• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 26,922 Views, 912 Comments

You in Equestria: Let's Save a Kingdom - RatherHomely

Equestria needs a hero. They got you instead.

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Your mouse cursor hovers over the link.

You don’t know what could happen. Sure, it’s just a link, but you can feel an ominous sense of foreboding. That feeling could be the link or it could be your breakfast from this morning. You can’t remember what you ate which is probably for the best.

Mulling it over for a few moments, you finally mutter, in the words of your late-cousin Eddie (just before he stuck a fork into an electrical outlet), “What could go wrong?”

You click the link.

Nothing happens. You glance around expectantly, as though space should start shifting and bending around you. You chuckle at your overreaction. "I shouldn't be so jumpy!”

That’s when space begins to start shifting and bending around you.

You leap from your chair, but it’s no use! Where are you going to go? The rest of the basement seems to be unaffected (a good thing too, as your mother would kill you if you did anything to her blue-ribbon cactus). Unfortunately, it seems that you are. Being affected, I mean. You gaze at your hand, which seems to be stretching, twisting, all before finally fading away into nothingness. You make a mental note to ask your nutritionist if this counts towards your weekly weight loss goal.

You observe as the rest of you, starting from the feet up, begins to disappear. There is little you can do, and you’re quite thankful that everything below your waist has disappeared. If it hadn't, you're fairly confident you would have peed your pants several times by now. Eventually only your head is left. And as that disappears as well, the last you think is; This is going to be one of those days, isn’t it?

And then you're gone.

As your head begins to reform on the top of your body, you attempt to look around. Well, you would look, but your eyes haven't materialized yet. You wait patiently, and when your eyes do form, you quickly examine your new location. It most certainly isn’t your basement. It's far too dry. Instead it seems you’re inside some sort of library, one with a rustic feel. Actually, you’ve no idea what rustic really looks like beyond the heavy usage of wood. But you do know there’s a lot of wood. The walls, ceiling, floor, furniture, everything's made of wood! Well, okay, the carpet isn’t. And there are a few vases. There's also a good number of shelves lined with books, but since books are made of paper (which come from trees) you think they should count towards the high percentile of wood in the building. You smile and give yourself a mental high five for your logical deduction.

That smile lasts for little more than a moment. You attribute that to your disorientation from being transported, your confusion at just what happened, and the fact that you’re now looking into the eyes of a purple cartoon unicorn, obvious proof that you’ve gone insane. You contemplate finding an inanimate object to talk to and share your troubles with when you suddenly notice that this purple pony is, in fact, Twilight Sparkle. ... Wait, no, that still means you probably went crazy. Best not to abandon the inanimate object idea quite yet.

“Oh, I’m so glad you’re here!” she cries. “I really need your help!”

“Indeed,” you respond tactfully. This was turning out to be an odd day indeed. You quickly summarize your current situation in your head; you seem to be in some sort of alternate dimension (Most likely My Little Pony because, well, why the hell not?) and Twilight Sparkle desperately needs your help.

What are you going to do?

>This is Twilight Sparkle! Of course you’re going to help!
> Obviously you’re crazy. Try poking her a few times and see if she’s a hallucination.
> This is some sort of trick! She must be a changeling! Quick, shoot her!