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Chaotic Note


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A Chaotic Q&A #1 : Answers · 12:00am Nov 3rd, 2012

Okay we get it other crazy me.
Oh come on, can't I sing mah favorite song?
It's not your favorite song, it's just catchy.
Also, you like to sing that song as an excuse to annoy other people.
What, bucking, ever.
Let's just combine to and get this Q&A done.

ChaoticNote let out a sigh of relief after his crazy and calm half merged together. He looked out over the virtual crowd of his watchers and smiled warmly. A hint of excitement and joy can be seen on his face.
"Okay, let's answer this questions shall we mares and gentlecolts?"

Okay so let see here. Holy Celestia, 21 people worth of questions. Times that by 5 questions and you have over 100 questions. But of course, some asked one. Others asked a lot.
Anyway I won't be able to answer all of them cause most are the same or that I either don't have answers too. I'll try my best though since it's Friday. So let's see here.

Oh, and here is a music playlist for all of you to enjoy while reading these questions. Remember to put it on auto-play! You can put it on shuffle if you want as well.

Plyxe Asks:
How long have you played video games?

Well my first game was Super Mario Bros Advance 2 for the Gameboy Advance. I had a GameBoy Advance SP Blue and the first thing I remembered was the level with all the apples and the blue voicebox that has a message from Yoshi. That time was about 9 years ago in 2003. Ah, good times.

M3Xkillers Asks:
Best pony?
Princess Luna. Easy. Next!

Reggie the Griffin Asks:
What is the average flight speed of an un-laden swallow?
Who do you play as in Borderlands 2? Cus I play as the mecromancer (I think I spelled that right)
#1~ African or European? Either way, both can fly faster than 1 Mile per hour.
#2~ I play as the Number. I love how you can gracefully fight your way through the battlefield with a sword and under a cloak of invisibility. If done correctly, I could take out an entire room of bandits without shooting a single bullet. Also, I've managed to take out a Buzzard with the melee overdrive skill once. That was bucking cool. I try every other day to perfect that kill

Herpidty Derp Asks:
1. Are you surprised to be this popular from Luna Plays and Equestrian Earth the MMORPG?
2. What motivates you to write?
3. How did you get into MLP:FIM?
4. What do you expect from season 3?
Finally, Do you like cupcakes?
#1~ Very surprised. Luna Plays was the first fan fic I've written about MLP. And I honestly thought I was one of the thousands of members on this website that has written about her. Oh man when I searched for Gamer Luna fics later on, the small number of Gamer Luna fics surprised me. After that, about 100 people Favorited it.
#2~ Video Games and life in general motivated me to write. Also, the chance for fame I could not resist. I wanted to be a video game commentor on Youtube (Like PewdiePie and UberhaxorNova), but didn't have any editing programs or a capture card. Also, it costs a bit of money to get the equipment necessary to make the videos.
#3~ Honestly, it was by accident. I remember last year when I was searching all around Youtube because I was bored as hell. Than, an episode of the Sonic Rainboom came up on the screen. The thumbnail had a picture of Rainbow Dash on it, and I instantly went for it because I had a weakness for cuteness. After the episode, I searched around the the first episodes and started from the start to finish. Truly this fandom was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Also, I've met you guys too.
#4~ SPOILERS!!! I expect the season to be more influenced by the Brony culture as we're starting to see more darker elements. Crystal ponies in slave chains? Celestia performing dark magic? (Or at least illusions of it?) An actual dark villain? Discord, Nightmare Moon, and Queen Chrysalis were fine, but this King Sombra actually wants power from what I gathered.

Lord Guffington Asks:
1: Do you like bananas?
2: What state do you live in?
#1~ I like apples!
#2~ I've mentioned it before sometimes when I reply to you guys' comments. I'm not going to 'officially' tell you outloud.

MoonlitDawn Asks:
1. What's your favourite sport?
2. What country are you in?
3. What's your favourite food?
#1~ Does Quidditch count? As for Muggle sports, I prefer soccer.
#2~ I will answer this question. I live in dah USA.
#3~ Vietnamese Pho. It's sooooo good! Seafood, beef, chicken, even vegetarian Pho is good! You should try it at least once in your life or it has no meaning. Even MLP can't do that to you (Well, okay yeah it does).

GuyInTheCorner Asks:
Oh god. Okay. No complicated answers for this one.
What's the velocity two southern pelicans carrying a coconut between them over the pacific ocean when the winds are against them? - Over one mile per hour.
What does your wardrobe consist of? - T-Shirts, dress pants, a green jacket, a beanie hat, shoes, socks. No Brony merchandise yet. I'm getting around to asking my parents.
Of what ethnicity are you? - Vietnamese.
Do Scotts hump sheep? - Yes.
Are bowties cool? - DOCTOR WHO! I call the 11th pony Doctor Temporal Smith!
Is the Gieco Gecko Austrailian or British? - British
Whats you favorite shipping? - Doctor Whooves X Ditzy Doo ~<3
Do you watch Sherlock? - Nope.
Ever read Homestuck? - Not a big fan but yes.
Favorite Heroes of Olympus/Percy Jackson Character? - Annabeth.
Wanna hear a dead baby joke? - No.
Do you like brony music/ what's you favorite brony song? - Fear of Flight (This is a Link)
Ever read Deathnote? - No. And I don't think I plan to in the near future, but I'll definitely give it a try.
Do all madmen need hats? - Yes. Fez's are cool.
Is Mikey the Aquaman of Doctor Who characters? - What?
Am I asking too much questions? - Yes! No. Maybe? I love questions?!?!!!#!

Knowledge seeker Asks:
What is the most adorable Luna pic you have and do you plan on having epic one liners before awesome kills?

This is actually an cutout from a "certain" picture. If you find out, you can roll on the floor and laugh. As for the one liners, idk. I'll have to think of something, but it might hurt my brain.

Hyperion Asks:
how did luna became your best pony?
which luna is better, s1 or s2 luna?
best video game movie you saw?
ever saw the mario bros movie?
#1~ She just appealed to me. I kinda relate to her in a way. She finds it hard to keep in touch with the world after 1000 long years. I find it hard to make friends in school after long years of elementary and middle school. I treasure the ones I have as much as Luna treasures the ones she has.
#2~ I honestly prefer Season 1 Luna over Season 2's. Reason being is that S1 Luna is more innocent and seems to be easier to get along with, and she's also cute. She's more accepting of others and more benevolent than S2 Luna. Season 2 Luna has her own beautiful charm, and is obviously sexier than S1 Luna. But for some reason, I base her off the fandom's interpretation of Luna rather than the show's. S2 Luna to me is the type of mare to steal my bits and sleep with other colts (Hooves up if you get that reference). Thats just me though. She is also very competitive which could be bad if we end up fighting with each other (cause I am too). I just hope its not the physical kinds of fights or she would trample me.
#3~ Pokemon Heroes the Movie.
#4~ No and I hope never.

xnecroespherex Asks:
Sir, what is your favorite fictional character from any cartoon or book? No movies and no live action. Only anime, cartoons, and books.
Anime: Edward Elric from FullMetal Alchemist.
Books: Annabeth Chase from 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians'.

Ladrian Asks:
1) How did you get Luna to be your secretary?
2) What was the story that you consider to be the start of your writing hobby? (ie: not for school or some such)
3) What is your favorite universe? (not necessarily including the characters in the world, but the world itself)
#1~ I asked. She's happy to help anypony! (because it's part of her job of being a co-ruler of Equestria) Also she owed me a favor.
#2~ If you're talking which book I've read that made me love fanfiction writting, than it's Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books. If which fan fic that I wrote that got me started, it was The Dragon Scrolls - Book of Tomes. You probably never read it because I've posted it on Facebook. (Yeah, I really did.)
#3~ If not the My Little Pony FiM universe, then it's the Pokemon Universe. Tame a dragon? Hell yeah. Use a legendary pokemon? Buck yeah. Command a god? Fuck yeah.

FlyingChurro Asks:
Have you ever considered rallying an army of gamers to stage a war against EA, and if not, would you be interested in participating in one?
Chimmycherry or cherrychanga?
What is your ultimate battle technique?
(British accent) Are you my mummy?
#1~ I'm not much of a leader, but I'll make the best Second-in-Command!
#2~ Applejacks (the cereal).
#3~ Pumped-Up Hooves - Fire Burst Mode: A ground-slam punch that unleashes a fiery explosion around the user. The user's punches can use fire punches afterwards and the user's speed is amped up to the speed of light. (Sorry if I don't have a Hot-Blooded Pinkie Pie Laser move or something)
#4~ *Runs away to find the Doctor.*

Invictus_rising Asks:
Stoked for Halo 4?
Ever wanted to do a Collab fic?
You're from around Seattle right?
haha. Continue being awesome
#1~ Oh yes. It's the #1 most anticipated game on my list this year.
#2~ Maybe. I just haven't found somepony that has a writing skill to complement mine yet.
#3~ Sigh, okay this person has got me. Yes, I'm around Seattle, but I don't live there.
#4~ This isn't an answer to a question, but thanks for the compliment. I am awesome, but you guys are awesome too!

thedudeofsigma Asks:
What do you have to say to the waaay too extreme CoD, Halo, and Battlefield fans? - You guys need to relax. All of them are great. Seriously, if anything is to argue about, it's which game would sell the most.
Have you played TF2? - Yes, but my laptop is horrible.
Who is best pony? - Princess Luna.
Have you ever watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer? - Nope.

Sandcroft Asks:
Give a rough estimate on how many hours you spend on Borderlands 2.
Not enough hours.

Vinetion~R. Asks:
who would win in an eating contest: kirby or goku?
If I threw a ball up and it came back to me from the ground going up, was i thinking with portals without portals?
Do you still allow capcom into your gaming life even after they've screwed over their players so much?
#1~ Kirby. No contest.
#2~ How should I know? Your mind is your greatest sanctuary.
#3~ The only games I've played from Capcom was Megaman 6 Battle Network Cybeast Gregar, Megaman StarForce1 Pegasus, Megaman StarForce3 Red Joker, and XBL's Marvel vs Capcom 2. So I can't make a judgement.

Vega Asks:
1: Have you played Elsword and/or Grand Chase?
2: What is the meaning of life?
3: Have you ever wanted to have an army of ReDeads to destroy the world? (Because ruling it is too much work, villains always forget that.)
5: If you could have any character from a video game, who would it be and why?
6: Did you notice I skipped 4 back there?
#1~ Nope. Sorry.
#2~ Number 42.
#3~ Not really. Those things haunted my childhood nightmares. If I was evil though, I would of set the world on fire.
#5~ Cortana from Halo. She could help me with my Digipen Video Game Design class. Actually, she could help me with all of my classes.
#6~ Nope!

TLSpark Asks:
1. Besides the obvious, what do you see in Luna?
2. Also besides the obvious, What inspired you to be a fiction writer?
#1~ She and I share an interest in video games. Her love for the night matches mine. I always found nighttime to be the most fascinating cause the best things happen during that time. Have you seen the lights in Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, or Las Vegas? It's beautiful. The moon's light reflecting off Seattle's bay is very romantic, and so is she. (Also, 80-90% of coitus happens at night It's really hot and sexy when you think about it.)
#2~ Rick Riordan. His stories of mythology and fiction enticed me to start reading. Fan Fiction writing to me means creating worlds of your own that nobody else can imagine. The possibilities of universes are endless!
#3~ Edit the story, submit it when you have 1k words, set a password in one of the options. Done.

Aw yeah! Done! I have good news for all of you as well. I've just finished the US History CBA today so I can now focus on the fan fics! Yay! Also, I was working on something a little yesterday, didn't think I was neglecting fan fic writing did ya?

Simon's cat has recently moved to a new town called Ponyville. It's very rustic, quiet, and full on ponies. He could see why his owner would want to live here. As he shakes his tail in anticipation for new adventures, he takes his first leap into the tow- OH A BUTTERFLY!

Author's Notes:
~ I DO NOT OWN Simon's Cat! simonscat on Youtube does! And before you ask 'WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK FOR PERMISSION?!' Let me just tell you that asking a famous youtuber is like asking Valve is I could use Ellis for a humanXApplejack shipping story. Or maybe asking Roosterteeth if I could create a RedvsBlue crossover fic. Or PewdiePie if I wanna put a pony OC of him in Equestria.
~ Randomness ensues.
~ Birth Date of this Story: October 30, 2012
~ It has a cat in it. Meow.
~ It has other Mane Six's pets featured in it as well. Bark! Meow! Blink. Who? Wheeze (or whatever other sounds tortoises make).
~ It has Ponies. "My name is Twilight Sparkle!"
~ New chapters will be updated when I reach writer's block on my other stories or when I'm bored.

Also, check out the new cover for The Dragon Scrolls - Book of Tomes! I've also updated the description.

Kenta grew up in the land of Magistrum, a neighboring country of Equestria. He was living the simple life as a pegasus; flying through the skies free like a birdl. However, when his father mysteriously disappeared, his life was all but upside down to him in his eyes. An invitation made it all weirder when he was asked to join the country's magic school, Magistrate Academy. What can he expect from his new life now?

Author Notes:
- The FIRST fan fiction I have ever wrote in my life, right around the time when MLP was introduced in my life in the year of 2011. This has a lot of OC characters in here, but I'll add tags when canon characters come into the plot.
- Cover Art drawn by SoundWave.
- First 'Book' of the planned Dragon Scrolls Saga.
- Original Story's Birthmonth: December 2011
- This Story's Birthdate: October 23, 2012

A Small Side Note
Thank you for your time.

Report Chaotic Note · 903 views · #Q&A #AMA
Comments ( 45 )

I actually asked about the collab cause I've been looking to do one myself :trixieshiftright:
You watched Forward Unto Dawn yet? Best damned live action series I think I've ever seen
You're welcome for the compliment! You were one of my first favourites on here so.
Oh, and us Seattle people are just super kewl amirite? :rainbowdetermined2:

469943 Oh, you wanna do one with me?:rainbowhuh:

469948 :twilightsmile: I'd love to try!
My birthday's coming up in 10 days anyway, so I decided that I'd just do a bunch of stories/songs and such for/with other people as a giving back to others gift to myself.
Did that make any sense? :twilightblush: :facehoof:

My questions? Answered? I feel happy.... Also,

Pokemon Heroes the Movie.

#3~ If not the My Little Pony FiM universe, then it's the Pokemon Universe. Tame a dragon? Hell yeah. Use a legendary pokemon? Buck yeah. Command a god? Fuck yeah

I love you man. Also, no Elsword or Grand Chase? fc07.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/197/6/c/I__MA_FIRIN___MAH_LAZAh_by_Rave002.jpg Edit: Before anyone says, no that is not me in the pic. I'm black not white. Just settin that out there.

469956 I have no idea how these collabs work, do we take turns writing each chapters?

469973 Uhhh...I...hmmm...It depends, I think we could do that, or brainstorm a story together and sort of collectively write that using the magic of google docs?
Up to you if you'd wanna try that sometime.

469981 I never used google docs before, you're going to have to skype me or something so we can sort this out. As for doing a story collab with you, sure. As long as it doesn't bump with my daily schedule. (Oh wait it does...meh.) Anyway, sure. I'll do one with you.

469981>>469986 Just google how to do a collab. Much easier I guess than asking each other if neither of you know. But then again, what the hell do I know? I never wrote a story before so just ignore this person....

469986 A simpler way would be to type the chapter on a word doc, copy and paste it onto a private message, and send it to the person who is showing the story on the site! A simple Copy/Paste from message to a "New Chapter" would be the final step. Simple!

Also, THANK YOU FOR ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS!!?!?!??!?!??!?!?$1/#?%#$

The password thing, simple as it may be, is still too confusing. I think I'll stick to writing the story and hope for the best that I won't get sued for nearly copying another writer's idea, even though it still seems almost completely different!

Actually the average flight speed of an un-laden swallow is 22MPH.
I also have reason the mecromancer is a Pegasister because of the perks (EX. Discord, 20% cooler, Evil Entrances , Buck up) and the guy who made her is a Brony.


470082 I was right about the question. more than 1 mile per hour. :pinkiehappy:

Yes, I guess you were...you get to live today then:pinkiecrazy:


470090>>469996>>470098>>469981 After a long day of two chapter tests in my two hardest classes, my friend who showed me pony in the first place claiming to not be a brony anymore (I'm not really sure how), and a slowly moving chapter in my fic, I shall demand one thing and one thing only.

COMMENT WAR IN THIS Q+A AFTERMATH!:rainbowdetermined2:

and if not, then I guess I'm SOL (S#!t Outta Luck)

Oh yeah and its Friday so might as well!

470217 No comment war for ju. Too busy playing Elsword. DAMNED STAMINA BAR! First you appear in Elsword and then in LoZ: SS! Why must you always follow me?!

470261 I never played Elsword before. Since you commented back, I can only assume that it's an online game. good luck then!

Pokemon Heroes... Which one was that? Three? The one with Latias and Latios? I don't even remember.

Also: How do cure writer's block? I've barely touched my fic in the past two weeks.

470274 Indeed it is. Quite fun actually. But they have something called a stamina bar that goes down as you play more dungeons and more and more and etc. When it hits 0. Boom, you can't do most of the dungeons until 3am the next day. Though, being in a party reduces the amount the stamina bar goes down by, parties are still a bit scarce when you need them. Oh, listen to me drone on about a game... Yeesh, why do I always drone on?

470303 Because us writers of fiction tend to have hyper imaginations and refuse to shut up about our ideas. :ajsmug:

Comment war? .............................. mabey, I'm trying to not do any work right now.

I feel bad for advertising, but Simon's Cat just got approved.:pinkiegasp:

470367 I should look up this Simon's cat thing before I read it. I have honestly never heard of it.

470361 Note of warning dude. The last Comment War I was in, I ended up on the moon. With most of the world destroyed. It happened in one of these very blog posts. you've been warned. :rainbowdetermined2:

Saw that, I put it in my read later list but, I don't know when I will be able to get to it.
My read later list is at 41 and my favs is at 76.
I'll get to it eventually though.


470513 Well, FI- NA- LY!

I use reflect and bounce it right back at yah!

470345 YAY LATE RESPONSE! I'm not a writer as you can see my 0 stories on my page. :trollestia: 470530 Pokémon trivia moment: Reflect does not reflect attacks. It just raises the User's team's defense. None of the moves in the game reflect attacks. The closest to reflecting is something like Mirror Coat which just sends double the damage back to the opponent. Pokénerds ftw!!!!!!~ Also, wouldn't the lazor be a special attack? Wherein which you will need Mirror Coat and not Reflect. Or Light Screen to help out your whole team. :ajsmug:

470567 I wasn't...really... referring to pokemon at all.:facehoof: I was referring to a magic spell used in Kingdom Hearts. I take it you don't play?

In internet wars, I find it helpful to put down the source of the universe from where you got the attack. It avoids trouble.

470579 I do play. Never really got Deflect though. Which KH game is it in? Chances are, I just didn't get it/neglected it. :twilightblush: Not really a defensive kinda guy. More aggressive Leroy Jenkins kinda guy y'know? 470587 Indeed.

470588 470587 Just so you know then, most of my attacks will most likely come from the KH universe or from the pit that is my insane imagination. :pinkiecrazy:

I also believe that "Reflect" or "Deflect" is from the second game.

I just got a great idea for a fan fic too. (IS NOT A CROSSOVER IDEA) Wanna hear it? :pinkiehappy:

Yay! Thanks for the answers. Pretty nice answers and I like some of those same things too.

470691 I Jump to your right and do a FALCON KEYBLADE STRIKE to your back.

470588>>470587And my idea is that a bunch of OC writers come to Ponyville to have an epic throw down to see who comes out on top. This could be a collab project, a personal project, or neither of these since we could just make some sort of group and do weekly battles with themes or something like that. I had time to think this through since my last post half an hour ago. :twilightsheepish:

470731 That seems sorta meta if these OCs of the writers are self-inserts. Is that what you are talking about?

470734 Well...Dang. That's the second Meta fic I came up with that can't be posted. But the group idea might work, Right? Just saying here.

470741 Perhaps. You'll need a lot of writers from this website though to support it. I would suggesting going around to all the writers you've watched and commenting on their user pages. It'll get their attention.

470746 hitting me with a chicken seems cruel.:pinkiegasp: hitting me with a rubber chicken is funny. :pinkiehappy: Now hitting me with a nuclear rubber chicken draws some sort of line somewhere...:derpyderp2:
I use Gravity to dumb down the blast and shoot a barrel of unstable cider that I hid beneath your feet when you weren't looking.

470748 I might just do that. Sounds fun anyway!

470746>>470756 I use Sephiroth's Death Materia to crash a meteor down on Equestria and destroy it. Then I steal majora's Mask to make the moon crash down on what's left.

470850 Shit. over the top bombardment wins again. That and this is a perfect excuse for me to go to bed. or read one of the stories in my ever increasing read it later list.

Gnight! And hi Luna! :ajsmug:

470873 G'night. And G'NIGHT EVERYBODY!

watch the mario bro movie! :pinkiecrazy:

470960 yeah seriously you have to watch it because it's horrible.

Favorite Heroes of Olympus/Percy Jackson Character?

I'd personally have to go with Frank, he is such a likeable guy!


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