• Member Since 13th Nov, 2023
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Gormless Wheaton

Full of Regret and Thinly Veiled Contempt


The Bard · 6:11am May 17th

Works been a pain due to my co-workers being a test from on high, but more nonsense is in the works from yours truly, including the remainder of the final Bedlam, the Vampire sequels, and something else, also human related because I am a biased hack fraud, with an Exorcist flare.

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Thanks for reading. · 2:01pm April 12th

Thank you to everyone who tolerated my silly vampire story all the way to the end, and thank you to those who only followed along for a little while, though I don't know for sure if anyone in the latter group will see this. Means the world to me to have been able to keep at least one or two of you entertained and enthralled for a few months.

So, thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

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Update on BEDLAM follow up · 12:19am March 30th

I have unfortunate news to convey to anyone who was invested in seeing the follow up to BEDLAM that was set to come after I finished He's a Vampire.

For personal reasons, it has to be cancelled.

Instead, you'll have to settle for the follow up coming out later tonight. Thank you for understanding.

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Just a heads up. · 4:32am March 19th

On the off chance it needs to be said, don't worry.

He's a Vampire is not abandoned and the next chapter is underway.

BEDLAM is just an idea I've had that had to put to paper before I lost it, and by the time I'd figured out, I decided I might as well publish it. It's also shorter and has less moving parts, making it easier to ensure everything meshes together and speeding up the writing process.

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Fuck you, have another. · 7:27pm February 15th

Finally reached the scene, the situation, the moment I've dreamed of, so why wait? We're in the home stretch now and I'm too sleepy to know better. Have fun!

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Changelog A1.C2 · 10:50pm February 3rd

Edited Freak takes the Field, because I thought up a much more evocative and interesting description for Peter's first coherent and deliberate taste of blood. I'll post it here if you don't want to dig through the chapter to find it.

"Nuh uh, I smash you head in."

I snapped forward and gripped his throat. He tried to swing his board at me, but my free hand caught his arm. A gentle squeeze crushed his wrist, and using my grip as leverage, I sank my teeth into his shoulder.

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Colossal fuck up on my part · 1:13am Dec 20th, 2023

I've only just realized a critical detail to He's a Vampire never made it from my source doc to the actual story. I don't know when this happened, but it was crucial to the flow of the entire story and it not being present nearly ruins the whole thing. I'm scrambling to fix it, but so you don't have to go digging, I'll add it in here.

Sunbeam is beige and her mane is burnt orange. Also the alliterations were killing me, so those're over now.

Thank you.

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The Next Chapter · 1:51pm Dec 3rd, 2023

Currently doing some additional polishing of the next chapter. I could post it now, but something about it just doesn't feel right to me. Unless something comes up or I decide to spite those of you interested, it'll be up by this evening.

A fair warning though.

It's necessary, and is a far cry from everything up to now. We're also not even half way done.

Thanks again for enjoying my silly vampire story. Have an Ivan in gratitude.

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