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The Philosophy of Pie... Or "Things I Learned From Watching Pinkie Pie" · 3:12pm Apr 1st, 2017

1. Let your imagination get away from you; it will come back with cake.

2. Sometimes, you cannot answer the riddle. And sometimes, that’s the right answer.

3. When it comes to scrapbooking family memories, you don’t find the time—you make the time.

4. Always ask the important questions, like “Is it ‘glowed’ or ‘glew’?”

5. Never make friends with inanimate objects; all they ever do is badmouth your other friends.

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FiMFic Reviews: Turnabout Storm Adaptation... Or "The Victim's Autopsy Report" · 4:19pm Feb 18th, 2017

From October 2011 to October 2013, a series of videos was released under the unifying banner of Turnabout Storm, a fan-crossover series between My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the Ace Attorney video game series, produced by NeoArtimus. The project as a whole was a success as far as fanworks go, inspiring plenty of fanart, pseudo-sequels, and reaction/commentary videos. It was so successful that, in January of 2012—mere months after the first video, and about a month

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The Cutie Map is Back... (Sequel Announcement) · 11:07pm Jan 2nd, 2017

The Watchers of the Map are back in my latest story, "The Mission Begins Anew." Check it out here.

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FiMFic Reviews: Nightmare Night Special... Or "The Creature Double Feature" · 11:33am Oct 31st, 2016

Before the introduction of Thorax in “The Times, They are A-Changeling,” speculation on changelings was everywhere: How did they live; were there many hives or just the one; was love the only emotion they could feed on; did individual changelings have personalities of their own; the list goes on. Luckily, the fandom never stops at simply asking these questions, and with a variety of mediums to work with, there’s no shortage of outlets to answer them.

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FiMFic Reviews: The Music of Ponyville... Or "The Alternate AU" · 6:41pm Oct 2nd, 2016

If you’ve followed me for a long time, you’ll know I have a soft spot in my heart for the Alternate Mane 6 subgenre. Stories where the characters we know and love from the show are changed somewhat, if not outright replaced, have a lot of creative potential, giving both writers and readers a chance to explore a new perspective on the same basic outline. And while I could go down the obvious path and try to review the Lunaverse (pretty much the quintessential AM6 series), that comes with

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FiMFic Reviews: Royal Review... Or "Cartharsis Done Right" · 11:00pm Sep 5th, 2016

Wow, how long has it been since I did one of these? Eh, blame life and laziness; I feel it helps.

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FiMFic Review: On a Cross and Arrow... Or, "How Rule 63 Made Me Love Bronies" · 1:18am Feb 23rd, 2016

One thing I love about the brony community is how the surprisingly superior quality of the show has translated into the fans’ desire for higher quality fanworks. They may not be perfect, but I can say with certainty that fanworks within the brony community are easily, more objectively better than those from most other fandoms. Case in point: when I first became a brony, one of the first fanfictions I ever read was the Connor Cogwork classic, On a Cross and Arrow. And I remember liking it

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FiMFic Review: The Mailbox... Or "The Roleplay Heard 'Round Equestria" · 12:25am Jan 30th, 2016

In the summer of 2013, FiMFic user bookplayer got some friends together for an extended forum roleplay session. The premise: the Mane 6 are spending the summer apart from one another, so they write letters to keep in touch over that time. The FiMFic group where these letters were posted became known as “The Mailbox.” The project was a success, so much so that, in March of the following year, Skeeter the Lurker (with permission from the authors, of course) compiled the letters into one, single

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Recommendation Rating System Overview + upcoming review · 4:08am Jan 29th, 2016

So, after my last Halloween blog (the one where I reviewed a fanfic series), I thought to myself, “Hey, why not do this more often?” So, yeah, every now and again, I’ll be posting a fic review. Well, I say “review,” but I prefer to think of them as “recommendations” (i.e. telling you which fics are probably worth your time, since deciding whether or not a fanwork is good is not an inherently objective system).

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Fimfic Review: The Batpony Interview Trilogy... Or "Your Place for Batpony Headcanon" · 3:05pm Oct 31st, 2015

This year, I decided to something special for Halloween/Nightmare Night: actually release my obligatory blog on time!
Oh, and review a batpony story.

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