• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


An artist, a historian, a firearms expert, a soldier, a critice, a writer, and a brony. but through it all, i am merely nothing compared to the creativity of others. be sure to let your's shine.



This story is a sequel to Tears of a Fallen Star

Story of a broken soul, Commander Star Bolt the commander of Nightmare Moon's armies and her right hoof in a rebellion that was thwarted over a thousand years ago, has returned to Equestria and faked his own death so that he can put away his life of sin and live peacefully as a wondering pony. however, with rumors of his survival thriving, he is forced to dodge Princess Celestia and her Royal Guards and live a life of secrecy rather then peace. but is this tethered soldier really the monster of The Nightmare Legion? or is the evil that describes him, as phony as his own death? listen closely, as the ponies who meet this so called monster tell the tail of his travels from their own point of views.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 26 )

My friend im still waiting for the sequel of this story please hurry up i know it going to take a while but im waiting so long its hard to bare i want to know what's going to happen to Star Bolt.:raritydespair:

Also i when i read the main story the first time i had this song

stuck during all battle scenes so hurry up and give me a new story and a new war maybe changeling or diamond dogs

::Peace Out::

sorry for the wait but im still finishing up on my other stories first, ill have a sneak peak comming soon on deviant art, but it will just reveal a little of how the story starts, as for the main plot... im saving that for the prologue

Wow...just wow...thats all i can say.....

(Loving this so much i can't wait...i mean omg....i love this....please please continue it!)

thx im glade you like it and don't worry, this portion may be finished, but when I finish the other three stories im working on then ill start writing the sequel to Tears of a Fallen Star which will complete the story line that Star Bolt has lived through. ive been taking notes since the end of season two of MLP so I can guarantee something unlike anything I've ever written before, but I want a clear head for it so I don't mess it up.

im glade you like this and I hope i wont disappoint.

your right this is a good mini-sequle cant what for the real sequle

Glade you like them ^^
im still taking notes but I wont start on it till I finish my current stories. but I plan to intertwine all this short stories into it and I can guarantee the sequel will be something like I've never written before.

This is great so far. You've put a lot of thought into each mini-story. I can't wait for the true sequel to start:pinkiehappy:

its very close, I just finished the first chapter+prologue and sent it to the proofreader this morning. once he sends me the corrections I'll post it.

Can it be...?

Ohmygod I'm sorry Shining haha xD
But too bad, so sad. 'Least you got what "S.B." seemed to be *Wink wink*

And now let the facehoofing and the face-pounding into table commence.

All I can hear is The Lonely Man, (aka that sad walking away song)

This Chapter is really reminding me of the old Incredible Hulk tv show..

Once again amazing and well written! Anyways onward to the final story :,( sadness but it’ll be good I bet!

I'm glad you are enjoying it so far. There are actually two stories left with the last taking place long in the future. But I do intend on writing one more addition to this series, but it will be more an origin story for Star Bolts ability. Set when it was first attained by Commander Hurricane. So I guess it's sort of a pre-prequel.
But that will be a while before I start that one. I first have to finish my current story.
Either way, thanks for your kind words and and I hope you enjoy what's next.

9866124 Lol well not sure if I’d read that one but it’d be interesting most likely if I do read it.

i know that you are righting your big Zecora story right now but i am hopping in time that you come back to more of the Star Bolt story line.

That's actually what my next story will be. I'm putting together a story that plays at where it all began (long-term prequel), the lightning orb, the legacy of the "commander", everything. Though it may be a while from now, I'm barely halfway with love's lost decade as a whole.


barely halfway with love's lost decade as a whole

crap you are just getting started.

Yea it is my longest story to date, that's why I broke it up in books. Luckily my best and most planned books are left after the current one so hopefully it will come out faster then before.

Princess Celestia give up the hunt you wont find Star Bolt till he wants to be found.

this is a grate collection of short story's.

Thanks, I originally started out writing these for the series but when I decided to write a long story about Star Bolt's life I took down the old writings and changed them up a bit. Originally this particular story was with Trixie, but changed it to Gilda so that it could connect better to the main story.

i never saw the original but i can say this one with Gilda is amazing.
i would kind of like to see it follow up in the new one when you get to it.

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