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Out of estrogen! · 8:15pm Dec 19th, 2023

Yeah, the truth is, my mind isn't quite right, right now, because I had to stop taking my usual high doses of estrogen that help me... As such, I have an awful creative block. In the meantime, I've been doing a lot of yoga, meditation, and a little bit of getting high too, if I'm being honest. But fear not, for help is on the way! I've solved my insurance dilemma and early next year, I should be back on my regular pills! In the meantime, I'm stuck here, waiting for things to happen...

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I think I know the real reason? · 11:41am Jun 15th, 2023

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this... I was married for six years and I've had many relationships with people of both genders before and afterward... However, for some reason, I can no longer remember anything good about my past relationships? I don't believe it's really my fault, but for whatever reason, I feel like something was taken from me? Something precious? Now, I'm not a psychologist and I won't claim to know the real reason why this has happened... But it also occurs to me

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Something happened earlier... · 11:13pm Jun 7th, 2023

Hello dear blog! Sure has been awhile! Well, a 19-year-old brony has been reading my stories for YouTube lately and my channel here has gained some popularity because of that. But that's not the biggest part of it... Well, he told me earlier that my Filly Eyes story got him to think that maybe not everyone is awful... The story written by me, a hardcore misanthrope, somehow gave off that message... And later, he later went on a date and at one point, he was talking to me on Discord with his

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Cyber-Scootaloo and Cyber-Twilight · 4:21am Feb 19th, 2023

So out of nowhere, I started writing a Fallout Equestria story yesterday! It's from the first-person perspective of a cyborg... Her name is Scootaloo and she was mortally injured in an accident and cryogenically frozen... Later, she was thawed and rebuilt as a cyborg to save her life! She is built for battle. Her titanium alloy carapace was made to sustain punishment and her metal legs are also extremely durable. She's also equipped with a capacitor charged laser cannon mounted in her skull

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The Changeling Metaphor · 10:34pm Jan 27th, 2023

A changeling is a creature that feeds off love. They are shapeshifters who take different forms in order to drain others of their love. That's an apt metaphor for the way I used to be when I was pretending to be male. I felt like I had to be this "person" that they wanted me to be, or I would lose their love... And the truly messed up thing is, I was right. However, they're all gone by this stage and I'm truly free... In this metaphor, Chrysalis is trying to change into something else because

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Misty's Revenge · 4:30am Oct 5th, 2022

Okay, so after watching Make Your Mark chapter 2, all the way through, I think I have the necessary inspiration to find out where this tale needs to go... I've decided to make use of Misty in the following chapter and explore more of the remorseless hate that rests within my soul at this point...I still need some work to determine what the actual problem will be here, although I do have a wonderful opener so far... Here's an excerpt from the writing piece I've been working on!

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Why did I write this? · 10:05pm May 7th, 2022

So, you might be wondering why I'd write a lesbian three-way romance story? Well, truth be told, long ago, before my transition, I was involved in a three-way relationship. And while said relationship failed miserably, I also don't believe that was my fault. I wanted to explore the concept of polyamory a bit more thoroughly in a safe environment and so, that's what I did! Once again, the answer is similar to what I found out when I explored the idea of love and romance again. And that answer

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Making Amends · 1:15am Apr 16th, 2022

In chapter 12 of my Twinkle Shine story, Twinkle makes amends with Cozy Glow, the monster who haunts her dreams... Since then, I've noticed a distinct change in my thinking and how I view things... All the pain from the past no longer really hurts when I dwell on it because I feel like I've learned to accept and live with it now... What's done is done and nothing could ever change that... I can, however, control how I view it and what story I tell myself. In that way, I can

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The Schism: Enter Jessi Trotsky · 6:01pm Mar 14th, 2022

Scootaloo’s ghost represents the old me and she carries the guilt and shame of Apple Bloom’s (my mother’s) death in the form of the chicken costume she’s currently doomed to wear. Jessi Trotsky represents the new me and that’s why it’s important that she be a filly. She’s very bright and sensitive and has a lot of love to give to the world, but she has no idea how to go about that… She’s very quirky and witty, but she doesn’t like or trust most ponies. She’s a green unicorn filly

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Love? A meditation... · 2:54pm Mar 11th, 2022

I know I shouldn't concern myself with anything like love or relationships at this stage of my life... I know I need to just let it rest... But I just can't help it! After all that time laying dormant in my life, I feel like something has woken up inside me? This is strange because I was married for six years! And yet, I can't for the life of me, explain the sudden love of lesbian little horse romance?

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