. “Well, he asked me out, and I decided to give him a second chance.”

Zecora held out a small, homemade napkin with an apologetic smile. “I’m pleased you two did not let happenstance taint what could be a good experience.”

I took the napkin and finished cleaning off, a small smile on my face. “I am too.” I stared at the tea left in my cup, lost in my thoughts.

After a few seconds had passed, Zecora coughed gently. “I hate to break your reverie, but if you wish we can check for love poison rather quickly.”

I spluttered, and shot her an apologetic grin. “R-right. Of course.”

“The counter-potion is easy to brew, though it may taste foul to you. If you were me, I'd have tea on hoof, Cheerilee.” She trotted back to the arrangement of jars, including the one with the tentacle, and began to reorganize them.

I took another sip of tea, and settled for another look around the hut. I realized that potion ingredients covered nearly every free surface, and the few exposed spots had strange carved masks. I started trying to figure out their meaning, but then the memory of the jar with the tentacle reminded me that I might be better off not knowing.

Zecora deftly mixed several ingredients into a small cauldron, stirred them about briefly, then filled it with water. After a few seconds she nodded in satisfaction and poured the contents through a filter into a mug. “It is best to drink this with haste. Like most medicines, it has a terrible taste.”

I nodded, ears flat as I nervously peered into the mug. The liquid inside swirled innocuously, colored a deep reddish amber. A short laugh escaped as I glanced up at Zecora. “Sorry, just doesn’t look like I thought it would.” I lifted the mug and tossed back the contents in one go. That was the mistake, as the medicine burned its way slowly down my throat. I was reminded of the times as a filly when my mother would make me drink my cough medicine, and spluttered in much the same fashion. I coughed weakly for a few seconds and thumped my chest. “O-okay, so now what?”

“A period of waiting, though only a slight delay--not much more than the rest of the day. If Macintosh is taking his potion too, then he will be as well as you.” She refilled my tea and set out a small pot of honey with an apologetic smile. “I also think, though I am not sure, that you and he should remain apart until tomorrow and avoid each other’s allure. Separation traditions come from that age old tale due to the love poison's pull between male and female it became customary for the dress to have a veil.“

“I suppose that does make sense. I’d heard the legends when I was just a filly, but always thought it less... literal.” I shuddered a little, and it wasn’t from the aftertaste of the medicine.

“Such legends oft have a shred of truth--I remember hearing them in my youth.”

I started to nod, but froze as my brain reminded me of my plans for the rest of the day. “Actually... I was hoping to go by Sweet Apple Acres today, I need to return something of Apple Bloom’s. And I was hoping to talk to Macintosh, try to talk about last night.”

Zecora stared at me for a few long minutes, then nodded sharply. “Give it another hour, I think, and the poison’s sway will lose all power. In the meantime...allow me to mix up some of my tea.” She fidgeted slightly, ears pointed back. “And if I may impose, your company.”

I smiled. “Well, I suppose I could stay for a while longer. This tea is really good, and good tea is always better with friends.”

She smiled, and I realized it was one of the first genuine ones I’d seen on her since I arrived. “I would be glad to count you as such. I confess, I do not see them very much.”

I took another sip of tea. “I’d like that too. And I’m surprised, I would have thought Twilight and her friends would visit you more often.”

“Occasionally, though usually in crisis. Visits for visits’ sake are nicest, though I think it understandably sparse when it means venturing into Everfree.” Her eyes twitched away for a second, then back to mine.

I recognized that look from all the times one of my students was being evasive, but decided to not press it, and smiled. “Well, I’d be happy to come out and visit again.”

Her smile from before returned. “I would like that.” She took another sip of her tea.

I waited for her to finish the rhyme for almost five minutes before I realized she finally had nothing else to say, and finally had to concede that she wasn’t. I tried to stifle my shock with a chuckle and another sip of the tea.

Zecora simply smiled back as we let the morning pass us by.

I felt my nerves begin to fail as I trotted up the path to the Acres. The farmhouse was in view, and worryingly, a very familiar orange shape sat waiting on the porch. I very briefly thought about turning around and leaving, but this encounter was going to happen sooner or later. Might as well get it out of the way now.

I slowly made my up to the steps, not meeting Applejack’s eyes until I stood directly in front of her. “Good morning, Applejack.”

The silence was almost painful, until she finally took a breath. “So... yer datin’ my brother?”

I scuffed a hoof at the ground like a filly caught with the cookie jar open. “Umm... yes? I guess?”

She stared at me, her expression unreadable. “Ya guess. Huh.”

Something about her tone dug under my coat, and I flicked an ear. “I am.”

She leaned back slightly. “D’ya’ll actually like Mac, or is this just Applebloom’s ‘project’ spillin’ over?”

I shook my head. “I...” My mouth suddenly went dry and I paused, brain racing a mile a minute. This was the turning point, if I kept going there wouldn’t be any turning back. But then again, I’d already made that choice, last night. I swallowed the cotton and met Applejack’s eyes directly. “I do. And this has nothing to do with Apple Bloom. Not anymore.” I chuckled awkwardly as I remembered why I’d come out here in the first place. “Though Apple Bloom is what brings me by.” I reached into my saddlebags and dug out the notebook. “She left this behind after the sleepover.”

“That’s nice.” She stared at it for a second. “What is it?”

“Oh, just her notebook.”

“Oh.” She nodded. “Right, thanks. Cain’t have her fallin’ behind on her studies, she’s got places ta go.” After a second she inclined her head to me. “An’ she’s got the right teacher t’ take her there.”

I smiled and decided to mollify her. I didn't want to offend Applejack if she was trying to meet me halfway. “Well, thank you Applejack. But really, it’s all in Apple Bloom’s head. She just needs some coaxing to bring it out.”

She snorted. “You’re preachin’ t’ the choir on that one.” She tapped a hoof idly. “So... you and Mac.”

I felt myself fidget like a filly and took a calming breath. “Well after he asked me, I decided that I wanted to give it a real try.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “This ain’t somethin’ ya ‘try’ at, Cheer. A pony’s heart ain’t somethin’ to jus’ try out like a lesson plan. Ya do more than mess up fer a day if ya don’t get it right.”

I scowled, my ears half-folded back. “Look, do I know if this is going to work? Hay no. But... last night I was happy, and I think Macintosh was too. And I don’t want to lose that.”

“That’s just ‘cause stallions got two heads to think with.“ Applejack replied with a snort.

My scowl deepened and I stamped my hoof. “Now just hold on a minute. He may be your brother, but that doesn’t give you the right to say something like that about him!”

“Ah know mah brother well enough to wanna make sure he’s safe from himself.” Her ears finally folded back as her eyes narrowed. “‘Sides, Ah ain’t quite sure you’re good enough fer him.”

I’d had enough of Applejack’s snide remarks and tossed my head. “I remember when ‘good enough’ resulted in some baked bads...”

Applejack’s only reply was an irritable snort.

I pressed my advantage and took a step forward. “You’re not your brother’s keeper, Applejack.” Though if things actually went anywhere between us, I’d find myself in such a position. Although, that might not be such a bad thing... I quietly shook my head free of the direction it was going and looked levelly at her. “I understand your concern for him, but you’re not helping.”

She narrowed her eyes again, though some of their prior conviction was missing. “Neither did a certain potion...” she muttered.

I snorted, my temper flaring up at the reminder. “Now that’s low, Applejack. That day wasn’t pleasant, for either of us.”

She took a half-step back, glancing at the ground for a second. “Ah know. Ah just wanna make sure that his head’s clear ‘afore he goes anywhere near a mare again.” She paused. “Or a stallion. Ah ain’t in a position t’judge.”

I lifted my ears and relaxed somewhat. “Well, I visited Zecora this morning, she says there’s no trace of it left in my system. She even made a counter-potion for me to make sure... maybe she could make one for Mac?”

She nodded. “Maybe... And then a good quarantine timezone.” She tapped a hoof on her chin. “A few decades oughta do it.”

I rolled my eyes and snorted good-naturedly. “How about a few days instead?”

Applejack flinched, but stood her ground. “Months?”

At that point I knew I had her beat and delivered my ultimatum. “Days, or I’ll start considering hours.”

Applejack abruptly brightened, as if she had an idea. “Yeah, a few days oughta make sure his head’s clear. Stallions’re thicker than us mares, ya know.”

I smiled broadly. “Of course, Applejack, that’s a wonderful idea.”

She paused, just as abruptly aware of the concession she’d just made. “Consarnit...”

I felt my smile tugging wider, but folded my ears back sheepishly. “Although, I was hoping to be able to talk to Macintosh today, is he around?”

She glanced up to her left, off toward the treeline. “He’s busy. With stuff. An’ things. Y’know how farmwork goes.”

I narrowed my eyes. I may not have known Applejack all that well, but years of teaching fillies and colts had taught me how to recognize when somepony’s being evasive. “Oh?”

Applejack swallowed nervously. “Eeyup. He’s, uh.....” she glanced away from me. “not comin’ up now, honest. Fer serious.”

I sighed. “Applejack, tell me the truth.” I adopted my so-called “teacher’s voice” that hadn’t yet failed to extract the truth from any of my students

She refused to my eyes. “Ah am. Element o’ Honesty, an’ all.” Her ears started flicking in time with each other, another sign she was lying through her teeth.

I just maintained my level stare. “I teach foals for a living, Applejack. Not a week goes by I don’t get one excuse or another about missing homework. Believe me, you need to be up pretty early in the morning to get one past me. Or have free punch. One of the two.”

She twitched a hoof feebly, as if to shoo somepony away. “Pretty early, that’s how early we Apples get up. T’ get t’ work.” She raised her voice. “On th’ other side of th’ farm. Eeyup!”

Surprised I hadn’t put it together sooner, I turned around to see a familiar red stallion looming behind me. My heart started pounding faster and I began to fidget again. “H-hello Mac.” I felt my ears start to fold back again and smiled a little.

“Hullo.” He glanced down, digging his forehoof at the ground a little.

“Ou-ya, ould-shay, ot-nay, e-bay, ere-hay,” Applejack whisper-shouted from behind me. “Am-scray, o-bray.”

Macintosh shook his head. “AJ, stop. Ah’ll take it from here.”

Applejack circled around behind him and started to push him toward the house. Well, more like tried, two furrows being dug out of the dirt as she strained against him. “C’mon bro, ya need a few days t’ get over yer potion an’ stuff.”

Macintosh sighed, then sat down hard, practically crushing Applejack underneath him. “AJ...”

She struggled frantically, her voice muffled by the mountain on top of her. “Mmmnf mmf mmmrrgle!”

I could literally do nothing but stare incredulously at the bizarre sight. After he pondered Applejack’s mumbles for a second, Macintosh nodded and shifted to let her up.

Applejack awkwardly got to her hooves and snorted a clod of dirt. “Consarnit ya big lummox! It’s fer yer own good!”

Macintosh didn’t reply, but simply turned his usual stare on her.

With an exasperated sigh, Applejack stamped her hooves. “Ya need th’ counter-potion ‘fore ye’re safe for sure around mares! Even Cheerliee’s sayin’ so.”

“Ah’ll take mah chances. Redheart said ah was fine.”

“Yeah, ah bet she did,” Applejack grumbled before she tossed her head. “Fine, fine. Ah wash mah hooves, an’ all that. If’n ya’ll need me, ah’ll be in the east field. Somepony ‘round here needs to check the trees,” she continued to grumble as she trotted away.

Macintosh just rolled his eyes and dusted himself off. I could only keep staring as Applejack continued toward the treeline, though I did flinch a bit when she turned around and gave me the classic ‘I’m watching you’ gesture. Once she was sure I’d gotten the message, she turned and disappeared into the trees.

Macintosh sighed and looked back to me. “Sorry ‘bout that. S’a sibling thing, I guess.”

“Right, umm...” I finally cobbled together enough of my thoughts to remember what had brought me here, and that I was still holding Applebloom’s notebook in my hoof. “Oh, right!” I held it out to him with a smile that I dearly hoped didn’t look forced. “Apple Bloom forgot this at my house the other night. I wanted to bring it back.”

Macintosh took it, but kept that stare leveled at me. Not that I was complaining, but it still felt awkward. “And?”

I sighed in resignation. “Well, I wanted... needed to talk to you, about last night.”

He was motionless, except for a very slight fidget of his hooves.

“I just... I was having such a wonderful time, but then... the memories came back again.” I glanced at the ground, my cheeks a little warm.

“Oh.” He coughed awkwardly. “M’sorry ‘bout that again. Ah’ve talked t’ Apple Bloom, she won’t be doin’ anything like this again.”

I waved my hoof, suddenly aware of how what I said must’ve sounded. “No, that’s not what I meant. I mean, I...” I was rambling, and huffed irritably as I took a breath to try again. “I just wanted to know if... if it was really ‘us’ last night.”

“It was.” A small smile made its way onto his muzzle. “Ah’m usually that terrible, datin’ an’ all. “

I felt my smile return, along with the warmth in my cheeks, and dug a hoof at the ground. “Well, I suppose...” I tried to convince myself that I could do this. It was such a simple thing, and yet fought my efforts to say it at every turn. “Maybe... maybe trying again would be nice. You know, to make sure and all.”

Macintosh smiled. “Eeyup.” As I peered closer, I could have sworn his face was a slight shade darker red.

“Well, would tomorrow work for you? Say around five?”

He thought for a few seconds. “Five-thirty? Gonna be hot tomorrow, Ah, uh … need t’ clean up first.”

I stared, my thoughts occupied by images of him coming back from a hard day’s work. Maybe I should look into expanding my shower... I snapped out of it in time to realize I’d been staring for too long. “O-of course. Five-thirty would be just fine.” I really hoped that hadn’t come out wrong.

Macintosh snorted in amusement, then nodded and turned toward the barn. It may have been my imagination, but he seemed to be in more of a hurry than his usual steady pace.

I managed to resist the urge to facehoof. He’d noticed. Well, at least it had just been him. I turned and started to trot back into town, and noticed that I had a little more spring in my step than normal. I was definitely looking forward to tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Again, many heartfelt thanks to my editing/prereading team: Comma-Kazie, Aegis Exemplar, Chengar Qordath, Incidental Pegasus No. 5, and Ponibius. Anypony else I missed, your efforts are also truly appreciated.

And most of all, you. The readers. For sticking it out while I slacked off and wrote other things, for being so patient. It's because of you that I do this. I hope this chapter is up to the standard you expect out of me :)

Comments ( 44 )

Commence read.

Some more Cheerilee insight.

Looks like they still got along in the end.

Another awesome update is awesome.

And another'd, I guess. Good to see this live!

Yay, good to see a new chapter :ajsmug:, I like the whole jealous, over-bearing applejack! I look forward to more! :twilightsmile:

This ain’t somethin’ ya ‘try’ at, Cheer. A pony’s heart ain’t somethin’ to jus’ try out like a lesson plan.

So, blatantly misrepresenting the situation doesn't count as 'lying' apparently. Hu.

Nice update. Possessive Applejack is possessive.

"Do, or do not. There is no try."

Another solid chapter. I look forward to more Cheerilee and Applejack interactions. I want to see where all of this is going...

So far I am impressed with this, it's probably the closest I've seen to the ideal shipfic in a while. Nice slow build up, both sides somewhat hesitant considering what happen last time they went out on a date. I made a good choice with adding this is my CheeriMac group. Though I'm going to have to ask 2133810 and 2134673 this; since this run parallel to the main Winningverse stories does that mean CheeriMac is off in the background of those stories?

Yeah... Bigger shower... with a bench... bigger hot water tank... extra sudsy soap... someone stop me please.

AJ completely failing to move her brother had me laughing hard.

I have to echo the compliments, this is progressing nicely. While not my favorite Mac ship, it's been striking me for a while now as the one most likely to go canon if any ever do. The pairing of the two on the season two poster and their apparent picnic in late season three are reasonable hints to work off of.

Sweet, I have a CheeriMac group going and I am looking for new additions. Which stories or am I going to have to read them?

It's ALIVE!!! With a date on the horizon and AJ being... less than ok with all this, we're in for fun times ahead.

Ears flat, I did the only thing a self-respecting mare could do in my situation: I squealed like a filly and bolted forward along the path.

Pffffffttttt HA hahahahahahaha! Great mental image.

Even just teaching the class about the various herbs found within the Everfree would spice up the class a little.

I see what you did there. :heart:

“Not at all.” She began to open cabinets and rummage through them. “I’ll see what I have in-- ah! Chamomile, or jasmine. These are quick, though if you don’t mind a wait I have something more exotic.”

It seems like there's a missing rhyme here... Maybe replacing "Not at all" with "Don't you worry, I'm in no hurry" would be benificial.

“On the topic of colds(?), I find it will also clear the chest when one falls ill. Though snowfall is rare, the sickness still pops up there. For a brief time(?), this keeps it in line(?).”

I'd recommend changing the first sentence to "On the topic of that disease, I find that this will clear your (the?) chest with ease." And the second one to "For a brief duration I find that it will relieve the sensation."

You may want to come to me, then--the cultivation of this tea is very different.

How's about "You should follow me to collect this bloom, or else it may just spell your doom." If you do use this, I'd highly recommend italicizing the "Poison Joke" in the next line, or else it'll seem overdone.

that give this brew it’s clearing power


I am glad you enjoy it(?). This is the last of my store--I’ve been setting things aside to make more, though it may be the next moon before the poison joke is in full bloom.

"I'm glad for you to enjoy it as you do."

I would be happy to oblige, but would that not require more than a mere pass?

Perhaps "Giving my help I would not resent, but would that not require written consent?"

I nearly choked on the mouthful of tea I had, and settle for spitting most of it on the floor, my cheeks a deep shade of red.

"and had to settle" or "settled" Also, describing your own cheeks color is really weird unless it's done with them looking at a mirror or in a "I knew my cheeks must be" sort of way. Maybe "my cheeks burning"

I encourage you to have more tea at hoof, Cheerilee.

Maybe "If you were me, I'd have tea on hoof, Cheerilee." It's a bit strange, but it fits with her speech pattern, at least in my opinion.

the medicine burned it’s way slowly down my throat.


Old legends of the love poison’s pull and how it could affect male and female are a small part of separation traditions, and why wedding clothes come with a veil.“

First, the closing quote is backwards. ??? Perhaps a more rhyming version of the content would be nice?
"Separation traditions come from that age old tale due to the love poison's pull between male and female it became customary for the dress to have a veil."

And all the TwiMac and ShyMac fans cry out agonized wails of anguish. lol

Excellent chapter!

Excellent work, good pacing, great characterization.

Good, their anguished wailing lulls me to sleep at night :rainbowlaugh:

2137156 Yeah... they do the same to me. So... beautiful...

And there are all the MacDash fans out there. Their anguished cries inspire me like the 1812 Overture.

I walked across the living room toward the hallway, and just beyond the bathroom

I think you meant "and beyond that the bathroom" or something? Line confused me a little.

I would be happy to oblige, but would that not require more than a mere pass

Does not rhyme.

though I think it understandably sparse when it means venturing into Everfree

I know the rhyming words should be "understandably" and "Everfree"... but usually, the rhymes are at end of clause. "I think it understandably sparse" would be the first, and the rest the second. So it reads more sparse and Everfree, which does not rhyme.

Alright, anyway, good to see another good chapter. Liked the Applejack scene.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Nicely done Zecora there, I like it :twilightsmile:

2135923 I recommend adopting most if not all of these. Zecora's Rhyming was very hit and miss. Easily the weakest part of the story. Not out right bad, but distracting for sure :pinkiesad2:

Who's a silly pony? Who is? You is, Applejack! :ajsmug:

Yay, Zecora got a new friend! :yay:
Poison Joke tea? Hah! The joke's on the plant! It's delicious! :trollestia:

Damn, Lunamac fans aren't even worth an acknowledgement?

The whole time Applejack was giving Cheerilee the cold shoulder, I wanted Rarity to pop out of nowhere and get her flustered. Oh well, gotta settle for pig latin and Applejack giving Cherry the stink eye. Loving where this story is going, keep up the good work.

2145005 Considering that I have seen more BreaMac and ShinyMac stories than LunaMac... lol

Damn, you have a prereading team.

The scene with Zecora was very nicely done in terms of character development, though some of the couplets were stilted, to say the least. I can empathize. Zebra dialogue can be really tricky.

In any case, looking forward to more adorably awkward Cheerimac.

Never a problem, I'm a big fan of this, I can deal with any pairing that has Mac or Cheerlie, you done very well, a few errors, nothing major, really can't wait for more:twilightsmile:

CheeriMac is only logical. :raritywink:

Jealous AJ is amusing AJ.

Hmm… Last update was 5 months and 8 days ago.

As the trees slowly pressed in on me, I found myself wondering what in the world would possess anypony to live out here.

It's full of plants with all manner of useful properties, and the neighbors don't scream and faint at your presence. What's not to like?

Uh . . . I forgot to have things to say?

I really liked how the issue of the love-poison was addressed in this story. I know they brush it off pretty easily in the show, but wouldn't going through something like that be a bit more emotionally jarring?

I liked the story, good work!

It's about time Zecora got an actual friend.

...wait. hold on. that's it?
you can't just---

I hate you.
Not really. But still. That was a mean ending.

Well, when i get the inspiration for it, will come back to try and finish it :twilightsheepish:

I admit, PinkieDash isn't something I really ship (I actually prefer TwiDash :rainbowlaugh:), but I'm totally fine with it. There are actually plenty of ships that conflict with the ones I usually prefer that I can tolerate.

FlutterDash, on the other hand...

I prefer to wallow in the tortured screams of FlutterDash fans.

4328471 Funny thing... over the past year, I've become a MacDash fan lol :twilightsheepish:

4328935 lol Bane-kitteh can try... :rainbowwild:

I can understand that Applejack is protective of her brother, but she needs to relax, Cherilee is a good pony.

As a long time fan of the Winningverse, I have to say that this is a delightful addition to it, definitely seems to fit right in there. On top of that, I don't usually read Cheerilee fics, though I really should; I've always wanted to see her character explored more thoroughly, maybe because I've got immediate family who are teachers as well and so can relate to the character. That and she's pretty fun when she has shown up in the show. A shame this story's on hiatus; you've got a nice story here already, and a very good grasp of both the Winningverse and Cheerilee and Big Mac. If you do decide to return to it at some point, I for one would certainly be happy for it. Ah well, thanks for the good read thus far, and here's hoping there may be more chapters to come at some point! :twilightsmile:

I'm sad this died.

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