Fimfiction Developers

Fimfiction API Documentation

Welcome to this documentation hub for the Fimfiction API! The API is still very much in the works and we would like for you to be a part of it if you have a cool idea!

API Group

We have an Official Group on the site for the API. Feel free to post on the forum to talk with other developers.

We also have a private room in the Discord Chat for API developers so why not join us? Ask me ( knighty ) to add you to the channel.

Featured Projects

App Ideas

Over the last few years I've come up with a few ideas for apps I'd love people to try. so if you want to make something for the community and play with the API why not consider:

  • Collaborative Editor

    Support editing chapters outside of Fimfiction and allow users to permit others to edit their chapters as well.

  • Uploaders

    Support uploading bbcode to chapters straight from gdocs/word/other services. Also support schedule based releases.

  • Competition System

    Website where users can run competitions and users can submit stories to be voted on externally.

  • Proof-reader System

    Allow users to mark themselves as available for proof reading and allow those people to access the stories of users who wish to have their work proofread.

Quick Start Guide

In order to help you get going quickly, this guide will let you know what you need to do get up and running!

1. Register an application

Go to Application Management to see how to create an application and set up the properties you need to get running.

2. Build your OAuth flow

Go to OAuth Authorisation and follow the steps on that page to be able to authenticate your app for users.

3. Build your application using the API

Learn how to work with the Fimfiction API by reading the endpoints documentation.

If you are unfamiliar with {json:api} then we have a help page for that too!

If you have problems don't hesitate to contact us. We love having people work with the site and are willing to help you and even provide functionality you require if we see good reason for it.