• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 1,317 Views, 44 Comments

Geometry - ADRNEL

Sometimes geometry can be complicated, especially when applied to relationships.

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Seventh Degree

One week later...

Things have been improving since the party, Fluttershy apologized to Rarity for her actions and Rarity forgave her, but no improvement has been made between Rarity and Applejack, mostly due to the fact that Applejack is being stubborn.

At the library, Twilight has gathered Dash and Pinkie, Fluttershy is busy taking care of her animals today, to come up with a plan to get Rarity and Applejack to work things out between them, but are struggling to come up with one.

"Come on, we need to find a way to get them to work out their problems, anypony with ideas?" said a concerned Twilight. Dash just shakes her head no.

"Uh, I have an idea!" exlaims an excited Pinkie Pie. Twilight doesn't listen.

"If we don't come up with an idea soon, they'll never speak to eachother again." urged Twilight to her friends.

"I have an idea!" exclaims Pinkie Pie, trying to get Twilight's attention.

"Plus, my date with Time Turner is tonight, so we only have a limited amount of time to fix this, if only somepony has an idea-" her despair is interrupted by the room going dark and a spotlight being cast on her. She then looks up to see a shocking site; Pinkie Pie dressed as an angel, complete with wings and a halo, playing a harp and slowly descending from the ceiling.

"Twilight Sparkle, I have an idea~!" sang Pinkie Pie in a heavily voice.

The lights turn back on again, revealing a rope tied around Pinkie Pie, suspended from the ceiling, high enough to be off the floor, but low enough to be in eye contact with Twilight. Twilight and Dash just give strange looks. "Ugh, what is it?" sighed Twilight, willing to hear Pinkie out.

"Why don't we trick Rarity and Applejack to come to the library, then, we lock them in the basement and keep them there until they work things out!" revealed a smiling Pinkie.

"It's better than nothing." responded Dash. Twilight just gives a frustrated sigh.

"Fine, we'll go with Pinkie's plan," announced a defeated Twilight. "Dash, get Applejack, while I get Rarity, and we meet back here." Twilight orderd, they both gallop out of the library, inadvertently leaving Pinkie alone, still tied up and suspended off the ground.

"Can somepony get me down?" asked Pinkie, stuck.

In the Royal castle in Canterlot, Princess Celestia is at her desk doing her paperwork, when her secretary walks in holding a letter with her magic.

"You have a letter from a Mr. Time Turner, your highness." announced the secretary. Celestia knows who that is, it's her top student Twilight's coltfriend. Celestia takes the letter with her magic and opens it. The princess quietly reads the letter to herself, but her expression quickly changes to happiness. She finishes reading and puts down the letter.

"Wake my sister and tell her to make some of her moonshine, we're celebrating tonight!" ordered a happy Celestia to the secretary. The secretary trots off while Celestia takes out a piece of paper and begins writing.

Permission granted was all Celestia wrote down before using her magic to send it.

Big Mac is walking down the path towards Fluttershy's cottage to help her out with taking care of the animals, he has been going over to her cottage a lot lately, mostly to make it up to her for ignoring her feelings for him and to help her face any issues she's having. He makes it to the cottage and knocks on the door, the door opens to reveal Fluttershy, looking forward to seeing him again.

"Oh, hey, glad you made it, I'm planning on building a new chicken coop today and I would greatly appreciate the help." said a greatfull Fluttershy. Big Mac couldn't tell if she was being flirty or if he's overthinking it.

"Eeyup." Big Mac simply said.

"Great! I'll show you around back, all the tools and instructions should be there waiting for you." said Fluttershy, leading him to the back.

Big Mac sees serval pieces of lumber, tools, and instructions. Big Mac is not a great builder, but he does get the job done well. "I'll be inside taking care of the animals, but if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." explained Fluttershy, blushing from being around Big Mac.

"Eeyup." responded Big Mac, quickly getting started, happy to help her out.

Fluttershy walks back inside her cottage, leaving him alone. "See mother, he's not doing this to rut me, he's doing this because he cares about me." Fluttershy says to herself, smiling.

"So, why are we goin' t'the library again?" asked Applejack to Dash, who's leading her to the library.

"Twilight wants us to help her out get ready for her date with Time Turner tonight." lied Dash, Applejack must not know that Rarity will be there.

Dash and Applejack finally reach the library and enter. "Twilight, we're here!" announces Dash. Applejack looks around only to be met by Pinkie Pie and...Rarity. Applejack and Rarity look at each other.

"WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?" they both said at the same time, pointing to each other.

Suddenly, both Rarity and Applejack are enveloped in a purple aura and are lifted off the ground and pushed down the basement, with the basement door closing and locking behind them. Dash and Pinkie turn to see that it was Twilight who used her magic on them to do that.

"What's going on here?" yelled Rarity from the basement.

"You two are going to be locked down there until you work things out." explained Twilight. It wasn't her idea, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

"But what if we need t'use th' bathroom?" asked Applejack from the basement.

"Then I suggest you start working things out." stated Twilight. She then turns to Dash and Pinkie. "While i'm off on my date, I need you two to stay here and keep watch." she explains. Dash and Pinkie nod in agreement.

In front of the Ponyville clock tower, Time Turner is pacing back and forth, wearing his tie and waiting for Twilight to show up, to preoccupied to notice storm clouds gathering overhead. He then sees Twilight trotting towards him, happy to see him again.

"Sorry I'm late, I had some stuff to take care of." apologized Twilight.

"That's quite alright, as long as you're here." assured Turner, "Are you ready for the date?" he asks.

"Of course!" said an eager Twilight, "but what are we doing?" she questioned.

"We're having dinner, and not just any dinner, but dinner in my favorite place in Ponyville...the clock tower." happily announed the stallion, pointing to the clock tower they're standing in front of. Twilight has never been inside the clock tower before, but knows that Time Turner always visits it to due his early morning daily inspections to make sure everything is running perfectly and to maintain it.

Time Turner opens the main access door to the tower and leads Twilight inside. "Welcome to my world." chuckled Time Turner.

After walking up the spiral staircase inside, the couple comes across a room just below the clock works. Time Turner opens the door to reveal a room, about the size of a large storage unit with nothing but a dinning table with all its place settings on it, a refridgerator and kitchen cupboards, and a cot. "What is this place?" asked Twilight.

"This is where I take my breaks or sleep whenever I need to do massive repairs." explained Time Turner. "My home away from home I call it." Time Turner then happily walks over to the only window in the room, behind the table, and opens it to reveal a nice view of the Equestrian hillside. "You can see the sunset from here." said the stallion. Twilight is in awe at the view outside, apart from the storm clouds in the sky, you can see for miles from the vantage point. "I thought we'd have a simple dinner together this time, just the two of us, since we had that massive party last week." Turner explains.

Twilight is touched, she knows the date isn't much, but at least they get to spend time alone together.

In the basement of the library, Rarity and Applejack are just sitting around doing nothing, not daring to speak to eachother, until Rarity finally decided to break the silence.

"I'm sorry." sighed Rarity, with sincerity in her voice.

"What did yo' say?" asked Applejack, making sure she heard her correctly.

"I'm sorry." said Rarity, more forcefully. "I'm sorry that I used your brother like that, I just wanted for both of them to be happy, but I guess I ruined it." humbily explained Rarity, her head down in shame.

"If anypony deserves t'worry about mah brother's happiness, it should be me." explained Applejack.

"I know that, but I always see him pining for Twilight and ignoring Fluttershy's feelings for him that I felt compelled to get involved and set Big Mac up with a mare that ACTUALLY has feelings for him." defended Rarity, feeling sorry.

Applejack is touched to hear that somepony actually cares about the feelings of her brother and friend. She walks up to Rarity and sits next to her, rubbing her back with reassurance. "Ah knows yo' meant well Rares, but maybe yo' sh'd've taken a diffrent course of action, o' at least git me involved in yer plan." Applejack explains, she then sighs. "Ah's sorry fo' what ah said at th' party, ah guess mah concern fo' mah brother an' th' alcohol caused mah patience t'wear thin." apologized Applejack.

"That's okay, I promise, I'll never play matchmaker again." responded Rarity.

"An' ah promise never t'give yo' a reason yo' suck speech while drunk ever again." said Applejack. They both hug eachother, happy to reach an understanding.

At Fluttershy's cottage, Big Mac has just finished putting up the final wall to the chicken coop, now all it needs is a roof. He then notices dark storm clouds overhead, with the winds picking up.

"Big Mac, get inside, a bad thunderstorm is coming!" announced Fluttershy from the kitchen inside. Big Mac knows that she's right, so he stops what he's doing and gets inside the cottage.

"I think it's best that you stay here until the storm passes." explained Fluttershy, not wanting to see the stallion caught in the storm. As soon as she says this, the sound of thunder roars and it begins to rain heavily.

"Eeyup." agreed Big Mac, looking outside from the kitchen window, although his sister will be worried about him, but there's nothing he can do.

"I know, I'll make us some hot chocolate and we can maybe pass the time by getting to know each other." said an anxious Fluttershy, happy and nervous that Big Mac will be spending sometime here for a while.

"That's mighty kind of yo'." responded Big Mac to her nice gesture as Fluttershy begins to make the drinks.

At the clock tower, Time Turner is struggling to close the window as the winds howl and rain falls. It wasn't until Twilight used her magic that the window was finally closed and locked. The couple have just finished eating their simple dinner together just as the storm hit.

"Looks like we'll be here for a while." nervously said Time Turner, not excepting this.

"That's okay, I would rather stay here than face that storm." said Twilight, using her magic to light some candles so they can see. Time Turner just smiles.

"Don't worry, there should be some snacks in the refrigerator and cupboards." pointed the stallion, "and there's a small bathroom at the bottom of the stairs."

"Good to know." responded Twilight, with a grin as she goes back to the table and sits. Time Turner has been thinking a lot about his relationship with Twilight and knows in his heart that they'll stay together forever no matter what happens. After the party, he began to think about his future with her. He enjoyed the thought so much that he wanted her to be with him forever, in love and happy. This quickly inspired an idea that would change everything.

"Listen, Twilight," this catches Twilight's attention. "Ever since the party, I've been thinking about our relationship and how wonderful it was and felt bad in turning you down." carefully explained Time Turner as he walks up to Twilight.

"That's okay, I under-" Time Turner just cuts Twilight off.

"It's not that," assured Turner. "It's just that I felt bad in turning you down, that I decided to make it up to you with a promise, a promise that will mean a lot to me if you agree to keep." he explains.

"And what is it that you want me to promise?" asked Twilight, not sure what to expect.

Time Turner then takes one of Twilight's forelegs and stares into her eyes. "Promise me that we'll spend the rest of our lives together, promise me that we'll grow old together no matter what happens, promise me..." Time Turner begins to cry and choke up. "...that you'll take my hoof in marriage." Time Turner then grabs a brown and gold flower with his mouth from the flower vase on the table and presents it to a stunned Twilight. "Will you do that?" he pleadingly asks, with tears of joy in his eyes.

Twilight is at a lost for words. "But...I don't think I'm ready for marriage." answered Twilight.

"We don't have to get married now, it's just a promise that we'll get married someday, whenever you're ready to." explained Time Turner.

"But what about my family and Princess Celestia, how are they-" Time Turner interrupts her.

"I've already got their approval, I even have their responses and congradualtions if you want to see them." assured the stallion to his stunned fillyfriend.

"Even from Celestia?" asked Twilight, a little skeptical.

"ESPECIALLY Celestia." smiled Turner. Twilight thinks about it more and begins to cry. Time Turner takes that as a "no" and just looks down in shame and spits out the flower from his mouth.

"I understand...I guess I came on strong." said a defeated and shamed Time Turner, until he suddenly sees the flower enveloped in a purple aura and begins floating, Time Turner follows as the flower as it floats above him and lands on Twilight's ear. Time Turner is confused.

"Those were tears of joy, silly." said a smiling and crying Twilight. "Of course I'll spend the rest of my life with you, of course I'll grow old with you, and of course I'll marry you someday."

Time Turner just smiles. "GERONIMO!" yelled Time Turner to the ceiling as he then embraces Twilight. They both hold each other, crying happily into each other's shoulders.

"I love you Turner." said Twilight. "I love you too, Twilight." responded Time Turner. They then proceed to kiss passionatly and start making-out with each other. They drop to the floor and continue their kissing, until Twilight stops it.

"Wait, I don't want this to go far." said Twilight, not wanting to make Time Turner uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, now that I know we'll be together forever, I think I'm ready." answered the stallion in his cheeky tone, he's more certain about this than anything. All parts of his brain in agreement that he should rut her and everything will be okay in the end.

Twilight just smiles as they resume kissing eachother.

"We're stuck here for the night!" exclaims Rarity, after being told that there's a severe storm outside.

"Well, it's kind of dangerous to go out, so I guess we'll be staying here until the storm passes in the morning." explained a nervous Dash, trying to calm her down.

"Awsome! We're having a sleepover! We can tell stories, have facials, make cupcakes, gossip, eat junk food, play truth or dare or spin the bottle and sleep!" listed an excited Pinkie Pie, looking forward to the fun all four of them will have tonight.

"I'll get th' sleepin' bags from th' basement." announced Applejack, knowing there's nothing she could do to stop it.

At the cottage, Fluttershy and Big Mac are sitting together on the living room couch, finishing their talking and getting to know each other, both of them enjoying each other's company. But after awhile, Fluttershy decides to ask him a question that has been bothering her for a week.

"Mac, do you love me?" bluntly asked Fluttershy. Big Mac is a little caught off guard by the question, he has been developing feelings for her for a week already and realized that if he hadn't been going after Twilight, he would've ended up with Fluttershy a lot sooner. He looks into her pleading eyes, knowing that she wants him to say yes. Big Mac takes a big breath before speaking.

"Ah love yo', an ah' would be glad t'have yo' as mah special somepony, but ah reckon we should take it slow an' see how it works out first." explained Big Mac, trying to be gentle with her. She seems to be taking what he says well.

"I understand," agreed Fluttershy, but Big Mac can sence a "but" coming up. "but I think there is something you should know about me before we start." explained Fluttershy, she doesn't want to do this, but she needs to for the sake of their relationship. "It's about my past, my mother and something that happend five years ago."

Big Mac is intrigued, "What happend five years ago?" he asked.

Fluttershy wasn't legally allowed to tell him, but he needs to know. "I'll tell you...but let me warn you, it could change the way you think about me." she warns.

"Ah reckon ah's ready." stated Big Mac.

Fluttershy takes a deep breath and begins to tell her story.

Author's Note:

Only 3 more chapters to go!
This chapter lasted longer than I expected.
If anyone is intrested in making a cover photo for this story, you have my full permission to do so. (just as long as it has something to do with the story).

Thanks for the comments.

NEXT CHAPTER: Fluttershy's childhood with her mother, and what happend in Cloudsdale five years ago.