• Member Since 12th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 2nd, 2015


Can you see the world like I do? Can you smile away the pain? Can you feel the cold wind blowing? Can you smell the coming rain?


The night sky is on fire. · 4:11am Jan 16th, 2015

The northern lights have made an appearance and done so in force. I've seen them the odd once in a while; a faint shimmering in the skay, but never like this.

The sky is literaly glowing.

The sky is filled with a series of almost neon-green bursts of light. They flash and waver and stutter like a flourescent bulb and I'm almost clapping my hands with joy.

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Report SuperGiantRobot · 630 views ·

Gadies and Lentlemen... · 3:48am Jan 4th, 2015

...I was given a really cool New Years day present an' I wanna share it:

Go give her your accolades!

Report SuperGiantRobot · 438 views ·

This greeted me this morning. · 10:09pm Jul 15th, 2014

That's not fog.

The air is musty and smells like matches and old campfires. The stink of it sticks to your clothes. It creeps through open windows like a thief. Fans simply speed this up. To make it worse, the day is particularly humid. It's fire season now, and these can last for days. So here I am, in my nice cool house, which now smells like it's been set fire to. It was either turn on the a/c, grin and bear it, or fry in my own sweat.

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Report SuperGiantRobot · 536 views ·

Oh CRAP it's hot. · 5:04am Jul 13th, 2014

It's going to be in the mid-thirties all week. For the next two days, it's going to be thirty-five. For the metrically challenged, that's about ninety-seven fahrenheit.

These are days in which one is proud that someone stepped up to the plate and invented air-conditioning.

My dog is not going to be a happy camper, and will likely be as pleased as I am of the existence of the A/C.

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Report SuperGiantRobot · 548 views ·

I've just seen the stupidest thing this month. · 8:36pm Jun 3rd, 2014

The local school board has gone on strike. All of the teachers walked off the job. The reason for the strike essentially boils down to 'better support for the kids.'

So, in essence they want to improve things for the students by refusing to teach them anything.


Report SuperGiantRobot · 444 views ·

There's a little pink nose a-pokin' into my room. · 11:32pm Apr 22nd, 2014

It's Daisy, sucking up.

As usual.

She pokes her head in periodically, in the hope that A) She'll get a walk, B) She'll get a snack or C) She 'll get both.
And she can be quite insistent, hanging outside my door and giving pitieous whines under her breath, especially when she wants a walk. Well, I can't take her out, as it's raining cats and dogs (*COUGH*), so I decide to keep her occupied in another way by giving her a peice of what I'm snacking on.

Wine gums.

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Report SuperGiantRobot · 562 views ·

Here's a thought to run through your cute pointy heads. · 11:00pm Apr 21st, 2014

Self-help means exactly that: dealing with a problem or issue on your own.

So why would you need a book on the subject?

Report SuperGiantRobot · 360 views ·

My dog is sitting here, watching me type. · 2:37am Apr 6th, 2014

She's a beagle, and easy enough to please. My little Daisy-girl starts the day by picking up her frayed, well-loved, well-chewed length of rope, dropping it in front of me with a solid 'thunk' and waiting expectantly.

I'm not one to ignore a challenge, so I grab an end and she leaps forward, grabbing the other, and the duel commences.

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Report SuperGiantRobot · 345 views ·

Don't say I never do anything for you guys · 10:37pm Mar 22nd, 2014

Because I totally do:

Report SuperGiantRobot · 969 views ·

Today, the wind is a solid object. · 3:31am Jan 15th, 2014

It strikes me like a club as I step off of the bus, tearing my backpack from my grasp like a mugger. I chase it for the better part of a block, while being buffeting left and right and being forced to come up short and turn my head as it slams into my face and chokes off my air. The air is moving so fast that I can't breathe it.

I'll probably find that funny, later.

The wind finally decides to let me have my backpack back, deciding it would be much more fun to abuse me, instead.

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Report SuperGiantRobot · 347 views ·