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Comments ( 59 )
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And all those other ships that make absoutly no sense.

You mean like SunLight.

I can get behind that rationale.

I have a somewhat difficult time shipping Fluttershy, cause i Feel she'd just be overwhelmed by most potential partners in a fairly unhealthy way, but I don't really dislike them.

I USED To Dislike TwiDash cause I saw it as a ship that was only popular because of how overwhelmingly popular those 2 seem to be in the fic community, you have to remember until Season 4 Dash and Twilight really didn't have much of a dynamic or interaction. So I kinda resented it for being this huge thing that was based off almost nothing while ships like Rarijack, Flarity, Twinkie, ships that all had solid established dynamics kinda languished.

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