• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 5,351 Views, 200 Comments

The Dragonborn Chronicles: Part 1 - Ponies in Skyrim - Barix123

Twilight Sparkle finds an ancient book in her library about teleportation magic. After an experiement gone wrong she and her friends find themselves in a strange land with new friends and make some new enemies.

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Chapter 20 - Bandit vs Dragon

Bandit vs Dragon

Rarity stares at the incomplete dragonbone armor in curiousity. A pull in the back of her mind telling her to finish it but...how? No other materials were available to make it. She would need the help of a real dragon. A dead one anyway. At some point, Fluttershy interrupts her train of thought.

“Rarity, um, are you ok? You’ve been looking at that suit for a long time now.”

“Yes darling, I’m perfectly fine. I’m just thinking on how I would finish this armor for Barix.”

“How were you planning on doing that? Don’t you need another dragon for that? A...not-alive one?”

“That’s just the problem. I was thinking of finishing this as a sign of gratitude but I have no idea where to find the, well, ‘parts’ for such a task.”

“This suit needs bones of d-dragons, right?”

“Exactly. I’ll have to ask Lydia.”

Rarity exited the basement while Fluttershy stayed a bit longer staring at the suit of armor. Not even finished and the armor was emanating a sense of fear she couldn’t describe. It was almost paralyzing. All she could do is wonder what it would look like once it was completed.


Another lackey down but still no armor or weapons to be found. Barix was beginning to think he would need plan B. It’s been...well a long since he used plan B. If he saw that weird red guard he might have no choice but-

“Just move on already.”

“What do you think I’m doing, Pinkie?”

“Not you, Barix.”

Pinkie! don’t you have a job to do?

“Not right now. Barix is taking care of that.”

Two strikes Pinkie. One more and I’ll make things very difficult.

“Oh yes! Pretty please! I like it when things are exciting.”

“Pinkie, what are you talking about?”

As Barix turned a corner in the confusing maze-like fort, he smacked head first into the leader of the bandit faction who wasn’t affected by the walking inconvenience.

“Oh. My bad Barix. I didn’t know this was going to happen.”

“Just go find your friends. I don’t have time to deal with you right now.”

“BARIX!!!” Colt bellows at the dragonborn.

“And you, just shut up. You already gave me a headache.” Barix thought about working on his puns a little better.


“I’ve learned my lesson on trying to reason with you so I won’t even try.” Barix got into a basic fist fighting stance.

“HAHAHAHA. Colt must have hit you harder than Colt thought. YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT COLT!?! All you have are some ordinary clothes.”

“I didn’t get this far in life by my good looks. Now,” Barix thought of what Applejack said once, “Put em’ up partner.”


Colt and Barix charged forward. Getting closer Colt raised both blades up ready to swing while Barix raised only one fist. The two enemies were one step away from each other when Colt swung his axe and missed as Barix ducked down into a slide. He then slid about ten feet and picked himself with rehearsed smoothness grabbing a steel sword from the air as well as a magika potion. Plan B was in effect.


“Hey Colt here’s a lesson,” Barix drank the potion faster than a town drunk and a shot of mead, “Never underestimate me.”

He threw the potion at the wall to grab a steel axe that was thrown at him from seemingly nowhere. Colt looked in that direction to see a finely dressed demon that had a dry and unamused expression.

“Will that be all ‘sir’?” The demon butler asked with much sarcasm.

“I’m good for now.”

“Finally.” The demon vanished after that.


“Are you sure? I charge a high exchange fee.”

Colt flung both axes at the dragonborn who dodged them with ease. After which he was dodging dagger after dagger. It was starting to be too much as some of them put cuts in his body.


This only pushed the red guard away. Seems he learned how to counter the shout. Still, Barix had his weapons. Charging forward, he was blocked by the same shield from before. He deflected a stab from a dwarven sword while taking a few steps back. This was already proving to be a tough fight.


“Twilight, look out!” Rainbow called out before tackling a minion to the ground.

“Thanks Rainbow.” It wasn’t close to over as more were coming out of nowhere and everywhere at once. “Where’s Pinkie Pie and Barix? Have they come back yet?”

“He’s okaaaayhaaaay.” Pinkie sung from next to Twilight. “Barix is fighting this big meany boss inside.”

“I’ll go help him.”

“Twilight!” She was stopped by an enemy who was then kicked away by Applejack. “Barix can handle himself. We need ya here. We can’t take em’ all by ourselves.”

Twilight knew Applejack was right, but still...She didn’t have much time to think as two more were about to zap her with some spells. The four ponies continued to fight on until the enemies seemed to die down quite a bit. Twilight reasoned with herself that her friends could handle things from there and headed for the door.


A blast blew the door into pieces as something flew outside into the courtyard. Twilight was able to duck in time to miss the object entirely but was now standing in front of a yellowish armored figure. Colt took in the scene before him as almost all his men were unconscious or dead. He then took notice of the lavender pony laying on the floor. Rage filled the red guard as he tried to cut her in half but was stopped and then thrown across the courtyard.

“Barix!” The ponies shouted in surprise.

“Not now.” Which was preceded by a dagger to the shoulder. “Aaahhh. Damn it! Why won’t you stay down?”


Both charged at each other again. Barix was about to shout as Colt readied his shield. Before the shout could be followed through he switched to another.


Colt was slammed into a wall but next he punched the dragonborn into the ground. The fight continued back and forth for some time. Even Twilight and her friends were finished with beating down the lackeys. In the meantime they sat and relaxed on the stone balcony above. At this point it was all up to Barix.


“So do you just not want to answer me or...” Twilight pestered Barix with the thousandth question on her mind.

“Twilight, jus leave Barix alone. He’s still in the middle fightin that other guy.”

“THAT’S COLT, YOU BEASTS!!!” Who was punched in the face.

“Twilight! Shut up! I can’t fight if you’re asking me stupid questions! Go home! Now!”

“...Fine. If that’s how you feel.” Twilight teleports away.

Barix turns around to face his opponent who delivers a swift strike cutting off his arm. Colt then kicks him to the ground.

“BARIX!” The other three ponies now fearing for their friends life.

“Now it is time for the dragonborn to finally die.”

Colt tries to deliver a final stab to his heart when-


The weapon broke against the new etheric dragon armor. Barix then grabs Colt by his chest piece and bringing him in for a solid headbutt which also cracked the dwarven helmet in the process. The unconscious bandit fell to the ground. The victor tests his regenerated arm further by stretching it several different ways.

“Good! Can we go now?”

“Dash, Barix just yelled at Twi, got his arm cut off, had it stitched up, then finished the bandit in one move and you ain’t got nothing to say but that?”

“Maybe I’m just too bored to care right now, Besides Twilight will get over it.”

“Pinkie, can you take over? I’ll go see Barix.”

“What do you want me to do? Throw a ‘Get The Situation Through Your Head’ party?”

AJ ignored that question and continued to take the last few steps to Barix.

“Ah see you used that miracle of a healing spell.”

“Yeah, Mora’s Boon can be a real lifesaver. You don’t have to say it.”

“Ya sure bout that?”

“I’m sure. I just had to get Twilight to stop pestering me. I’ll talk to her later. In the mean time I’ll collect the bounty on this one. You girls can get back to what you were doing.”

“That’s just the thing, we didn’t know where to start from. You seem ta know where to look most the time so we came ta look for ya.”

“Actually,” Barix grabs the dwarven shield from off of Colt, “You can take this back with you. It’s too powerful to be an ordinary shield. Just give it to Linda and she should be able to identify it for you.”


Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash made their way back home thanks to the resupply of photo’s from Barix.

“I still find that weird how Barix has photo’s at all. Isn’t this a dark ages game.”


*cough cough* As I was saying, the three ponies made it back to the manor with no trouble. Barix had collected his bounty for the ‘dead’ bandit and returned home with even less trouble. Almost like the divines themselves wanted him to return home quicker. Once situated, he found Twilight in her room alone and thought this to be a perfect time to talk.

*knock knock*“Mind if I come in.”

“It’s your house.”

“Yeah,” As he strolls in, “but it’s more of a courtesy thing. So I wanted to come by and say I’m sorry.”


“Look I’m not gonna lie, you were kind of annoying.”


“What do you expect? If I’m fighting someone I’m not going to stop and chat it up with a friend. He had more than a few upper hands on me and I needed to focus. Still I wanted to say I’m sorry. Does that help?”

“A little. But I still wanted to ask you a question, several if I’m being honest, but one major question.”

“Several? Well I like to go big. How’s about you start with that one first?”

“How old are you?”

Comments ( 20 )

Are you kidding me? Barix is apologising? Fuck that, Twilight should apologise. How could you lack that common sense to interupt someone when they're fighting? What is she fucking brain-dead? And she only wanted to know how old he is... coss that's totally important, you know, potentially more important than his life.

Nice chapter, always good to see a bandit chief taken down. I can't wait to see what the group gets up to next, but has Pinkie Pie done a Sweet Roll party yet???

7041250 Given the AI in the game can do some equally stupid things....

7041347 Yeah but Twilight is supposed to be smart, not a mentally retarded A.I.

My preference is the Imperial Legion.

7041347 Hey, that's my mentally lacking bandit chief you're insulting... although he is based off of dumb shit I say whenever I play sooooo... eh, I'll drop it like a dragon that decided to try snacking on the Dohvahkin (I doubt I spelled that right).

7092871 I one time had a dragon attack me right after I got off Shadowmere. I just sat back and watched the most awesome horse in the game wail on the dragon. Dragons can be as dumb as bandits. And bandits are pretty dumb, considering you can be walking around in Daedric armor and carrying Daedric weapons and they'll still charge at you. Of course, the dumbest NPC is the thief who suddenly shows up to rob you when you're the Guild Master of the Thieve's Guild.

7093812 Damn, that horse is awesome.

7094299 Yeah, to bad you have to join an assassin cult to get her.

7098355 I don't know how to respond to that.

5348876 Tell the truth, my writing sucked. You know it, I know it, it's a fact; I'm still around a fifth grade writing level.

when is the next chapter?

7223976 I don't want to say and get your hopes up in case I don't keep to the schedule.

7533613 Are you ok now?

7796126 That actually happened in the game!?! What was the answer!?!

any idea when we can expect an update and new chapter?

Oh sorry mate, I’m just going off of my own experience with max out gear.

Why is the story cancelled

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