• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 8,986 Views, 230 Comments

MLP FIM/Halo: Towards the broken dawn… - Evident Disaster

"The way to salvation is through the path of damnation..." Supreme Commander of the Helldivers 33rd

  • ...



Temperate Minds


Time: 8:45 PM

Location: Canterlot Castle

Twilight and the other girls arrived at the private study, provided by Celestia, it was a beautiful room lined with stacks of books and held probably much more knowledge than that of the library back in Ponyville. The girls took to some bean bags and chairs around the room; they had a rather interesting day today, with Rarity trying to drag them off to a fancy dinner at Platinum Palette.

The girls agreed to go somewhere quiet for dinner instead and then went back to the castle to discuss what was going to happen. Twilight was still with the bracelets so she really couldn’t talk about what was going on, she only hinted that it was something to do with the meteor shower. So once they finished talking about the meteor shower and what it might have to do, they got themselves into the Study.

They continued to chat excitedly about what they had to do with the strange event from a couple of nights earlier. They waited patiently until the two alicorn sisters arrived, they entered into the room, Twilight and the others bowed respectfully at their ruling monarchs and greeted them with respect. Celestia replied to them.
“That is not as necessary at this point in time; you may bow only when we are in public, when we are here. I’d rather prefer you’d not be as so formal.” Celestia told them.

The mares nodded in acknowledgement, and Luna asked.
“So I take it that you are all curious as to what is going on?”

The 5 friends began to throw questions straight away, and Celestia raised her hand and they quietened.
“Very well, as you may know, Twilight had been ordered to keep the knowledge of what had happened over the past couple nights prior.” She gestured to the bracelets on the wrists of Twilight, which were suddenly released.

“You can now speak of it, but once we have informed your friends of the situation.” Celestia explained.

Twilight nodded and waited. Celestia let Luna begin.
“As you know, the meteor shower from the past couple of nights wasn’t an actual meteor shower; the discovery made that night was that there was an anomaly not usually found around our world, from what we could piece together, the anomaly came from the depths of space. Something came from that anomaly which landed on our world, approximately 30 or so objects landed on the planet, to which were scattered over a wide area. Some landed here, others in the further parts of the world, from those crash sites. We discovered beings that were not terrestrial to our world.”

The mares all stared at Luna in surprise, with Rainbow going.
“You mean that there are aliens in Equestria?!” She shouted in excitement.

“Yes, but not those silly movie fictional ones, these are real aliens, which share a striking similarity to our race.” Luna replied.
Rainbow quietened down, and Rarity asked.

“How in Equestria are we supposed to help? If this is a foreign entity, shouldn’t you have control over this?” She asked.

“Well yes, but as you need to understand is that the beings are, not what we would consider normal. Their physiology is slightly altered from our own, and they possess no amount of magic, as a matter of fact their bodies seem to ignore magic. But the main reason why we brought you here is that Twilight was exposed to one of them, and we promised her to allow you to know as well. And we need assistance in trying to bring the one we have in captivity back to consciousness.” Luna explained.

“You have one alive?” AJ asked in surprise.

“Oh, oh, can we go see it now?!!” Pinkie jumped about boundlessly.
Even Fluttershy was starting to get rather interested in the whole thing, to which Celestia said.
“Yes, we will go see it, however I must warn you, there must be no discussion of the being outside of the Cyrene complex, as much as you’d like to speak about it, please do it in private. The being shouldn’t be revealed unless absolutely necessary, and we’d rather not startle everypony in the country.” Celestia warned.

“Okay!” Pinkie said cheerily.

The others agreed. Luna just set some ground rules before they went off to go see the being though.
“First you must keep to yourselves when you see the being, we don’t know if it would react to being prodded and poked, we’ve tried to avoid going into surgery, and minimized use of x-rays, which we can tell that it’s in fine health as far as its bones are concerned. But try not to start prodding its body; I doubt that it would help.
And please do not use wings or magic, the instruments tend to get bounced by background magic and it has been rough for the ponies to keep track of the condition of the being.” She finished.

They all agreed and Luna went over to a bookcase and pulled on a small statue of the elements of harmony. The bookcase opened up to which the mares all stared in surprise.
“Remember, it is under E!”

The ponies followed the princesses through the doorway into the depths of the hallway to Cyrene.


Location: Evergreen Jungles

Time: 5:20 PM

It was late in the afternoon of the next day; James had spent his time foraging for fruits and wild vegetation in this jungle. He found that a number of the vegetables were edible for human consumption; he put the fruits of his labour into a handmade vine basket and dragged it off to a cave he had discovered in his time of hunting.

He spent the better part of the day marking out his territory to animals and the aliens alike, he used his powered hand grips with abrasive talons and ripped at trees marking the border to his territory, to ward off anyone who might think it was smart to approach the cave. He then made sure to make other positions to make it hard to track him; it was standard procedure for hunters like him. Those caves would serve as shelters and safe havens for later use.

James had then gone about making traps to catch small game and larger game, he wasn’t going to waste ammo on animals though, the sniper that he had would blast a normal man to ribbons, so it wouldn’t work. He had decided to go with close up and personal work. He carved out a couple of wolves which were wandering about and turned them into tonight’s dinner and tomorrow’s breakfast.

He remained in his cave for now, and tomorrow he’d locate fresh water, to which he might try going into the town again if he didn’t find any. The local well was the only other clean source of water not being watched. And his filters didn’t help as it took nearly a whole day to wait for a litre of water to be available.
As he sat in his cave overwatching the town, he heard something nearby, an abrupt scream. His ears could tell it close. He pulled his visor on and began to sweep the surrounding shrubbery; he could see the heat of bodies nearby, it was at least 100 meters from his position, nearby his drop pod. He picked his gear up and got into the depths of the jungle.

He knew that going to investigate a mysterious sound in the middle of the evening wasn’t the smartest thing to do, wolves tended to prowl and other animals usually were quite active at night. But when you hear a scream for help, you wouldn’t let the person in trouble become food for whatever was out here. Even he had standards.
He hit the ground softly and began a sprint through the forest at best speed; he hit 30 miles in a few moments and began to close the distance in seconds. He reached the site of the sound, from what he could see on his heat vision, 4 targets, 3 being bulkier than the 4th; the 4th seemed to be a local from the town.
He stopped to a dead crawl about 10 meters away and took a look at what was going on. The figures of the larger bulkier beings seemed to grab hold of the local; they pulled at her clothes as she screamed. One seemed to be grabbing some sort of bridle or mouth gag, the large alien beings struggled to get it on the local.

James pulled his pistol and placed the silencer on it, he waited for a moment longer and then aimed for the closest being; the M6 fired and blew the head off the first being with ease. The others yelped and jumped from the local and began to search for his position, James didn’t give them the chance. He fired 2 more shots and dropped them.
The local was on the ground, James could see some scratch marks and a number of bruises, it seemed that the unknowns had decided to try and knock her out, but failed miserably at the task. James got close enough to the alien local to see what was wrong, first was the fact that the being was the one who lived at the observatory/library at the town, she was pained and tired.

James also noted that there was a cut in her side, he knew that there was a fine line to what he was about to do and what he could get punished for, but as far as the UCAF manual was concerned, the UCAF didn’t exist out here. He picked up the wounded local and deftly headed into the depths of the jungle back to his hiding spot.


Location: Falcon Point

Time: 6:20 PM

The pilots had been rather busy trying to get the falcons unstuck from the swamps; they had been successful in getting all the birds out from the vines of the canopies but it was still going to be a pain to finish getting the others from the swamps. AC-03 had arrived from yesterday, but he couldn’t help with the swamp problem, his unit wasn’t capable of lifting something while sinking in the muck itself, so they had to avoid going into the depths of the swamp.

The falcons had almost been cleared, once the last bird was out, they’d take a direct route to the rally point. AC-03 worked on cutting down some trees to clear an area big enough to get the falcons in the air without any trouble. The task was done in moments as the marine just brought the main guns and fired into the trees toppling many of them in a few seconds.
The pilots cheered as another tree went down from the makeshift clearing, they’d be in the air soon enough.


Location: Cyrene Complex Level 3

Time: 9:15 PM

Upon entering the military complex of Equestria, the mane 6 were surprised by the sheer scale of the facility, it ran down the length of the whole mountain to a natural cavern which also gave it access to a natural magma spring which powered the whole facility, however the girls weren’t going to that level, at least they weren’t allowed to due to the sensitive machinery involved.

The Cyrene complex had been constructed further during the years of the first monarchs of Equestria being Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane and Chancellor Pudding Head. The ruling heads had agreed to this super complex as a plan to store archives of ponydom and magic to further develop over the years. But as time passed the complex expanded into the depths of the mountain and expanded its area of influence.

The military took over during the first years of the Nightmare Moon incident and helped protect Celestia as she took the battle against her corrupted sister. After some time the facility fell into disrepair as it was no longer needed, up until 500 years ago, and then it became storage for many items. Celestia didn’t see any use until 200 years earlier and transformed it into a facility for research and development, and then brought the military back in the years of the Griffin Clan civil wars, afterwards the military was left as it was and the facility remained as a command centre.

The facility stretched across the width of the mountain where Canterlot was built, its winding corridors leading to many entrances and exits, and to many wings of the facility, at the moment, the girls were getting a tour of just the research centre. They had to pass 3 checkpoints before being allowed into the wing; there they were decontaminated and allowed access to the wing. It was a rather bland looking part of the facility, as it sported nothing aside from grey walls and sterile air, the whole place breathed of restriction and boring repetition, but as they went further on, they found what they were hoping to see.

Inside a hangar bay where engineer ponies worked, there came the first fragments of the crash sites. A large wing shaped object which sprouted a massive hole in one side lay in the metal deck, blood seemed to be present on the front nose of it, and it raised curiosity and made the ponies feel sick. They hadn't seen many accidents and it was usually very little injuries, never serious ones. This on the other hand was rather serious that someone didn’t make the trip.

Celestia explained what they were looking at. “That was found at Trottingham, there were no survivors, but there was plenty of blood to be found. The engineers suggested that the damage caused on the wing crippled the machine and forced it to land at a steep dive, the crash did the pilots and nothing more. The machine is far too damaged to give us any idea how it might have functioned.”

The next item on the list was a number of machines, and objects from other sites.
“Those were found off the coast of Hayton, fishing trawlers found them stuck in their net last night and reported them. It seems that a machine broke up in re-entry and scattered into the ocean. From what was found it looked possibly like an Equestrian, but larger, it’s hard to tell from the remains.”

The watched as the teams pieced some of the armour back together, its large blocky form possessed 2 legs and seemed to emanate a sense of fear in the ponies, its eyes were black and its face a glass mask shattered from the impact. They continued onwards to the next set of recovered items. They turned the corner into another observation where ponies went about removing bits and pieces off of large metal machines, which looked like cars. But these were much bigger, they had an armoured shell that was 3 times the size of a large car, and had what looked like radar antennas above.

Then they passed a section where a team was pulling apart strange metal objects small and versatile, many looked damaged, and others were covered in blood. Whatever they were the teams were trying to figure out how they worked. The girls finished their tour there and headed through the next room, they passed into an airlock where Celestia took the time to ask.
“Does everypony understand, this situation is very fragile at the moment, and we need to make sure that it is kept with utmost secrecy understand?” All the ponies nodded in acknowledgement.

They passed on to the next corridor where they ended up in some white walled rooms; it smelled of disinfectant and stale recycled air. They went over through the corridor and onto the next wing, here it seemed that a lot more ponies were in the rooms, they had surgical clothes and had papers with charts and others with samples of blood and other matter.

This was a type of medical wing from the looks of it, but had a different air about it. The girls were lead to the next section of this ward, where they found a large white room; it had strobe lights above and was overhead of what seemed to be many body bags. Twilight and the girls paused at the sight. There were at least 2 dozen bodies present in the room. It made Twilight’s stomach turn at the thought of who these beings might have been and the one she found.

Luna decided to address this part.
“During the recovery of the objects and machines, all of them were manned or were on these bodies, almost all of them dead. A few did survive, but suffered massive internal bleeding or were just dying from radiation poisoning, we couldn’t help them in the end as their bodies finally gave out though, out of a total of 26 recovered, there were 2 which survived, and only today 1 just died from surgery.”

The body count made the girls shudder at the thought; these poor souls had died before their time. But what could they do? It was how it ended, for them. Celestia took them onto the next section passed the morgue. The girls were led into what was something like a surgery theatre, in the middle of the room was the lone figure covered in a black suit and lying on the surgery table very quietly.

The girls suddenly got excited.
“Is that the alien?” Pinkie Pie asked in a surge of energy.

The princesses nodded and halted them girls from going in.
“Girls you must understand is that the being inside the room has been cleansed and tested, for whatever reason his body is in a state of hibernation, we’ve tried to revive him from it but have had little luck, and when we removed his armour it seemed that he fell deeper into his sleep and for that we don’t know how to properly re-suit him. The armour isn't locking back into place. So we warn you, please minimize directly poking him.”

And Pinkie Pie asked.
“Like this?” She asked as she jabbed the alien’s nose from the other side of the glass window.

“Yes, please don’t…” Celestia and Luna turned to see that the Pink party pony had managed to get passed them in under a second and start poking the alien in the nose. They stared in utter bewilderment at how the pony managed to get through the retina scanner, and the metal doors and the security lock systems in under a second.

Twilight and the others face palmed and RD said.
“Pinkie Pie, you’re so random.”


Location: Evergreen Jungles

Time: 10:34 PM

About 5 hours had passed since the alien was recovered from her situation, James had a rather quiet night for the most part, just switch bandages and make sure of no infection. The alien had gone under well for the treatment, being unconscious is a handy thing when in surgery. The helldiver patched the wound up in seconds; he had enough past experiences with injuries to know what to do, not to mention his HUD had a medical program to help in dealing with injuries to oneself and others.

He cooked up some soup of local wild berries and wolf meat, he had the meal about 3 hours prior while waiting for the being to recover from her injury, she didn’t stir until a few minutes ago. And now all he had to do was to wait a bit more, he laughed at that thought. Considering he was a trained killer with a sniper rifle, who went hunting with covenant elites and grunts not to mention jackals, plenty of jackals. But his greatest challenge came from the elite, special operations rangers divisions he faced during the Daedalus crusades. Those things would leave any marine with nightmares.
He poked a twig at the fire and made sure that the warmth was still there, it was only then he noticed his guest was finally coming out from her slumber. She rolled to her side and stared up; she was dazed for a moment and then shot up in surprise. She looked around and found James, and suddenly crawled away from him.

James didn’t move, he just turned his head and looked at her through his visor, then he turned the helmet back to the fire and kept his HUD cam trained on her should she try to run, it wasn’t as if he was trying to keep her here. It was because there was a 5 meter drop to the ground and he doubted that jumping from this height would be smart for someone injured.
The alien however did seem observant and then took a look outside the cave entrance, she pushed the canopy leaf door and found that the height of the drop looked rather unsavoury and pulled her head back in. She still kept to herself and eyed him with caution. James did it more discretely though and made it look like he wasn’t watching her.

She took her time to then ask something. But his translators were having trouble, as usual; they had a mix of English and a language that reminded him of Old Anomian. He tried to unscramble to language barriers by running it through all modern languages, no luck, he tried covenant languages and had very little luck. They weren’t properly matching up.
He would have scratches his chin if it wasn’t for his armour, but that might frighten the alien off. Considering the fact that he was a massive 7ft armoured soldier with deer antlers on his head and 4 glowing eyes, that might as well have been a damned death world spider, at least they don’t scare the living shit out of everyone.

And the thought hit him, if he removed his helmet and tried physical contact, would that help in this situation? He was like what these aliens were; he had seen a few males around. But that wouldn’t help in terms of size or the fact that he had not a damn clue as to what this being was trying to tell him. But he took a shot at it, he might as well, he didn’t have many choices and he didn’t want to bring more attention to his location by remaining a mystery, it might attract a lot of attention to his little piece of quiet and scare off all the game he needed to survive on.

Not to mention he didn’t like the idea of just packing up and relocating to another location far away without nearby civilisation. Or having to move to another nearby town which had very different forests and such, he only just got used to this place. So he took his own idea and took a gamble. If one could say it was such a thing.

He carefully turned the back part of his helmet and pulled at a release for the neck brace, it came off in a hiss of air escaping, the alien curled up a bit in tension watching him carefully; she didn’t understand what was going on. He pulled the helmet up carefully and set it to his side, he breathed in the air of the cave, fresh and dry, he hadn't smelt the air properly in a long time, and most of the meals he ate were with his helmet half on.

He turned his face to her and looked at her carefully with his own eyes; he still had his neural link attached which was still crunching an internal HUD in his eyes of what he was seeing. That and the fact that he had cybernetic implants and nano-machines running in his body and making his eyes glow a shallow blue didn’t help either. The alien was intrigued and frightened at the same time, he could hear her heart beat increase and his neural computer analysing her.

He spoke to her in a direct but softly.
“Hello there, I’m James, I helped you outside, are you feeling better?” He asked carefully trying sound as passive as he could.

The being didn’t seem to understand his language and he didn’t bother with trying other languages, he doubted that this alien understood a thing as well. He decided to seat himself back at his spot and simply relax for a moment, he sighed trying to figure out a barrier that could be overcome. Something did come into his mind, the being took interest in what he was trying to say and she tried to speak back to him.

The other thing that caught his attention was that he could see his reflection in his helmet; he guessed that he looked scarier than the helmet. His skin was pale, almost ghostly white from the years he hadn't removed the helmet since he first acquired it. As a matter of fact his whole body was probably the same colour, pale white. His eyes were once blue but were now cyan and glowed near the cornea due to the implants he received for his eyes. His hair was long, he didn’t remember it being this long the last time he checked, it was messy and slightly curled, but it was grey very grey.

The genetic augmentations for the helldivers were on par with the Spartan Beta Corps, they weren’t extreme, but they still took effect on the marines. His was that he had changed hair and growth, aside from that he was human, in the most sense. He stared at his helmet, not paying any heed to the alien who was rummaging in her pocket; she brought out a small book and then carefully went over to him.

He looked over to her as she came to his side; she put the book next to his side and then hurried back to the cover of his cloak which was acting like a blanket for her. He picked up the book and looked at it, it had stylised writing and a picture of what he assumed were letters. It was then that his neural computer began to notice something; it was a language it recognised, in moments James felt his head begin an auto-decryption of language.

It ran by something, not modern, ancient, it was looking for ancient languages, and modified them to modern ones, and found 4 matching variants and began a hard decryption and translation. It was old Nova Arcadian, the language of a people who jumped across worlds during the old era, but that was impossible. How could aliens be using an altered version of Arcadian?

The translators finished in moments and he felt his head fill with new knowledge, he could understand Arcadian. He looked over to the alien and asked.
“Why did you give me this book?”

The alien was just as surprised as he was when he asked her that. She replied.
“I thought if you couldn’t understand me, then I might be able to teach you.”

James processed the conversation and summed it up to.
“Well thank you for the book, it helped quite a bit, but might I ask. Who are you?”

Location: Cyrene Complex

Time: 9:20 PM

The girls had to get decontaminated again, and then processed into the room one by one as the standard procedure went for all personnel in the facility. It was a pain in the flank, but the doctors had been thorough with warnings of cross contamination which they’d like to avoid for the unconscious alien. They hadn't much of an idea how the being would react to the air that ponies breathed and they wanted to make sure that it didn’t cause problems.
Once inside the girls got to get a closer look, and unlike Pinkie Pie, they didn’t poke the alien in the chair, except Rainbow Dash who was curious as to how the alien’s muscles were like, which made the others giggle at the idea of her going for a boy, to which she defended that she had interests of her own.

Princess Celestia and Luna both told them what they knew of the alien, which wasn’t much, aside from it having an exactly equestrian like body and biological type. It made no sense as to why it didn’t react well to magic though or for that matter why it didn’t have wings or horns. Luna commented that no race could have the same traits as another, the alien was the same, and it had no traits to share in. But that didn’t mean that its descendants couldn’t, if they took a guess. The alien could mate with a pony and have an offspring which would inherit both traits of pony and alien, if the rules of breeding were the same.

That said, the girls blushed at the idea of trying it with an alien, no matter how much you dressed it up an alien was still an alien. Twilight inquired into one thing though.
“Did the alien have anything on it when you brought it into the complex?”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other and then nodded. They brought out a container, the size of toolbox, and they opened it up.
“We found these, one being a weapon which we unloaded another being some strange devices and other gadgets, but it doesn’t seem to function for us.”

Twilight and the girls looked into container filled with objects. What looked like a handgun, much bigger handgun and it had clips of ammo, Twilight could tell that it was a gun from the many records of Equestrian military history books she had at the library, but none of them had a handgun like the one she was looking at. There were dog tags, and something that looked like a notebook, it was strange it was a black device which held strange cards inside.

And then there were 3 other objects, a small handheld device, it was shaped like a cube and had some other joints which opened it, however it was locked. There was a cube or what looked like a cube which was about the size of Twilight’s palm, it was smooth and glossy, and it looked really out of place. And the last thing that she looked at was a small cylinder like tube which had a small part that could be pulled open; it snapped the tube in half and revealed an image, a young child, smiling with a family. The young boy in the image was the alien, smiling happily in his youth.


Location: Unknown

Time: 11:23 PM

Three days on this unforgiving rock and still he had yet to trace them; his hands grasped at the dirt below his hooved feet and let the dust fall through his forked fingers. Zaro hated this dirt ball, but he couldn’t get off of it, he was stranded here, just like his fellow elites. His lieutenant asked.

“Commander, how much further do you believe that Rebas and his rebels are?” The stalker class spec ops asked.

“Not much further, and neither are the Gauntlet of Requiem and its main force, we must hurry to contact Rebas to regroup with us. We have an artefact to hunt.” Zaro ordered.

The elite officer nodded and got back on his short range subspace communicator. Zaro turned his attention back to the night time skies. He scanned the heavens above for anything that might indicate the signs of another ship entering the world’s orbit. He was being patient, but if the subspace transmissions were true then a hunter class Corvette was about to come down on their skulls very soon.

He prayed to the holy forerunners to provide him with a miracle or an honourable death, or a very fast grave. He had with him, 12 elites of the Broken Legion, and a small strike force of allies who followed him here, wherever here was. But when he did, so did Vesdarea’ and the forces of Requiem, but not all made it. He had the human commander of the Iron Clad to thank; he rammed his ship into the command destroyer and wiped out practically all of Vesda’s forces in a single act of defiance.

But that didn’t deter the zealous Master Zealot from his hunt against Rebas and Zaro. He hoped that the scattered humans gathered in time. There was a war to be fought and not enough time for ‘civility and champagne’ as one AI construct commented during his years as a rebel against the prophets.
He eyed the night skies, he knew that Vesda was coming and he was bringing hell itself from above.

AN: I should warn you that i start going to TAFE in 3 more days so be warned, i won't be continuing this for about 3-4 weeks or maybe less, i'll try to update as best as i can, but i've got work to get done now so. I dunno.

Thank you Deviant Artist b-312 for your submission of Zaro

And yes I modified the character for this story.

And also there are a number of other classes of elites in my AU of Halo so be warned, there are really nasty ones and awesome ones as well.

(Original from the submission)
Full Name: Zaro 'Veros
Nickname: Revan
Race: Sangheili
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Height: 8'6
Weight: 273 lbs
Voice: Low vocal sound and pitch (relative to species).
Eye: Colour: blue
Skin: Colour: Brownish
Rank: Field marshal
Clan: Legionary
Quote: Honour is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.

Helmet: field marshal
Primary colour: steel
Secondary colour: steel
Detail colour: Red

Other details:
History: Zaro was born in the state of Veros he like every young Sanghili child did not know his father and was trained to fight with the energy sword. At the age of 18 he joined the human covenant war and after his first battle he was promoted to the rank of officer because of how well he commanded his forces after his CO was killed by a human sniper.

Two battles later he saved a group of young Sanghili minors that were pinned down by four human warthogs, he took a fallen Unggoy Spec Ops fuel rod gun and destroyed three of the four warthogs the last was heavily damaged and fled the battle he was promoted to zealot after the battle after which he was never seen without his fuel rod gun which was painted a back colour with the same Red outlines his future armour would have.

After another 5 years he was promoted to general after he killed one of the dreaded demons. However he didn't tell the prophets that he didn't kill the human he let them live and just took the helmet to prove he killed them that was when he started to question the prophet’s motives. at the battle of reach five years later he killed and entire platoon of marines on his own and rescued four zealot class elites from their prison earning him the rank of Field Marshall but instead of the maroon coloured armour he painted it black.

During the time of the civil war he decided to side with the arbiter after all his fellow field Marshals were killed by a brute kill team in their sleep. He fought on the ark alongside a group of ODSTs in which he gained a great deal of respect from them with his no one gets left behind ideals. They earned his respect as well after they spared a group of grunts who begged for mercy. Zaro was the leader or the ground forces of the fleet of particular justice, but before he could get his ship into position to jump to slip space with the supreme commander's personal ships and follow the pillar of autumn it was disabled by an EMP blast in the reactor room luckily nothing was irreparably damaged and no one died in the blast what caused it no one knows but Zaro made sure it never happened again.

During the war he was part of a group called the sangheili brotherhood and was belived to be the only field marshal in attendance. He along with Uhze 'Nostrom, Thul 'Kufhaal, T'kan Ghan, Alei Iakanee, and Thel 'Voramee were the brotherhoods best soldiers.

Personality: smart, open minded, and will show mercy if the enemy fought with honour.

Weapons: black fuel rod gun with glowing red trim with a plasma core to have unlimited ammo, two Black energy swords with Red lines flowing through the blades of his own creation that combine with his shield generator to have an unlimited charge. And dual energy daggers.

Equipment of choice: armour lock and active camo both equipped at the same time so he can use one or the other without switching between the two he also adopted the human music playing device and installed it into his helmet because he had listened to some songs the ODSTs were listening to and found them to be a good change of tune from the sounds of war.

(Modified version)
Class: Special Ops Ranger Commander
Full Name: Zaro 'Veros
Nickname: Raven
Race: Sangheilli
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Height: 8'6
Weight: 262 lbs
Voice: Low vocal sound and pitch (relative to species).
Eye: Colour: blue
Skin: Colour: Dark grey
Rank: Commander
Clan: The Broken Legion
Quote: Honour in death, and death in honour.
BIO: Born 2515
Zaro was a young teen when recruited for the Daedalus campaign; he was at the height of his youth and a young teen, being only 15 when he joined the rangers. Trained under Scout Marshal Casedus Motomoree, he excelled in combat and showed promise as a warrior of speed and agility. Not to mention wits. He graduated at the age of 19.
His first campaign was on the Frozen Front, a hellish wasteland of frozen worlds, where little could survive. His ranger force was completely decimated by the tundra warriors of the Orussian military and its cloned armies which ripped through the elites with horrendous ease. The ranger had to brave the wilderness for over 3 weeks before being found near death in a frozen outcropping of what was once his base.
He re-joined the forces after a month in recovery and went back again, this time more cautious of who he was fighting. Zaro fought against the UCAF marines at the battle of Sye, which led him onto the water like world. There he was put up against the superior defences of the UCAF marines, but outwitted them in their placements of guns, he punched a line over the main defences and managed to get the defences down for the rest of the force to attack.
Zaro was in the midst of the chaotic battle which forced the UCAF back, and he was awarded the rank of Ranger Major. His career into the field of battle was usually on worlds that he knew he could win; he led battles on the aerial world of Vesida, where he engaged the UCAF aerial 22nd Vulcan Defenders in a 4 month campaign to which he eventually helped in winning.
Zaro was promoted again and this time given command of his own retinue of warriors and moved into the outer Daedalus crusades, which only made his situation direr. He ended up on a death world, marked for its incredibly high mortality rating, known as Titan Proxy. There he engaged the UCAF for over 6 years without end, which resulted in the deaths of many of his comrades.
He eventually got wounded severely enough that the hierarchs recalled him from battle and placed him in recovery once more. But this time his heart grew with a burden, there was nothing to be gained from this war. He hated the conflict as the warriors of Sanhelios were dying for a lost cause and he eventually began to ignore orders from the hierarchs.
His last campaign was against the human colony of Casidus, where the elites were ordered to slaughter an entire civilian colony; he watched the slaughter unfold at the side of his new commander Vesdarea. His hatred grew for the callous butchering and withdrew only to be confronted by the Zealot Master. With him Rebas a fellow ship master disagreed that this was anything but honourable and challenged the Zealot to battle, which resulted in the Zealot being defeated.
Vesdarea swore vengeance and gave the two time to leave, they escaped with whatever forces they had and vanished into the depths of space aiding the UCAF in their campaign against the hierarchs and the prophets for their lies.
Weapons: Modified human fusion lance, modified pulse carbines, plasma gauntlets, modified plasma hand cannon, and one 6ft energy lance with handle protection.

Equipment of choice: Covenant Armour- Stalker Class Amour mixed with Commander Gear, he carries, shield dome bracer, 4 energy daggers, 5 fusion grenades, 2 lance bayonet mines, 1 combat computer, EIJ emitters (energised ion jammers), 1 gravity pack.