• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Saturday


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Thank you very much for your favorite of A Dandy Crusade :twilightsmile: I'm glad you enjoyed it so much :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the Fave, mate!:twilightsmile:

1007661 yeah, that monster hunter 4 looks promising with its large landscapes and dynamic gameplay when hunting. something that the previous titles lack. the weapons are a nice addition but its the gameplay i'am dying to see. I hope that they bring the graphics up to date since the previous titles of MH just feel the same with the environment when playing. though it will be nowhere be on the same level as MHO. too bad that I don't own a 3DS but knowing Capcom, they might make an enhanced edition for the console within a year, like they done with MHU3, and they might add underwater battle in the future enhanced edition.

1007653 I know what you mean but what I was hearing from my friend in china is that Capcom does not feel the monster hunter fan base is big enough for the online game or the one they made for the xbox 360 because they are pay to play games. they think they wont make enough money on them if they release them to us. which is why they only did the psp and now the wii and 3ds. monster hunter 4 should be out some time this year or early next year for the wii and 3ds. it will be online compatible on the wii like always but the new fun part is that they are making the 3ds game online as well. so you can play with anyone any where. and we are getting two new weapons the charge axe and the insect rod but they are getting rid of the under water combat.

1007613 nah nah. I meant this one..
though that one you showed me looks better

And about that monster hunter game. I find it not fair that the online game is only in China and not available anywhere, it like they make us wanting for more MH and yet we cant get the one released in Asia and i don't like to buy one in a language i don't understand. Capcom is really slow in developing this franchise for western coverage and yet it's all the rage in the far east. It just sucks to be the customers.

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