• Member Since 17th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2016


Stifled word monk by day, barrel-riding warrior poet by night.

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  • TCircumstellar
    Equestria is changing. Rainbow Dash and her sister Scootaloo aren't fond of their new lives on the farm. They manage to get by, until a chain of events pulls them far away from each other. How will they cope?
    Trickilee · 15k words  ·  32  4 · 880 views


☼ Name: Trickilee!
☼ Status: Single parent, father to an adorable (if inscrutable) little witch.
☼ OC: I really have no idea. Feel free to create one that you think suits me.
☼ Family: It's just me and my little witch these days.

☼ Best pony: Rainbow Dash!

☼ Wishes for: A device that will let me know when my little witch is sneaking up on me.
☼ Future plans: Finishing Circumstellar.
☼ Values: Friendship, creativity and three to fifteen meters of personal space between my little witch and myself, just in case one of her alchemical experiments tries to attack me.
☼ Hobbies: I write and make music. I game sometimes too.

☼ Best ship: Twidash!

☼ Favourite food: Anything not prepared by my little witch.
☼ Memorable moments: Falling in love. Listening to my first Blur album, buying my first guitar. Graduating from university. Becoming a father. Supporting my late wife through cancer. Watching my little witch play on the beach, building castles out of dead jellyfish instead of sand..
☼ Best attributes: Intelligence +7, Agility +8
☼ Top priorities: Looking after our home, taking care of my little witch.

☼ Best sister: Scootaloo!

☼ Favourite location: My office/desk area. Pretty fond of western Norway too.
☼ Dream job: Writing, duh.
☼ Favourite season: Autumn.
☼ Rolemodel: Father Lankester Merrin.

☼ Likes lists a little too much: Double facehoof.


FiM toy donation question. · 9:49pm Apr 25th, 2016

Hey everyone. Nice to see you all again, it has been a little while. I have a bit of an issue that I could use some help with.

First of all, the important stuff. Yes, I am doing okay. I'm healthy. It's been about eight months I think since my little girl died, but I have made some pretty big changes since then. Some of those changes have involved letting go of certain things that tie me to both my little girl and my late wife, from small things like toys to the house we lived in.

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Comments ( 143 )
  • Viewing 139 - 143 of 143

I miss you so much :fluttercry:

Been over a week. Hope everything's ok.

Where have you gone?????

  • Viewing 139 - 143 of 143
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