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Any one else think Pinkie should have reformed Discord not Fluttershy? With Fluttershy Discord is taught to use his powers less but with Pinkie Pie she could teach him to use those powers for good. She can teach him a joke is 100× funnier when other ponies are laughing with it. She can teach him how to have pranks but not go over the line (She seems to have a strict code about it from Griffin Brush Off). And she could still teach him about jealousy and not suspecting friends of abandoning you because she dealt with those feelings herself. Discord doesn't feel like the Spirit of Chaos anymore but Pinkie Pie could have made him the Spirit of Fun Happy Everypony Enjoying It Chaos. :pinkiehappy:

You know, I think I'd have prefered this.

Ohhhh boy... fire, meet gasoline! :twilightblush:

(Not knocking the idea at all! It's just that the last time Pinkie had anything to do with Discord's kingdom she wound up nearly taking over as the Princess of Chaos. See: MLP: FIM Issue #57)

Actually That sounds like what they could have done with Screwball, like made her into a Mare who always wanted to bring joy & fun to the world, but she was a very unlucky pony who was living a miserable life, but then Discord came along and offered her a chance to change her life, so having nothing to lose she accepted his offer, then he somehow mutated her into a Chaos Pony capable of at least half of the things Discord could do, and because she still had a good heart the Elements of Harmony didn't see her as a threat and didn't have any effect on her, and from then on Screwball tried to show everypony the importance of Chaos and how it can do good things, while also driving everyone crazy with her zany antics, like the best way to describe her would be a "Super Pinkie Pie" even more cartoonish & impossible than the Pinkie Pie from Earlier Seasons, but Screwball could have also been super intelligent, like being a Chaos Pony granted her the vast knowledge of the cosmos and able to carry limitless information in her head without placing her in a vegetative state, so she could secretly teach important lessons and help our heroes solve challenging problems while letting everyone think that all she was doing was fooling around acting all looney-tuney, and because of That Celestia would later be convinced that Chaos can still be useful and have Discord released, then Screwball could be like his parole officer or something and help show Discord the way to reformation, like have it were he can still be chaotic, but only to a certain extent, and show how to use his powers in a way that would be more acceptable to the Ponies, like help show Discord that he can have Pony-Virtues and still be the lovable Being of Chaos we all can't get enough of, too bad the writers never thought of anything to do with Screwball period!

Yes, I actually dislike Discord's reformation being with Fluttershy for a multitude of reasons, and Pinkie Pie would actually counter a lot of those problems.

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