• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
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Player 4

Writing days are probably over...


Tickling. Declared as horrible torture by many. But there are two sides to every coin. And when it comes to tickling, well, ponies would sure know that, as displayed by various events all around Equestria.


1. Stress Relief - Princesses Celestia and Luna are overwhelmed, stressed, on the verge of burnout and need to relax. But everything about work and responsibilities and everything work won't stop overflowing their heads. The only solution may be for somepony else to take control of their minds... and the somepony they choose may have something extra to add to that.

(This story idea was requested by superfun)

2. A Friendly Game - It's Rainbow Dash vs. Applejack and Rarity in a bet for who will have to be under each other's tickling "slavery" for a while. The loser(s), outside of a meal and sleep break, have to give the other(s) free reign to tickle them to their heart's desire. Do the "losers" really experience the tickling as a loss, though?

(This was also requested by superfun)

3. Tickle for Your Talent - Ponies of Ponyville wake up one day to find themselves suddenly not living up to what their cutie marks symbolize. Years of experience doesn't matter as they're botching every hobby and task. Trademark talents drained away, chaos ensues in the town. But might the solution turn out to be something really straightforward and fun?

(I came up with this idea, it was not requested)

4. You're Not So Bad After All - Spike and a pony cook up a sneaky plan to get the other dragons to stop viewing ponies in such a negative light. What if somepony who loves being tickled pretended to hate it and invited some dragons to "torture" her with tickling, only revealing at the end that she had fun? Hmm...

(This idea was also my creation)

5. ????????? - (to be revealed at publication)

Chapters (4)

I, Sassaflash, am just walking around town doing normal Sassaflash things, when I come across a flyer advertising this thing called the "Human's Trial Friendship Trip." Player 4, our local human living in Ponyville, and the first human to come to Equestria in thousands of years, wants to do a "friendship experiment" where he goes on a roadtrip/vacation with ponies he's never met before.

Finding myself liking the idea, I sign my name on the flyer, but I'm just one of many. It's not like P4 is going to pick me, right?

Nah... will he?

This story is a self-insert and is a side story to the series Player 4 Goes to Equestria, but, it is written from Sassaflash's perspective. She narrates the story, in her first-person view. I hope you like this perspective that I've never seen anywhere before!

Other side stories to this series:
- Stinging Sadness

Chapters (2)

It was all so bad. Everything that could have gone wrong today did go wrong, if you ask yourself. You arrive home with no ability to do anything except break down.

But then, your loving friend and roommate, Roseluck, has an idea. You've always comforted her with affectionate touch... who's to say you can't be the recipient of it?

Never heard of that before? Well, let's try it out!

I wrote this story to fill the near-complete lack of humans getting pet by ponies. One day I asked in a group if anyone had seen such a story before, and all of them said they hadn't. I looked around, and... same thing! I could only find it in the form of short scenes that are but one part of a story overall about something else.

Don't get me wrong, those scenes are great! I just, with the great selection of beautiful stories about a human giving physical affection to a pony but almost never the other way around, wanted to try a hand at it! And here we are!

Chapters (1)

You, a human living in Equestria, get invited to a Ponyville sleepover full of ponies you've barely heard the voices of and know little info about. You accept the invitation, and at bedtime, you have a choice of which background pony to go with for a fluffy, cuddly night!

Contains a mixture of well-known background ponies and lesser-known ones that have maybe one or two stories on this whole site!

Story premise inspired by CategoricalGrant's awesome story Mane Six Cuddle Simulator. Check that one out too! Also, CategoricalGrant did grant me permission to use this idea, so big shout out for that!

If you don't recognize a name, this should help: https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Background_ponies#Recurring_background_ponies

Chapters (10)

Cover art by Little Tigress

Applejack and Rainbow Dash enter a period of struggle featuring reconsideration, confusion, evidence-checking, embarrassment, and more. Now, what's causing all that?

In short, what these two ponies remember about their experiences with tickling is that they don't like it. They don't want to be tickled.

But now... they do. They question if the memory sources they draw their dislike of being tickled from are reliable to how it would feel in a different setting.

No use not trying, right? Well, they agree, but it's not like they can just ask anypony to tickle them... right? No, that's too embarrassing. It's too sappy for these tough tomboys...

...but they want to be tickled.

I wrote a blog in which I quoted several parts of this story and made comments about them. I sure do have a lot of post-writing process thoughts on this story. I'd love to see you guys there! :twilightsmile:

This story is the first part of the series Adventures in Tickling. (Series title suggested by Captain_Cosmos). Full series table of contents:

1. Tickling Try-Out - complete
2. ?????????

Will be updated as series continues!

Chapters (4)

A collab with Switch Swap

Our roles in this story were basically split. Switch Swap came up with most of the ideas and I did most of the writing. Story is on this account by Switch's choice.

Ever wondered why Pinkie Pie has all these crazy abilities, like "Pinkie sense", being able to physically break apart and stay alive, and tie her neck into a knot, etc.? And isn't it a bit bothersome that she won't tell you?

Well, truth be told, the reason she won't reveal it is because she herself doesn't know. For real. She's always just brushed it off as "something she has."

But one day, while visiting her family, a fun sister moment turns into possibly the deepest conversation the Pie family has ever had, where the big icebreaker answers the blue-fire-burning question, but also leads to the reveal of a fact that Pinkie and Maud are deeply hit smack-dab in the heart by.

Chapters (12)

Lyra, Bon Bon, and myself are having fun at a park, working on a short film, when we get incessantly buzzed around by a wasp that just won't go away. Not seeing any other way out of it, we try to shoo away the insect, and despite taking "precautions", as we tried to call them, the insect prevails and uses its well-known tactic on one of us. Ah, instincts.

(Story told from my perspective)

I wrote this story because the depiction of me in it contains realistic problems with me. Seeing one of my loved ones get stung is something that I could easily get nightmares about; even the thought of it bothers me. And I do harbor animosity towards these insects for using that power. I know, self-defense and all, but it's upsetting, isn't it? Yes. We don't want to see people get hurt, especially not when they're close to us, and it's only natural we'd be mad at the perpetrator.

I also wanted to write this because it's something that can easily happen to you in real life despite clear guidelines on how to avoid it. We've all heard "don't swat at wasps, that provokes them.", and that's true. But let's be honest, most of us probably have swatted at stinging insects, because that's we do automatically. It's instinct. Or, as happens in this story, the insect just keeps hanging around you and you don't feel like you can wait anymore. So it's here for that too.

Chapters (4)

This story is a prequel to Fusion Genres

I am a human who really, really wants to go to Equestria. Strongly believing that it's possible, I undergo intense research into the possibility and concoct up a blend of crazy, never-heard-of-before science to spawn a portal and get to the land. When there, I must go down the path of a new life, with adorable, amazing ponies by my side along the way. How many friends will I make? And will I find a best friend forever?

(Story set beginning in June 2016)

Despite being published second, this story is the first part of the series Player 4 Goes to Equestria. Full series table of contents:

1. Magical Mission: Portal to a New Home - complete
2. Fusion Genres - complete
3. ?????????

Will be updated as series continues!

I decided to experiment with giving my chapters names. Let me know if you guys prefer this or just Chapter (number.) I'd love your feedback!

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Magical Mission: Portal to a New Home

I am a human living in Equestria who is trying to forge a music career. But I can't seem to find anyone who shares my targeted genre. So should I go with a fusion?

Despite being published first, this story is the second part of the series Player 4 Goes to Equestria. (You don't need to read the prequel in order to understand or enjoy this story, though!) Full series table of contents:

1. Magical Mission: Portal to a New Home - complete
2. Fusion Genres - complete
3. ?????????

Will be updated as series continues!

Chapters (2)

The ponies of Appleloosa have been given a twist to the game of horseshoes where it now features color-coded shoes that give out more points depending on their color and which color you throw is determined by the result of your last throw. Can anypony get the new highest possible score?

This story is the first part of the series Autumn Apple - The Show. Autumn Apple is one of my pony OCs who appears in this story. Full series table of contents:

1. Perfect Game - complete
2. Something Sparkling (collab with Captain_Cosmos) - complete
3. ?????????

Will be updated as series continues!

Chapters (15)