• Member Since 8th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 2nd, 2022

Speven Dillberg

Bushfires, floods, cyclones and drought. All at the same time. Australia is trying to kill us all.

More Blog Posts82

  • 497 weeks
    The State of the Site

    So, I've noticed a rather saddening trend lately. People have become such arrogant bastards on this site. They demand that authors do what THEY want, how THEY want it, and that it happens immediately. And if they don't get what they want, the start attacking the author. What the fuck, guys?

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    61 comments · 2,505 views
  • 513 weeks
    Well, I'm back


    It was fun. Tiring as all hell, though. SO MUCH WALKING.

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    11 comments · 747 views
  • 516 weeks
    Hiatus inbound

    So, starting tomorrow (the 10th of July) I will be going on the Shikoku Junrei. It's a multisite pilgrimage of 88 temples on the island of Shikoku. It's a long trip, especially as I plan on walking it. I don't expect to complete the pilgrimage, but hell, I'm not gonna get another chance like this for a long time.

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    4 comments · 627 views
  • 520 weeks
    A Land of Contrasts

    So. Japan.
    Today is the first day I really, actually did anything properly tourist-y.

    It started with me going to Hiroshima. And clearly one can think of exactly one thing when you hear that name.

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  • 523 weeks
    Malaysian Stopover

    Rambling. Nothing but rambling.

    So, the flight from Adelaide to Kuala Lumpur was uneventful. It was like a long bus ride, except there were toilets on-board. I also managed to travel back in time, kinda. Time zones are magical like that.

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    2 comments · 581 views

My thoughts on idiotic commenters · 11:44am Sep 17th, 2012

Okay, I'll just admit to some mild irritation here. Single words comments, or comments with nothing more than a picture or an emoticon are NOT ACCEPTABLE.
It's a waste of my time seeing what the comment is, a waste of other people's time when they scroll past them, and a waste of your time. Why leave a comment if you have absolutely nothing to say except "LOL" or something just as pointlessly moronic? A comment should at least have some substance, preferably WHY you liked the story/chapter and what you DIDN'T like (I don't want mindless sheep, defeats the whole purpose).
People that don't leave proper comments are worse than SWAG-fags or those mindless idiots that say "YOLO" for every fucking thing they do. Hell, they're worse than Nickelback fans!
...Okay, that's a bit much, but you get my point.

So, from now on, any time I see any comment with nothing more than an emoticon (or a string of them), a picture (or several), or some stupid abbreviation (or, again, a string of them) will be deleted with extreme prejudice. Oh, and don't bother sticking any of those here, I have access to a "DELETE" button.

Report Speven Dillberg · 894 views ·
Comments ( 52 )

Oh, and the same applies to idiot FIRST-ers.

Got it no one word, one pic, or one emoitcon comments (like I did them in the first place), but whats so bad about Nickleback.

even though i dont write stories i do spend time to look at the comments after i read to see what ppl think of it and i hate that kinda stuff at least tell them at least one mistake in the story.:facehoof:

It's kinda hard to explain, but here's something that might help.

> have a crap fic
> be happy to get one word comments


Anyway, it'd be much shorter to list reasons why Wayward Courier / B,S,P are bad than why they're good. Formatting was a bit screwy on the second chapter but other than that...

364877 WHY!? Why must you make me feel even worse?!? Nahhh... I don't care.

This seems closer to a pet peeve than a 'mild irritation'.
That might not be the case, but you do seem genuinely pissed off.

...I still don't feel regret for posting images on comments.

Also, if it helps, whenever you see someone say 'YOLO', just remember this.

Oh ok, I see now. Meh, everyone gets to have there own opinion though. I never thought much of them but my brother is a BIG fan of them.:applejackunsure::rainbowlaugh:

364895 Dude, that's weird.

My brother is a huge fan of Nickleback :pinkiegasp:

Ok I'm sorry Tony but, LOL.
What a twist.

I wish there was a poll system. So everyone who want to say +1 (like me) could just press a button.

Because most of +1ners can't explain their emotions/thoughts better than "I like it!".
Often there is a problem. I pressed like. I like the story, but what else can I say? I am no critic.

I have a habit of making joke scenes whenever I read chapters and using emotes to denote speakers, but I do try to add actual content usually in the form of constant questions on minute details of what will happen next. Not 'MOAR NAO' but things like will Ironshod get any chance to take a look at The Wanderers power armor for inspiration, or if microfusion cells store radiation for powering various energy using equipment can said cells be used to recharge magic? (and now I'm picturing Pinkie Pie cracking one open and guzzling it down like an energy drink or hey Nuka Grenades actually have soda and maassive radiation even better!)

I have one response:
:pinkiehappy: + Nuka-Cola Quantum

The only thing that saves that comment is that it looks like Daffy is masturbating.

And that's why I posted it.

And now can't stop laughing.

364908 But the Nuka Grenade means she drinks an explosion.

No, it means she drinks a household cleaner and turpentine.
Are you trying to kill Pinkie Pie?

364927 Nah I mean pop open the grenade triggering it, and drinking the sugar infused mushroom cloud. It is like if Hot Blooded Pinkie saw discords "drink the glass throw away the chocolate milk and ignore the explosion" and thought :pinkiehappy:"Pansy that is a waste of a perfectly good explosion."

364904 - heh - I know what you mean. I have exactly the same problem. If there is something really bad about the story I truly like, I will leave a 'proper' comment. Most of the time I simply like it as-is.
364871 - Tony, what should I do in this situation? Should I:
- refrain from commenting knowing this will reduce the popularity of your work a very tiny bit (number of comments is a measure of popularity)
- comment as I did before
- [impossible due to lack of skill] try a more constructive criticism?

Maybe say what you liked the most in that chapter, and what you want to see in the future?

364939 - If only it was that easy...
Maybe say what you liked the most in that chapter - everything :).
and what you want to see in the future? whatever you decide to do - if I could articulate that I would have written my own fic :).

Now on a bit of a serious side:
To be honest, it's the 2nd blog post about the same problem (For the love of Celestia, I can't find the first one :( ). I believe the only semi-sensible solution would be to offer us, the readers, an easy-to-follow guide on how to comment properly. This should include as many helpful questions, like:
"was the character believable? ", "does the story progress well, or is it too rushed or maybe too slow?" as possible. The more questions like those, the better.

Maybe you should join a writers' group here and try to work something out?

I would say I approve this message, but I'm afraid that might not be enough to avoid the dreaded deletion :applecry:

I kinda got... sidetracked by Wayward Courier.
I'm not saying I won't, but don't expect anything any time soon...

Wow! A giude how to write comments! THAT would be great! :pinkiehappy:
Quick. Someone, write Wanderer D about it with proper grammatics!

I don't mind one word comments terribly much, but I think if I got them to the point that you likely do (as the author of a rather successful fic) then I would be raging at them too.

But wait.... what about Meta Knight? I mean, I get the feeling he's a bot, but he's the most dutiful commenter on the whole site! And he almost never uses anything other than one word comments.

Yolo = Broken image.
Got it.

Wait, is the image not showing up?

So, if I string together YOLO, LOL, SWAG, LOLLOL, TROLLOLOLOL together in a comprehensible sentence, does this count as being in that "Deleted" Group of comments? Even if it does, in someway or somehow, give a message of criticism and/or a statement of like or dislike?

For example, The sentence above.

...Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words (and they usually are, even the silly/nonsensical ones), so I don't feel quite as angry when I see one of those compared to just a single emoticon.

But that's just my opinion.


"Don't bother sticking any of those here" What are you saying now?

While I agree with everything you say, I still think you're getting needlessly angry over a relatively minor issue. No need to insult your less articulate commenters. Some people just can't really say much and just want to offer support in some form that they think you as the author would appreciate.

Well...I don't normally comment on peoples' blogs, but I just have to say this.

Dick Move dude. Dick. Move.

Don't get me wrong man, I love Wayward Courier and it's sequel that I can't remember the name of off the top of my head for the life of me, but wow.

I personally would rather have one liner comments than not have them. It allows everyone to express their opinions. Some people just can't sum up what they think in words, so they post pictures to express how they feel, or just post a simple "I liked it". It lets you know as a writer your doing something right. Of course, those Likes help with that, but I'd rather have people take time to write any comment, even if it just a picture or a simple few word sentence.

and the 'proper comment'...WTF dude. There no such thing as a proper comment. A comment is a comment. Like someone just passing you saying "nice shirt dude." You'd hate that? A compliment is a compliment, even if it's through the internet.

but that's just my opinion man so do with this what you want, I don't care. Maybe I'm just to nice to folks. :applejackunsure:

and off topic, your avatar disturbs me greatly.

Okay. (Raises Deletion Firewall Runtimes)

Hey, when close to half the comments I get seem to be spammy meme pictures or single words, it gets frustrating. REALLY frustrating.

And gaze into my chocolate eyes...

Also. Most people are asses, so when you tell them not to do something, they're probably going to do it more. :facehoof:

To simply get the thrill of it all out of my system, I'll just do this little skit. *Achem*...

*Flails arms randomly about* YOLO-:pinkiecrazy:-SWAG-NICKLEBACK RTEH BESTEST

Aaaaand scene. There we go! No more future interruptions.

I'll remember that. Thanks.
Is it fixed?

Lol. When the guy goes "FIRST!", next thing you know when the comment is deleted, there won't be any existence of him being the first to read this. I'd love to see the asshole's face when he sees it.

Well it looks like we hate all the same things here

Especially the yolofuckheadpunkassmotherfuckers

Another thing that pisses me off is the ARMERGERG BURST FURRKSHIN EVAA people that just say...well...random shit really, and on every story they read aswell

Just people who mindlessly praise and give no reason
It's especially annoying when they only do it cause there favorite pony starred in it, but the fic is truly aweful
But then they get all the armergerds and shit and they think they're the best fucking writer ever

/rants for ages/

I hate these people too.

Also this officially marks nine.


I normally don't post comments like that so I think I will be safe from your all powerful "delete" button.

364865 Can you please not use fag in a derogatory manner please even if it is to insult those pieces of trash. okay thanks bye

YOLO is a phrase that is right next to "Hold my beer and watch this" in stupid phrases with high chances of death directly after.

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