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Interview with The Hat man · 5:02pm Feb 5th, 2021

Interview Rp Style
Nailah as Snow Heart
Hatman as Turing Test

Snow Heart

Snow Heart had learned a lot from gaining her alicorn wings. A lot more than she ever realized, and as she looked out the balcony outside of her bedroom, she wondered just what sort of things she might learn next. She decided the best way to learn was to explore new lands, new ponies, perhaps new creatures. She teleported herself randomly, having no particular destination in mind. She landed in what appeared to look like some sort of garage. There were pieces of machinery here, there and well everywhere, surrounding her. Suddenly, Snow realized she had no clue where she had teleported, or if there was any ponies or creatures here that could talk. Were they all machines? She gulped, as she attempted to calm her inner anxiety and fear, looking around*
"Hello, is anypony here?"

Turing Test

As Turing Test approached the lab behind her house in Canterlot, she heard a voice call out. She considered that perhaps it was burglar or some other intruder, but then why would they have called out like that? She decided to investigate. The gears and servos in her legs whirred softly as she approached the door, undid the latch, and stepped inside, her violet LED eyes softly illuminating the darkness.
"Hello. Please identify yourself."

Snow Heart

Snow Heart watched as the door opened to reveal what looked to her like a robotic pony. She starred and blinked, tilting her head at the side. Coughing into her hoof, she attempted to introduce herself properly.
"I am Princess Snow Heart, and I may have accidentally teleported into your home. I do apologize. I didn't mean to intrude. Who are you?"

Turing Test

Turing Test turned to the stranger, her ears twitching on their hinges, squeaking slightly. She reached for a switch on the wall and flipped it, causing the lights to turn on. Machines all around them hummed as they came to life.

"Understood," she replied, taking in the sight of the strange intruder. "Your biometrics indicate that you are being truthful. Also, you appear to be an alicorn..." She paused, her eyes refocusing as she scanned her for any anomalous energy. "I have confirmed that you are. Forgive me, I was unaware of other alicorns other than those known to me and suspected that you might have been a changeling." She stepped forward, putting out her metallic hoof, her eye shape turning upward to indicate a smile. "I am known as Turing Test. I am very happy to meet you, Princess Snow Heart."

Snow Heart

Snow Heart was immediately blinding by the light being turned on, being a baticorn tended to make her very sensitive to the light, espicially when she wasn't immediately prepared for it. She listened to the pony-robot talk, as she stood still and tried to take deep breaths in and out. Okay, so the robot-pony wasn't freaking out about what she was, that was a good start.
"No I am not a changeling. Though I did defeat a changeling Queen once, but that's a long and complicated story. Anyways, Turing Test, you said? It's a pleasure to meet you."

Snow Heart lifted a hoof in a friendly gesture to shake Turing Test's hoof. If they'd accepted it, she'd shake. Otherwise she might look a bit silly.

Turing Test

Turing Test shook Snow Heart's hoof. "That does sound like an intriguing story, but perhaps it would be best if I offered you my hospitality," she said. "This is my laboratory. I am the Minister of Technology of this land, and this is where I conduct various experiments of my own in my spare time. If you require more information, I would be happy to provide it. For instance, I am not certain if you have noticed, but I am a robot."

Snow Heart

"Oh thank you!" Snow Heart replied, shaking their hoof before letting go and putting her hoof back onto the ground. "I am curious about you, I can't deny it. I've never really seen any pony quite like you." Snow lifted a hoof and rubbed at her pure white mane. Before realizing it was entirely possible, that Turing had never seen a baticorn Princess before, and found herself blushing slightly, trying to avoid answering too many questions herself, when she was more curious about Turing.

"How did you get into mlp?" asked Snow Heart curiously. Her question itself might not make sense to a robot, she realized it, but perhaps she could learn more about Turing in this manner, or else she'd have to rethink*

Turing Test

"MLP? Scanning database..." Turing tilted her head as she considered the question. "...Several possible entries found. Perhaps you are referring to Master Limited Partnerships? Ah, or perhaps Multilayer Perceptron? Though that is a term best suited for biological entities..." She considered the question before noticing the machine behind her. "Oh, or perhaps you are referring to the Mono Laser Printer? Curious... most ponies are unaware of such technology. You must be very astute. As to how I 'got into' MLP, as with many niche interests, it began with curiosity followed by encounters with intriguing and creative individuals. I am fascinated with what organic beings can create with simply their imaginations. In a manner of speaking, as an artificial lifeform, I am the result of such creative impulses. Is that answer satisfactory?"

Snow Heart

Snow Heart looked at Turing blinking as the robot pony rambled off the possibilities she could be implying. She was giving her way too much credit. But she found herself flattered at being considered more intelligent than a normal pony. The blush on her cheeks rising to a soft shade of baby pink. She opened her mouth to reply, but found herself unable to come up with words at the moment, so just listened to Turing talk, and nodded in interest interest

"Yes, I was totally talking about those things you mentioned, but alsas it's not as important to me as knowing more about you. Would you mind if I asked you some questions?"

Turing Test

"Of course, I do not mind at all. I am happy to provide others with information about myself. While you are here, would you like a refreshment? I have an electric tea kettle for when guests visit. Though you are the first to do so via accidental teleportation." She went to the kettle, flipping it on before Snow Heart could answer.

Snow Heart

"Sure, I'd love a drink." *Snow Heart replied, noticing they were already working on getting it ready. She giggled at that, and asked. "Can I help?" She would await a reply before continuing

Turing Test

"Certainly! You may help by informing me of your favorite tea. I have several to choose from," she said, opening a nearby cabinet that contained, among others, Earl Gray, Ceylon, Oolong, Jasmine Green, Lemon Giner, and a can of motor oil. "...Ah. That oil is not supposed to be there. I do not believe it would be palatable for most."

She gestured toward the tea on display.

Snow Heart

Snow Heart looked over the choices offered to her, and burst out in a fit of laughter seeing the motor oil "You mean I can't drink motor oil? I never would've known!" *She had to stop her fit of laughter, before responding. "Jasmine Green is my favorite, please and thank you. But tell me Turing, what inspires you to write?"

Turing Test

"Understood. I will prepare the Jasmine Green," Turing said, setting aside the motor oil. "To answer your question, I find that there is great joy to be found in the act of creation. Indeed, it often provides an outlet for one's thoughts and passions that might otherwise never be realized. Likewise, I derive satisfaction in sharing my creative work with others and receiving praise and feedback for my work. To know that I have created something that is meaningful to others is something that makes me genuinely happy."

Snow Heart

"I see, that makes a lot of sense." Snow replied, as she sat down on her haunches and allowed Turing to get the tea ready. She unfolded her bat wings, stretching, arching her back. Getting herself into a comfortable spot on the floor, best way to enjoy tea. "I am curious though, what advice would you give to a new author?"

Turing Test

"I have found that fear of mistakes or ridicule are often the greatest impediments to creation," she replied. "I myself have made numerous mistakes with my own work. But as an individual, I am able to learn from my mistakes and adapt. Each experience enhances my abilities overall through interaction and feedback with others. Therefore, I would advise anypony who wishes to develop their talents to simply create as much as possible, listen to the words of others, and move forward. Do not worry about creating substandard work... you likely will, but those early failures will lay the foundation for the road to future successes." She paused, her ears twitching. "Metaphorically speaking, of course. I do not advise literally building a road as part of the creative process."

Snow Heart

"Awwwh, and here I had my construction hat all ready to go. Building things are fun." Snow replied snickering. She realized she needed to be serious sometimes. "I often hear to read what you aren't writing. Like I enjoy romance, but I should read horror to educate myself on how they make it work, and somehow that will help me become a better romance author. It's an odd tip that I've heard that I think is at least worth considering. And remember at the end of the day, even writing silly interviews is technically writing." she winked behind her, then looked back to Turing

"Now the hard one, who is best Pony?"

Turing Test

"Maud Pie," Turing Test replied instantly, her LED eyes turning into heart shapes.

Snow Heart

"For you, that makes a LOT of sense. I like Rainbow Dash. No, wait. Love. I love Rainbow Dash." Snow Heart corrected herself. "I may have an obsessions' towards that particular pony"

Turing Test

"I find that others misjudge her for her brash personality," Turing said, turning as the kettle came to a boil. She then poured Snow Heart's tea. "Though she sometimes acts impulsively, her earnestness and ambition are something I find very admirable. Also, she has a wonderful relationship with her pet tortoise, Tank."

Snow Heart

"I love Tank!" Snow Heart replied. "I have a pet of my own, though she is quite the hoof ful at times. She means well at least. Her name is Kaeru, and well she's a frog." *Snow explained, blushing. "I don't know why, but frogs have always intrigued me in a way I didn't understand for the longest time, then I found Kaeru at a pet store, and the rest is well history."

Turing Test

"'Kaeru'. Neighponese for 'frog.' I commend you on your naming efficiency," Turing said, passing Snow Heart the tea. "I have no pets myself, though I do have an affection for animals. Perhaps one day I will also have one. Provided such a pet is capable of peacefully cohabitating with Boulder, of course."

Snow Heart

"I'm sure you'll find one someday. Perhaps in a way you didn't expect." Snow Heart smiled, taking the tea and thanking Turing once more for it.*

sips tea

"Now, I'm curious, do you have any hobbies? I am guessing that you might like to experiment judging by all the machines here?"

Turing Test

"Aside from my research," Turing said, gesturing at the various bits of machinery around them, "I enjoy cooking, though I confess that I am not yet adept at it. I also enjoy travel, though recent restrictions and lack of time with my work have made it difficult. This is a shame, as one of my favorite things to do is see new places, meet interesting individuals, and gain a better understanding of other ponies' cultures. Organic beings like yourself are so fascinating!" She eagerly clapped her hooves together at this, producing a dull metallic clank.

Snow heart

"I see." sips tea

"I miss traveling. I don't get to go many places due to well being a Princess. Lots of paperwork and all that. But, hey I got these neat wings eh?" She shook her head at herself. She often thought did she deserve these wings? Did she deserve to be in this position? What had she done to deserve it? She paused for a moment, taking another sip of the wonderful tea

"Organic beings? What do you mean? Are you implying there is something I haven't quite discovered yet? Perhaps about the organic being that gave you life? Who are they, and would they like to say anything about themselves?

Turing Test

"I merely meant to distinguish between biological life forms such as yourself and artificial, mechanical beings like me and my siblings," Turing replied. "But I detect a further layer to your inquiry. One moment... disabling 'Tier 1 Fourth Wall safeguard protocols..."

There was a sound as the robotic mare's pupils shrank as an electronic whine began to build in pitch. Then it abruptly cut off with a loud ding similar to that of a microwave.

"To answer your question, this unit's creator is an educator in his 30s residing in a state known as Texas. Aside from his aforementioned hobbies, he also collects antique top hats, watches, and has an interest in the art of mixology. He greatly enjoys classic science fiction and thus conceived of a way to blend his interest in this world with that of robots, which led to my eventual creation."

Snow Heart

"I see, that's very interesting." Snow Heart took notes down. Before she realized it was time to turn the tables, literally
"So...we've come to the point where I am finished with my questions for you, but is there anything you'd like to ask me? Please note, one question per interviewee~"

Turing Test

"Only one? Interesting... I must consider my inquiry carefully..."

She paused, her ears twitching noisily as she thought. After a few moments, she continued.

"I believe that it is important for friends to share their passions and dreams with one another," she said. "I hope to share my knowledge and creative efforts with others, for instance. Therefore, my question is this: What is YOUR greatest ambition in life? That is, what do you most hope to achieve, Snow Heart?"

Snow Heart

"That's a very good question, and well in a way, I've already achieved my ambition in life. It was to be a published author. Originally I wanted to be famous, just like J.K Rowling. She was my inspiration when I was in 5th grade, and I decided to try to write a novel in sixth grade. I didn't find the one that "stuck" until "A Wolf's Journey" which is available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and probably Ebay perhaps if it's still a thing. But yeah, my ambition was to be a writer, and clearly I am doing well at that. And I still laugh at my ex-husband who told me writing pony words was pointless, and now i've got my name on EQD. That must mean something, right?"

Turing Test

"That is truly an impressive achievement!" Turing Test exclaimed. "I believe my own creator has similar ambitions and is continuing toward such a goal as well. Though it may take time to see such efforts come to fruition."

She noticed that Snow Heart had finished her tea and held out her hoof to take it. "Though now that you have achieved that dream, I suppose that you are now free to pursue another, or to build on what you have achieved. But I apologize for my idle speculation. May I offer you another cup?"

Snow Heart

"No thank you. I really should be going. I reckon my little sister will be quite panicked if I'm gone for very long. Last time I left home, I sorta went to this alternate world and didn't come back for years, so she's very...protective and a bit clingy. But I don't mind." Snow Heart admitted. "Though before I go." she paused.*

"Anything you'd like to say to them?" Snow Heart pointed to her many many fans of her own stories. The whole point of these things was to showcase other authors, to help them grow, perhaps in a way she was the light that shined on many ponies who never thought ponies would notice them, but as a Princess she noticed many things, and she knew Turing was quite the accomplished author, better than her by a long shot.

Turing Test

"Understood," Turing said, a hint of regret in her synthetic voice. "It has been wonderful chatting with you, though. But if others wish to learn about me and my journey, they are documented in a rather large tome entitled The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots! And since we have discussed Rainbow Dash, there was a rather interesting account of her brief time as the Grim Reaper which is known by the title Reaping Rainbow. But if one were more pressed for time, might I recommend a shorter tale such as "Freedom Flourishes" or "Marble's Horizon?" All of these are examples of the humor and emotional tales I am commonly associated with."

She paused. "Ah. My apologies if that answer is overly long."

Snow Heart

"No worries. I ramble sometimes myself. Nothing ashamed to be proud of the things you've accomplished, and I must say, it's an honor for me to get to know you a bit better. I often see you poke your head up in Quills every now and again, and I always get a bit scared by how talented you are. So thank you for sitting with me today, and keep being awesome."

Turing Test

"Please visit again sometime," Turing said. "Though, perhaps enter through the front door next time," she added with a wink.

Link: Hatman
"If you want Snow Heart to interview you, get in touch - and be sure check out Nailah's Reviewer Mansion"

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Comments ( 3 )

Thanks a bunch for the interview! This was a lot of fun, and sorry if I made for a slightly awkward interviewee. Blame the boy, not the 'bot. :twistnerd:

Enjoyed the interview very much. Thanks for the peek into their world.

Just a peek, though. :raritywink:

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