• Member Since 4th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Proper Prose

Just your average guy, blundering his way through life, questioning the mysteries of the universe, reading fiction and writing fiction. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

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Back Again · 3:05am Apr 13th, 2020

Sorry for my inactivity, but I was going through some things that I hope I have mostly ironed out at this point (but I can't make any promises in that regard). Anywhoo, Happy Easter Sunday everybody! I know things are a bit crazy for everyone all over the place right now, but I still have the hope that things will get better.

Also enjoy this new story I just put up!


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Thank you for the Favorite! I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Thank you so much for your interest in my story, Relapse!

Thanks for the fav!

I hope that you enjoy my story once you read it

Thank you for checking out my story, Mayor, and adding it to your bookshelves!

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