• Member Since 26th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Published a new 'The Chef's cafe' chapter. And Beginning to work on the next one. (12-03-2024)


So about writing on another website. · 9:00am Aug 23rd, 2023

Recently I finally caved about something. You see, originally I was planning on only uploading stories onto this website.
But I finally decided to write a story about an franchise I have been wanting to write on for a while now.
Here is the thing though, it is not on this website. It's on Fanfiction.net. Which mind you, have a totally different way of uploading chapters.

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So... About my story writing schedule. · 9:59pm Dec 12th, 2022

Check latest comment made by me. I have already made my decision.

As you might be aware of, my Twilight Scarlet book is going to come to an end. With the sequel coming later next year.

However this creates an opportunity. You see I have decided to allocate three stories to write at a single moment since any more and I will get overwhelmed. (And possibly burned out.)

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About an unsavory author comment on my "Dead by Twilight" book. · 8:39pm Aug 2nd, 2022

I feel the need to apologize. I mentioned something at the bottom of the book. At the author message, that makes me quite ashamed of myself.
I wasn't thinking properly and mentioned a real incident that potentially really did kill many people.

For that I sincerely apologize. I seriously wasn't thinking. I have now deleted that Author message in response of my mention.

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About Octo Sparkles · 9:20am May 6th, 2022

So if you haven't noticed already, then you must know that I have two stories that I haven't touched in a while.
And while the Christmas themed book already has many plans that just take time to be put in fruition.
Octo Sparkles have been on the back-burner for a while now.
And the truth is, I am uncertain of what to do with that story. It has many great ideas behind it, but it lacks preparation on my part.

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A potential new book idea. · 11:15pm Jan 21st, 2022

As you know, I currently have two different series running. The Chef's series and the Fairy Tail AU. However recently I began some new ideas for a potential book concept.

Which is hard to add to my portfolio due to both series taking in immense toll on my concentration. Just to start it, and finish it. Since I put a lot of work in making each series unique and different. Both series are technically AU worlds, making it important that each world becomes different kinds of world.

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Happy Halloween! · 6:48pm Oct 30th, 2021

Hey everyone!

I just want to say a very spooky Halloween to everyone.

As soon as this blog post goes live, you can go and read a Halloween Special on both the books I am currently working on.

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My first book. · 1:02pm May 22nd, 2021

Hey everyone. So my first book I ever made on this platform I have temporarily removed for a much needed rework.

The book isn't up to my book reading standard so I am going to rework it and temporarily remove it from my readable bookshelf.

It will also be placed in the freezer until December when I am more in the Christmas mood.

"Santa Pony" book will be unavailable until further notice.

My excuses for the the unexpected notion.

- Vincent


The new arc. · 3:03pm Jun 5th, 2020

It's going to take a bit longer to make the next story arc for my book.
As I don't want to burn myself out. Plus I need to map out my next moves.
The first arc was a set up for the future, however this arc can be considered as Important filler for the book.
But I don't want to make it boring when I make the next chapters. they will come out slower and more carefully.

sorry for the inconvenience



New book, problems · 5:28pm Feb 11th, 2017

Hi There!

I am having trouble posting some book idea's
but if the upcoming book failed to be posted,
I will be on hiatus for a while




Christmas story! · 1:41pm Jan 6th, 2017


Vincent789 speaking,

I forgot to type this in the author chapter, but there are few things I would love it if you guys did this instead!

There were many references, from which a few non-existing stories, I would love it if a writer of their own story would look at my stories, hidden within my story and write their own way of the way I wrote it!

Maybe much more and maybe better stories will turn up at FimFiction,

I hope that this year will be special,

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