• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 18,235 Views, 488 Comments

Her Knight in Shining Scales - The Dragon Warlock

Spike finds a book that reveals Twilight's true feelings for her number one assistant.

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Her Dragon: Part 2

The next three days were some of the longest and tedious for Twilight. Although she kept telling Dr. Stable she was feeling better, the tan unicorn insisted on keeping her in the hospital for a few more days. Whenever she wasn’t sleeping or eating, Twilight had to undergo some physical and mental evaluations to prove the concussion didn’t have any long term side effects. The only thing that kept Twilight from going over the edge was seeing Spike again and letting him hold her. Whenever she looked out her room’s window, she could see in the distance of town the tall library tree and sighed in content as she knew Spike was waiting for her there.

Finally, on her fourth day in the hospital, Twilight was given one last check up by Dr. Stable. While the process only took no more then a half hour, the lilac unicorn wanted nothing more then to leave. The tan unicorn finished writing down something on his clipboard and looked up at her with a smile. He left for a few minutes and returned with a tray of food that included apples, some orange juice, and some eggs and toast. Nurse Redheart came in immediately after the doctor and was carrying Twilight’s clothes in her arms and placed them on her bed.

“Everything checks out for you Miss Sparkle,” he said. “Your tests show no sign of any trauma or mental issues from the concussion. All I ask for you to do now is eat up and get dressed before you leave.”

“What about my friends?” Asked Twilight. “Are they waiting in the lobby for me?”

“I have no idea Miss Sparkle, but you can go see them after you’ve eaten and are dressed. Don’t worry about the tray after you’ve finished eating, Nurse Redheart here will take care of it. We’ll leave you alone so you can eat and get dressed in private. I hope you have a good day Miss Sparkle and I’ll see you for your follow up appointment in three weeks.”

Dr. Stable and Nurse Redheart both shook Twilight’s hand and they both left to leave her alone. The lilac unicorn wasted no time and quickly ate her food and drank her juice. She removed the green gown she was wearing and put on her clothes and winter gear and left the room. Twilight gave one last wave to Dr. Stable before turning to the entrance double doors to the lobby and ran towards them.

She opened the doors, but as she looked around the deserted room, she couldn’t see her friends. She looked down and sighed as she realized that they all probably weren’t aware of her being released today. As she looked down. Twilight saw right in front of her a piece of paper with a red arrow pointing towards the hospital’s exit. She heard a door closing and looked up to see more arrows on the floor that were leading out to town. Twilight began to follow the path of arrows and went out the doors to Ponyville.

The lilac unicorn made her way through the snow covered streets and continued following the arrows that lead to the center of town. After nearly spending a half hour of carefully walking through the slick streets, Twilight came across the last arrow and looked up to see where they were all leading to. She saw, to her bewilderment, the Ponyville Library right in front of her, but there were no lights on or anything. She cautiously opened the door and saw nothing but darkness inside the place.

“Um . . . hello?” Asked Twilight as she stepped in. “Spike, are you here?”

The lights suddenly came on and a group of voices shouted, “SURPRISE!”

Twilight jumped and looked around to see her library was transformed. There were purple and green balloons and streamers everywhere, a large table that was crowded with various sweets, pies, and drinks, a large DJ set with Vinyl Scratch sitting behind the table, and a banner was hanging from the ceiling that read, CONGRATULATIONS SPIKE AND TWILIGHT!. The entire room was crowded with various ponies from town who were all smiling at Twilight. Standing in the middle of the room were all of Twilight’s friends and Shining Armor, but her attention focused more on Spike, who was wearing a black tuxedo and smiling at her.

“Welcome home Twilight,” said the dragon. “I hope you like what we set up for you.”

“But . . . but how did you all even know?” She asked. “I didn’t even tell you all when I was going to be released from the hospital.”

“That’s because of me!” Shouted Pinkie.

“Let me guess, Pinkie Sense?”

“You betcha! It was wobbly knees and chattering teeth that told me you were going to be let out today! So I got all our friends together and your brother to come together to celebrate!”

“I . . . I don’t even know what to say.”

“Don’t try to sugarcube,” said Applejack. “For now, I think y’all got yourself a dragon to be with.”

Twilight nodded and went over to Spike. She looked up at him and pulled him in for a hug that lasted for a minute they broke off. Twilight snuggled up to him and let Spike hold her in his arms. She couldn’t help but let some tears of joy trickle down her face as she was being held by the dragon.

“Twilight?” Asked Spike.

She looked up and asked, “What is it Spike?”

“I promised myself something when I realized how I felt about you. I said I would never leave you feeling alone and abandoned ever again. And I will forever keep that promise to you.”

Spike slowly leaned in and kissed Twilight on the lips. The lilac unicorn closed her eyes and returned the kiss as well. Spike could taste some sweet berries and the aroma of lilacs filled his nose. Twilight, on the other hand, tasted some minerals that most likely originated from his habit of eating gems, but didn’t care about it. The two stayed like this for what seemed to be an eternity and didn’t hear the clapping from the other ponies who were in the room. After a minute passed, Spike and Twilight broke the kiss and looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

“Alright everypony!” Shouted Pinkie as she popped up next to Vinyl. “Let’s party!” The crowd let out a cheer as the music began playing and the floor was soon occupied by various ponies dancing.

Spike looked at Twilight and asked, “Shall we dance?”

“I’d love to Sir Spike,” said the lilac unicorn.

“Sir Spike? Where did you even get that name from?”

“Oh come on Spike, I’ve heard you say that name in your sleep when you were dreaming about Rarity. You kept saying that Sir Spike was here to save you. Besides, the name fits you perfectly after the way you saved me.”

“Well then let’s hit the dance floor then, Lady Twilight.” She couldn’t help but giggle a little. “Hey, if you can give me a nickname, then I think you deserve one that fits you as well.”

“You have a point there. Now come on, I think it’s time we caught up on some time together.” Twilight led Spike to the open area and danced the night away with her dragon.

For the next several hours, the library was shaking from the music and the dancing going on. During the party, Twilight and Spike ran into several of their friends, even some who had loved ones of their own at the party. Cheerilee and Big Macintosh congratulated Spike and Twilight and wished them a happy life together. Applebloom and Snails patted Spike on the back and said they were happy for what happened.

“Twily! Spike!” Shouted a voice.

They both turned around to see Shining Armor with a grin on his face.

“What’s going on Shining Armor?” Asked Spike.

“I let mom and dad know about your relationship with one another.”

“So . . . how did they take it?” Asked Twilight. “I know they’ll want an explanation, but I hope they aren’t upset or anything.”

“Well I got their message this morning and mom and dad say it’s a little strange to see you two as a couple. However, they say that they’re very proud of you and wish they could be here instead of being on vacation in Vanhoover. They will want to talk to you all about it, but they’re happy to see you have found that special somepony, or in this case dragon.”

Spike and Twilight hugged one another and the dragon said, “Thanks for telling us Shining Armor. I can’t wait to see them again and let them know about what happened.”

“Ah think nothing of it,” said the white stallion. “I’m just glad to know my sister chose a dragon who’s brave, strong, and knows how to treat a mare. I wish you all the best of luck with your life together. Now I have to get back to Canterlot to continue training some new recruits. Captain Steel Hoof says he needs me to help deal with some troublesome newbies.” He gave Spike a brohoof and his sister a hug before turning back and heading out the door.

The party went on well into the night and continued until it was nearly midnight. Everypony eventually started to leave and said farewell to Spike and Twilight before leaving. Vinyl Scratch soon packed up her equipment and left, but not before giving a short congratulations to Spike and Twilight.

Eventually, only Twilight, Spike, and their friends were remaining and were all cleaning up the mess from the party. Rarity and Twilight used their magic to gather the trash and place it all in the garbage can. Pinkie and Applejack both helped store the extra food in the refrigerator and swept the room up. Fluttershy and Rainbow flew around to take down the streamers, balloons, and the banner and put them all in another garbage can. Spike helped gather any trash and debris that was missed and put it all in the trash. The library was soon back to how it looked before with its shelves nice and tidy and the floor sparkling. The group all looked at each other with tired smiles on them and nodded to one another.

“Well this party has been a real hoot and all, but I think it’s time to hit the hay,” said Applejack with a yawn. “I’ll see y’all in the morning.” The farmer pony buttoned up her jacket and went out the door.

“That sounds like a good idea,” replied Fluttershy. “I know Angel is probably waiting for me to fluff his tail and I need to check up on him before it’s too late. Good bye and congratulations again Spike and Twilight.” The yellow pegasus waved farewell and left.

“I’ve got an early shift at Sugarcube Corner,” said Pinkie. “I’ll see you girls tomorrow after I get off.” Pinkie ran out the door and disappeared into the night.

“This was quite a good party, but a lady does need her rest.” Rarity looked out the window and saw it was starting to snow again. “It’ll take me a little while to get back with this snowstorm, but I’ll manage it.”

“Hang on there Rarity,” said Rainbow. “I’ll help get you home quickly before I head home. I can’t stop the snow this time, but I can probably fly you to your house.”

“My goodness Rainbow, that is quite generous of you.”

“I’m just looking out for you like my other friends. Besides, I can quickly fly to my house from yours since it’s not too far away.” Rainbow picked up Rarity and looked at her. “Just hold on tightly and you’ll be back before you know it.” She turned to Spike and Twilight. “I’ll catch you guys later and congratulations again. Now that I really think about it, you two do look kind of cool together. Later you two.” She carried Rarity out and flew off into the night with her.

Spike and Twilight were the only ones left now and looked at each other with smiles. “I guess I’ll take the trash out to the outside garbage can,” said Spike. “Why don’t you go get some rest Twilight? You’ve had quite an ordeal these past couple of days.”

“It’s okay Spike, I can . . .”

“I insist Twilight, I can handle all this for you. I’ll be in bed after I take the trash out and lock up the library.”

The lilac unicorn smiled and kissed him briefly on the lips. “Alright, but don’t take too long now. I need your help with something upstairs.”

Spike nodded and waved goodnight to Twilight as she went up the steps to their bedroom. The dragon turned around and picked up the trash bags that were left on the floor and carried them out to the bin. When he was finished, he spent the next couple of minutes locking up the door and windows of the library as well as turning out the lights. At last, Spike was ready for bed and went up the steps to the bedroom.

When he opened the door, Spike saw something that made him freeze in place and his jaw dropped. There kneeling on a large bed was Twilight, who was wearing nothing but transparent black lingerie, the Fire Ruby necklace, and small rounded glasses on her face. She gave him a lustful smile and winked at him. The door was suddenly closed by Twilight’s magic, causing Spike to break out of his trance.

“T-Twilight? W-what are you . . . how . . .?” Spike tried to get something out, but was speechless by what he was seeing.

“Spike . . . there’s one last thing I need your help,” said Twilight in a lustful tone. “There was one specific section in my book about dragons that I never got to write about. It involves mating with dragons and I’d love to find out more about it firsthand.” She used her magic to levitate Spike and bring him over.

“Um . . . Twilight . . . I . . .” Spike’s face turned a deep red.

The lilac unicorn placed a finger on his lips and said, “Shhh . . . don’t say a word Spike. Let me reward my assistant and knight for all his dedication and hard work.” She pulled Spike into her arms and the two collapsed onto the bed. For the rest of the night, the library echoed with sounds of pleasure and moans.

The following morning, Spike and Twilight each took separate showers from what happened last night. While Twilight was showering, the dragon decided to fix up a stack of pancakes and some apple juice for him and the lilac unicorn. When Twilight came out in the kitchen, wearing a purple nightgown, she gave Spike a kiss on the forehead.

“Good morning Spike,” she said and took a whiff of the food. “Mmmm I love it when you make breakfast. You’re certainly better than me that’s for sure.”

“Aww stop it Twilight. I’m sure I can help improve your cooking skills and teach you everything you know.”

“I would love that Spike. So, what’s on the agenda for today? I was thinking that we probably just lounge around the library and do some reading together.”

“Speaking of reading, you’re going to like this.” Spike handed a newspaper to Twilight and read the front page headline.


The mystery behind the disappearances of eight ponies finally came to a somber conclusion yesterday. Three young adult dragons, Garble, Matchstick, and Boiler, were all convicted of the kidnapping and murder of eight ponies who went missing. A key witness in the case, a unicorn magician who loves to refer to her own name, helped the prosecution in convicting the trio of dragons for what they did. According to said witness, whose name will not be released, the dragons were going to take her and eat her. The prosecution managed to convince the jury that this is what happened to the other eight ponies, despite a significant lack of evidence. Princess Celestia herself decided to deliver the punishment to the dragons for trying to kidnap and kill her apprentice, Twilight Sparkle. The princess decided to turn all three dragons into stone statues and be locked away in a secluded location. Where it is, the princess didn’t say, but in a statement, she told the public that those dragons will never set eyes on another pony ever again.

Twilight put the paper down and let out a sigh of relief. “Well at least we won’t have to worry about seeing those dragons ever again. What do you think of this Spike?”

Before Spike could get a word out, there was a knock at the door. “I’ll go get it,” he said. Twilight waited for a minute before Spike came back with two pink letters in his hand. “Looks like we’ve got a change in plans.”

Twilight took one of the letters and read it with Spike.

Hiya Twilight and Spike!

The girls and I are all going to the Ponyville Lake today for some ice skating! Come on down and let’s forget these winter blues with a little fun!

Hope to see you all soon!

Pinkie Pie

“I’m not so sure about this,” said Spike.

“You don’t have to worry about anything,” replied Twilight. “I’ve already told Rainbow to cut it out with that Winter Wrap Up joke. I know you still feel pretty upset about it, but I promise that everything will be better this time around.”

Spike took in what Twilight said and nodded a minute later. “I’ll trust you on this Twilight. I’ve never tried ice skating before anyway and it sounds like fun.”

Twilight smiled and said, “Well let’s get a move on then.”

After cleaning up the dishes, locking Owlowiscious and Peewee in their cages, and getting their winter gear on, Spike and Twilight both went out the door and headed for the lake. Twilight held onto Spike’s hand and snuggled against his arm as they walked down the road. The dragon smiled a little and kissed her on the cheek. As they both approached the lake, Spike and Twilight could see their friends skating on the frozen ice above it. Spike let out a loud whistle that caught the attention of the others and they all rushed over to them.

“I’m totally glad you two could make it,” said Pinkie. “Are you two lovebirds ready for some fun on the ice?”

“Uh . . . sure, just give me a minute please,” stated Spike as he was trying to put on a pair of purple skates. He fiddled around with the laces for a few minutes until he finally had them properly secured. He stood up, but nearly tripped as the skates were making him hard to stand up straight. Twilight caught him just as he was about to fall over. “How do you all even stand up in these things?”

“It takes some getting used to,” replied Twilight. “I’ll help you lead you over to the lake and we’ll get started.”

“Wait, I thought you didn’t know how to skate. You remember what happened the last time you tried to, right?”

“Pinkie’s been giving me lessons and I’ve been improving as a result. I’m still trying to get the hang of it, but I’m confident I’ll do fine.” Twilight led Spike over to the lake slowly and helped him get onto the ice. “That’s it Spike, you’re doing just fine. Just keep your balance and you’ll soon . . .”

“Hey Spike, watch out!” Shouted Rainbow. “That ice is going to crack and you’ll fall in!”

The dragon yelped and quickly scurried off the ice before it broke off. A few seconds later, he heard Rainbow laughing and was on the ground.

“RAINBOW!” Scolded Twilight. “I thought I told you to stop doing that to Spike!”

The blue pegasus stopped laughing and got up. “Ah come on Twilight, Spike knows I’m only fooling with him. If he was in danger, I would’ve saved him from the cracking ice.”

“Well you fooled me again,” spat Spike. “Can I go home now? I’d rather not . . .”

“No Spike,” said Twilight. She turned to Rainbow. “Well Rainbow, you still think this is all some sort of joke or something?”

“Twilight, take it easy now, okay? It’s not like I was going to crack or destroy the ice or anything.”

Twilight looked at her friend and saw her pants were a little bit loose. Smirking to herself, she said, “Alright Rainbow, if you find that funny, then you’ll be howling at this.”

“Howling at what Twilight?” Asked Rainbow. Unknown to the blue pegasus, the back of her pants were being pulled by her friend’s magic. “Hey, is it me or does it feel colder?” She suddenly felt something very cold drop inside her pants.

The field echoed with a deafening scream that caused some of the trees to shake and send the snow on their branches to the ground. Rainbow ran around the field with her eyes bugged out as she gripped the back of her pants. She collapsed to the ground and rolled around as the cold feeling on her rump pained her. After a couple of minutes, she stopped rolling around and laid on the ground shivering.

Twilight used her magic to levitate Rainbow and bring her face to face. “Rainbow, I know what I did was harsh, but after the way you’ve been treating Spike, you needed to learn to treat him like one of us. Now I want you to promise me something right here, right now.”

“W-w-what is i-it?” Asked Rainbow as her teeth chattered.

“First of all, you will apologize to Spike over how you’ve been treating him. Secondly, you will never bring up that incident with him falling asleep on the ice again or joking about it. If you do, you’ll be getting snow in a lot more places than your flank.”

Rainbow nodded and looked over at Spike. “S-s-s-s-sorry S-S-S-Spike, I d-d-didn’t mean to b-be that way to y-you. I-I promise to never j-joke about that incident a-a-again.”

“That’s better now,” said Twilight. “You can go now and warm yourself up.” She released her hold and the sky blue pegasus flew off in a heartbeat.

Spike looked over at Twilight with a shocked expression on his face. “Wow Twilight, what got into you all of a sudden?”

“I’m sorry you had to see that Spike, but Rainbow needed to realize that you were tired of being reminded of that incident.”

“I have to agree with Twilight,” said Applejack. “Her joke about what happened to ya was becoming older than Granny Smith.” The others nodded along with Applejack.

Spike smiled and said, “Thank you Twilight. I guess I owe you one now.”

“You can make it all up by skating with me,” she said as she grabbed his hand.

The dragon looked at her and nodded. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Spike and Twilight both stepped onto the ice and slid across it on their skates. Spike held onto Twilight and looked at her with a smile of his own. As the two skated together, their friends were watching with smiles on their faces. Twilight looked at Spike and realized that no matter what happened now, he would be there for her, her knight who saved her many times, she finally had her dragon.