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“If the youth are not initiated into the tribe, they will burn down the village, just to feel its warmth.” — African proverb

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  • 131 weeks
    I'm (still) not quite dead...

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OPERATION: STORMY SKIES · 1:12pm Aug 15th, 2012

EDIT: There is now a Raindrops group. Post all Raindrops stories there!

Right. Having just discovered that freakin' Roseluck has a character tag, I am officially going to abuse the fact that I have so many followers on each of my stories to try and correct an injustice.

OPERATION: STORMY SKIES is a go. The goal of STORMY SKIES is to get Raindrops a character tag by any means necessary. But the best means I can think of? Bombard the site with Raindrops fanfiction. If there are suddenly even ten stories featuring Raindrops as a main character, I feel confident that Raindrops will at last recieve her due.

I'll do my part! Will you do yours? Ten! That's our goal! We can do that!

•Stories must be at least 1000 words before submitting them to the site. Author's notes, lyrics, and other padding DO NOT count towards this minimum!

Drabbles, people. We need drabbles, that's it.

(okay, technically a drabble is exactly 100 words long, not 1,000. Whatever).

A quick clarification: These do not have to be Lunaverse fanfictions. They do not have to use the personality of Raindrops that I created for the Lunaverse. They don't even have to be good. They just need to be 1,000 words long, minimum, and feature Raindrops as a main character.

Further, these do not have to be related stories. Write whatever you want! However you want! Whatever rating you want!

Good luck!

"I know you guys can do it!"

Report RainbowDoubleDash · 815 views ·
Comments ( 29 )

...this going to get me killed but um, who is Raindrops? :twilightsheepish: plz dont kill me!

Consequence of tagging this blog post to my non-Lunaverse stories, I guess...

Raindrops is a recurring background pegasus pony. She's shown up often enough to get her own MLP wiki page, plus a series of pictures of her done by johnjoseco, who is a prolific MLP artist that you've probably seen art for. Finally, she has a reasonably popular tumblr.

But, most importantly for me, Raindrops is, in the alternate-universe series of fics worked on by myself and a dozen or so other authors, the Element of Honesty and a significant character in several fics.

Yet she doesn't have a character tag. But freakin' Matilda, freakin' Roseluck, and freakin' Rumble do.

This must be corrected. Yes.

288560 well. we are going to have to do something about this injustice aren't we?:trixieshiftright:

Well...Raindrops is my favorite Lunaverse character, and I always did feel like she doesn't get enough attention. Eh what the hell i'll give it a shot.

For me! For my friends! For Raindrops! :yay:

Question: Do we know anything at all about Raindrops other than her appearance from canon?

288588 She helped drop a piano on Twilight. That's really about it.

288591 Cheers. Now I have a story to write.


she's the reason the first hurricane in "Hurricane Fluttershy" failed, I think.

and she was a Viking for Nightmare night.

...that's about it.

Well, given that I pointed out Roseluck's new tag to you due to my in-progress oneshot that has both Roseluck and Raindrops as main characters, I'm obviously already in on this one... :pinkiehappy:

It's worth noting that she was one of the fillies involved in the "Fluttershy can hardly fly" chant in Fluttershy's flashback in "Hurricane Fluttershy", too. There's got to be some room to work there.

I don't think I can produce anything short and quick, but I think I've just stepped up the priority on "Sonic Raindrops", so that will help once it gets underway.

I'll think of something!

Well I suck at writing but.....I wish you guys luck and if I spot any of them I'll read 'em and rate 'em

CAUSE RAINDROPS NEED TAG!!! :flutterrage: and I really do believe that..

"Raindrops' Wrap Up", a choose-your-own-adventure Raindrops story set during Winter Wrap Up, is currently in the queue. It'll need everypony's help to make it work properly- keep an eye out!

288610 I'd give the blame to Dash, myself...

Raindrops fic? I think I can do that...

Alright. *cracks knuckles*
First story I release on the site will be Raindrops-central, just for my favorite alternate universe writer.

288849 Cancel that; apparently FimFiction does NOT accept CYOA stories.

Really? 'Cause, I've seen a few...is this a new thing?

This one springs to mind.

288908 Huh. I just got it rejected due to "We don't accept CYOA stories." You think I should bring to their attention that they have? I couldn't find anything against it in the FAQ, else I wouldn't have written it in the first place!

Yes, and make sure to mention the FAQ thing, and that the list of stories they don't accept under their "don't post" rules doesn't include CYOA.

When there is bullshit, always call it out. If they don't want CYOA stories anymore, that's fine, but they should at least update the rules to reflect that.

Speaking of, which pre-reader rejected you?

As much as I've always thought the tagging system here was pretty messed up, isn't this a bit much? A can get behind submitting hordes of Raindrops fics, but I don't think someone as influential as you should be saying "They don't even have to be good." Flooding the site with crap fics isn't really something that we should be striving for, is it?

The best of luck in your endeavors! And I too would like to know who rejected that CYOA story... :unsuresweetie:

Well, I'd obviously like them to be good, and the one I'm writing now certainly is going to be, or at least I'm going to put my standard effort into it. But - what is the saying - "quantity has a quality all on its own."

I think the military term is "shock and awe."

288913>>289073 I don't feel super comfortable saying; I don't think they did so because of a personal bias. I've sent a PM to knighty about it and hopefully will be hearing back soon. If it's not allowed to be approved, then I'll make sure to link to a GDocs version on my blog here, and I'll try and get it good enough for ED to highlight- should do the trick, I think.

The real downside of doing it all on GDocs would be that y'all couldn't make suggestions in any simple way, and I was looking forward to a bit of audience participation.

288913>>289073 All is well! I've spoken to Poultron, who's been lovely, and CYOA stories are allowed. Hurrah! I've resubmitted!

OPERATION: STORMY SKIES is a go. The goal of STORMY SKIES is to get Raindrops a character tag by any means necessary.

Does anyone know the staff's addresses? I'll write the bomb thre-

But the best means I can think of? Bombard the site with Raindrops fanfiction.

Oh. I guess that works too.

I hope this turns out well, I don't remember seeing many Raindrops fics.


I wonder why the first pre-reader rejected it...

My first recollection of Raindrops is her appearance in "Raindrops and Cloudbubbles", the 'alternate happier ending' to "Bubbles". Very sweet and heartfelt with Raindrops being Derpy's friend and later stepsister. Though I don't see "Bubbles" as anything near headcanon due to their depiction of my favorite mailmare, it's a nice relationship I'd like to see more of. Desktop Ponies also has some interaction between them.

A CYOA story? I read a ton of those as a kid, I'll definitely read Pinkerton's.

Commence Operation: Stormy Skies. Prepare the Raindrops stories!

Although the logical part of my brain asks whether or not anyone tried asking nicely. "Excuse me, Mr. Wanderer, sir. Would you kindly make a character tag for Raindrops?"

Just sayin'...

Just since I feel some sort of followup is warranted, I actually finished the oneshot I'd been writing a few days after I posted here involving Raindrops, then went to run it past my brother, who had preread my last fanfic. He skimmed it, pointed out some dialog issues, then said he'd do a full preread later. I rewrote a bunch of the dialogue, then later started getting irritated at some of the characterization, and rewrote a bunch there, and in the meantime he got really busy, and isn't available for prereading any more.

So at this point, it's sort of in limbo, where I pull it out every so often and tinker with it, trying to get it somewhere where I'm happy with it, which is difficult, because I can barely even read it any more. I felt a bit guilty about saying that I'd write a Raindrops fic to contribute and not having it materialize, though. And at some point I will publish the thing, If I hadn't gone into major rewrite mode again last week, I would have submitted it, in fact. :(

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