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Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”

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My unsolicited thoughts on Rainbow Dash being gay. · 7:22am Jun 25th, 2012

Okay, it's late and I'm feeling a little rage-y over some comments on a fic*, so I'm gonna just address the issue in general here rather then jumping into an internet argument about it.

When talking about Rainbow Dash and shipping, the following two statements MAKE ME CRAZY:

"Why does everyone think Rainbow Dash is gay just because she's a tomboy and has a rainbow mane?" (I get extra annoyed by this when it makes its way into a fic as ponies always assuming Dash is gay because of her mane. I've never seen an Equestrian gay pride parade, so I have no reason to assume that rainbows are a symbol of gay pride there. I'll loosen up a little if it's just because she's athletic.)

"Rainbow Dash is totally gay because she's a tomboy with a rainbow mane!" (Strangely, while I've seen the first one A LOT, I've only seen this one a few times. But it's usually followed by a rant on lack of GBLT characters in kids shows, and it drives me just as crazy.)

I really really can't stand either of those comments. The second one is not a valid argument for Dash definitely being gay, and the first one is whining and almost always comes from fanboys who don't care about characterization or story and just want fic to pretend they'd have a chance with Dash. Not that I have a problem with bronies thinking about/writing Dash as straight, as long as they don't get whiny when other people disagree.

Personally, I always write her as bi. And I have a reason for that.

I think Rainbow Dash would be in love with being in love, at least until somepony very special came along. I think the thrills of an early relationship, the action of physical parts of a relationship, and the adoration of somepony else would be the same for her, no matter the gender. Since I also see Equestria as being more open minded then we are, I don't think she'd think twice about going after whoever seemed likely to provide those things.

In terms of who she'd ultimately settle down with, I think everyone knows my opinions, and my fic is my only argument for that. I have no problem with any other fics that make a good, in character argument for something else. (Except for FlutterDash, because. . . um, I have no reason. I just dislike FlutterDash.)

And for the record, I don't think AJ is bi, I think she's hooves down one way or the other.

* My name is Emily, and I have an internet drama addiction. If I notice a fic where it looks like the comments are going to be particularly crazy, I'll watch it all night to see the fall out. I rarely post because I don't like getting myself into trouble, but I do sometimes let it drive me insane.

Comments ( 17 )

I dont like to think of her tomboyish or mane color as any indication to her sexuality. I prefer to think of her as straight but honestly I think she's great on both teams. Anyway thats my two cents and go RD.

Yes! preach on! :ajsmug: i gotta say i agree with everything that was said here but i gonna add one thing. one of the BIG reasons that RainowDash is gay or bi in most fics is course everypony is gay and bi in most fics. i mean Rarity is straight in the show. its shown more the once that shes looking for "Prince Charming" but many fics show her as bi or flat out gay. its just what fans do. we love putting are favorite characters together and "in case you dont witch the show" theyes like 3 guys in all that one could like and non of them get any really time. i personally like thinking RD is bi course in my opinion it fits her character. i mean despite her "i can do anything" personalty she shows shes normal unsure of herself. her sexual preference can be another thing she just confused or unsure about. i love AppleDash but i gotta say my head cannon cant help but see AppelJack a straight. i see her like this but i still read and love AppleDash. as long as most of the characteristics is on point you really shouldnt let something like this stop you from enjoying a well-put-together story.

everyone is bi until proven otherwise

I hold this particular view as well.

Well, since you've brought up a topic of serious discussion, I shall discuss it seriously.

Oddly enough, I don't really care what people post about the characters in the show. Usually, the hateful posts I see (such as what your topic is about) are written with the intellect and the care of a first grader. So I don't let them bother me, because I know it is IMPOSSIBLE to reason with those people. You can use logic all you wish, but after a while you'll just end up getting responses like "U mad bro?" or "Ur stupid."

Welcome to the internet.

Anyway, I can't really say that I see any character in the show a certain way. And I let this happen, because if a great fic comes along (such as The Appledash Project) I can read it without getting in my head that "this author is flat out wrong." (well, I'm a hypocrite. I won't read Sparity or Pinkie Pie ships... unless they're REALLY good)

Those are my thoughts that are loosely based on this rant. I do adore you, Dashie, gay, bi, or straight :rainbowkiss:

I only get irked when people assume Rainbow Dash is gay because she is tomboyish, competitive and likes sports (and the whole mane thing - honestly, rainbows aren't only indicative of the gay pride parade, they're an awesome natural phenomenon that shouldn't be limited to one meaning). None of that hints at sexual orientation at all. The way you rationalize her being bi makes total sense, and it matches my own opinion on the matter. Plus, almost every character in the show with any development or backstory at all is female, so I guess it makes sense that the mane six is considered at least bi or there would be very few shipping fics at all :derpytongue2: and the Flutterdash thing - I know right? I can't say exactly why, but that is one ship that I don't care for. Maybe cuz my headcannon is that Dash and Fluttershy are more sisterly-ish. Plus Fluttershy shipping in general tends to weird me out for whatever reason. Maybe because she's so timid? I dunno, but anywho nice rant. Certain things like this annoy me too, even though they shouldn't. The hypothetical sexual orientation of a multicoloured pony from a children's cartoon and random internet people's reactions or assumptions to said orientation should be the last thing I analyse or pay attention to, but alas, my brain seems to latch onto anything rather than focus on my own creative writing pursuits or schoolwork. :facehoof: :trollestia:

First of all, I know I'm late to this party, but I just wanted to say that I thought the post was very well ranted. I have found myself on the soap-box plenty regarding Dash's sexuality, and while I'm typically "Pro-Straight" Dash, I'm not against other writer's uses of her as a lesbian, or Bi. Granted, there have been valid arguments from both sides of the fandom, I choose to follow the personality, rather than make assumptions based on hair, attitude or occupation, activities. I've known a few women in my time that were the absolute embodiment of Rainbow Dash, and were absolutely obsessed with men(just not me . . . ).

My general rule based on my own examination of the character of Rainbow Dash is that she's too self-absorbed to really care about gender stereotypes in romance, or worse yet, she's more the sort to love herself more than anyone else. I've met a person like this as well, that just was sexually neutral, and never bothered with it, for any reason or for any specific gender. They are rare, and I've only met the one.

In my own fiction, I portray Rainbow Dash as being rather closeted one way or the other, and having perhaps some feelings for Applejack(spoilers but not big ones), and some other male in her life. Because I agree, that Dash is about love rather than gender. So that what she sees as affection can come from any angle, and anywhere. My portrayal of Dash as mostly straight though, is to serve as a device for a dramatic confrontational scene with her best friend, and while it may be unfair to manipulate the poor filly in such a way, I can't help myself at times. I am a sadistic son of a bitch when it comes to pushing the boundaries of my character's limitations.

I personally agree with your outlook on this subject. Personally, I believe she would be bi, mostly because her personality is so mutable and malleable as it is, and it lends itself to the theory. I don't honestly think she could be one or the other, mostly just because of how she is. she doesn't seem like the type to close herself off from opportunity, and that means that she may be straight, but there's always gonna be that little bit of bi-curiosity. Therefore, it's much simpler just to write and believe that she is bi, because that's a much easier concept for most people to wrap their heads around, rather than the Kinsey scale or other such sexual orientation gradation explanations. (Oh my, that was a lot of -ation's.) So, until further proof, I will continue to believe that Dash is neither straight nor lesbian, but instead lies somewhere in the middle. And I have absolutely no problem with that. Not everyone needs to fit into these neat little boxes most people seem to have in their mind. I know I don't, and that's fine, once you get over the initial shock. There's really no problem with any of it, because people (or ponies) are meant to be what they're meant to be, and nothing and no one should try to change that, just because it doesn't fit with their image of how the world is supposed to be.

(Also, my name is Emily, too. Coincidences, coincidences everywhere!)
(I can't believe I just did that. :facehoof: Kill me now.)

821694 I shall take that offer *shoots* :trollestia:


I have never seen a statement so true ever typed on the internet.

I quite like this rant – and yes, I should go read your stories and not just your blogs. I'm going to, I promise!

But I'm not really sure if it makes me feel some kinship with the argument or just generally out of touch on all this. Because I don't see Rainbow Dash (or anypony) as much of anything orientation-wise. You could call that bi, but in my head I feel like there's a bit of difference. I just don't care how her orientation falls out story-to-story. I care that her characterization is solid. I'm even willing to allow for the possibility that a really good writer might be able to make her a raging homophobe, if they have a good reason for it and don't break character (which, yes, seems like it'd be damned difficult).

I like romantic stories, and I know from some experience that I can actually be made to crew for certain ships in other fandoms, but I've never really understood the idea of inflicting sexual orientations on characters in the abstract. In a story, sure, you may need to make a choice. But RD-straight, RD-les, and RD-bi all seem equally good to me in the abstract. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this, though I don't know to what extent other people feel that way. My headcanon is basically just incapable of dealing with orientation. With who characters love, sure, but not orientation. Appledash comes a lot more naturally to me than an abstract vision of what floats Rainbow's boat.

Honestly, I find this a bit curious. I certainly have my own orientation, and I don't have any trouble recognizing and understanding orientation in other people. And it's not just a Schroedinger's Cat problem. I don't have any headcanon for Rarity being straight, despite the fact that there is actually some canon evidence backing that one up.

How very odd...

I'm sorry, I took a look at this and got distracted by the fact that "GBLT" sounds like a sandwich. Is there any particular reason you choose to abbreviate in that unconventional order?

195107 I wish to counter with "everybody is asexual and aromantic until proven otherwise," for three reasons:
1) There are obvious and reasonable methods of proof for that.
2) If you are asexual/aromantic, there's seldom cause to make a fuss about what you aren't interested in participating in. How else are we going to find such characters, if not by assuming?
3) Asexuality/aromanticness is so thoroughly absent in fiction that I, a quite voracious reader, didn't know it was a thing until I happened to stumble across the Wikipedia page for it one day. We need all the representation we can steal.

old blog post is old.

yet still just as relevent today.

somethings never change.


Sherlock Holmes is asexual and almost aromantic.

3687680 I have considered Sherlock Holmes previously, but I've always concluded that I'm not willing to make a definite statement on him one way or the other. Certainly he could be asexual. He clearly does act like it. However, he's well-established to have an exceedingly disciplined mind, containing only what is relevant to being a detective, and I find it absolutely plausible that he is allosexual by birth, but excludes such thoughts to the point that any observer would swear that the very concept is alien to him. It seems like something he'd do even if he didn't live in such a prudish era. So, much as I would like for him to be asexual, given the small fraction of asexuals in the population, I don't think the odds are in my favor.

And of course one could make pretty much the same argument about his romantic orientation. Irene Adler could be the one exception to his aromantic nature, or she could fascinate him in a strong but non-romantic manner since he is so seldom outsmarted, or she could be the only one to break a little bit through his ability to exclude irrelevant thoughts.

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