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My tribute to those that lost their lives due to warfare. *Salute*

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 63 )

War is ugly, nobody can deny the cruel nature of war. Yet those brave men and women faced the beast of war with all their might and strength. Let us never forget our brothers and sisters who put their lives on the line so that we wouldn't have to...let us always remember their sacrifice as we go about our daily lives...

I... I was wondering when someone would do a Veterans Day story. This is short but heartfelt and powerful. One of my OCs wishes to make a statement. *a light yellow pegasus clad in the armor of teh High Captain of the Guard steps forward*

"I, High Captain Storm Runner on behalf of the Equestria Royal Guard and the Equestria Concordiat Self Defense Forces... GUARD! ATTENTION! Present-ARMS!"

Son of a Marine, Ex Coast Guard, father of a Marine. Thank You.

1600965*Moves to attention then Present Arms*

*Manly tears* Every good soldier who dies is in heaven right now. In the real Equestria.

Comment posted by MrDenim deleted Oct 31st, 2013

Uh... not sure if this is in good taste, to be honest. I mean, My Little Pony fanfiction? Come on, dude. What the hell?

I'm generally not someone who cares about what "good taste" is, but this was impossible for me to take seriously.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Ouch.. right in the feels. Thank you for this.

1600983 ...I have honestly no idea on how to respond to that statement, not sure if you're questioning the tribute because it's in Equestria, or the fact it isn't an actual Armed Forces tribute on a site like FictionPress. Which or what is it?

Oh jeez.
This is too sad. Have all my likes and internet hugs...
... :fluttershbad:

Your words just struck me in an area very close to my heart. Take all of my feels. Every last goddamn one.


You wanted to make a tribute to people who suffered unbelievable horrors for an apathetic public and were often screwed out of their reward, and you used magical talking horses.

Let me clarify that I'm not actually offended by this. I'm not angry. I'm just... the idea that someone would seriously make this without any sort of irony and think that it was a good idea blows my mind.

I guess it moved some people emotionally, so I guess you've succeeded. When I read it, I didn't know if I should laugh or just scratch my head.

My grandfather served in the Army, I currently have two brothers-in-law serving, one in the Coast Guard and one in the Marines, and I am myself considering service in the Marines. I just want to take a moment to say thank you for writing this. It really means a lot to see someone write this. :fluttercry:

1601129 Well to each their own...

Besides, I know for a fact that there are military bronies on this site, that's the main reason why I wrote this in Equestria in the first place. Fanfiction and FictionPress aren't very active sites and I wanted this tribute to be seen by many people, not by an empty archive page.


What's not in good taste is the fact that you cannot take this seriously. The fact that someone wishes to honor the thousands of men and women who have died for this country is something to be taken very seriously, and I for one don't see any thing even remotely wrong with this post.

Life... It can be cruel, it can also be joy. In some moments it's both. Risking your life for another, that's one of the many examples of sacrifice, got it memorized? Ah, but lets get on topic, this story is a great message to others about what war can do, it can create many deaths, but most of the time it creates hell. You sir... you deserve a like. :pinkiesad2:

1601148 Oorah, Hooah, and Semper Paratus! *Salute*

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I don't really find it necessary to read your story to like and fave it.

I'm working on a multi universe cross fic which centers on an intergalactic conflict, ponies are e crucial part of my story and I have a scene that resembles this story... I have not faced the horrors of war, but i have family that has and it is not easy...:ajsleepy: all the suffering and at the end of the day you ask yourself... are you fighting for the right things, or are we just pieces to be played. "Fight for honor, fight for your life. Fight for the balance, FIGHT FOR WHAT'S RIGHT!!!" * salute*:fluttercry:

This... You really did a great job man. I've never been in the armed forces, but some of my family members have, and they tell me stories of their experiences all of the time. This was amazing.

War is not some pretty video game with pleasant visual that you can just run out on the field and go crazy on. It's real, it's disgusting, and its not pretty, real people fight our wars for us, and make the sacrifices that we aren't willing to so that we don't have to. Lives are destroyed and changed forever, and those fighting for us show a true resolve that I could never even hope to have. They don't fight for glory or a title, but for what they believe in. They make the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have so many of the things that we take for granted; their families are changed and some never return home. So I commend you sir, for writing this story dedicated to the veterans.

Damn... Makes me think of my father, who served in the Marines.:fluttershysad:
Salute to you my friend

It's the thought that counts.

Wholeheartedly agree with the motion of this story. Might even take a spot right next to When Towers Fall.

Thank you for this.
Your cover image struck me pretty hard, made each beat of my heart hurt.
I'm the one that came back alive. My high school buddies and I join the service, I was gifted enough to be top of my class, I was offered a high end tech position, nuclear power tech in the Navy. My friends joined the Marines.
So when 9/11 happened and we were all deployed, I skulked around in a nuclear submarine while my best friends fought and died for what we all believed in.
Ian C.
Joshua B.
William J.
You will never be forgotten.

Good job on the story. Reminds me of the fact I have relatives that served in the Armed Forces.

I am sorry, but I have no words of how to express my gratitude for such a tribute to the men and women in our Armed Forces. All I can say as a SSgt of the US Air Force, thank you.

Thank you so much for posting this story. It means so much on this day.

In honour of our veterans. Lest we forget.

To all who died for their country
and to veterans around the world;
both foe and friend alike.


1601129 the fact is a community like our's actually cares for such feel's. all other's are desensitized by all the uninterrupted violence they take as entertainment. Video games and violent movies are fine, but some see it so often that to see it in real life, might not be considered 'too weird'. War is not fun, all who actually learnedly this firsthand have gained my respect.

To have experienced and enjoyed such violence is either cruelty unbridled or insanity unreined.

I don't love my country, But I am every bit grateful and respectful to those who protect what I can and can't appreciate.

I hope everyone who reads this gets my feels.

just... straight in the heart.

Thank you. You sir are a wonderful person for doing this. But more importantly thank all of those serving in our armed forces. If you read this I want you to know that I love you and honor you for all that you have done. I hope you will be able to stay with your loved ones for many years to come.
All military men go to heaven, of this I am sure.

I'm shaking right now after reading this. Thak you for that. I needed it.

I'm glad that stories like this exist. It makes me happy every time I see someone who truly respects soldiers. For this, I salute you.


"On the contrary, the soldier above all other people prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war. But always in our ears ring the ominous words of Plato, that wisest of all philosophers: 'Only the dead have seen the end of war.'"

-General Douglas MacArthur, addressing the cadet class at West Point

This was a very moving story. Taps nearly brought me to tears.

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