• Published 30th Mar 2013
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Sunset of Time - Albi

Sunset Shimmer: Princess Twilight Sparkle's most faithful student. After bearing witness to the End of the World, she travels back in time to destroy the Dark Regalia and save her future. But a ghost from the past has other plans...

  • ...

Chapter V: Her Dark Regalia

Chapter V: Her Dark Regalia

Twilight stood with an agitated expression, as Rainbow Dash flew back and forth through the air in front of her. She, her five pony friends, and Spike stood in the middle of the kitchen, an awkward silence weighing on them.

“So let me get this straight,” Rainbow said, ceasing her pacing. “Sunset claims to be your student from the future, who came back in time because the world ended, and future you told her to go back and stop it by finding something called, ‘The Dark Regalia.’ Am I getting this right?”

“Yes,” Twilight said flatly. She had told the entire story to the rest of the group after Rainbow had pushed everyone into the back room, and demanded more of an explanation. “That’s about the gist of it.”

“And you believe her?” Rainbow asked incredulously.

Twilight’s expression became stern. “Yes, I do. Why shouldn’t I?”

“Well, first of all, doesn’t her story sound kinda familiar? It sounds like she just found out about the time you time traveled and tweaked it to sound like a better sob story.”

“Rainbow, why would she need to do that?”

“To steal the Alicorn Amulet, duh.”

“Rainbow, dear,” Rarity said. “Your theory might hold more ground if the amulet hadn’t already been stolen.”

“And besides,” Twilight added, “you believed me when I told you I had been visited by my future self. Why don’t you believe her?”

Rainbow tapped her hooves together in a guilty manner. “Well... I kinda thought that you might have finally lost it. But I went along with it because I trust you, Twilight. This girl shows up out of nowhere, lies to us, and then tells us the world is gonna end unless we find the Alicorn Amulet and the rest of this regalia stuff! Either she’s plotting something, or she’s crazy!”

“She isn’t crazy!” Twilight said, growing more irritated with Rainbow’s stubbornness. “And she isn’t plotting anything! She cried her heart out this morning after waking up screaming from a nightmare. You didn’t see the look she had in her eyes, Rainbow. She’s been through something awful.”

“Or she’s acting.”

Twilight facehooved, groaning in frustration. “Alright, fine, I get it. You don’t trust Sunset. But you said it yourself; you trust me. So, trust me enough to believe in her.”

Rainbow scrunched her face, mulling the proposal over. She opened her mouth several times, only to close it and resume thinking. Finally, she sighed and said, “Alright, Twilight, if you think she’s telling the truth... then I’ll follow along. But I’ve got my eye on her!”

Twilight nodded. It wasn’t the ideal answer she had been looking for, but with Rainbow Dash, it was close enough. “And what about the rest of you?” She faced the rest of her friends sitting about the kitchen.

“Well,” Rarity started, “she doesn’t seem crazy or evil to me.”

“Me neither,” Pinkie said. “Crazy ponies have eyes that go all...” She rolled her eyes around in her head. “Besides, evil ponies don’t like parties. You saw how Nightmare Moon acted at the Summer Sun Celebration.” She crossed her hooves and pouted. “Party pooper.”

Spike raised his hand. “I think she’s telling the truth. I mean, magic has done some crazier things, right?”

“Umm, well... I don’t want to believe her about the end of the world... but, I don’t see why she would lie about something like that. So, if you believe her, Twilight, then I’ll believe her too,” Fluttershy said, speaking for the first time since she had entered with Zecora.

“Regardless of if she’s crazy or not, that don’t change the fact that someone stole the Alicorn Amulet from under our noses,” said Applejack. “Ah don’t know if Ah believe in this whole ‘end of the world’ talk, but Ah think Sunset bein’ here, and the amulet goin’ missin’ ain’t no coincidence.” She gave all of them a serious look. “We’ve got a thief runnin’ around with a powerful necklace, ready to do who knows what. Ya’ll remember what Trixie did with it.” It wasn’t a question. None of them could really forget how Trixie had kicked Twilight out of town and taken control of it.

Twilight nodded. “You’re right. Whoever took the amulet didn’t do it with good intentions. I think the best thing to do is tell Princess Celestia; she might even know something about the Dark Regalia.”

“Do you want me to write a letter?” Spike asked instinctively.

“Yes, tell her we’re on our way to Canterlot, and we have something that needs to be discussed face-to-face.”

Spike saluted and began rummaging around the kitchen for a quill and paper.

“Hey,” Rainbow spoke up. “If Sunset is so worried about the future, why didn’t she just ask Princess Celestia for help in the first place?”

“She was scared interactions with ponies from the past would mess up something in the timeline.” A justifiable fear, Twilight reasoned, but it seemed silly in hindsight.

“Uh-huh.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Sunset picked at the strawberry cake in front of her. She had decided to sample a piece of the delicious looking, three-tiered cake while she waited for Twilight’s friends to pass judgement on her. It was soft, moist, and incredibly flavorful; but it couldn’t ease her troubled mind.

Twilight will vouch for me, she thought, savoring a piece of mouthwatering cake. But what if the rest of them don’t believe me? What if they convince her into thinking I’m crazy? Ugh, I knew this was a bad idea! She sighed and took another large bite of cake. This shouldn’t have happened. I let the amulet slip from right out from under my hooves. Now, I have to find the Regalia and the thief.

Sunset looked up from her plate and towards the kitchen door. She could hear muffled voices coming from the other side, mostly Rainbow Dash’s. The longer they took, the more nervous Sunset became. She glanced about the empty room, trying to distract herself. It was so colorfully decorated; balloons and streamers coated the walls, and confetti covered the floor. The fact that there was nopony else there made it seem almost depressing.

Sunset finished her slice of cake, and was reaching to get another, when the kitchen door finally opened.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Pinkie said as she bounced into the room. “We, the jury, find you not guilty!”

Sunset blinked. “Come again?”

“She means we believe you, dear,” Rarity explained. Her eyes flickered towards Rainbow Dash for a split second. “Or at least, most of us do.”

“Really?” Sunset’s heart soared at the news. They didn’t think she was crazy! They were actually going to help her! Twilight was right, she should have just trusted them in the first place.

Twilight smiled at her and nodded. “Really. I sent Princess Celestia a message as well, and she’s agreed to meet with us.”

Sunset’s heart quickly plummeted into her stomach. “Oh,” she said in a small voice. “When?”


Sunset’s eyes widened to saucers. “What?”

“Well, like you said, this is an emergency,” Twilight reasoned. “Someone already took the Alicorn Amulet, so we need to move as fast as possible to find them and stop them from doing harm to somepony.”

Sunset ignored the shiver that ran down her spine and forced a smile. “You’re right, telling Celestia about this is probably the best idea.”

“Oh yeah? Then why didn’t you do it before?” Rainbow asked, giving Sunset an icy glare.

“Ease off, R.D.,” Applejack warned.

Rainbow huffed and crossed her hooves, continuing to stare Sunset down from her spot in the air.

Sunset silently thanked Applejack. Now, she knew why Rarity had said ‘most’ of them believed her. The look in Rainbow’s eye said it all. She believed Sunset was not to be trusted. Sunset couldn’t entirely blame her; the entire idea was pretty far-fetched. However, she matched Rainbow’s cold gaze with a determined look of her own. Sunset wanted them all to believe her. She needed them to.

The others watched the two ponies as they stared each other down in a heated silence. Neither of them showed any sign of wavering in their contest. Rainbow narrowed her eyes. Sunset clenched her jaw. It was like watching two predatory creatures size each other up before lunging for the kill.

Twilight fidgeted her wings, uncomfortable by the tension between her two friends. She cleared her throat loudly, trying to draw their attention, but to no avail. Finally she shouted, “Girls!” Both ponies broke from their staredown, and gave their attention to Twilight. “We need to get going. The Princesses have sent a private chariot for us, and it should be here in half an hour, so all of you need to get prepared.”

Pinkie clapped her hooves together. “Yippee, we’re going on another adventure!”

Applejack suddenly appeared to have swallowed a particularly sour apple. “Dagnabit!” She slapped a hoof against her face.

“What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“The Zap Apples, that’s what’s wrong!” Fluttershy recoiled slightly from Applejack’s angry voice. Applejack let out a slow breath. “Sorry ‘Shy, Ah’m not mad at you. Ah’m mad at this dang thief! Thanks to whoever they are, Ah’m probably going to miss the Zap Apple Harvest! And ya know how those apples are; we only get a few hours to harvest them all.” She shook her head sadly. “Ah know Applebloom is gettin’ older, but between just her and Big Mac, there’s only so many apples they can get.”

Twilight gave Applejack and apologetic look. “I’m really sorry A.J. But, I’m sure they’ll try their hardest. And I bet Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo will be more than willing to help as well.”

Applejack cracked a weak smile. “Ah said Ah wanted the apples harvested, Twi, not destroyed.”

Everyone gave a light laugh that lifted some of the tension in the room. Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t worry A.J., I’m sure everything will be fine.”

“Yer probably right, Twilight. But Ah’m still gonna pop that pony in the snout when we catch ‘em.”

Twilight paused, unsure of how to respond. Instead she said, “Alright girls, go home and get ready. We’ll meet at the train station in twenty minutes.”

They nodded in agreement and exited Sugarcube Corner, heading in their separate directions, save for Pinkie Pie who began to eat up the remains of the party, starting with the leftover food.

Sunset followed Spike and Twilight back to the library, having nowhere else to go. The sun had completely vanished from the sky, replaced by a waning moon and an ocean of stars. Crickets chirped, disturbing the otherwise silent night with their noisy symphony. Moths danced around the lampposts, drawn in by the inviting flame. All of Ponyville’s citizens had turned in for the night, leaving the dirt streets empty, a complete turnaround from that morning.

“So.” Sunset broke the personal silence between the three of them. “I’m guessing Rainbow Dash doesn’t like me?”

“Well... it’s not that she doesn’t like you,” Twilight said slowly. “She’s just being... cautious.”

“Abrasive,” Spike muttered.

Twilight shushed him. “She’s just a little protective of us. She feels like it’s part of her responsibility as the Element of Loyalty to keep us safe.”

Sunset could respect that. Being the sole survivor of a dead future, she felt it was her responsibility to do whatever it took to keep everyone safe the second time around. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder how long it would take for Rainbow to trust her.

They reached the library and entered the dark tree hollow. Spike quickly turned the lights on and fetched Twilight’s saddle bag from out of the closet. Twilight had begun to ascend the stairs, when she turned back to Sunset. “You should probably get the hourglass and bring it with you.”

Sunset had almost completely disregarded the hourglass as just a little souvenir from the future that may or may not let her go home when this was all over. “Why would I need it?”

“Just in case. You never know when you might need it again.”

Sunset began climbing the wooden staircase after her. “I’m pretty sure that thing isn’t going to work again, but alright.”

Twilight stopped on her landing and entered her room, while Sunset continued up to the guest room. She summoned a ball of light on the tip of her horn, and pushed it out to the center of the small room, illuminating the entire space. She approached her bed, a tangled mess of blankets and sheets she had never bothered to clean up. Flecks of dirt and ash clung to the bed, reminding Sunset of the state she had been in only a few hours prior.

Her only keepsake sat next to the unkempt bed; all the sand in the top bulb had trickled down and settled at the bottom of the timepiece. Sunset picked up the hourglass in her hooves and admired the golden facets. Staring at it now, Sunset was amazed how such a little device had the power to change so much. She was about to rewrite history, if she did everything right.

It’s a good thing Twilight made sure that only the righteous could use this. She shuddered to think what would happen if somepony could just bounce around through time whenever they wanted.

She tilted the timepiece and looked at herself in the reflective glass, admiring the work Rarity had done on her blazing mane. She liked how part of it fell in front of her eye; it kind of reminded her of....

Sunset swallowed a lump in her throat. She had to go back to Canterlot and face Celestia, less than twenty-four hours after she had lied right to the princess’s face. She suddenly felt very nervous, but behind that she felt... anger. Anger, hatred, sadness... and fear. It was all very subtle, but Sunset could feel it there. Like it was hiding in the back of her heart. The whispers she heard during her first meeting with Celestia returned, calling the princess a liar. Heartless monster... She gets rid of anything the first time it displeases her... She isn’t fit to sit on the throne anymore...

Sunset dropped the hourglass and held a hoof to her head, suddenly aware that she was breathing heavily, like she had just finished a sprint. She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the dark thoughts plaguing her.

“Sunset, are you ready?” Twilight called from the first floor.

Twilight’s voice cut through the whispers, sending them scattering back to the far reaches of her mind. Sunset took a few deep breaths before responding, “Yeah, be down in a second!”

She stared at the hourglass lying in front of her. Was that the cause of these dark thoughts? Sunset wanted to think so, but she remembered at breakfast, when Twilight had mentioned Celestia’s name, a flash of anger had passed through her. It had been brief, but it had been there.

“Tired,” Sunset said aloud, trying to reassure herself. “I’m just tired, that’s all.” She might have believed it more if she really were tired. Still, she had no time to put any more thought into it; she hated to make Twilight late. She picked up the hourglass in her magic, and walked towards the door before she frowned. She looked back at the object shadowing her. “This isn’t going to work, I can’t just levitate you everywhere.”

She set the hourglass down and tapped her chin, pondering a new method of transportation for it. Her ears twitched as hoofsteps approached her door. Twilight stuck her head around the corner, her tiara resting on her head.

“Sunset, what are you doing?”

“Sorry, Twilight. I was just wondering how I can carry this around easier.” She gestured towards the hourglass.

Twilight walked into the room to get a better look. Sunset looked at the saddlebag on Twilight’s back and saw something gold sticking out of one of the flaps. Curious, she lifted the object over to herself, revealing a golden necklace with a pink butterfly centerpiece.

“An Element of Harmony,” she whispered, taken in by its simple beauty.

Twilight looked up from the hourglass and saw Sunset admiring Fluttershy’s necklace. “Sunset, were you snooping through my bag?” Twilight asked indignantly.

“Oh, no, no, no,” Sunset said, waving her hooves fervently. “It was slipping out of the pocket, and I just got a little curious. Sorry.” She started to put the necklace back, when an idea struck her. She looked between the necklace and the hourglass, a smile spreading across her face. “Hey, Twilight, can I borrow a piece of rope?”

Seven ponies and a dragon stood in the clearing in front of the Golden Oaks Library, waiting for the royal chariot to whisk them away into the night. Other than the occasional looks Sunset and Rainbow Dash would give one another, the group waited comfortably in the warm night air.

Rainbow finally broke the silence and pointed at Sunset. “So, what’s with the hourglass around your neck?”

She had used the piece of rope Twilight had given her and shrunk the hourglass down to an even smaller size, fashioning an easy to carry necklace. “This is how I got here,” Sunset said, lifting it up for all to see. “I think it creates a small barrier around the user, while simultaneously reversing the flow of the space-time continuum around them.”


“...It lets me time travel,” Sunset said in a monotone voice.

Rainbow crossed her hooves. “Well, why didn’t you just say that?” She ignored the eyeroll Sunset gave her and continued, “So, you can go wherever you want to in history?”

“Well, theoretically I could, but there are enhancements that restrict it from being misused. I’m not even sure if I could go home right now.”

“What home? I thought you said everything was destroyed,” Rainbow said in a skeptical tone.

Rainbow!” Rarity cried.

“What, she did.”

Sunset sucked in a breath and slowly released it through her nose. Throwing mud at her really didn’t help my case. Sunset had a feeling that half the reason Rainbow was being hostile towards her was because of that incident. It had been funny at the time, but now she was beginning to regret it.

From above them came the sound of flapping wings, as four pegasi guards descended, towing a large golden chariot behind them. They touched the ground and came to a stop in front of Twilight, to whom they gave a deep bow.

“We are here to escort you and your company to Canterlot Castle, Your Highness,” the lead guard said.

Twilight nodded and gestured to her friends to pile into the chariot. It was a tight fit with all eight of them; Spike had to sit on Twilight’s back, and even then it was tough for Sunset to squeeze in. Eventually, Rainbow volenteered to just fly next to the chariot instead, leaving more leg room.

The chariot lurched forward, as the guards took a running start before leaping off the ground and hoisting their passengers into the night sky. They climbed higher and higher, making Sunset’s ears pop with the changing altitude. She looked over the side to see Ponyville become a small, lonely cluster of lights in the dark valley.

She looked forward, watching as Canterlot drew closer with its inviting glow, lighting up the mountain face like a Hearthwarming tree. The wind blew across her face in an inviting manner, tousling her mane and fur. Sunset didn’t care that it caused her eyes to water; she loved feeling the warm air against her, she loved everything about flying! The chariot dipped a few feet, sending butterflies into her stomach and causing her to grin gleefully.

Rainbow Dash continued to circle around them, occasionally speeding up in an attempt to coax the guards to fly faster. They, however, kept a constant speed. It was fast, just not fast enough for Rainbow.

The group descended over Canterlot, the majestic city sprawling out beneath them. True to Sunset’s expectations, the city was awake with excitement. Ponies cantered about from one shopping district to another. A large group was gathered in front of an opera house, conversing amicably before the first show began. Another group was seated in an outdoor amphitheater, listening to an orchestra that filled the entire park with sweet music.

Rarity gave a longing sigh. “Canterlot is so beautiful at night, isn’t it?”

Sunset watched as they passed over a plaza lit up to look like an eight rayed sun, silently agreeing with Rarity.

The chariot landed in the castle courtyard, followed promptly by Rainbow. “That was pretty fun. I don’t get to fly at night that often,” she told the others as they hopped out of their transportation.

Two of the guards unhitched themselves from their harnesses and made to open the castle doors. They stood at attention and saluted as Twilight and her company walked by. “Their Majesties are waiting for you in the throne room, Your Majesty.”

Twilight thanked them and continued to lead her friends into the castle, with Sunset bringing up the rear. The euphoria from flying had abandoned her, replaced with nervousness and fear. Knowing that she had to stand in front of Celestia and admit that she had lied to the princess’ face was giving Sunset a deep sense of dread.

The lying whispers echoing in her head weren’t helping either.

The throne room was lit by two large chandeliers, though given the size of the room, they didn’t give much light. Celestia knew that was how Luna preferred to conduct court when she held sway over it at night. The remaining light would come from the stars, or on some nights, the full moon.

Both sisters stood at the foot of the throne, awaiting their guests. Celestia had been just about to turn in for the night when she received Twilight’s urgent letter. Her student had not specified what was wrong, only stated that it was important and may involve the safety of all of Equestria. Though Celestia was worn-out from her all-night research, and her dealings with the court that day, she would gladly give up another night of sleep if it meant keeping her kingdom safe.

“It is odd, is it not?” Luna spoke softly. “That Twilight did not state what was awry, merely saying that it needed to be discussed in person.”

“That is what has me concerned. It must be of great importance if she wants to speak to me immediately.”

Luna straightened up, her attention focused on the door at the far end of the room. “They arrive.”

As if on cue, the two night guards manning the door stomped the butts of their spears against the floor twice and announced, “Presenting Her Royal Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Elements of Harmony, and guests!”

The doors opened and eight figures marched in, making their way down the carpet before coming to a halt in front of the princesses and bowing deeply. Celestia looked over the group, her eyes resting on the last pony, Sunset Shimmer, who looked up and met her gaze. Celestia saw something stir behind those eyes and quickly looked away, focusing her attention on Twilight.

“We’re sorry for bothering you this late, princess,” Twilight said sheepishly.

Celestia shook her head, her ethereal mane rippling with every movement. “Nonsense, Twilight. I always have time for you girls.”

“And that is what my court is for,” Luna said. “To address problems that happen in the night.”

Twilight gave Luna a warm smile. “Well, actually I’m glad both of you decided to meet with us. This could affect all of Equestria... maybe even the entire world.”

Celestia’s expression became serious; all pleasantries were gone. “What is the matter, Twilight?”

“Someone has stolen the Alicorn Amulet from our friend Zecora.”

Celestia closed her eyes. “I see,” was all she said. When Twilight had told her about the events that had transpired the first time somepony had used the Alicorn Amulet, Celestia had been tempted to take it and hide it away herself. But, on top of asking her to give the unicorn Trixie a pardon, Twilight had assured that the amulet was in safe hooves, and that Zecora would make sure it stayed hidden. The very existence of the amulet was known to few. The fact that only a spiteful stage magician had taken it last time made them very lucky. Now that someone else had it....

Luna finished Celestia’s thought aloud. “I do not believe we will be lucky a second time. The magic contained within the amulet is vast. I doubt whoever stole it this time will be looking for petty revenge.”

“Indeed,” Celestia nodded. “This could become a serious problem—”

“Actually, there’s more,” Twilight interrupted.

“Oh?” Luna raised an eyebrow. “Please continue then.”

Twilight fidgeted with her wings, looking uncomfortable. “Well... what do you know about the Dark Regalia?”

Both Celestia’s and Luna’s eyes widened. They shared a grave look and faced Twilight. “Where did you hear about that?” Celestia’s voice was barely audible, even with the acoustics of the throne room.

Celestia saw Twilight’s gaze flicker to Sunset then back. It had been brief, almost instantaneous, but Celestia had caught it.

Sunset took slow steps forward until she stood next to Twilight. “I... I told her about it, Your Majesty,” her voice trembled, and she never looked up from the floor.

Celestia looked down at Sunset, who was trying to make herself seem as small as possible. Their resemblance is uncanny, practically perfect. Yet... She pushed the thought aside; she would dwell on it later. “And where did you hear about these artifacts, Sunset Shimmer?”

Sunset lifted her head to look meekly at the alicorn in front of her. “That’s kind of a long story.”

“I believe it is a story you need to tell.”

“Yes, princess.” She cleared her throat and was about to explain her story, when Luna interrupted her.

“Wait. Quick Silver, Iron Tail,” she addressed the guards at the door, “leave us; this is a private matter.”

They saluted and saw themselves out, shutting the door tightly behind them. Luna lit her horn, and a pale blue light surrounded the door and each of the stained glass windows before fading out. “That is to ensure we are not overheard by unwelcome ears,” she explained to her subjects. “Now, Sunset, you may begin your tale.”

All the attention of the room was now focused on Sunset as she began to speak. “I’m not originally from here. I’m from fifty years in the future where I’m Princess Twilight’s student.”

A look of confusion flashed across Luna’s face before it returned to calm understanding. Celestia was feeling the exact same way, but kept her emotions perfectly hidden.

Sunset hesitated, trying to find the right words for her story. “I... I can’t really explain what it was, but it was evil. Just... a ball of evil that started tearing the world apart. Nothing could stop it...” Her voice grew distant, and her gaze reached the floor again. “So, Twilight, before she died... gave me instructions to go back in time and find the Dark Regalia and destroy it. I used this hourglass to come back to this time period so I could stop the end of the world.” She lifted her head up, tears hung on the corners of her eyes. “I’m sorry I lied to you, Princess.”

Celestia stood there in silence, processing what she had just heard. So, you aren’t my Sunset. You just look like her. She suppressed the urge to sigh, slightly disappointed by the revelation. Putting the thoughts of yesteryear away, Celestia addressed Sunset. “So, you wish to find the Dark Regalia so that you can destroy it and prevent a calamity from occurring.”

“Yes,” Sunset affirmed.

The two alicorn sister looked at each other, a silent exchange passing between them. “Very well,” Luna said, turning her head back. “Allow us, now, to tell you all a story.”

“You are all aware of the Hearthwarming tale,” Celestia started. “How the three separate pony tribes united together and formed our nation. It was not long after that, Discord appeared and began his chaotic reign over Equestria. Only when Luna and I discovered the Elements of Harmony, did we stand up to him and first lock him away.”

Luna took over. “Of course, the ponies celebrated their freedom. So many of them wanted us to lead them that Celestia and I could hardly say no. They welcomed us to the new throne with open hooves and warm hearts.” Luna smiled briefly at the memory before she frowned again. “But of course, there are always those who are not happy with the transition of power.”

Spike scratched his head. “Wait, some ponies didn’t want you to be princesses? Why? You guys just beat Discord!”

It was Celestia’s turn to speak. “While everyone was certainly happy not to live under Discord’s rule anymore, some felt that we had no right to interfere in their new government. We were outsiders and had no place taking the position of royalty.

“While Commander Hurricane and Chancellor Puddinghead’s descendants willingly gave up their positions of authority for places in our court, Princess Platinum’s great-granddaughter, Princess Peridot, was not so lenient. She and a group of followers from each tribe banded together to protest our new rule. They were the minority however, and had few followers.”

“It was then their belief that the only reason the ponies wanted our continued rule was because we are alicorns,” Luna continued. “So, they formulated an insane notion to create an alicorn of their own to challenge ‘the interlopers,’ as they had taken to calling us.”

“Woah, woah, woah,” Rainbow held her hooves up. “They made an alicorn? Like, how Twilight became one?”

Celestia shook her head. “No. They used much darker methods. That is what the Dark Regalia is: three pieces of regal wear, infused with dangerous amounts of natural and black magic.” Celestia’s horn glowed and an image of the Alicorn Amulet appeared in front of her. “The Alicorn Amulet is a piece of the regalia that you are already familiar with. Its purpose is to maximize a unicorn’s magic to staggering levels. This, you have seen firsthoof. What you haven’t seen is what happens if you put the amulet on a pegasi or earth pony.”

“W-what happens?” Fluttershy asked.

Celestia breathed slowly. “They would gain the powers of a unicorn, horn and all.”

There was a collective gasp that echoed throughout the room. Applejack was the first to recover. “Are you tellin’ us, that if Ah put on that amulet, Ah’d turn into a unicorn?”

“Yes, and no. You wouldn’t turn into a unicorn, Applejack. Remember that earth ponies have their own magic as well, magic that you would keep upon wearing the amulet. You would, in addition, acquire the type of magic unicorns use. In essence, you would be both an earth-pony and a unicorn.”

“Woah, that’s incredible. Disturbin’, but incredible.”

“So, what about the other pieces of the regalia?” Twilight pressed.

The image of the amulet vanished, and in its place, a picture of a pointed black crown with folded wings on each side appeared. “The Tempest Crown,” Celestia explained. “Able to allow a pegasus to control the most vicious storm, and fly at speeds that would make even you, Rainbow Dash, look slow.”

Rainbow crossed her hooves, looking none too pleased.

“If given to any other type of pony, it would give them wings in addition to the powers of a pegasi.” The crown faded away, replaced by an image of black and silver shoes, similar to what Celestia was wearing. “Finally, the Obsidian Hoofguards. They grant the wearer the strength, durability, and longevity the earth ponies are known for. If you willed it, life could spring up almost instantaneously from where you stepped.”

“Or it could decay and die in a heartbeat,” Luna grimly added. “Combined, these three artifacts could change one into an artificial alicorn with deadly amounts of magic. That was what Princess Peridot wanted: an alicorn to challenge our throne.”

“Vesper Radiance!” Sunset suddenly cried.

Everyone fell silent and stared at her. “Umm, gesundheit?” Pinkie tried.

“Sorry, let me explain. In my history books, there was an alicorn who tried to usurp the throne around this time, calling herself Vesper Radiance. She almost succeeded until you girls,” she gestured to the Bearers of Harmony, “sealed her inside Canterlot Mountain.” Sunset slapped her forehead. “Oh, I can’t believe I didn’t put it together before! That was the ball of evil! Vesper Radiance breaks free in the future, and all that corruption and magic drove her insane enough to destroy everything!”

Luna rubbed her chin. “A valid assumption. But I question why the elements would fail in the first place.”

“Regardless of the reason, we must ensure that it does not happen again,” Celestia said.

“So, what became of Princess Peridot and the Dark Regalia?” Rarity inquired.

“We caught wind of what Peridot was planning and went to stop her before she could her plan into motion,” Celestia explained. “We stopped her from putting the Regalia on, but she and most of her followers escaped. We never discovered what happened to them.”

“As for the Dark Regalia,” Luna jumped in, “we decided to hide them away. We would have destroyed them, but the amount of magic contained inside of them is dangerously high. Damaging them could cause unpredictable results.”

“So where are they?” Applejack asked.

“We do not know.”

What!” they all cried.

“But you hid them!” Spike accused. “How could you not know where they are?”

There was glint of amusement in Luna’s eye. “My apologies for not being clear. I meant that we assigned for them to be hidden. You see, we did not trust ourselves with the knowledge of their locations. Imagine an alicorn wearing the Dark Regalia.” The look of amusement left her eyes and her expression became distant and reserved. “Not wanting that temptation... it was one of my better ideas.”

Celestia extended a wing and wrapped it around her sister, pulling her close. She knew what was on Luna’s mind; how the guilt of Nightmare Moon still occasionally ate at her.

Luna leaned against Celestia, taking in her sisters warmth. When she spoke again, her voice was tinged with sadness. “To make sure that we couldn’t use them, we gave each regalia piece to their respective pony type and to ponies we trusted the most. The amulet to the unicorns, the crown to the pegasi and the hoofguards to the earth ponies. They were hidden, and lost to history. We are not even sure if they were recorded in the history books.”

Twilight groaned. “If they aren’t in a history book, how are we supposed to find where they are?”

“If Vesper Radiance found them before, that means they must be recorded somewhere,” Sunset pointed out. “We just have to do some research.”

“Perhaps it would be prudent for you to start your search for a pegasus artifact in a pegasus city,” Celestia offered.

Twilight looked up at her. “You mean go to Cloudsdale?”

Celestia nodded. “I’ve gone over the books inside the royal library countless times. If there was something about the Dark Regalia in there, I would have seen it by now.”

“Then we’ll set off first thing in the morning.”

Luna straightened up, her strong and regal demeanor returning. “This will be your first official task as a Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. Find and stop Vesper Radiance, recover the Dark Regalia and bring them back here so that we may dispose of them once and for all.”

“Umm, Princess?” Fluttershy raised her hoof like a foal in a classroom asking for permission to speak. “Couldn’t we use the Elements of Harmony on the Regalia?”

“Perhaps, but remember, the Elements were not made to destroy, Fluttershy. I am unsure as to what they would do to inanimate objects, even if they are filled with dark power.”

“So how do we destroy them?” Rainbow asked.

“We’ll worry about that when we get there, Rainbow,” Applejack answered.

“Yes, it grows late, and you all have a busy day in front of you,” Celestia said. She could hear the weariness in her own voice. “I will have the guards on high alert for anyone acting suspicious, but I feel that ultimately stopping Vesper Radiance will come down to the eight of you. Please, I implore you, be careful.” Her eyes swept over them, stopping on Sunset again. “I could never forgive myself if something bad befell any of you.” Her and Sunset’s eyes met once more. Sunset winced and brought a hoof to her head, averting her eyes from Celestia.

Twilight reached for her. “Sunset, are you okay?”

“Y-yeah.” Sunset breathed. Celestia could tell she was lying. “Just a headache. I just need some rest.”

“Indeed, as do the rest of you.” Celestia spread her graceful white wings and shooed them towards the door. “Off you go. The guards will escort you to the guest rooms. We can finish talking before you leave tomorrow.”

One by one, the ponies bid the princesses goodnight and filed out the door until only Celestia and Luna stood in the throne room. Celestia looked over at her sister, noticing the faraway look in her eye. “Luna, are you alright?”

“Hm?” Luna snapped out of her trance. “Oh, sorry, sister. I was merely thinking about Sunset Shimmer and what you told me this morning. Now I am just as confused as you are.” She stepped away from the throne and walked down to the middle of the room. Gazing at one of stained windows she continued. “You said she was your student from the past, but this one claims to hail from the future.”

“Yes,” Celestia sighed sadly. “Perhaps I was just overthinking it. Maybe this Sunset is merely a descendant of her.”

“With the same name and cutie mark? The odds are astronomical, though I suppose not impossible. Or perhaps, maybe there is more to this story....”

“Perhaps. But I know one thing for certain.” Celestia stretched her wings again and walked towards the door. “I am tired and off to bed.” She stopped and nuzzled Luna on the cheek.

“Pleasant dreams, Tia.”

“With you watching over them, they always are.” Celestia beamed at her before exiting the throne room.

Sunset listened to the water run out of the faucet and into the basin in front of her. She leaned against the countertop in the bathroom, breathing heavily like she had just sprinted a marathon. Thunderous hooves galloped through her head, pounding against her skull. The room spun and she felt nauseous.

The sink finally filled up to the brim with water, and Sunset turned the tap using her hooves rather than magic. She took a deep breath and submerged her face into the cold water, letting it wash over her and massage her aching head.

She stayed under until her lungs begged her to come up for breath. She raised her head from the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was plastered to her face in thick strands, and her pupils were huge, eclipsing her teal irises. It gave her a deranged appearance that only served to worry her more.

“Am I losing it?” Sunset asked her reflection. The entire time she had been in the throne room, she could hear two conversations, one of them only taking place in her head. The whispers had continued to speak in the back of her mind, no matter how hard she tried to force them away. They were the quietest when she spoke and told her story, but when Celestia looked into her eyes at the end, they exploded into screams of fury. Images had flashed through her brain faster than she could decipher, leaving her disoriented. It had taken all of her strength not to collapse walking to the guest room.

The cold water had helped numb Sunset’s headache, and the whispers had faded away once more, leaving the room deathly quiet. “Bed,” she whispered, pushing herself from the sink and making her way to the bed.

She trudged across the velvet carpet and threw herself onto the queen size bed, practically sinking into the soft mattress. She didn’t even bother pulling the covers over her; her eyes slid shut and she fell fast asleep before the thought even crossed her mind.

Sunset Shimmer sat in a chair, wringing her front hooves together, and biting her lip. She looked about the small waiting room, decorated only with the secretary's desk, chairs, and a few potted plants. The secretary in question sat at her workspace, absentmindedly filing her hooves and pretending not to notice the nervous filly across from her.

Sunset started rocking back and forth, unable to help herself. She couldn’t imagine what Princess Celestia wanted with her. Sunset had been minding her own business in class, taking careful notes to what the teacher was saying, when the headmaster walked in and said that Princess Celestia herself had asked to see Sunset Shimmer. Of course, all the colts and fillies ‘ooohed’ her as she left the room.

The headmaster had taken her down to his office, not saying a word as they walked. His stoney demeanor made Sunset too nervous to ask what was wrong. When they had arrived, he told Sunset to wait in the chair, while he met with the princess.

Dread sat in Sunset’s stomach like a lead weight. She had been attending Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns for an entire year now, and she had never had an incident. Never talked back to the teacher, never got in a fight, never missed an assignment. What had she done to warrant a visit from the princess?

The office door opened up and Headmaster Ink Spot stepped out, gesturing to Sunset. “The Princess will see you now.” He smiled, but Sunset couldn’t read if it was a good smile, or the kind some ponies got when someone else was in trouble.

Reluctantly, she left the safety of her chair and walked into his office. The door shut behind her, and Sunset quickly realized that this would be a one-on-one visit.

Princess Celestia sat behind Ink Spot’s desk, her rainbow mane waving softly in a non-existent wind. She smiled warmly at Sunset and motioned for her to sit down. Sunset took the chair opposite of the desk, then silently berated herself for forgetting to bow.

“How are you today, Sunset Shimmer?” she asked sweetly.

“F-fine, Y-Your Majesty.”

Celestia noticed the filly shaking and said, “Do not worry, Sunset, you are not in any trouble.”

Sunset’s shoulders sagged and she sighed in relief before tensing up a little again. “So, if I’m not in trouble, then why did you want to see me, Your Highness?”

Celestia began shuffling through some papers that sat on the desk. “Because I’ve heard some great things about you, Sunset. Perfect grades, test scores that put some of the upperclass students to shame, and displays of exceptional magic. You’ve demonstrated some extraordinary things, Sunset.”

Sunset blushed furiously at the praise she was receiving. “Oh, t-thank you, princess.”

“You’ve earned it, my little pony. In fact, you’ve displayed so much potential, not only in magic, but in all fields of study, that I’d like to offer you something special.”

“What is it?”

Celestia looked into her eyes and gave Sunset her most genuine smile. “How would you like to become my personal student?”

Sunset gaped at her, an odd gurgling noise issuing from her throat. Realizing that she probably looked absolutely ridiculous in front of the princess, she snapped her mouth shut and merely nodded as hard as she could.

“Excellent!” Celestia clapped her hooves together. “Now, as I’m sure you understand, this is a very large responsibility. Though being my apprentice will give certain privileges, you must continue to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner, and not abuse your new status.” Her expression became very serious. “I reserve the right to dismiss you, should you take these privileges for granted. Do you understand, Sunset Shimmer?”

Sunset continued to rapidly nod her head. “Of course, Princess; I would never want to take advantage of you! This is the greatest thing to ever happen to me! I promise, I’ll make you proud!”

Celestia’s stern gaze softened back into a motherly smile. “I’m sure you will, Sunset. Now, before we can make things official, it is appropriate to inform your parents in case they have any qualms about anything.”

Sunset felt her happiness shatter in an instant. She slumped back into her chair, looking dejected. “Oh,” was all she could say.

“What is wrong, Sunset? Would your parents not be happy about your accomplishment?”

Sunset shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said, a bitter edge in her voice. “They dropped me off as soon as they could and never came back.”

Celestia held a hoof to her mouth. “My goodness, Sunset. I’m so very sorry.”

Sunset didn’t say anything. Instead, she stared out the window to the headmaster’s personal flower garden, trying to ignore the disdain she felt for her parents. No letter explaining why, no birthday cards, no trinket to remember them by... Would they even care if they knew that Princess Celestia had chosen me to be her personal student? Would they finally come back?

The pained silence was only disturbed by the shuffling of papers, as Celestia picked through the files in front of her. “If I may ask, Sunset, where do you stay; who is your primary caretaker?”

“Ms. Sunshine Smiles’ Home for Underprivileged Angels,” Sunset said in the same bitter tone. It was just a softer way of saying orphanage.

“Ah,” Celestia said, as she pulled up a page of Sunset’s background information. It had been signed off by Ms. Smiles herself, so Celestia had assumed that was Sunset’s mother. “Well, I hear she is a very sweet mare, and takes excellent care of her charges.” Celestia tried to steer the conversation back to a comfortable level.

Sunset shrugged again. “She’s pretty nice. She did encourage me to apply to your school, and she signed all the papers.”

“Well, then I don’t see why she would object to you studying under me... or coming to live in the castle.”

“W-what?” Sunset instantly perked up again. “You mean I can come live with you?”

“It would be more convenient for our lessons, would it not?” Celestia stood up from her desk and walked towards the front of the room. “Come, Sunset, why don’t we finish this conversation on the way to see Ms. Smiles? It is a lovely day outside.”

Sunset had never worn a smile so large. She jumped from her chair and skipped after the princess, as a wondrous feeling warmed her heart. This is the best day ever!

Sunset wearily opened her eyes, only to see more darkness. She turned over and looked out the window, seeing the stars of the night sky. I can’t have been asleep for more than a few hours then.

She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, the dream fresh in her mind. No, that couldn’t have been just a dream. It felt too... familiar. Like it actually happened. But that’s impossible, I’m Twilight’s student.

Perhaps her subconscious had just crossed two events into one... although she couldn’t recall when she had ever been inside the headmasters office. And the feeling the dream gave off... it was like it was a memory that she had forgotten a long time ago and had finally reclaimed.

Sunset shook her head. I’m just overthinking things. It’s been a long couple of days, and I haven’t gotten any decent sleep in a while. I just need to rest before I really do lose my mind. Realizing that she had never tucked herself in, Sunset scrambled underneath the covers and curled up to her pillow. “It was just a dream...” she murmured before falling back to sleep, unaware of Princess Luna standing guard on the roof of her room, deep in thought.