• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 1,169 Views, 58 Comments

Diprosopus - WritingSpirit

In a world torn by conspiracy, hate and a grand conflict with an old, mysterious enemy that once was thought to have fallen, Rarity and Pinkie, in their own separate paths, will come to find that the world they live in was not as it all seemed.

  • ...

Black Sands & White Daisies

"Ladies and gentlecolts, we'll arrive in Canterlot in about five minutes. Please make sure that all of your belongings are accounted for..."

The conductor's voice through the speakers started to drone in Twilight's head as she patiently stood at the door, somberly staring at the various drops of water sliding across the glass surface. Her stilled lips turned straighter at the gray skies brewing over them, her horn folding back her umbrella after the vindictive yet short spell of rain. She held onto the golden, ornate swivels of the railings as the train jerked suddenly, signifying a turn into the mountain that the regal city was built upon.

Behind the windows, the vibrant scenery of the valley was laid before her, with Ponyville standing in pristine simplicity in the distance under the drizzly atmosphere before it transited into one of pure black as the locomotive entered yet another tunnel. The swinging lamps hanging from the ceiling were the only source of light, albeit a dim one, as the violet mare burrowed through her small purse, her hoof picking out from it a small slip of paper. She raised it up to the nearest lamp overhead, trying her best to squint her eyes and trail across every scribbled letter laid out for her.

It was a small note she had written down from the scriptures she acquired in the Canterlot Library during her research on Janus, and had studied about it until her untimely interruption with the recent bomb threats. She decided to jot it down when her head affixed her decision for her homecoming to Ponyville, though there were not many solid leads that she could discover in both her treehouse/library and the Royal Library of Canterlot, to which she hadn't finished excavating through every section she had wandered in.

"A forgotten being..." she muttered the first phrase aloud, pushing herself to think. Forgotten from what? From history? From Equestria itself? Or just the minds of the ponies?

"Whatcha doing?"

Twilight nearly yelped in surprise, startled at the brazen voice as she met the disgruntled expression, with lips straight and brows furrowed, of none other than Scootaloo. Her chest stopped heaving once she realized who it was, her surprise vanquished out in the form of a sigh while she stuffed the note back into her purse.

"Just checking some things out," she replied sheepishly, settling down onto one of the velvet chairs. The teenage mare done the same, still wearing her frazzled frown despite having the luxury of a seat, even if it's only for a short while. The librarian just stared at her, who, for some reason, was looking out of the window, even though they were still in the tunnel.

"And... what about you?" she asked hesitantly.

"Doing nothing," was the instantaneous reply.

"What about Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle?" Twilight questioned.

"What about your friends? Aren't you having fun talking to them yesterday?"

"Got bored."

Wow was all that the violet mare could think of. She couldn't imagine how the once-vibrant filly in the past had became this mare, rooted deep in an anarchistic personality with zero interest in other pony's affairs. Her arrogance was evident already by her deadpanned stare, almost as if she was unimpressed at everything she was looking at.

"Applejack wanted me to apologize," the teenage mare spoke suddenly, her gaze still stuck at the window.

"You know. For yesterday and all..."

"It's okay... I guess..."

Scootaloo's words weren't exactly truthful; there wasn't a hint of remorse in her begrudging tone. It's almost as if Applejack forced her to apologize, to which Twilight think it was the case. Her heart lingered with a little vexation, her calculative mind planning out on how to approach the teenager. If there was only a handbook to illustrate that...

"I mean, we all have our problems," she began, huddling closer to the pegasus.

"You have your issues, I have mine. Plus, you're a teenager. It's natural for you to be... well... bitter, to everypony else. Rainbow Dash would know your feelings as well."

"Rainbow Dash... pfft..."

That was a little uncalled for, some part of the violet mare told herself in disbelief. What had become of the filly that had idolized her cyan friend? The one that heralded her as much as the unicorn herself heralded Princess Celestia? The one that she would die to join her in the skies one day?

"If Rainbow Dash knew my feelings, then where was she the whole time?" Scootaloo growled, rising from her seat defiantly as she shot her glare towards the other mare, her wings flapping crisply and hastily.

"Where was she when my mom got killed? Where was she when I was trying my best to fly in the fields? Where the heck was she when I was teased for being a blank flank, and about the time when I tried to show her my new bike?"

"Language, Scootaloo," Twilight said sternly, though it did no better than to just drown her deeper into the darkest grimace that was starting to form at the edge of her lips.

"You know Rainbow Dash was still around your age when your mom got into the... accident. She helped you to learn some things about flight and stuck by your side when you're feeling down! Plus, you can't blame her for not being able to see your bike; she's already having a foal by then, Scootaloo! She's going to be a mother!"

"A mother... pah!"

The teenage mare suddenly let out a short, mocking laugh, flicking her purple mane to the side just as the train exited the tunnel, assaulting its cars in a sudden glare of sunlight. Her derisive expression was clearer in the bask of daylight, her wry smirk turning into a grim frown as she rasped, crossing her purplish eyes down onto Twilight:

"We'll see how much time she spends with me when her foal comes out then!"

"Scootaloo!" the older mare shouted, standing up with her eyes widened and her hooves clenched at such an ignorant and disparaging remark. Scootaloo merely scoffed at Twilight's reaction, stepping into the next car and sliding the door shut before the unicorn could pull her back with a magical leash from her horn.

Unbelievable, her inner voice boomed in her head. Purely unbelievable! She scrunched up her lips, trying to suppress the throe of her awakening rage pummeling at the cages of her head. Nopony should ever talk like that, she wanted to scream. Especially not to any of her friends!

"Just calm down, Twilight," she muttered to herself, her hoof squeezing tightly onto the gleaming handrails like a vice as if it could sap out all her restrained anger and bathe in the the luxury of patience. Still, she thought to herself, Scootaloo musn't expect herself to get away with such a snide comment. She has to apologize some way or another, though she dreaded it would be deadlier to push the teenager to do so.

The royal town of Canterlot soon came into view from the windows outside, and as the train's engine started to die down, her mind soon turned to the one thing that topped her list as she gathered her bags from the upper compartments of the train:

"To talk to Princess Celestia..."


"...and the Canterlot Live Arts Center would be situated over there."

"Ooh~!" Sweetie Belle squealed with glee, her gaze following the direction of her sister's hoof, which was pointing at a grand, broadway-like building with posters taped onto every inch of the its curved exterior, the bright sign adorned with two theater masks: one wearing a golden smile and one wearing a silvery frown, showing the entrance above its red, flowery doors. The sight of such a flamboyant structure was fascinating for the teenage filly, though her performance venue would be much better.

Sure enough, just five blocks away from where they stood, a larger structure dominated the cultivated scene: the center stage for the Canterlot Young Talents show that Sweetie Belle had enrolled for to win a prize of a million bits, the Fase di Armonia. It was the zenith amphitheater for stage performances in Canterlot, and she could not help but gape in awe at the brilliant venue for her performance.

Rarity smiled as the filly ran ahead of the rest, with Apple Bloom joining her and Scootaloo hitching them up onto her motorcycle, zooming through the empty lane towards the building with every spew of black smoke from its nozzle. She would have her anticipation as well if she were to display her talent in the Fase di Armonia herself; it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be featured in the theater.

She knew Octavia had performed there a few times for the Canterlot society. The gray mare mentioned on how she met Crimson on one of her many performances, and how they went out to dinner after that, but that was another story altogether.

"Well, that takes care of that bunch," Applejack said suddenly, munching on an apple she had hoofpicked from the vendors around town.

Twilight just nodded understandingly. She knew the three teenage mares would be bored out of their minds if they were to listen to the alicorn's speech, and neither wanted to be interrupted by any of their complaining or whining, especially if it was the slurs that might come from Scootaloo.

Instead of heading down the road, they took a left turn, their sights set upon the imperial palace of Canterlot to which the city itself was named after. Stepping into the busier streets, their gaze was met by many who had called this place home, albeit the stares they were giving were anything but sympathetic.

Spike could feel Rarity's hoof tightening on his claw like a vise, his throat suppressing a roar that would only prove him at fault if he let it out in a rampaging fury. If not for Twilight's presence, he surmised, they would be jeering and mocking them in public. The dragon wouldn't blame them for their fears, and he sometimes wished he had either Twilight or Rarity's permission to scare them off.

"Miss Sparkle."

Twilight gave a slight nod at the acknowledgement from the guards, leading the rest of her friends as they trotted into the courtyard, setting their sights upon the double doors beckoning them inside. She glanced around a few times, expecting her brother to jump out suddenly and invite them in, but any thought of that left her immediately and unwillingly when her hoof touched the surface of the door.

With a small grunt, the lavender mare pushed them apart, the wooden panels groaning heavily in response and revealing behind it the red carpet; a scarlet trail leading up all the way to the end of the room, where Princess Celestia has settled herself adequately on her marble throne. The alabaster mare looked up with a smile, her slender hooves welcoming them into the discussion of the triumvirate she had participated in.

"And that's what the lordship said?"

Princess Luna's voice filled the room, her treacherous tone revealing the solemnity of the situation as the group slowly approached the three figures, recognizing the two alicorn sisters. The other figure, who was five times larger than the pair of princesses with his tail sweeping the palace's marble tiles like a wide broom, had his red, hardy and scaly back turned to them, but the voice that came from it was all too familiar for all of them, especially for a certain farmpony. It was discerning and deep, they could hear. Keen yet wise, but beneath it all, there was a certain, special pinch of persistence and recalcitrance; the traits of a rebel.

"It's established that despite of recent events," he continued, "our lord does not extend his gratitude until further evidence of this Janus pony would be brought to light. He declares the state neutral from any growing conflicts of Equestria, and other neighboring countries. As of now, we could only hope that our alliance-"


The crimson dragon stopped short, his ears perking up at the heavily-accented voice of Applejack. His yellow, reptilian eyes turned to the source of the voice, his jaw dropping once he set his sights onto the orange mare.

The two marched forward; Applejack from her friends, and Kane from the alicorns, slowly and steadily as if they were mirroring each other's movements. It wasn't long before the mare's disbelief grew into eagerness as she rushed into the scaly claws of the colossal reptile while the rest watched warmly from afar, with one simple thought growing in all of their heads.

Reunited. After one whole year.

"Ah... Ah can't believe it!" she stammered, to which the dragon chuckled, nuzzling her snout.

"How... why...? What were you.... why were you... Ah thought Ah'd never see ya again! Every single day, from mornin' ta night! Ah was waitin' for so long! Waited FOREVER!! And ya... ya never came..."

"Applejack, I-"

"And ya PROMISED ya would write every month. EVERY MONTH!"

Applejack started to tear up, her hooves pounding plaintively on his scaly legs to clarify her pain aloud. The first of her tears started to drip from her cheeks, already dampening the dragon's red scales as she continued to yell:


"Applejack, j-just allow me to explain-"

"AH HATE BEIN' LIED TO!!!" she choked out a scream, sobbing with her face buried in his chest as the dragon drew her in for a tight hug, his own tears already leaking out from his shimmering eyes.

"Ah hate bein' lied to... ya know that... y-ya just know that... but still......"

"You know I will never break a promise like that."

Kane lowered his head down to her, kneeling on his hind claws and raising the mare's chin up with the tip of his claw. Her pupils shimmered dismally with tears, her brows narrowing downwards as much as her lips. Her hat was already starting to fall off due to her shouting, her ears drooping onto her blonde mane.

The dragon's heart retched with the drowning sensation of transgression; a stigma he had carried like a burden ever since he left her homestead and leaving her to plow through the soil of Sweet Apple Acres and him in his duties as a chancellor. It doesn't seem right, he always told himself. It just doesn't...

"I'm sorry...... I should've been there for you..." he continued. "You were the best thing that ever happened to me... and I didn't want to make you worry or anything. No one wants to make a lovely mare like you sad."

"N-now don't get all b-buttery with ya sweet talk," Applejack began to stammer, stifling a bashful smile with her cheeks growing a slight tinge of red whilst her friends snickered silently behind her. She wiped her drying tears away, hugging her mate's red snout.

"It's great ta see ya again..." she muttered, wearing a satisfied grin.

A loud cough made the couple turn to meet Twilight's stern, insistent gaze, both dragon and mare glancing around sheepishly as the rest laughed silently underneath their breath.

"Perhaps we'll meet again?" Kane suggested before leaving the room.

"After your small discussion?"

"You bet!"

The orange mare nearly jumped with glee, only before noticing the rest of them trying their best hiding their smirks and giggles that she settled down, blushing heavily in embarrassment.

"Uh... I mean, f'course, uh.... sugarcu-Kane! Yes... Kane..."

"Anyways..." Twilight began, raising an eyebrow once she spotted Kane peering his head in again, the dragon reluctantly shirking back into the other room once he got a glimpse of the lavender mare's insistent glare, much to Applejack and everypony else's dismay, who wanted to see the two lovers interact even more.

"It's an honor to see you again, Princess Celestia."

"Formalities aside, Twilight Sparkle," the alabaster mare replied with a cordial smile.

"I presume you have a legitimate reason for the inclusion of your friends?"

"Yeah... about that..."

The lavender unicorn elicited a sigh. Time to come clean, she guessed.

"I figured it would be fairer for them if they would know of any news of Pinkie Pie. I've told them about the situation and about Janus being alive, if you don't mind, Your Highness."

"You were never at fault, my faithful student," Princess Celestia assured her once she noticed her protege's apologetic look.

"It's a reasonable choice that you made. They have every reason to be as much as concerned as you for the safe return of their friend. It's an action that both Luna and I can justify, and proceed to respect. However, I'm sure each of you understand of the possible dangers that you might face during your stay here, primarily... the bomb threats?"

The group of friends nodded hesitantly, especially Rarity. She knew the extent of Janus's powers, and she had been through his torturous tricks underneath the guise of an influenced Harmony Peridot. Her life was nearly taken from her during a train explosion, among other things, and she remembered it vividly enough to shudder at the thought of being caught in another.

"It would be safer in the confines of the palace," the elder alicorn continued.

"So I suggest that you ponies stay in the guest rooms we had prepared specifically for your arrival, and for Pinkie as well, if she were to ever return to Canterlot. Concerning of Janus, we will discuss of him tomorrow. All of you earned a good rest from your journey here."

"Thank you, your Highness."

With that settled, the ponies soon took their respective luggage, slowly trotting into the hallways of their temporary, prestigious abode. Rarity could tell from their determined looks of the many things running through their heads right now, and she wouldn't doubt that Pinkie was in any of them.

Her hoof clinging onto Spike's slender arms, she strolled down the hallway, gazing about the decorated interior of the royal castle whilst letting her thoughts wander, jumping about in between the three main figures that dominated them: Pinkie, Spike and Sweetie Belle. Sighing dejectedly, her gaze glued to the floor, she watched as the dragon slotted the key into a golden knob, the locks safeguarding their dorm resounding a light click as Spike smiled and chatted with Twilight; a sight the white unicorn would rarely see him in these days.

If only they could spend all the time being this happy.


"... and they clash and clatter! Swords asunder! The echoes of metal ring through the stormy seas as both pirate and sailor lashed out with their cutlasses in the duel between the two ships! All the men cheered for them, their voices reaching sky high as every~!"

The many foals that were huddling around the small bonfire in their white robes started to let out a few 'oohs' and 'ahhs', their eyes glued to Ollivander and mesmerized with every steady gesture of his talons as he paused, scrunching up his face, with his left eye closing in a frozen wink and his teeth gnarling to mimic the one-eyed pirate he had mentioned in his tales as he continued:

"Then, Anchor took out his musket! And.... BAM!!"

He chuckled once they shrieked with delight, reducing into a fit of giggles as he continued his story for his audience, which consisted of the pilgrims' children, their parents and the rest of the gang, excluding Velvet and Brutus, who were talking to Parish Plow about the journey ahead.

"Straight into Pirate Pete's chest, and not his treasure chest, if you know what I mean!" the gryphon continued with a squawk, with his audience laughing at his unintended pun.

"The nasty outlaw fell back onto his ship with a scream. Ye shall be back, he howled, and ye shall haunt the seas awaitin' ye return! And so, our favorite Captain Anchor headed back home with his witty band of sailors, kicking his land-hooves up to anxiously wait for another journey yonder sea, to which he met one soon enough. But that, my friends, t'is another story."

An applause soon followed from each of them, the eager cheers of the foals filling the atmosphere as they rushed around the gryphon's four legs as he chuckled, stopping short only when he was dragged down by one of the more mischievous colts. His laughter heightened when the foals suddenly swarmed over his tufted chest, unintentionally tickling their storyteller with every hoof trampling on the feathered skin.

"Alright, alright," Phoenix cut into their fun, guiding the colts and fillies down from his friend. Ollivander just breathed a huge sigh of relief, wiping a few sweat beads from his head, his beaked smile still as wide as ever.

"C'me 'ere," Selena beckoned tenderly, raising a small cloth towards his forehead as she gently dabbed her mate's face with a handkerchief. The gryphon just smiled dreamily at her bright yellow face, which turned a little orange once the pegasus saw his whimsical smile; one which only left her unimpressed yet flustered.

"You don't have to do that every time, y'know."

"But I can't help it every time I see a beautiful face like yours," he replied immediately with a devious grin, making her cheeks color a bright orange.

Pinkie just smiled from the side, watching as Selena nuzzled his beak and giving him a small hug. She always wondered how the two of them looked so perfect together, even with the obvious species differences and especially their personality differences. While Ollivander was always bright and outgoing, the other mare, despite her talent for explosives, was a little reluctant at most things. She was always cheerful when she was talking alone to somepony, but when it comes to group discussions however, she would never be the first to speak up, sometimes not even speaking at all.

"Tell us more! Tell us more, Mr. Ollie!" the children said, much to the gryphon's surprise. The older pilgrims wouldn't blame them; they too have been slightly amused by the story, and wouldn't mind to hear more, despite Ollivander having other ideas.

"Sorry kids," he said sheepishly.

"Ain't easy thinking of these tales. Wouldn't say the same for my friend Finn here."

"Yeah, Phoenix!" Ganger exclaimed, much to their leader's surprise.

The turquoise stallion just blinked at the many pairs of eyes staring insistently at him, his tail whipping around and his ears drooping at the thought. Even his band of members shared their enthusiasm, and he almost wished he hadn't woke up from his afternoon nap in the first place and continue his sleep with Fleetywit.

"Ollie did say you were a good storyteller, right?" the unicorn cook continued, serving to them a few clay bowls of red mushroom soup, to which all of them eagerly accepted from its temptingly exquisite smell and the sight of pale red with toadstool-like chunks which, despite its appearance, was completely harmless.

"Come on, Phoenix," Dapple said, nudging his shoulder. Even the usually serious one-mare army was anticipating a story from him. All traces of excitement could be seen from them; Ollivander and Selena sitting on the edge of their seats with the former's wings enveloping them both, the twins trembling with excitement, and Pinkie Pie's smile widening to the edge of her lips, her head beckoning him to go on.

With a sigh, he took a sip of his mushroom soup. It's been a while since he had thought of a good story, and to think of one in the view of not only his band, but also the increasing number of pilgrims... he never felt more nervous in his life, and he wouldn't want to deny in his heart he was also a little excited himself.

Reaching into his satchel, he picked out a bottle of red-tinted crystals: fire salts rewarded to him after defending a phoenix's nest from three rogue Timberwolves. There was little use for it, the only reason for its use being to start a wildfire, but only he among them knew what magic trick he could perform with just a little pinch of it.

"It all began in the summer of February," he started, his gang letting out silent gasps. He was doing it! He was actually telling a story!

"In the south'est of plains where ocean meets land, on a beach that bore the blackest sand, in a dainty cottage with walls of rock and roof of hay, lived a pony fine and dandy with coat a light purple and mane a pale pink, his pupils whiter than the snow and frost covering the mountains beyond our view. It was as it was so, for he was blind, and had been ever since the day he was conceived."

"Like many of you here," he placed a shoulder around one of the colts, grinning when he saw him giggle on the floor, "he was a foal, though unlike many of you, he only had his mother. His father was lost long before in this story, but still both mother and child lived happily together."

"Every day, both of them would work under the sun, sowing daisy seeds along the black sands. He would hand the seeds to his mother, and she would spread the daisy seeds across the sand in a fashion that only the tenderness of a mother would provide. Why daisies, I can see some of you are curious to know. Why not roses, or tulips, or sunflowers?"

Phoenix's question was met with a variety of nods, prompting him to continue: "Well, the colt doesn't know as well. Sometimes he would gaze up at the night sky and asked that question in his head. Sometimes he would ask his mother why, though she only said it was because that's how it goes. That's how it goes, he wanted to accept his mother's words, but it wasn't convincing enough for him."

"Slowly but surely, February became March, and March became April, and as what seemed to be the thousandth pack of seeds ran out, the colt wanted to know the answer. Guiding himself on a stroll down the beach, with his trusty cane poking at the sands, he wondered why. Why those white flowers? There must be more than it being how it it just naturally goes, isn't there? What was his mother not telling him?"

With another sip from the bowl of red mushroom soup in his hoof, his other one immersed into his vial of fire salts, he watched his audience's curiosity lulling them into the story, captivating their attention entirely.

"Asking his mother again, he got a different response, much to his surprise. Wait for the flowers to bloom, she said. When it sprouts and flaunts its petals of white, at the darkest point of night, wish upon a star and the answer would come."

"And so, he waited not on the fields, but by his windowsill, where, in a pot of black sand was a seed; the first one of many, and also the only one that his mother had helped him plant. Being blind, he could not see if the seed was sprouting, but he slowly grazed his hoof above the sand to feel if it was growing. Again, April turns to May, then to June and onward to July, and he could feel a bending stalk of green. July turned to August and to September, and he could feel its bud on the tip. September turns to October and November, and he could feel it start to bloom. However, it wasn't until February where he finally felt the last of the petals emerging, satisfying him that it was the time."

Phoenix's voice suddenly grew quiet, the fire illuminating the bottom of his face as he continued:

"Following his mother's words, he wished upon a star. He never knew how stars were, or how they look like, but throughout the days of waning patience, he always imagined one star. One single, lonely star in the sky, waiting only for a wish to grant at this very night. The time of revelation is near, and as the last daisy grew into full bloom in the black fields, he gave his wish. A simple wish: that he wanted to understand the true answer behind the daisy seeds."

"And then?" Pinkie chirped in, already about to fall over her seat. The turquoise stallion just smiled, his tail flickering with a hint of deviousness as he prepared the trick in store for them.

"Suddenly... BOOM!!"

In one swift movement, he tossed the fire salts across the fire, which burst into the sky in a splendor of flames with a mighty roar, its sides erupting in a grand explosion. The children held their breaths, their mouths agape as he stood up onto his hind legs with a whinny, settling down soon after to continue his story:

"Out of the night sky, shooting like a comet towards the fields, came an alicorn, ethereal in the brilliance of light that would've blinded him if not for his condition. He stepped backwards in fear of this new stranger, whimpering at her powerful presence, though it was vanquished the moment he felt a hoof caressing his cheek."

"My dear child, she said softly. I have seen you. I have heard you. Your call is my duty. You have seen only black. The darkness has swallowed your vision, and yet you and your mother sow the fields white. Do you ever understand why daisies, my young one?"

"Of course," he continued, "he shook his head, to which she smiled. She gave him a kiss on a forehead, which tingled like a normal kiss would, but as her lips parted, it lingered, traveling around his body and filling him with vigor he had never felt before! Blinking his eyes, he started to let out a gasp, gazing down beneath his purple hooves the black sands that filled the ground. He gazed around, at the cottage, to the echoing tides, to even the night skies above. He couldn't believe it, he shrieked with glee!"

"He can see!"

All the children gasped in amazement, with his band of members widening their eyes. A miracle, each one of them thought to themselves. A miracle!

"The colt turned back to the figure, whom he imagined it as she was to be: ghostly yet charming, surreal yet heartwarming, like his mother. Speaking of which, Mother ran out to see her child, immediately crying with tears of joy at the sight of her son's newly-attained vision. She hugged him, kissed him, do whatever she could do to show her delight! Both of them had never been so happy in their lives!"

"You made a wish, she said. A wish concerning the flowers of white. Not a wish for gold to sate your greed, nor a wish for food to sate your need, but a wish to understand the chained confines of your world. You could've made any wish, but you wished to learn, and I admire it. I granted your wish, and I rewarded you for both patience and virtue with a miracle."

Phoenix could see the warm, content faces of everyone, though he knew that was no way to end a story.

"And so she left, leaving mother and son to their delight. Soon enough, ponies around had heard of the miracle that came to him, and of the fields of daisies that filled the black sands. Ponies from all over came to visit, eagerly asking him questions that he patiently answered. Once or twice, having known that he was granted his answer, somepony would ask him like you would ask me. Why daisies? Well, the answer, kids, is very simple."

"That's how it goes."

With that, the turquoise stallion was met with a jubilant applause from each of them, bowing with small 'thank you's fluttering out of his mouth as the ponies (and gryphon) cheered for him. His friends all smiled happily, their breaths taken away by such a simple yet enthralling tale.

"Wow..." Pinkie mused dreamily, making him chuckle.

"That was superdy-duper, bubbly-wubbly BRILLIANT!!"

"Glad you liked it, Pinkie," Phoenix replied, the pink mare giggling instantly and surprising him as her hooves suddenly yanked him closer to her into a tight embrace, the stallion nearly choking once she did so.

Peering over Pinkie's shoulder, the voices of children squealing and chattering about his story soon droned out as he glanced around at all the happy faces around him. His heart melted with honeyed bliss, his lips curling up to the side of his cheeks at the overwhelming response he was viewing with his hooves eager to give a well-deserved pat on his back.

"Well done, Phoenix Mellow," he whispered in his head.

"Well done."


"And sing this song we would~! Of lifelong journeys in adulthood~!"

Scootaloo would've clamped her ears shut if the singer wasn't one her best friends. There was something satisfying and soothing about her voice despite her style being a little jubilant, though she wouldn't bother to waste her time to place a hoof onto it.

The two of them, along with Apple Bloom. were in the food section of the marketplace of Canterlot, browsing through the different goods that filled the stalls. They were crisscrossing through the busy streets, searching around for anything that would sate their growling hunger in their bellies, and so far, only Sweetie Belle had her find: a blueberry milkshake.

"Don't they have any apple stores 'ere?" Apple Bloom asked, gnawing at her own teeth.

"Beats me," she replied halfheartedly, glancing at the stalls. There were a variety of foods that they have seen so far, from ice cream, chocolates and other sweet-tooth treats, to cups of corn, cashews and pistachios, to even amusingly weird things like salad-in-a-cup, burnt muffins and even toast signed by the greatest artists of Canterlot.

Apple Bloom suddenly gasped, galloping towards one of the stalls as she quickly placed five golden bits; in return, she came back with a red apple, topped with a glossy, melting brew of caramel.

"Two down, one to go!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, slurping at her straw.

Scootaloo just let out a frustrated groan, slouching her shoulders as she zipped through the crowd. She hated being last, and every single time she wanted to ask herself on how unlucky she was being last most of the time. With a little twitch of her studded ears, she trotted down the slate road, gazing at every foodstuff available for her to feast.

"Ya know, ya don't have to be so mean all the time, Scoots."

The teenage pegasus turned in surprise at Apple Bloom's words, turning to spot her friend frowning back at her, prompting her to muster up one as well. The two never really saw eye to eye on many things ever since they formed the Cutie Mark Crusaders. If not for Sweetie Belle being here, every day there would be some sort of argument that would flare up between them.

"Ah heard you talkin' to Twilight just now," she continued, surprising her even more. She eavesdropped on the conversation she had with the unicorn? How unruly, Scootaloo wanted to yell, though she herself had been into much worse, it seems.

"Look, I messed up a little, alright?"

"A little?" Apple Bloom questioned, crossing her hooves with her caramel apple clutched onto one of them.

"Ya mean a lot! It ain't right talkin' to Twi like that when she just came back from Canterlot. It's been a year since you met her, Scoots! Don'tcha feel delighted when somepony comes home after a very long time?"

With a sigh, Scootaloo responded gravely: "I'll do what I can do, okay? I'll apologize to Twilight, again, later. Maybe when my mind's a little more focused on other things instead of me being hungry."

Ringing true to her words, her stomach grumbled suddenly, prompting her to bite her lip in embarrassment as her friend laughed silently, covering her mouth with her hoof. She rolled her eyes at herself; if only she could find something to guzzle on right now.

"We'll be back in the palace if you need us," Sweetie Belle chirped suddenly.

"Rarity says she found a room for us all. I can't wait to how it looks like!"

"Me neither!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, giving her a hoof bump.

"Y'all be alright findin' somethin' here to eat right, Scootaloo?"

"Yeah! Of course! I'll be perfectly fine!"

With that, Scootaloo waved at her departing friends, watching with a sigh as both Earth pony and unicorn galloped across the slate road and towards the majesty of what the ponies below it know as the Palace of Canterlot. Quickly, she veered her gaze towards the stalls, glancing at whatever treat or delight they could possess.

Soon enough, her eyes met with eager anticipation at the sight of a glazing soda-flavored lollipop, standing amid its more colorful counterparts in a glass vase. Her lips licked enthusiastically at the sight, and she would've quickly placed her money on top of the counter if it wasn't for the absence of the vendor that was supposed to be running the stall.

"Hello?" she called out, glancing around the bustling avenue. No one ever seemed to respond to her calls, and she had expected it as so. Who would want to respond to a kid like her, despite her not really being a kid anymore?

Her eyes soon caught sight of a trail of broken lollipop fragments, punching at the button of her curiosity immediately. Why would there be a trail of broken candy, she asked herself as she followed its tracks through the shifting crowd. She twisted and turned, being careful not to bump into anypony's shoulder, lest she should start a commotion, all the while setting her sights upon the fragments of candy before her.

A shroud of shadow soon enveloped her as she stepped into the darker confines of the Canterlotian alleyways, where instead of the chattering of ponies, there was only the squeak of rats, the drip of water and an occasional rustle around the trash. The foul smell of rubbish filled the air, and she covered her snout with her hoof, heading deeper and deeper into the alley.

Buzzing flies soon joined into the cacophony of noises, followed by Scootaloo coughing with disgust at the smell. Her wings zipped silently, her hooves treading carefully with every clink onto the tiled alleyway before hearing a splash, her face retching up with disgust immediately when she felt one of them turning damp.

"Please don't be sludge water, please don't be sludge water..." she quickly prayed to herself, hesitantly raising her hoof into the view of the sun as she took a peek.

Scootaloo's face paled immediately when she saw her hooves coated not into a color of brown she was expecting, but a deep, malignant red, dripping down onto the edges of her skin as the sound of buzzing flies grew louder in her head. She nearly belched at the abhorrent sight, her eyes widening even more when she saw what was laid in the alley.

It was a pony, brutally scarred, bleeding, and was wounded with deep gashes of red filling nearly every corner of its body that was lying in its own puddle of blood. The apron he adorned was stained red, and in one of his hooves was a lollipop, its top half broken and, no doubt, the cause of the enticing trail of candy that the filly had innocently followed, and saw the sight she didn't want to see.

She fell back in horror onto the damp ground as the sun shined into the alleyway, the clearer view of it screaming into her head. His neck was severed, and what was supposed to be supported on top of it was now at the bottom of her hooves, staring at her with eyes widened and devoid of any life with blood leaking through any opening it could find.

And in the height of the afternoon, a loud scream burst through the blue skies.