Circle of Friends 177 members · 1,157 stories
Comments ( 91 )
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I once had an argument with a fellow, didn't know his name, but he had a sizable beard upon his face.

One thing led to another, and he ended up plagiarizing some silly little fan-fiction of mine! I tried to exclaim that I was the true author, but by then it had gotten so popular that no one believed me! Oh well... hopefully I will not have the same problem, but by me does it really sauce my meatballs!

1020900 Wow! Sounds like a lot of people are being mean meanypants! Can't we all just get along and be friends? :pinkiehappy:

Okay, first of all, please here me out.
It is clearly stated in the rules that taking down a story and then reposting it is against the rules of the site. The mod who denied your story was not abusing his power by doing so; it would have been an abuse of his power to not obey the rules! The mods have better things to do than look for ways to ruin your life.
That doesn't mean you have to give up. I did something similar by taking down one of my stories to do a major rewrite. When I reviewed the rules and saw how massively I messed up, I went to one of the mods, NTSTS, and asked if I could resubmit my story again anyways. He talked to knighty, who gave it the okay.
Just take what's going on to one of the mods and explain what is going on and ask if you can have your stories resubmitted anyways.
And seriously, calm down and act like an adult. I joined this group because I thought it was going to be a nice group to share and talk about stories, but so far all I've seen are threads taken down, comments deleted, people banned, and the group leader ranting at people who seem to only be trying to help.

And sure, you could delete this comment and ban me, but you know what, I'm fine with that. Because if the only way you can deal with criticism is to get rid of the people doing it, we were never going to get along in the first place.

1021198 That's the point, they won't leave us alone.

1021203 Yes, but because all these 'attacks' have been deleted and the posters banned so they can't defend themselves, all I can see is a lot of deletions and the group leader 'yelling' at people who are trying to be her friend.

Do I have to paint this picture for you? The only bad things I have been able to see are the thing's she's done. And while she might have good reason to be angry, I can't know that for myself, can I?

That's why you don't delete comments, take down threads or ban people. You ignore them and let your friends downvote the shit out of them so everyone knows 'this guys a dick'. Banning people and deleting posts only makes you more enemies, and keeps new friends from being able to trust you.

Group Admin


And seriously, calm down and act like an adult.

That is freakin rude.

Do NOT come in here insulting me and trying to cause more trouble in this group! This is your only warning. I have seriously had enough of this. None of you seem to know when to back off, which isn't very mature of you now is it?

You are certainly not trying to be my friend. Seems like you are trying to blame me for all of this. If I see fit to delete something, it's my business. Don't like it? There's the door. I don't tolerate bullying, and I don't wish to see their nasty comments.

You don't know me so you have no right to judge me.

Hey Uni, when it comes to reposting stories. If you ask the mods to do it in advance they can flag it so that it won't re-appear in the new stories box and it won't be against the rules. In the future, if you feel the need to repost something, I would suggest asking a mod first. It would save you a lot of hassle.

Group Admin

1021486 Thanks for the suggestion.

Your right, it was rude, and I apologize.

But we seem to have very different definitions of the word 'friend'. A friend isn't a yes man, agreeing with everything you say. A friend is someone who isn't afraid to point out when you might be in the wrong.

And I'm not trying to judge you. I don't know what these assholes have said to you, but taking it out on the rest of us isn't fair.

Group Admin

1021513 And you not letting it drop when I'm obviously stressed out to the extreme isn't fair either. I am already upset enough, so I would like to drop this matter for now. Please respect my wishes.

I apologize for freaking out at you I just... I've just really had enough.


Oh my precious child, for how long hath you been browsing upon this second world that we call, the "internet?"

Not even under the guise of bronydom will you escape the free will and vocal opinions of others. You face an immeasurable army of thick-skinned and very intelligent individuals who will tear you to pieces UNLESS, my child, you can display your defiance by rejecting these taunts with a simple send-off.

Fear not, I shall make this pain melt like a stick of hot butter. I relinquish some of my holy sauce upon you, that you may stop addressing these curious and thrill-seeking individuals, and rant about something... simpler. Like the economy, religion, why the sky is blue, etc.

Group Admin

1021704 Licks up the holy sauce and grabs a fork and spoon, as she loves spaghetti.

1019791 Wait wait wait...

You broke one of the rules of the site...

An admin shows up and reinforces the rules like he's supposed to...

...and you come to the conclusion that he's picking on you.

That's like saying that a teacher is picking on you when you get in trouble for talking during class.

Logic= None.

Group Admin

1021984 There was more to the situation than that, and that's all I have to say. The subject is now closed. Please respect that and move on.

1021984 The mod showed up before she broke the rule and bothered her then got mad at her for not taking his advice THEN punished her for a rule she wasn't even aware of. Not even giving her a warning first, which isn't very nice.

The mod also made a blog about what happened and is trying to make unicorn look bad. He's not naming any actual names, but he's making it pretty obvious who he's talking about. He also made fun of a video one of our members made, showing that even a moderator can be a meany pants. The moderator is obviously abusing his position.

I hope you understand the situation better now, but there's no point in dwelling on it.

Now like unicorn said lets not talk about this anymore okie dokie lokie?

Here's a change of topic for you.

Why am I basically the only one posting in the Random Advice Thread? I can't be the only one who has some funny and useful/useless advice.

Chris Anderson is named 'Birdman' for a reason, he takes energy to flap his arms like a stupid-ass bird on the court.


I went and posted a bit of my own advice there. I'd meant to post some earlier, but kinda forgot.

Lucky I saw your post here, actually. I usually sorta tune out ranting. Of course, it's usually Rarity...

--Sweetie Belle


Heh you gave good advice. You deserve an reward if you learned how to tune Raritys rants out. I wish I could do that to my bosses.


Thanks. Tuning all the drama out here is a little more difficult, though. It feels like Rarity got in that mirror pool, and cloned herself a bunch of times, then they all joined the group. :unsuresweetie:

Pity me, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom weren't able to budge that boulder that's over the entrance. I still think we could have found our talents more easily if there were a couple dozen of us.

--Sweetie Belle


Shudders at the thought of more Rarities "Oh Celestia no one is bad enough."
As for the mirror pool it does bring up the question can they even get cuties marks once created even if they come out with none?


I'm not really sure, since I didn't get that far. I suppose it depends on how real they are. What Twilight did would seem to imply they aren't very real, but I'm not sure she was right.

It's just as well we didn't manage it, though. Remembering Twilight's take on all the Pinkie Pies is one of the reasons I haven't tried too hard to get back. I can't help but think what it'd be like if I got back to Equestria and there was another me there, and Twilight started going after me, trying to zap me like she did those Pinkie Pies.

Twilight can be scary sometimes.

--Sweetie Belle



I've learnt that about two months ago. I find that it's an insult to the fandom how some bronies reacted to the new reboot of Littlest Pet Shop, and how some people assumed that just because it got a promo with ponies, that it is trying to follow MLP/cash in on MLP's success. On My Little Brony when LPS memes were posted for April Fools, some ignorant/hypocrites couldn't do much but say LPS is terrible and that it's a rip off of MLP and a Marketing Scheme. So many people not giving something a chance...

Same for Equestria Girls, but they had a bit more of a reason to be angry, but the amount of people going into panic mode disturbs me.

There are plenty of hypocrites. And I feel offended that they DARE call themselves bronies. The sane people keep me from edging away from calling myself a brony and just a fan.

One guy claimed to love and tolerate, and in the same comment, said LPS was utter crap. I love the new LPS, and I'm still saddened by the fact the hate hasn't completely waned. I mean really? Tolerate means you go on even though you don't like something. You don't insult it or complain, just bear it.

I believe this fandom has taken a turn for the worst, and if it doesn't brighten up, I'll go and watch just the show. Oh, and stick around here. I find the community mostly sane here.

1035147 Fandom has gotten bigger so there's more assholes around now.


Yes but I can't help feel that the ratio has gone a bit bigger...

I hope Joey Crawford gets devoured by a Megalodon shark. I despise this filthy maggot with every fiber of my being.

Corey Bosh is the softest "big man" in NBA history. If you're a fan of her, FUCK YOU.

Ahh, came back and took a trip down memory lane.

Amazing how blindly people decided to support Uni and her rulebreaking behaviour.

2590558 I know. It feels so nice to see a moron in the making when you know it'll burn in the end.

No one posts in this group anymore what ze fuuuuuuuuuuuck.

5 years after this particular horsewords drama. What a time it was.

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