• Member Since 26th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 2nd, 2016

Showmare Trixie

"If I desire to possess everything, does that not make everything mine by right?"

More Blog Posts311

  • 417 weeks
    Beginnings and Endings.

    Hello. I still, inexplicably, get attention here. Not sure why. I don't go on Fimfiction, or write ponyfics anymore--I do however, write original fiction, yay!--or really do anything pony related. Don't consider myself a brony, though ponies are always cute, and stuff.

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  • 478 weeks

    Since some of you, for some silly reason keep trying to get in contact with me through this account, I'm just going to post a link to my current one: Here.

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  • 536 weeks
    Important-ish notice: Account closing down.

    I won't go into the details. But this account is essentially going to become abandoned after today.

    My story, Path of Fomalhaut will be getting transferred over to a new account, so for you guys, don't be confused if the author suddenly has a different name and two hundred less followers.

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  • 536 weeks
    Youtube, why!

    They just changed their UI again and it looks bloody horrible. :facehoof: Ugh, why does Youtube keep doing this?

    18 comments · 710 views
  • 536 weeks
    Character analysis blog: Trixie [canon].

    Not being written at 6AM, but I am tired, hungry, upset, and unmedicated. So it's close enough to my usual conditions for analysis blogs.

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    8 comments · 929 views

Motivational blog game--Applejack! · 8:14am Aug 31st, 2013

Howdy! Welcome to the Friday game!

Sorry we are late, someone felt a need to hit on everyone in the Asylum.

... Why are you looking at Trixie like that? There's that cute British guy in the other hall, and that student nurse... Do you really expect me to not hit on them?

Right. Anyway, today's game is a simple one. Two stages.

I know a lot'aya are probably thinkin' this'll have something to do with family or honesty. You'd be wrong! Nah. In this world, people need something to keep them waking up every mornin' and in this game, we get to deal with those little sayings that help with that.

Unlike most of the other games, this one can be done right here! For stage one, post and look at other posters motivational quotes that ya find inspirin!
Don't have one? Look 'em up! Post one you like. :ajsmug:

For the second stage, you guys get to do something much more awesome! Think of the things you say, your perspective, what motivates you.

Now. A more personalized quote, one you made. Either just now, or a personal philosophy that has been following you around for awhile.

It can be a motto, a thought, something you said once, whatever you like. As long as it helps motivates you. Post that down, and of course, look at everyone elses. Feel free to debate 'em too if you'd like, but that's optional.

If you don't wanna do it, then you can Pas--


... Pardon?

This is to help people motivate themselves and others. If they wanna pass, then they are the sort that needs to do the game.

While that is quite true, it's not very ethical to try and force everyone to try and state their opinions on the interne--... Wait, they do that all the time anyway.

Ah'm right then?

... Trixie supposes so.

... Anyway, check in tomorrow for the Saturday game, featuring Pinkie Pie! ... You guys can totally still pass if you want, regardless of what Applejack would think of it.

Report Showmare Trixie · 915 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

Part 1:
The secret to falling down is getting back up.
Part 2:
I've always had this philosophy in life.
"Try everything twice. Because it might not have been that good the first time around."
It's that philosophy that told me I:
Hate asparagus (Ate it twice, prepared differently each time)
Love sushi (First time was terrible, second time I got hooked)
Can write (First attempt was terrible, second attempt was better-met)
Among other things. Essentially, don't let one bad experience ruin something for you. Give things second chances, under different circumstances or even years later. But don't alienate something (Be it a food, pastime, or goal) because you didn't enjoy it or succeed the first time around.


I like your personal philosophy. :twilightsmile:

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo


"Why stop learning, all knowledge can be useful at some point."
– Fourpony

FINALLY found the quote I wanted to use. I love this quote.


My quote is from one of my old coworkers from back in my Navy days, and I've taken it to heart ever since. It's a simple thing, really.

Don't let anything hold you back.

It could be a situation. It could be a person. It could be money. It could be anything, really. Never, ever let them hold you back from what you want to do. Even if you get set back or delayed, as long as you don't let it stop you, you'll always succeed.


Nah, AJ sucks.



But... you'll do Sunday's right?

Well one thing I would always say to keep myself going is that everything ends the way it's supposed to. Even if you don't like the way something ends, in time you'll come to see it was the best way for it to end and that life will never give you more than you can handle. I found out later in life that a lot of my personal philosophies and things I thought I came up with had already been said by a lot of people before me. Originality is dead :ajsleepy: One thing that did keep me going when I didn't get the job I wanted to get yesterday was that everything comes in time. You get something at the time you need it. Someone very special came to me when I needed her and anything the same applies to other things. This isn't to say you shouldn't work at something, and that I won't work at getting a job, it's just to say that I'll get what I need when I need it and if I didn't get it, then it just means that it's something that, in time, will be obvious to me was unneeded. Actually one of my personal relationships does have a lot of hitches but instead of letting it get me down I focus on how we manage to turn every negative into a positive. Every time something goes "wrong" for us it leads to things actually going so much better for us its unreal.

I guess what I'm trying to say is no matter what negative thing happens, it can become a positive. You can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it.


1319492 I did not do the previous ones, why would I start now? :trollestia:


1319561 Make a Trixie one.

I've gotta be honest, I enjoy reading these, despite not participating.

This has always been one of my favorite quotes:

“I have learned not to think little of any one’s belief, no matter how strange it be. I have tried to keep an open mind; and it is not the ordinary things of life that could close it, but the strange things, the extraordinary things, the things that make one doubt if they be mad or sane.” - Dr. Abraham Van Helsing, Dracula

I always try to live by that.

And on a more personal note, a motto of mine I've had for some time is as follows:

"Silence is the better option, but Loyalty is more important."

Meaning, that in any given situation, remaining silent is usually best, unless one's loyalty would be called into question.

"You never fail until you stop trying" - Albert Einstein
I like this, and this is how I roll. I may continuously fall down, but I never lay there and give up.

"If I'm gonna do it, I may as well over do it." -MKT
I don't always get motivated, and I don't always try my hardest, but when I decide I'm going to get something done, and In my heart I want it... nothing will stop me until I do.:ajsmug:

I hope I'm not late! :raritydespair:

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

This is a conversation I had with a friend long ago, there's me, 'Another friend' and 'happy friend'.

[12:10:12 PM] Friend: Apparently having 135 followers and 5 stories isn't "struggling'"
[12:10:28 PM] Another friend: I'd say it isn't
[12:10:53 PM] Friend: If you're egotistical it isn't
[12:11:03 PM] Drawdex: It ISN"T
[12:11:13 PM] Happy friend : Well, no, if you're optimistic, it isn't.
[12:11:24 PM] Happy friend : When I had 80 followers I was super happy.
[12:11:32 PM] Happy friend : It's like "Fuck yeah, people like some of my shit."
[12:13:19 PM] Friend: I'm surprised people like my *shit*
[12:13:48 PM] Friend: I hate the hierarchy on the site
[12:14:43 PM] Drawdex: I have 8 followers one is Bob, another is a friend, two are maniacs that want to have everyone followed.
[12:14:59 PM] Drawdex: The rest want to actually know what I do.
[12:15:10 PM] Drawdex: Especially if I make a immense comment.
[12:17:23 PM] Friend : I guess I'm just inherently pessimistic
[12:17:49 PM] Drawdex: No, I'M a true pessimist.
[12:17:54 PM] Drawdex: You are depressed.
[12:18:14 PM] Friend: And jealous
[12:18:21 PM] Another friend : I'm a realist, which realistically is pessimism.
[12:20:02 PM] Friend: I feel inferior as well
[12:20:15 PM] Drawdex: Pessimists think of the worst possible thing of everything, it makes things hard to do and a pain to trust people.
And so with that philosophy we can always feel good when we're wrong and not surprised when right.
A realist goes into the reality of things, if you went down that road you would know that you can get better realistically due to you just making a story for yourself since its beginnings.
No. You my friend are depressed.
[12:21:03 PM] Drawdex: And as so are trying to justify said depression.
[12:21:11 PM] Drawdex: As anyone ever to be depressed.
[12:21:50 PM] Drawdex: I once said I was an idiot and I should kill myself to make my parents life easier from carrying my useless weight.
[12:21:55 PM] Drawdex: I almost did make it.
[12:22:14 PM] Drawdex: But you get over it and you see the light at the end of the fucking tunnel.
[12:22:25 PM] Drawdex: The thing that it takes is time and yourself.
[12:22:38 PM] Friend : I'm afraid I'll fail
[12:22:50 PM] Friend : Plain and simple
[12:23:00 PM] Drawdex: You will fall, the issue is if you're going to pick yourself up after.
[12:23:49 PM] Friend : But if I don't try, I won't have to worry about failing
[12:23:50 PM] Drawdex: That's how things work, the one that never falls is not better than the one that has fallen a thousand times and has been able to pick himself up.
[12:24:02 PM] Drawdex: You get to know yourself and know your limits
[12:24:08 PM] Drawdex: And so you break them.
[12:24:15 PM] Drawdex: But reality is another thing.
[12:24:52 PM] Drawdex: Having found your limit you will surpass it or remain there, and that still isn’t going to be known until you get there.
[12:26:17 PM] Friend : Not an easy task, that's for sure
[12:26:24 PM] Drawdex: That's life for ya.
[12:27:16 PM] Friend : Well, at least I enjoyed being creative for as long as it lasted
[12:27:43 PM] Drawdex: Creativity will not end, it can only change. Good luck man, everyone needs it. Remember that you have friends here to help ya. Always.

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