• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Geek boy, aspiring writer, and proud Brony with a story to tell.


I think my job is trying to give me PTSD. · 3:58am May 25th

I was awoken by a phone call this morning. Work asked me to come in, as things were crazy. I did so, was there from around 9:30 AM to 6PM. Worked without a lunch break, I might add.

I am exhausted. I am miserable. My life keeps on being taken away from me, and I hope with every fiber of my being that this coming Monday, Memorial Day, things will be practically dead. Because, y'know, Memorial Day.

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The Moral Event Horizon. · 6:03am May 21st

Gonna discuss another trope today in relation to the Quiververse. In this case, it's the Moral Event Horizon. In simple terms, this is the point a character passes that forever marks them as EVIL and potentially irredeemable. TVTropes itself lists a few examples from FiM, and I won't repeat them here...though I will say that I agree with them wholeheartedly, at least within the context of the TV series.

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It never ends. It just...never...ends... · 3:36am May 15th

So work decided to throw another curve ball at me. My supervisor has been transferred to another store. That means that I've had six supervisors in my department across six years, and it could take weeks, maybe even months, for us to get a new one. Which means I'm going to continue to be worked to death.

At least I'm getting a tiny bit of writing done. And I might be having some luck with househunting. Big might on that one, though.

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So, I'm writing again. · 1:49am May 8th

It's not much, but I got some writing done today. Now, be warned, it's going to be a very long time before I do anything related to the Quiververse again, but I'm hoping that time frame will be measured in months rather than a year.

Still, at least I'm making some progress.

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A question to my readers. · 2:41am May 6th

When I started serious work on the Quiververse, I made myself a promise. That promise was thus, to do the best I can to use whatever characters appear in a story to the best of my ability. I like to think I've done that, as various canon characters are reasonably consistent with their portrayals in the show (and arguably are undergoing development, though that's up to the reader), and my OCs have received similar treatment. I also like to think that I've at least tried to tap into their

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Been a little bit. · 4:07am April 19th

So yeah, it's been a while. I guess I get to share a little news.

First off, I'm making a little progress on finding a new place. I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I'm pre-approved for a mortgage, and now I'm talking to realtors. If I'm lucky, by the end of this summer, I'll have found a place and moved into it.

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Just a random question. · 3:22am March 24th

Does anyone re-read my stuff? Just go back and refresh their memories regarding my storyline? I'm curious.

Oh, and what I was saying last time? I feel comfortable sharing it now - I'm pre-approved for a mortgage. I'm about to start househunting!

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...hope? · 2:33am March 13th

So things are looking a little brighter, folks. I'm going to keep things close to my chest and avoid jinxing myself, so don't expect details until everything's said and done, but things are at least looking up.

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Same as it ever was... · 4:55am March 3rd

Alas, no change on my part. Work is still driving me nuts, I'm still procrastinating, and while I have important things that need to get done, I'm having a lot of trouble getting those important things done...and I'm being discouraged from doing those things, which just makes it worse.

But I'm trying, and I'm not giving up. I want to get back to writing, I want to resume work on the Quiververse, and I have so many stories that I desperately want to tell. And I will, once I have the chance.

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I still live. · 4:59am February 7th

I've still been distracted by a number of things, some of them my own doing, but I'm still here, still breathing, still kicking about. Really hoping that this month sees some positive progress on the stuff I want to get done, because the sooner that's resolved, the sooner I'm back to writing.

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