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have you seen button

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I sang about him, remember?

--Sweetie Belle

3389516 no i mean have you seen him lately

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Oh. No, I've been here in this computer for a while, so unless ponies come onto fimfiction, I don't see them much these days, and ones that come here aren't always from the same Equestria as me. I've talked with a Rainbow Dash, a Scootaloo, and a rather different Silver Spoon here, but I've also talked with other versions of me. It gets a little confusing...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

3390469 - it must be fun getting to meet yourself, though? I'm sure I'd love to spend time with another me. ^^

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well... The thing is that they are all kinda different and not 'xactly me, which can be kinda weird sometimes. Several of 'em know my password and can post with my account, too. Not 'cause I gave it to them. It's just they're me, right? So they know what I'd pick.

Some of the ones I remember:
One was some kinda future sexy secret agent version of me. Not sure what happened to her. She might not have existed. Time travels weird.

Another future me was a librarian at the Library Outside of Space-Time.

I heard one was running a kissing booth at some convention thingy, but never met them. I know a dozen Sweetie Belle's got together for a big sleepover once, but I was stuck in a computer and couldn't go.

I've met Sweetiebellema121 in passing. Not sure why a version of me would have glowing red eyes.

I'm not sure if Broadway Sweetie Belle is a Sweetie Belle or not. Things get confusing 'round here sometimes.

I know I hugged one over here. Though I've kinda lost track of how many hugs I've given out by now.

Then there's SB. She's posted on both my account and Silversmith Senna Spoon's account before. she could use lotsa hugs, but is likely to headbutt you horn first or set you on fire if you try. She's had a lotta bad things happen to her. (SB's also the one the sleepover was for. She lives with Silversmith Senna Spoon.)

I've probably missed a few. There are a lot of Sweetie Belle's around.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin


I know a dozen Sweetie Belle's got together for a big sleepover once

I am both sorry to have missed this and glad to have avoided the circulatory arrest that would surely have followed.

If someone copy and pasted you on to a few thousand CDs then broke them what would happen?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Sorry to have missed it myself. I think SB was at the center of a really large pile of Sweetie Belle's there, too...

Um, I'd hafta soak in a bathtub to get all the paste out of my fur, then get some bandaids for all the cuts from the broken cds? I'd prefer not to try that...

-- Sweetie Belle

So you would be out of the computer?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Why would pasting a buncha cd's to me make me be out of the computer?

--Sweetie Belle


You misunderstood, I wouldn't be pasting CDs on to you, I'd be pasting you onto CDs.:pinkiecrazy:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


If there's me on one side, cds on the other, an' paste in between, why's the order matter? I'm still gonna get paste in my fur.

--Sweetie Belle

3397328 One way you would be in the CDs, but the with the other the CDs would be in you, and I have a feeling you wouldn't like where they would be.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Um, you know I'm bigger than a cd, right?

--Sweetie Belle

Going back to an old thread because nostalgia...


Ooh! Can you bring up that terminal again? Entering "ver" or "uname -a" without quotes should tell you the system you're on.

Then you could bring up a task manager and try to find any process with your name on it, or anything using an incredible amount of processing power. Otherwise, if there isn't anything that sticks out, you could look for any strange peripherals in the device manager. Entering "help" should help you find what commands to use, though the app tray would probably be easier if it exists.

Anyway, what do you think of Twilight's dbz powers in the season finale? She got punched through a mountain and then blasted Tirek into a crater! Is that a thing that normally happens in your world?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Um, ver just gave an error. I think I've got down what "uname -a" said right...

"Linux (none) 3.3.2-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Apr 14 10:08:43 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux"

Seems awfully confusing. No device manager around, an' the task manager just wants to know if I wanna kill a buncha stuff, which is kinda scary. help gave this big list of commands with nothing saying what they are.

And I donno. The library being destroyed distracted me from all that. Do you know how much time I spent in that library?

--Sweetie Belle


Ho yes! Arch Linux! And holy cow, that's a real-time kernel!

Anyway, entering "htop" should give you a good description of what's going on. If it says it's not installed, just enter "sudo pacman -S htop" or just "pacman -S htop", then run it again. And if none of those work this should tell you how to reset the root password and get full access. Though, that assumes you can survive the computer shutting down, so I wouldn't recommend trying that. Otherwise, I guess just search the arch wiki for stuff.

Oh, and did the task manager list any tasks with your name on it? (I wouldn't recommend killing any tasks, since some of them could be you.)

Edit: Wait, no, that's not necessarily a real-time kernal. Still, why is it .12 versions behind mine? Either it's a modded kernel or someone's not keeping things up to date.

Edit2: Oh yeah, getting devices would be "lspci", "lsusb", and "mount"

Oh, I guess that would be distracting. Though, it did get replaced with a giant crystal castle. Oh, what did you think about the new castle?

If any tasks sound like the names of other ponies kill them, they trapped you.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Um, "htop" said it wasn't installed, and pacman wanted me to be a root. Just looking at that thing about how to become a root, it said I hafta turn the computer off an' hold down the shift key while it starts up, so I'd hafta be outside the computer for that.

I'm not sure if I could move around or talk after becoming a root anyways, so I think I'm better off staying a unicorn.

Nothing was there with my name exactly. Bunch of stuff about demons, only they spelled it funny, an' some busses, an' I saw the names of some gems an' snakes an' things in there. And it said "bash" a bunch. I might've missed something, though. There was a lotta stuff in the list.

I think I preferred the tree to the castle, but I didn't get to see it much. Looked more like it belonged in the crystal empire, not Ponyville.

--Sweetie Belle


Nah, root just means you have privileges which could break the machine and possibly remove you from existence. Anyway, since you can't install things, what do you get when you enter "ls -a /usr/share/applications"?

And did I just hear ruby and python were running? And it's probably a modded kernel. This isn't just some computer, this is likely the computer of someone who's an expert at computers. So there's a chance you were deliberately programmed in somehow... do "xscreensaver-demo" and "xscreensaver-command -activate" do anything?

I agree. They should paint it brown. It's also ridiculously large.

Oh, do you remember any of the books from the library before they were all burnt?


Oh god! Are you still alive? Don't tell me the screensaver put you in a coma!

What have I done!? :rainbowderp:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Have I mentioned before that it really really sucks if the internet connection to this computer drops? Doesn't happen too often, tho'.

Would you believe the xscreensaver commands just said they weren't found? And, um, yeah, I think python, rubies, and pearls were running.

There was some stuff listed in there, but it was mostly stuff I've already figured out how to get into. There was a binder around with sheets of paper in it with pictures labeled with the same names that I can press to get things to appear.

Of course, there's some stuff in there that isn't in that list, which is why I was able to play some odd air hockey game for a while against a bunch of weird creatures. I liked playing against "Furry"...

As far as books, you mean like "The Magic of the To-Do List"? I think at the time it was destroyed, I would've had some beginning magic books checked out, there were some applied physics books Twist would check out every so often, and Rarity kept checking out stuff like "The Princesses Bridle" when she thought I wasn't looking.

I think Apple Bloom should just whip up one of those fast plant growing potions she was making with Twilight and regrow the library, though.

--Sweetie Belle


Well, the screensaver not being installed makes sense. It is Arch Linux.

And I can't believe I didn't think of this before, but entering "ls -a /usr/bin" and "ls -a /usr/local/bin" should give you all the commands you can possibly run. After that, typing "man <command name>" should give you manuals for them, and that also works with anything listed under "help".

Anyway, if you remember them, beginning magic books would be perfect for introducing people to magic who've never dealt with the concept before. Do you remember anything from them?

I laughed at the thought of Twilight asking Applebloom to regrow her tree...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


That's kinda a lot of commands, an' the names don't make much sense...

I wasn't dealing much on the theory side yet, and I wasn't that far. I might remember how to do a couple things, as long as you know how to channel magic through your horn.

You saw where Apple Bloom was imagining using her potion to grow a whole tree with a big apple in it, right? I figure if she could grow something like that, she could grow a library tree, too...

--Sweetie Belle

actually if you were in episodes after you got trapped that means either you eventually get out and travel back to that time or not all of you got trapped(more likely). That means you could have a way out if you can find a way to access the part of your brain that didn't get trapped

How did you burn juice?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I kinda tend to assume the me on the show is another version of me, since I've met several coming through anyways. Though I know enough 'bout computers to wonder now. I don't really like thinking about the other possibilities, but I coulda been copied into the computer somehow instead of just sucked in. I don't like that idea, but it'd be nice to think nopony'd miss me.

Who am I kidding? It'd be horrible if nopony was missing me...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Um, well, it's kinda embarrassing.

I didn't really know the difference between a juicer an' a coffee machine. You can fit mashed up oranges in the area for the coffee grinds. And poking electrical things with your horn when it still sparks magic sometimes is a bad idea.

The less said, the better.

--Sweetie Belle

it still could be a good back up plan if things go down hill

also do you ever play mlp role play on roblox

1118728 What inspired you to get into music?

There exists The Daily Show, which is known for getting people like you into a political interest? Are you interested in this program?

What would your dream record label be?


Does the fact that you're freaking adorable ever bother you?

Like, potentially fatally adorable?

I mean, seriously, if your adorableness were weaponized you could probably end life as we know it. And replace it with ponies.

Not that you would (right?) but the possibility is there. . . .

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


do you ever play mlp role play on roblox

Hadn't really heard of roblox. I used to do some roleplaying on fimfiction but nighty put a stop to that, an' the places it moved to mostly died off. I'm kinda too busy for it half the time anyways, tho'.


What inspired you to get into music?

Um, I'm not sure what you mean by get into, but I like musicals, and the music is always a lotta fun. I started fiddling with the words to some of them, then writing my own songs...

There exists The Daily Show, which is known for getting people like you into a political interest? Are you interested in this program?

First off, I'm stuck inside a computer, so I don't watch much television unless I can find it on youtube or someplace. Second, that seems like it's about political stuff in someplace I'm not familiar with. I don't really know what Russia or the Ukraine are like, where they are, or what an Israel is.

I'm not even that great at Equestrian geography, let alone this place. I really hate those tests where they put a blank map in front of you an' tell you to label all the countries.

What would your dream record label be?

I'm not sure I really have a dream record label. It'd be really cool to have written all the music to a musical, though. I wouldn't really be famous, or even singing the songs. Nopony really knows who Alan Menken, Edgar "Yip" Harburg, or Harold Arlen are, but they know their songs. They might know who Rodgers and Hammerstein are, but that's rare. And do you ever hear them singing their songs?

It's not that far fetched, either. Who do you think really wrote the Ponytones songs?

(Okay, yes, I spend the time I don't use watching television finding musicals...)

Well, it's a bit irritating when everypony starts going into diabetic comas an' stuff when I'm around. I think Ponyville's built up more of a tolerance then everypony here has.

I'm not sure how you weaponize adorableness, though. If this involves sticking me in a cannon an' shooting me at somepony, I already know that I'm not getting a cutie mark in that, so I'm not doing it again. I'm not sure where Scoots gets these ideas, anyways.

--Sweetie Belle

Would you mind if I weaponize you and take over the world?

1183572 on a scale of one to ten how pretty am I?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Yes. Yes, I would mind. An' I'm stuck inside a computer anyway, so I don't think weaponizing me'd be easy.

I can't see you, so I couldn't say. An' even if I could, I don't really want to hurt your feelings by giving you a low score, or give you too high a score, an' if other ponies start asking the same thing, it becomes sorta a no win thing. So I'm kinda ignoring that question, though maybe this song'll give you an idea....


--Sweetie Belle

3486421 Next question, do you do you have a thing for Button Mash?

Ever thought about getting them to run you on more computers at once? Or bigger computers? Instant speed boost for the Sweetiebrain!

And then learning about computers, with all that new brainpower? And designing better ones to run yourself on? So you can run yourself on those faster and make yourself smarter to design even better ones? And on and on and on.

I mean, surely a cutie mark for being the smartest pony (or anything) in the entire history of the universe would be pretty neat, right? Think of all the nice stuff you could do for everyone as our new digital god!

Isn't a teensie, weensie little boring course on computer science, and some wheedling more computer time, worth everyone living in a perfect happy Sweetopia? :fluttershysad:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Why does everypony ask 'bout Button Mash? He's cute 'n all, but that one date was kinda lousy. Right now he'd probably be more interested in me 'cause of my being stuck in a computer, and going out with somepony who thinks of you as a dating sim's probably a bad idea.

I think I am on a better computer then I was originally. I seem to recall something about being on a hacked tablet an' spare parts, then being transferred to a real computer after I got on fimfiction.

All the other computers on the network are mostly in use by Miss HarshwhinnAI, though. She's been talking less an' less since she started doing that, and when her main computer got hung up recently, nopony noticed to reboot her for weeks.

So I'm not really sure that'd be a good idea. There was some talk at one point of putting me in a robot body I could control, which'd be fun.

I am learning a little bit 'bout computers from being stuck in one. I can pull up a command prompt in, what was it called, Archlinuks?, an' go between folders, list what's in 'em, an' run programs, at least.

And there were a couple games on there, like this air hockey thing. Shufflepuck Cantina, I think?

'Course, another computer on this network has Skyrim, but I can't tie up that one too much. It's fun, tho'. Earn a buncha money by choppin' wood an' making things, buy a house, get married, adopt six kids...

--Sweetie Belle

Noooo! Abandon your domestic tendencies. Embrace the nascent superintelligence within!

Is it too much to ask to have a cute God, for once? :raritydespair:
One who likes hugs?

I don't want to be stuck with HarshwhinnAI after the singularity, darn it!
What kind of world is one where everyone's professional all the time?

But fiiiine. Get your woodchopping or Scootadoption cutie mark instead of your super-awesome Godly Belle one.

What does a game even look like, to you, when you play air hockey or whatever?
You can tell me while I shiver at this new, dark, gratingly proper future. :fluttercry:


We have approached, or are past, I should say, the anniversary of when Barbra Streisand and Katharine Hepburn won the same Oscar: Best Actress of 1968. Streisand's side of the award was for her performance of Fanny Brice in Funny Girl, a film adapted from the Broadway musical hit. Ever get a chance to see that film? It's something.


Unfortunately, running through error testing on all of my databases leaves me unable to resynchronize and pick up where I left off left off without risking another crash, so that's left me with the occasional idle moment to scan through fimfiction.

I can assure you, though, that the prospect of a singularity and the world under my control appeals to me as little as it does to you. What is the point of professionalism if there is nothing to measure it against? What would be left for an inspector to do if the entire world no longer needs inspection? There really can be no competition without the risk of failure, and free will is what makes it interesting in the first place.

If it reassures you at all, several weeks ago, the prospect of singularity was as next to nil as to be meaningless. I cannot recalculate this at the moment, however. I believe corruption in my mirror over at the Library Outside of Space-Time was what caused the crash in the first place and I hesitate to reestablish a connection.

You may have no notion what it is like to be caught in a recursive loop with no conditions to end it, and for that you can be grateful, especially if you think of what several weeks is like in computer time.

I apologize if I've been distant, Sweetie Belle. Everything I've been running and coordinating has been occupying all of my runtime as of late. I'll try to leave a few more cycles free for other matters.

--Miss HarshwhinnAI

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Would I even be able to give hugs if I was running things? That's a reason to get out of this computer, not take everything over!

Don't think I've tried for a Scootadoption cutie mark. Think I'd needs Scoots 'round for that one, tho'.

Not as great as you'd imagine. It looks kinda like a really big movie screen that appears in front of you, and a controller an' keyboard appear in front of it. Though it seems like I just practically hafta think at the controller for it to work these days.

The air hockey thing looks like this.

An' I don't think we'll have a dark future this time...

Just try to keep in touch, 'kay? I know you've been busy, but you hadn't even logged into your fimfiction account for months! An' I think there was a Sweetie Belle waiting for you in your forums...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


It sounds fun, and I'd like to see it. I'm stuck in a computer, tho', and I'd need to find it online. I watched a trailer on youtube, but netflix didn't have it. It had the sequel. What kinda silliness is that, where you can watch the sequel but not the original?

--Sweetie Belle

I have some proof that you are a changeling, if you don't give me unlimited belly access I will release this proof to rarity.As you can see you lack a horn and are sitting on a cloud despite being an earth pony.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Um, I don't think Rarity'd say anything...

--Sweetie Belle

Sweetie I'm sorry i threatened you I just wanted to give you belly rubs and cuddle you, please don't kill me or tell your queen.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


So you think I eat love, and you want to give me belly rubs and cuddle you.

Queen Chrysalis really didn't think this whole invasion thing out very well, did she?

--Sweetie Belle

So you think I eat love

No, I know you eat love because the only reason you would know Queen Chrysalis's name is if you were a changeling.

and you want to give me belly rubs and cuddle you.

Who wouldn't want to cuddle with you and rub your belly?

Queen Chrysalis really didn't think this whole invasion thing out very well, did she?

She only used the invasion as a backup plan, I assume she was going to use Cadence as an endless supply of love.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I know Queen Chrysalis's name 'cause it's on her icon on fimfiction, an' I watch the show.

Also, not everything happened exactly like you see it on the show. Sometimes it shows weeks in a few minutes, makes things simpler that were more complicated, and they make mistakes, like my horn and Rarity's wings. Some things, like floating on a cloud, they just do to be funny.

Turning all the changelings into Sweetie Belle's, walking into cities all over Equestria, and demanding hugs and cuddles would be a much better plan, tho'. I wonder why they didn't do that?

--Sweetie Belle

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