Luna Is The Best Pony 7,280 members · 4,645 stories
Comments ( 141 )
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He's doing it on purpose to rustle your jimmies.

No you haven't. I've simply asked you if you were expecting to receiving anything in return.
You said that you had received something.
Frankly, you're just proving my point that trolls really are idiots behind keyboard.
As for your comment about me being worthless, you couldn't be any more wrong. I'm doing very well in school, and have made more than a couple handful of people happy in my life. I didn't have to lower my standards to funny trolls to make them smile.
Good bye for now. Don't expect any more comments from me.

Like I've said before, my jimmies are perfectly fine.
Frankly, the students at my school can give Chuckward a couple hundred lessons or two on how to unsettle somebody. He's just plain awkward.:unsuresweetie:

1064976 Aaaaand troll feeding session has concluded.
Good job for not feeding them in the first place (Not)

Aw, that's cute.

Your butt was mad, and you were cornered, so you resorted to petty insults. You then realized that your anus was still angry, and so you tried not making sense.

Now your pooper can't take it, so you're running away with your tail between your legs, all the while trying to look like you won.

Run away stray, run and lick your wounds.

You haven't given up yet? I already won, stop trying.

Just... just stop.
Please. For your own sake. Leave them to their ignorance and let them rot in it. It can't be cured.

You guys are morons for taking this so seriously.


Leave them to their ignorance and let them rot in it. It can't be cured.

You think I don't already know that they're ignorant?
Of course those wannabe internet terrorists are ignorant. They're fucking dumber than worms. They're is no hope for their stupid asses.:unsuresweetie:
If anything, your replies are the only things that's making me come back.:unsuresweetie:

I'm not taking this seriously.
You know as well as I do that when all the internet trolls die, they are only going to be remembered as fucking pussyhead idiots behind keyboards.
Trolls were never meant to be taken seriously. They'll never accomplish anything good in life, and they'll die knowing they were hated and spit upon.

1065026 Yeah... It's amazing how difficult it is to get these guys to shut up and go elsewhere.
I'm going to have to down an entire bottle of scotch once I'm done here.

jeb is best pony

1065034 Then on't reply to me. Go elsewhere. Go watch Luna Eclipsed again or something. I don't care what you do, just remove yourself from this situation.

The amount of posts here is just hilarious. 3 pages, damn I have to give props to whoever made all these people mad without them catching on.

1065064 about a third of it is me trying to get these guys to go elsewhere.
But still they wouldn't listen.

Still unable to come up with something besides petty insults eh?

Oh well, it makes my victory even sweeter.

1065056 Gimme some ponyfied TF2. That should cheer me up. XD

Pretty much me and swag toying with Chaotic.

I wasn't taking a shot at your jimbobs.

I was alerting you of the futility of the situation. Chaotic is trollfood because he's too ignorant to shut up.

1065093 I suppose.
Yeah, here I come, charging in like
And Chaotic flips me off with an
And goes all right into your maws.
*sigh* :facehoof:
But I do so love his writing. that's something, I guess.

1064947 1065045
Wow, I leave for an hour and a half to do more productive things with my fleeting life, and I come back to three pages of you guys bleeding out your rectums. Seriously? You say you're not butthurt, and that Chuckward and I aren't worth your time, yet you sit here commenting over and over again. I seriously want to cry for you guys right now, this is so sad.

1065131:pinkiehappy: Hey buddy.
Listen, it's a real pain in the ass for me to get these guys to stop responding to you, so please, please don't do this again. Go write a trollfic or troll some Celestia fanboys or whatever it is trolls do in the times they aren't making life difficult for every other sentient being on the planet.
Could you do that, please? thanks. :twilightsmile:

I had Flight of The Valkeries on loop the whole time.

I normally just ignore this stuff after one look. Unless you are a mod, not sure how much you can do.

Haha, so it is all for the "lolz"? Any reason why you picked Chaotic?

1065175 Actually, that's fucking hilarious.
1065179 Guy can try to be a good guy, can't he?

He was the most assmad.

Like a mighty lion, I targeted the easiest prey.

Sometimes you just have to sink down into the dirt and revel in it.
You and Swag are in a pack, herding the weak ones from the herd.

Luna is awesome. you are odd for not thinking that. Also, if you didn't think Luna is not the best pony, why did you join a group called Luna is the best pony? Hmmmmmmmm?

1064412 the top one was celestia the rest were trixie ur either a troll or a very new brony luna is an alicorn shes even in the first ep though u mostly see her as nightmare moon sryyy to disipoint u sir :twistnerd::twistnerd::twistnerd: :pinkiecrazy:

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