• Published 18th Feb 2013
  • 8,681 Views, 279 Comments

We Fight as One - chaos2012

When Discord chooses to abandon friendship for chaos once again, Celestia and Luna must fuse together to defeat him once and for all.

  • ...

True Power

Discord chuckled to himself at the name the combined princesses had chosen. "Eclipse? Such a clever little name you have made for yourself."

Turning her head, Eclipse moved her eyes until they laid upon the frozen bodies of the element bearers far across the plain. Deep inside of her chest, a feeling of hatred began to boil at seeing Twilight and her friends frozen in fear and shock. "You are a monster compared to what you once were Discord. You insulted us and claimed you never turned ponies into stone. Apparently you have abandoned that way of life and now want to eliminate anypony that stands their ground against you."

"Oh please, don't try and do a guilt trip on me." Discord sneered as he flapped his short wings. "I already told you that they aren't dead. I was going to release them after I killed you..." He looked up in the air as he smirked, "Or I could leave them like that. They would make lovely decorations around my home. Applejack looks just right for a wonderful leg rest by my couch."

Eclipse flipped her gaze back to the spirit, eyes burning with anger. "We should destroy you Discord, right here and now. We are not going to do that however, since that would only be more unnecessary violence."

"What's this? With all the claims that you have about being so powerful, you still don't want to try and stop me and-”

"Not being able to stop you was never said..." Eclipse interrupted, "Wanting to end confrontation is what was stated. Fighting you will only cause more destruction to our world, and doing that results in ruining what peace this land has."

"What are you babbling about now? You want me to stop because it is too violent for you? This is really annoying now." Discord stared angrily at the bleached alicorn ahead of him. "Speaking of annoying, how long are you going to keep referring to yourself in plural form when there’s only one of you?"

A small smirk spread across Eclipses muzzle at that, "Hmm, now that you mention that, it is odd. You see, while we do in fact share the same body and mind, both of our consciousnesses still work at the same time. With that being the case, it makes it seem like both of us are still here. It will take time for us, or I, to get used to our new form."

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A bright glowing blue orb formed in Discord's talons. "That's too bad, because you are not going to have the time to get used to that new body!"

Swinging his arm forward, the ball of magic rushed forward through the air at the alicorn. As it approached, Eclipse didn't even turn her head back to the direction of the blast, but instead unfolded one of her massive wings to the side and smacked the incoming attack. The ball dissipated into streams as it broke apart from the strike, leaving Discord awestruck.

"I told you that the power from fusing has increased the power we previously had before, both magically and physically." Eclipse paused as she turned back to Discord, "As you can see, you don't have the ability to stand up against us anymore."

Discord sneered at the threat he heard. "So you can stop a simple technique of mine, bravo for you. That makes you think that will be enough to stop me? Ha! You have another thing coming your way." Conjuring two more balls of magic, he threw them both at Eclipse, who in turn opened up both wings on her right side to counter both attacks simultaneously.

Angered, Discord teleported behind Eclipse and shot off several more quick blasts. Before they reached her, he flew to the right and continued to fire a barrage of quick smaller attacks. With each blast however, a wing would swing out and smack the blast into pieces. 'So standard magic won’t even phase her...' Discord thought to himself, 'then lets test a few different spells.'

Conjuring three balls of swirling ice, he shoots them one after another at the fused alicorn. As the balls get closer, Eclipse's horn glows a bright green and shot out a beam. The stream rushed out and obliterated one of the balls into specks. Waiting till the last second, she formed shield up and blocked the balls as they attempted to spread out and freeze their target. The shield started expanding outward until it shattered the ice around it. Deactivating her shield, Eclipse opened up all her wings which seemed to blend to form two massive wings.

"My turn."

In a blur, Eclipse vanished from her spot, leaving Discord dumbstruck until she reappeared right in front of him. Before he could strike; she disappeared again in a blur, followed by unleashing a massive blow at his back that sent him flying through the air into the side of the mountain. Crawling out from the rubble, he saw Eclipse Standing there with her back towards him and one hind leg up. He was confused to what just happened; he didn't see a flash of energy that should signal when one teleports, but there was none when she disappeared. The only way for that to happen was... "No, there is no way that was just her. No pony can move that fast."

Leaping out from the dirt, Discord put his palms together and fired a bright blast of fire at his opponent. As the flames got closer, he focused his eyes on Eclipse and watched her intently. As the attack got within two feet of her, her horn had the slightest glow of green at the very tip before she vanished from her place. Predicting the movement, Discord flew up into the air just moments before Eclipse was in the spot behind him once again.

Up in the air, Discord contemplated what he witnessed, "So she did teleport right there. She uses such a small amount of magic to move her body, she actually compresses it into a small part to hide the flash that gives you away. Very clever. I'll have to watch that and-

The sight of Eclipse vanishing again cut Discord's thoughts off. Flipping around, he fired a blue sphere of magic right when she appeared catching her by surprise. Summoning a shield, Eclipse blocked the attack just in time. Flapping her wings, she floated several feet back and smirked, "We’re impressed Discord, you were able to judge where we were coming from next after just after a few strikes."

"It becomes pretty predictable when you keep striking in the same way you know..." Discord sneered, "keep up any technique and anypony will figure it out sooner or later."

"Are you already bored with this? Then perhaps we should skip the warm up fighting and go right to the true battle."

Discord was a little amused by the arrogance that he heard. "Now I must say, you have really gotten your spirit lifted now. That sounds more like Luna right there."

Eclipse grinned at the spirit. "Personality traits from the past were also fused into this new form we have. It is only natural for some enjoyment to show when we bring peace to Equestria through your defeat."

"Defeat? Ha! You definitely surprised me with the new power increase that you have, but it will do nothing in ensuring your victory in this battle. The reign of chaos will only be delayed with you in the way now." Focusing the magic in his talons, Discord formed a glowing strand of purple energy. "Like you said, let us skip the opening stretch and go into the finale."

Launching forward, Discord began swinging the long string of magic as a whip. The magic shot out with break neck speed and attempted to wrap around Eclipses neck, who ducked under it and shot out her own green blast. Snapping his arm back, Discord swung downward and wrapped his whip around the incoming stream and redirected it away from him. Swinging again, he snapped his whip at Eclipse once again.

With each attempt, Eclipse dodged the snapping tip with ease. As another blow came again, she conjured her own green whip and snapped out out. Wrapping around Discord's magic, she yanked backwards and pulled the magic and spirit her direction. Spinning around, she bucked outwards and struck Discord square in the chest and sent him flying through the sky. Grunting in frustration, Discord regained control of his flight and charged back at the alicorn.

Extending his glowing claws out, the enraged Discord attempted to slash and swipe like crazy to overwhelm Eclipse, yet every time he did, a green patch of energy appeared and blocked his strike. Enraged, he then spun around and swung his tail at her, who in turn opened her mouth and clamped down hard. Swinging her head around, Eclipse chucked Discord up into a patch of dark clouds above. Flying up, she bucked out and kicked the cloud, creating multiple strikes of lightning with Discord still inside.

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Bursting out of the side of the cloud, Discord was covered all over in scorch marks and singed spots. His face was twisted in anger as his palms formed dark red spheres of magic. "That is it! I am tired of this game. I am killing you now!"

Both combatants flew through the sky parallel to one another, the clouds being pulled by the current they created. Discord shot out the glowing orbs he made, trails of bright aura in their wake. Forming her own spheres of green magic, Eclipse fired back to counter, the attacks collided and exploded in a bright flash. As they passed through the smoke, both of them stared intently to the other, waiting the next move.

Diving down below, they found themselves over a large lake outside the Everfree forest. Leveling themselves out flat, both of them skimmed near the waters flat surface, forming tall wakes behind them from their sheer speed. Intent on winning this battle, Discord began firing a barrage of fireballs at Eclipse, who in turn took control of streams of water to rush out and extinguish the flames. The fire and water continued to collide, the hot steam being formed covering the entire area until nothing could be seen at all.

Eclipse stopped flying forward and lifted herself over the steam to get a better view. As she did, a purple energy whip shot out from below and wrapped around her back ankle. Yelping as she was yanked down, she quickly turned around and shot the strand with a blast to sever the connection. Regaining her flight, she used two of her wings to create a gust of wind to clear the steam. Once cleared, she was startled to see Discord no longer there.

Flipping around, she was met with Discord latching his claws around her back and on her wings, pinning her as they fell to the water below. Thrashing about, she threw her neck back and head butted Discord right in the nose. As he lost his grip, Eclipse wriggled a wing loose and swung it out to smack Discord's other limbs free of her. Turning her body around, she kicked outwards and landed a blow right in his chest and quickly shot out a beam of magic.

Summoning a shield, Discord prepared to block the beam, but as the attack came closer, it disappeared. Confused, he deactivated his shield, but the moment he did, the blast reappeared and struck him in the chest. Careening downward, he crashed into the lake with a massive splash. Bursting through the surface, he coughed out a mouthful of water as he glared at the descending alicorn.

"She really is a lot stronger than before. This is really becoming a bother for me." He sneered. Standing on the surface, he raised his arms and used his magic to create a monstrous tidal wave a hundred feet high. "Let's see you stop this thing!"

The wall of water rushed forward like a freight train, cresting over as it prepared to break over on top of Eclipse. Instead of trying to teleport out of the way, she stood there waiting as the water was nearly on top of her. Then, charging her horn, a burst of magic went out in all directions, obliterating the wave into a billion drops of water. Discord sat astounded as the water began falling down over the area like rain.

Eclipse created a pulse of magic to dissipate whatever water was left falling out of the sky. "Your level of power does not stand up to ours anymore, Discord. We already told you that the abilities that are achieved through the fusion is far beyond just adding what I was before together."

(End music)

Grunting, Discord brushed off some of the water that had gathered on in his fur. "Are you going to try and explain to me your new power up? No need to, I already know the trick; fusing together combines all of your powers and compresses them into one form."

"That is the simple idea that many believe, but the true power of these earrings is much greater. When the two beings fuse, their power is not added, but multiplied by each other."

"Wh-what?" Discord stuttered.

"Yes, the earrings focus the magic inside of the bodies so much that it magnifies to levels far beyond what could be achieved normally. That is why we always made sure the earrings were on Celestia at all times, to make sure nopony could try to use them for their own advantage."

"It looks like you’re using them to your advantage right now..." Discord growled, "You were too weak before and had to; as some would put it, cheat to rival me."

"You were the one that forced the earrings to be used in the first place, Discord. The other reason we never wanted to use these was because of the level of power that would be granted. At this much magnitude, we could possibly destroy large amounts of land, disturbing the balance of Equestria. We have to focus to make sure only a small percentage of my abilities are tapped into."

Discord growled and prepared to shoot another magic strike, but before he could, Eclipse reappeared directly in front of him. Using her tail to trip him, she followed by swinging all four wings out and hitting him again. Discord yelled in shock as he careened backwards, bouncing across the surface of the water like a rock before crashing through the forest that stood on the shore. Several trees broke in half as his body crashed through the trunks.

Skidding to a stop in the dirt, Discord crawled back up, spitting out a mouthful of salty blood. Staring at the ground for a moment, he clenched his claws together and slammed them down in anger. "How is this happening!? I’m the god of chaos, I should be much stronger than them even if they fused. How can those pathetic princesses be beating me?"

The sound of flapping wings caught his attention. Turning, he watched as Eclipse flew through the trees before coming to a landing forty feet from him. Snarling, he stood back up and focused his conjuring magic, the red glow lighting up his area of trees. Forming in each palm came a short staff with a chain hanging off the end. Attached to each chain sat a large spiked ball that crashed down into the dirt.

Lifting an eyebrow, Eclipses horn began glowing green again. Materializing in front of her face was a long curved sword over five feet long. Unlike before which were somewhat transparent, this blade was so condensed it was impossible to see through, the level of control far beyond what either previous princess was originally capable of. Standing it straight up in front of her, the sword suddenly became engulfed in a stream of bright flames.

Discord snickered at the magic. "Making your weapon all flashy. A little bit of showing off I see."

"No Discord, that is not showing off." Eclipse responded as she turned the blade on its side. In a blink of an eye, she swung it to her left, the sheer force from the swing rushing out into the forest. A moment later, every tree within a fifty foot range on her left fell over, sliced in half from the swipe.


"That is showing off."

Blood boiling, Discord roared out as he charged forward spinning his weapons in his grip. Whipping outward, the spiked balls narrowly missed their target as Eclipse dipped and weaved under and away from the attacks with ease. Rushing forward, the balls crashed into the dirt of crushed the trees in the way. Swinging her sword, she knocked away several incoming strikes and began to go on the offensive herself.

As she began swiping in wide arcs to her front, Discord tried spinning his weapons in front of himself to create a swirling shield, but when one of the chains wrapped around the swords tip, the blade shattered the opposing magic like string. Deactivating his one broken weapon, he used both hands on the remaining chain ball and whipped it above his head and brought it down.

Forming a barrier, Eclipse blocked the large ball with ease, forcing her magic out and shattering the red weapon. "Your magic is no use against ours, Discord. You should give up."

"I will not lose to a damn pony!" Discord yelled as he conjured his large battle axe once again.

Glaring, Eclipse focused her sword until it shifted into a large glowing scythe. "Then no mercy will be shown anymore."

The combatants charged forward again, their clashing weapons sending out blinding flashes of magic with each strike. As they moved through the forest, the sweeping blades sliced through every tree that got in their way. The very air was shaking from the massive force of magic that was coming from the two beings. It was a battle of the titans.

Stumbling backwards, Discord dug his talons into the trunk of a tree to catch himself. Standing back up, he ripped the tree out of the ground and threw it at Eclipse. Swinging downward, she sliced the trunk in two and rushed forward again until she was met with a wall of stone rising up from the ground. Charging her horn, she shot out a ball of energy and obliterated the stone. As the gravel fell, the enraged draconequus rushed through catching her off guard.

Bringing his axe down, Discord made Eclipse jump to the left to evade him. Whipping his tail around, he slashed out with the small glowing dagger he had hidden on the end and sliced her across the right shoulder. Wincing from the pain, Eclipse jumped back and blasted a stream of magic at Discord's face. Leaning back, the beam just grazed the hair on his chin, followed by another beam that singed the end of his ear as it past. While he focused on those, it took his eyes away from the scythe coming up and slashing towards his stomach.

Screaming out in pain, Discord dropped to his knees as he clutched at the deep gash across his belly. Eclipse used her chance and slashed again, this time digging deep into his left shoulder and part of his chest. Deactivating her scythe, she focused her magic and shot out another beam of magic, striking Discord directly in the chest and launching him through the forest. Crashing through over a dozen trees, he finally came to a stop when he smacked into another gigantic tree.

Discord gasped for breath as he laid sprawled out at the base of the tree. The deep wounds across his body were bleeding profusely, threatening to end his life soon. Every muscle felt like it was on fire, pulsing from a mix of exhaustion and pain. Forcing himself up, he leaned against the bark, wincing as the wood brushed against the wounds on his backside. "Gah! That stupid princess. I am going to kill her!"

Trotting through the trees, Eclipse stopped only a few strides from Discord's position. Her emerald eyes stared down at the crippled deity. "It looks like this battle has been decided, Discord."

Snarling, Discord dug his claws into the tree to pull himself up higher. "N-no! This battle is far from over! Chaos cannot be stopped!"

"Your magic and your body have reached their limits. You are only extending your suffering, although you deserve every bit of it." Eclipse charged her horn up until a glowing ball several inches across formed at the tip. "You used your power to cause misery for ponies every time you were outside of your prison. You care for no pony or their own feelings."

Discord watched as the magic on her horn began to grow bigger, lighting up the area of the forest. His mind began racing as he realized what was happening. 'These princesses think they have defeated me? They have another thing coming their way.' Reaching up, he wrapped his claws around the base of each horn and braced himself. "We never imagined ever coming to this."


Eclipse gasped as she watched Discord break off both of the horns sitting on the top of his head. "What in the world has gotten into you!? Why did you do that!?"

Out of where Discord's horns were, red aura began to leak out from the holes and spill over his body. As the magic touched the spots were his wounds were, they miraculously began to close and heal themselves in real time. Eclipse felt a chilling feeling run up her spine. "Wh-what is that?"

Leaning his head against the tree, Discord enjoyed in the bliss of unleashing his true power. "After all these years, all of that talent bottled up can finally be used. I wonder if I will even be able to recall what will happen after everything."

Eclipse stared confused at him. "Your horns contained your magic?"


"Heh heh heh, oh Eclipse. You thought my horns were just little fashion accessories?" Discord asked with a chuckle. He stood up from the tree as the energy covered his entire body, seemingly rejuvenating his strength. "My horns acted as moderators, controlling the amount of magic that I could ever tap into. Now that I have removed them, every ounce of power of mine is free and at my disposal.”

The energy began rushing out from Discord, creating a powerful gust past the princess. "I had to moderate my power, because I cannot fully control the level of energy. This form of mine has the ability to send all of Equestria to the bowels of Tartarus. Despite the risks this imposes, I will take that chance to make sure you do not see the light of another day. My true power... IS INFINITE!"

Discord's body became engulfed in a massive explosion of red energy, shattering the tree behind him into splinters as it began expanding outward from the center. Opening her wings, Eclipse dashed out through the trees and away from the growing column of magic as it obliterated everything within a two hundred foot radius. Once outside of the range, she turned around, to which her eyes went wide as she watched the magic swirling in a tight bubble, the force ripping out trees and pulling them with the current. The next moment, it burst high into the atmosphere, the overpowering red glow from it casting its light upon the land as the blast radius grew by almost double. Massive bolts of lightning shot out from the clouds all around the energy mass, illuminating small area of sky. The level of energy was far beyond anything she had ever thought possible. Then in a flash, the magic dissipated, giving view to an even more shocking sight.

Standing in the base of the crater was Discord, his body nearly doubled in height and in mass. His once normally slim arms were engorged with large muscles sticking up through his scales and fur, ending off with long curved black claws. His normally short and stubby wings had grown out to spread over twenty feet, his dragon wing lined with sharp spines. Hanging down from his head and neck was a scraggly black mane like that of a manticore., the matted hair covering his entire upper body. His muzzle was lined with razor sharp teeth sticking out past his lips, along with his single tooth that had grown to over a foot and a half in length. His eyes had lost their normal comedic tone and had turned into solid red orbs, their glowing gaze burning through the air. He resembled what some would believe to be the true form of a demon.

Lifting his massive head, Discord focused his eyes up to the alicorn hovering in the sky above the destroyed forest. Stepping forward, his clawed feet crushed down into the ground with a loud crack. Whipping his wings backwards, a powerful gust of wind rushed out behind him, pulling the dirt along with it. Inhaling deeply, he threw his back and let out a ear splitting roar. The force from his mouth created a shockwave that ripped up large chunks of dirt and rock as it rushed outward.

Eclipse felt her heart beating rapidly as she stared at the monster that had once been Discord. The pure power that was radiating from his body could be felt from her position in the air. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she prepared herself for what would be the final battle for either her or him. The fate of all of Equestria would be determined this night.