• Published 20th Feb 2013
  • 17,590 Views, 1,147 Comments

Defender of Justice, King Sombra! - VashTheStampede

King Sombra wakes up in the forest with a pounding headache and horrifying memories of what he had been. Now, he sets out not to change his past, but brighten his future.

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Chapter 8

While the exceptionally clever bed-couch device was quite comfortable, Sombra found himself sleeping poorly. Haunted by nightmares of his past, and waking frequently throughout the night, he hardly got any rest at all. Flashes of faces of fear from ponies he had killed or had executed, the hatred frozen on the visage of a would-be assassin stopped in his tracks by Sombra’s guards, blood on his own hooves. He twitched and shuddered as he tossed and turned in the bed, more than once waking up with tears on the borrowed pillow.

It was early in the reborn Sombra’s reign, before he was as widely hated by the citizens of the Empire as he had eventually grown to be. Ponies had begun to fear him, yes, and rightfully so – but many still held onto hope that it was a mere phase, something that would turn for the better in a few months, or perhaps years. Sombra was eating alone in the grand dining hall in the Crystal Castle, the only other ponies around were the occasional serving mare or member of the kitchen staff. Except Law Letter – one of the king’s personal advisors, and while a pony sometimes emotionally distant, Sombra had considered him a close personal friend. The elderly, light blue crystal stallion had served with Sombra for many years, and had been with him even before his fall, and he was perhaps the one thing Sombra regretted. He was young, full of vigor and vitality, fit, and handsome as he had ever been – and Law aged on, growing ever older and frailer. It pained Sombra, but it also made him angry. Angry that he could do nothing for his friend, angry that his friend grew old, angry that he was angry about this. Sombra had accidentally clenched his magic grip on his wine glass, shattering the delicate crystalline structure. Law had been by his side in a moment, offering his concern and assistance to the king. The decrepit old horse was hardly fit to live in the Crystal Castle, much less be a personal attendant to King Sombra, he had thought, and in that moment rage took him. The confusion, the fear, the betrayal written on Law’s face had been etched into Sombra’s memories forever.

That particularly vivid night terror woke him just before dawn, or so he figured given the weak, bluish-yellow light filtering in through the window. He decided that it was no longer worth attempting to sleep, and rolled to the edge of the futon to stand out of the bed. Looking again towards the window, the thought occurred to him to just… observe the town.

Perhaps if I cannot find peace in my own life I can in the lives of others.

Gently lifting a kitchen chair, he moved it to the window and sat himself down. Despite the early hour, the town was beginning to creep to life – a large red stallion hauled a cart full of apples across the square, a wine-colored pony stumbled drunkenly through a doorway as a pink-maned mare stepped out the same. A blue blur left a rainbow-colored trail behind her as she shifted clouds into their assigned formations for the day. The sun began to peek over the hills and soft golden light filtered through the clouds and buildings, ponies casting long shadows as they trotted about. A telltale hissing came from the ceiling, water flowing through the plumbing as somepony got in the shower. Smiling softly, Sombra caught the eye of a young, light gray unicorn filly shuffling excitedly behind a pony Sombra assumed to be her mother – a plain Pegasus mare with a blonde mane and some bubbles for a cutie mark. The little filly smiled broadly, raising a hoof and shaking it violently in what looked like a wave of greeting. He returned the wave, only to find the mother looking back at him too – sort of, at least. Her big, golden eyes pointed in two different directions, one focused on him, the other on her daughter. Stopping for a moment, she reached into her saddlebag, checked through a series of letters, and stopped on one, her face lighting up. Turning from her previous path, mare and filly began to trot towards Sombra. Or rather, towards Redheart’s house, as Sombra finally put two and two together.

Pegasus, saddlebags filled with letters, job that starts early in the morning… yeah, she’s probably a mailmare. That makes sense. Why would she go off her route just to see me, though?

Sombra got out of the chair and trotted over to the door, fiddling with the lock for a moment before opening it. The two gray ponies smiled at him, and the black unicorn opened his mouth to greet them.

“Good mo-”

“Hi there! My name is Derpy Hooves!” the mare introduced herself, her voice not loud, but carrying far. “Well, that’s not my real name but that’s what everypony calls me because I’m clumsy, and I thought it was kinda cute so I just stuck with it! Say, I don’t recognize you – are you new around here? Are you the pony Pinkie threw a party for last night? Her parties are always so much fun, but it was a school night for Muffin-”

“Mooooooooom,” the little unicorn complained, smiling and giggling when her mother tousled her mane in reply.

“Sorry honey,” she said, before returning her attention to Sombra, “It was a school night for Dinky here, and since it’s just her and me I couldn’t hardly leave her home alone now could I? Oh, this is Redheart’s house isn’t it – I have a letter for you, err, for her, but could you give it to her for me?”

“Yeah, of cour-”

“Thanks! Anyways, gotta get Dinky off to school, nice meeting you, bye!” The mare said, turning and trotting off with her daughter in tow.

Seems a little early for school.

“But mooooooooom,” the petite unicorn started up again, in that same whining-but-not-really-whining tone, “School doesn’t start for an hour, and you said I could come with you on your mail route this morning! And you didn’t even get his name!”

“My name is Sombra!” the dark stallion called after them as they walked away, eliciting a giggle from both ponies. He smiled – it was so nice to meet new ponies, new ponies who weren’t trying to kill him or that he wasn’t trying to kill, and at the clearness of his new (or possible very, very old) voice. It felt so good to be able to talk freely, without fearing the sound of his own growling. A buzzing and a rather masculine yawn came from behind him, and suddenly he realized the hissing of the shower had stopped. Turning back around Sombra jumped for a moment at the sight of the hulking Pegasus hovering down the stairs before remembering that yes, indeed, Snowflake lived here too.

“Good morning,” the monstrous pony said blearily, yawning again, “Surprised to see you up so early, you sleep alright?” The floor creaked a little where he landed, protesting under the mountain of muscles.

“Actually no, but not because of the accommodations,” Sombra began, before he looked over at Snowflake, who had let out a small grunt of surprise. “Yeah, my voice changed last night. I don’t… do not really know why. Maybe I’ll ask Twilight about it later. Anyways, the couch-bed thing-”


“- futon was quite comfortable. Just some bad dreams is all.”

“Ah, that stinks. Sorry to hear that. If it keeps happening maybe you could go visit Zecora. She makes all sorts of potions and brews and stuff, I’m sure she’d have something to help with nightmares,” Snowflake grumbled as he stepped into the kitchen. “Hey, you want some breakfast? I was just gonna have a bowl of oats, but if you wanna stop by Sugarcube Corner we could grab some doughnuts, they’re the best in town and it’s right on the way over to Miss Horizons’ place.”

Sombra looked at the stallion, puzzled. “What is a doughnut?”

Snowflake’s eyes widened in surprise, and he immediately started putting away the bowl he’d gotten out. “Oh man, we’re going to Sugarcube Corner. You’re in for a treat. Go on up and take a shower, my sister won't be up for a few hours yet so you’ll be fine.”


Sombra had emerged from the shower about ten minutes later, once again feeling exceptionally pretty and hoping Redheart wouldn’t be mad that he had used her shampoos again. Moving downstairs again as quietly as possible so as not to wake his sleeping host, he reunited with Snowflake and the pair headed out into the day. The sun was hanging only just above the horizon, but it was already a pleasantly warm day, and Sombra enjoyed the sun’s light on his body. As did a fair number of single mares, judging by the giggles and blushes he received walking with Snowflake. The pair made their way across town towards a surprisingly pink building that almost looked… frosted. Snowflake held the door aside and gestured for Sombra to enter, the unicorn nodding his thanks as he did.

“Good morning!” a plump, tired-looking blue earth mare with a swirly fuchsia mane chirped, doing her best to put on a genuine smile. “Let’s see, handsome black unicorn with unusual eyes? You must be the new pony that Pinkie wouldn’t… stop… talking about… all night…” she trailed off, seeming to slip out of consciousness for a just a moment, before continuing, “I’m Cup Cake, co-owner of and head baker at Sugarcube Corner! What can I do for you this fine… early… morning, mister…?”

“Sombra,” he filled in for her, “My name is Sombra.”

“Oh what a lovely name. Carrot!” she turned and yelled into the back room, ducking as a pink rocket fired out above the saloon-style doors, followed by an even more haggard looking yellow stallion, with two foals riding on his back.

“Oh good morning again Sombra! It’s only been about four hours since I last saw you but really it’s so wonderffffffff- MMMMMM!” Pinkie hummed in delight as Mrs. Cake stuffed a cupcake in her mouth.

“Pinkie dear, you partied with Mr. Sombra here all last night, please go back to work.”

“Oh of course Mrs. Cake! Sorry about that!” the sugary earth mare exclaimed before vanishing into the back again.

Mrs. Cake shook her head and smiled. “She’s a sweet girl, Pinkie is, but she can be… a hooffull sometimes. Anyways, this is my husband, Carrot.”

“Nice to meet you,” the stallion added, pausing and staring blankly for a moment before gesturing to the foals on his back, “This here’s my son Pumpkin Cake,” indicating the unicorn, “and my daughter, Pound Cake,” as he pointed to the Pegasus.

“Backwards, dear.”

“Oh honey I’m so sorry. I just… I haven’t slept in three days, between the twins and Pinkie…”

“It’s ok, you’re tired, I know,” Mrs. Cake consoled him with a chuckle, planting a quick, tender kiss on his cheek, “I can take care of them for a while, go get some sleep.”

Sombra watched life and hope return to the stallion’s dead eyes.

“You mean it? You can really run the place by yourself and watch the twins at the same time?”

“Absolutely. And even if I couldn’t, you’re about three days without rest past being helpful, sweetie.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Carrot Cake replied sadly, sidling up to his wife to pass off the foals, “I’m just gonna…” he paused to let out a titanic yawn, “go… take a nap.”

“You do that.”

Carrot loped off, slowly and unsteadily climbing the stairs leading to the second floor of the building.

“Is… he gonna be ok?” Snowflake asked after he disappeared.

“Oh yes, he’ll be fine. But between you and me, getting more sleep after your foals turn one is a load of frosting,” Mrs. Cake replied with a mirthless laugh. “Anyways, where were we… oh right, what would you two fine young stallions like today?”

“Well…” Sombra began.

“Sombra here’s never even heard of a doughnut, so give us two of the best you’ve got!” Snowflake butted in.

Mrs. Cake blushed a deep red. “Oh, oh my! But that’s such a sudden request! I’d have to ask my husband… I mean, how could I possibly know what –”

“Give ‘em the maple frosted with sprinkles!” Pinkie hollered from the kitchen. “Perfect beginner’s doughnut!”

Snowflake looked at the door the voice had come from for a moment, put on a contemplative frown, nodded to himself, then looked back at Mrs. Cake and nodded to her.

“Very well then, two maple frosted with sprinkles coming right up! That’ll be three bits.”

Snowflake nodded and produced the requisite bits out of thin air, placing them down on the counter, accepting the doughnuts from the mare, and passing one of them to Sombra.

He eyed the pastry suspiciously, the sugary treat already making his hooves feel sticky – but the sweet scent that wafted to his nostrils made his mouth water.

“Don’t be afraid of it, Sombra, just take a bite. You’ll love it, I promise.”

Sombra did as he was told. Biting into the doughnut, he found that Snowflake had not been lying to him. The soft, still-warm, sweetened bready flesh met his tongue first, followed by the smooth, slightly grainy maple frosting dissolving across his palette, and the crunch of the sprinkles as he bit down. Sombra chewed slowly, tenderly, carefully, before gently swallowing. He looked at Snowflake with absolute disbelief. The big stallion guffawed back at him.

“Oh man, what I wouldn’t give for you to see your own face right now,” he said through his laughter, before taking a bite of his own doughnut. He hummed contentedly to himself. “Oh ho ho, Mrs. Cake. This is fantastic. Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome dear.”

“Come on Sombra, best part about a doughnut is you can walk and eat at the same time. We gotta get going if we – well, technically just I – don’t want to be late. And believe me – you do not want to be late for Mrs. Horizons.”

Somehow, I feel like I don’t need proof of that statement.