• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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Light Angle

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Twilight finds something she forgot she had. Something that could change everything, even her very existence. It all depends on how she deals with this new knowledge.

Note: Cover image was made by me.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 9 )

Meh, poor grammer, a few spelling errors, but it's an interesting idea, more detail would help the story greatly.

Hurray for mistaken identities! :facehoof:

She's a villan from the older Doctor Who episodes. Only actually showed up in two official ones ("The Mark of the Rani" -S22 Ep3, and "Time and the Rani"- S24 Ep1).
She was more into actual mad science and experimentation then scheming (The Master) or adventuring (The Doctor).
Best known for calling The Master out on the craziness of his plans and kneeing him "down there".

2578172 One of the classic Doctor Who villain, The Rani is a fictional character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. She was played by Kate O'Mara.[1] The word "Rani" means "queen" in the Hindi language,[2] and "The Rani" follows the naming convention for other renegade Time Lords, such as "The Doctor," "The Monk," "The War Chief," "The Corsair," and "The Master."
The Rani is a renegade Time Lord,[3] an evil scientific genius whose villainy comes not from the usual variety of lust for power and suchlike, but from a mindset that treats everything (including morality) as secondary to her research; she has been known to enslave entire planets such as Miasimia Goria in order to have a ready supply of experimental subjects and a place to carry out her experiments uninterrupted. Her major interest is in tinkering with other species' biochemistry — she was exiled from Gallifrey after some of her lab mice, as a result of an experiment, grew to enormous size and ate the President's pet cat, and according to The Master, "took a chunk out of him too". A past relationship between the Rani and the Doctor is hinted at[citation needed] but was never elaborated upon, although it is established they are the same age.
The Rani was, like the Master, intended as a recurring foe of the Doctor, but only appeared in two serials, The Mark of the Rani and Time and the Rani, before Doctor Who went off the air in 1989. The Rani also appeared as the principal villain in Dimensions in Time, a Doctor Who charity special created for Children in Need. She was intended to appear in another serial entitled Yellow Fever and How To Cure It but the show was put on hiatus and the serial was cancelled.

3742820 Which doctor number not name my dad know more of the older doctor who shows i only know 9th? he was the one who met rose and regenerated shortly afterward in to David Tennet

P.S. One n or two in tennet

The Doctor in "The Mark of the Rani" was Six (Colin Baxter).
"Time and the Rani" is the episode where Six regenerates into Seven (Sylvester McCoy).

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