• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen February 5th


Compulsive writer of crossovers


Pointless Blog #1: Nothing of Interest Here (I mean it) · 11:51am Jul 9th, 2016

Random pointless blog because I am making simply to share something that has captured my heart. Tis a metapor as much as artwork or playing card. For it is entirely useless and utterly shit for use, yet it looks incredibly cool.

I have to find a way to put a cyborg-zombie-werewolf into a story. Goblin necromancer-engineer using worgen corpse in Treacherous Mists, or something!

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Some Art and Other Stuff · 1:49am Jul 4th, 2016

Yeah, this year hasn't been good for writing. I've managed to get a little done, but no promises on a timetable. For those who are still eager for more, I'm trying, and I hope to have something for one of my stories soon. I might try to focus on finishing Bloodlines, but I'm not sure. In the mean time, enjoy some commissioned art I got done for Justice Itself, and then just some other art I got done unrelated to that.

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Solution to writing problems? · 2:54pm Mar 27th, 2016

...turns out, it's sitting in bed with laptop instead of using my PC. Yeah. Obviously I've been having troubles writing since this year began, despite, but I'm slowly getting to work again. Going to try and take it easy in my writing, because If I stress on it I'll make no progress, but thought at least some of you would like to know I've started to make progress again, however slow it might be.

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Friend In Need · 8:36pm Jan 17th, 2016

This isn't about any of my stories, sorry, but something a bit more important. A friend of mine, Noble Cause, is in rather dire straits right now and at risk of losing his house before he can find work. He's been a pre-reader on EQD and his advice when preparing Treacherous Mists to be sent to EQD was invaluable, along with him just being a great guy. Another friend has made a GoFundMe for him, and so if anyone has some change they feel

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Plans for 2016 · 4:55am Jan 9th, 2016

Bored, so thought I'd waste your time as well by writing this, just a general rounding out of plans for the year. Might be interesting.

I have full time university study once more this year, but its my last year and I have all the core units for my double major done, so its electives allllllllll the way. Half of them only have to be 1st year electives, so super easy too. Hopefully this will have me writing some more! So be happy.

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Cursed block and lack of wording · 3:50pm Nov 30th, 2015

Yeah, I won't lie, I'm just having trouble writing at the moment. I'm not sure when I'll actually update, because right now I just have the worse case of burn out. It'll pass in time, I should think, and I just hope you guys can wait it out. Unfortunate, but it happens. So, yeah, sorry for previous promises to get stuff written before now, it just hasn't happened. if that's frustrating for you, trust me, it's FAR more frustrating for me.

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Slight delays · 4:08pm Nov 15th, 2015

Basically, the next chapter of Treacherous Mists required some rewrites, so I had to lose a lot of what I had already. So this chapter will take a bit longer to finish, and will be shorter than usual. Making it longer would just be filler, and I'm sure everyone would prefer a shorter chapter if it means I'll get onto the good stuff faster. We're so closer to where it really takes off, I can taste it, I just have to get there.

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EXAMS ARE OVER! · 5:47am Oct 31st, 2015

So yeah, there was no update for Mists this month because I had final essays for the semester, and exam earlier today. Halloween exam, delightful. But that's all over! No more uni for the year, so time to A) try to find a new job because working fast food sucks, I'm too old to get more hours (seriously, as of two weeks ago I'm the oldest crew member....ugh) which will mostly be try because Tasmania sucks and B) WRITE MORE! So hold unto ye socks, mine readers! Cause time for me to write

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Commissions! $5 for 1000 words! · 1:45pm Sep 7th, 2015

As the title indicates, in light of recent cash flow issues I've decided to open up commissions! Go on, celebrate, you know you want to! As the title also indicates, its $5 per 1000 words. Got a short story idea you love, but you want to read without doing it yourself? Chuck me $10 for a 2000 word short story, or $15 for 3000 words, or whatever. No limit to this offer, as big a story as you want. I'm not expecting a deluge or anything, but if you have an idea


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Damn it, Blizzard, why must you do this to me?! · 5:37pm Aug 6th, 2015

Now I have to rethink things! When I get up in the morning, I am going to have some very serious thinking to do.

Or I could just keep to my current plans and ignore World of Warcraft: Legion.



I hate decisions.