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This thread is the place for all hype, discussion, speculation, and so on for the upcoming Equestria Girls movie. Link videos, post (SFW) pictures, and share your ideas, theories, and so on. This is, like the main socializing thread, an acceptable place to just chatter and doesn't need to be directly related to Sunset Shimmer.

That all said, you'll likely find it better to discuss these things here in the main Equestria Girls group. Show Sunset Shimmer some love there if you like.

Also, while no formal rules about spoilers exist, this thread is intended to be a spoiler-friendly place. If you are the sort to not want to be spoiled, you likely should avoid this thread and the one linked to above.

Well in the end Twilight transfers to CHS when the Wondercolts finally break the losing streak against Crystal Prep.

"Fall Formal" will be said a minimum of 3-5 times

"No offense" / "None taken" will be said at least five times.

4637095 Well it's more like a forgone conclusion if you really think about it.


Yeah that's really true. Then again I'd laugh is Twilight just decided not to come to Canterlot high. Just crack everybody's faces.

4637212 My money is also on the Sirens returning as the masterminds.

4637086 I concur with Twilight transferring to CHS, but I'm on the fence about CHS winning against Crystal Prep. Film's gotta have a moral, and I figure "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, just so long as you have fun with your friends" is a solid moral.

Also, I predict no Sirens (unless it's a small cameo) and maybe an appearance by the human version of Shining Armor.

4637417 The Sirens had to go somewhere after their debacle so they retreated to Crystal Prep.

4637484 I'm not saying they didn't go somewhere, I'm just saying, how would they fit into the plot, if at all? We're already introducing a whole slew of new antagonists, and the focus is clearly going to be on Human!Twilight. As much as I'd like them to show up, I'd like their return to be the focus of a story and not a side-plot to a different one entirely.

There's possibilities, there's probabilities, and there's likelihoods. The possibility of them appearing exists. The probability is there. The likelihood is small.

4637520 The necklace that Sparkles has is the key to all of this. Probably the shards from the Siren's necklaces is embedded in it.

There will be a Post Credits scene in which we get a glimpse on Sunset's human counterpart. My headcanon is she is the head of some evil MegaCorp that's bent on using magic for world conquest.

Lightsabers, the fight will be between the humane five and Twilight with Lightsabers.

Also, I predict it will be better than Descendants. As Descendants as made my brother repeatitly go back to the first film and apologize for everythng he has ever said bad to it.

Speaking of wich, I also predict Flash sentry will sing to Sunset with...this

Oh, I so want Sonata to be Evie.

Anyway, I also predict I am going to love this film. I also wonder if Rarity is going to be involved with the costuming.

In my opinion, I think that the human Twilight is going to live is Equestria (but she will be a unicorn, not an alicorn). I have seen the theories on a couple of videos. I think that why they're airing it on TV, not in movie theaters.

and maybe there will be more SunLight shipping fuel. :ajsmug::rainbowkiss:


Well in the end Twilight transfers to CHS when the Wondercolts finally break the losing streak against Crystal Prep.

Her demon form is getting a toy, Sunset's didn't get a toy.
And we've already seen Twilight "Break out of her shell", then moondancer.

So yeah, Why retread a plot we've done twice? I fully expect Human Twilight to not get redeemed or anything and get imprisoned by the Rainbow.


There will be a Post Credits scene in which we get a glimpse on Sunset's human counterpart. My headcanon is she is the head of some evil MegaCorp that's bent on using magic for world conquest.

There's several problems with this.
1) They aren't going to include two Sunsets in one movie, that would just get confusing.
2) The next EQG thing is Legend of the Everfree
3) Without Celestia, it's very likely Sunset would be much more like the character we have now as that's who she is supposed to be.


and maybe there will be more SunLight shipping fuel. :ajsmug::rainbowkiss:

There will ALWAYS be more SunLight shipping fuel, ALWAYS.
Like i think they gave up when they made friendship through the ages after last minute additions kept being giant ship bait for those two.

Just a theory but, has anyone else noticed that the last new episode was "Do princesses dream of magic sheep?" which I believe was over a month ago. The next hyped up thing in this fandom seems to be the Friendship Games. Which maybe could have Sunset return to Equestria, or this is just me looking way to deep into this. Maybe it's just a coincidence, although it's kinda weird that a show would take a hiatus presumably half way through the season (although not out of the question). Just a thought I had one night


it's kinda weird that a show would take a hiatus presumably half way through the season

Actually, mid-season brakes are pretty common these days. This is just the first time MLP has done it.

Sunset might return to Equestria; in the preview it can be seen that the human Twilight opened up a portal, which might lead to Equestria. Will she stay there though? I don't think so. Sunset was built up as a human; she was introduced (for the most part) as human, even though her unicorn form was seen in EQ1. There is also speculation that she has a human counterpart like most did. My take on it: she won't have one. I think she will be unique in that she doesn't have a human counterpart, since she will serve as a bridge between the two worlds. Eventually I think she will be the only one who can freely go between worlds at will. But that's just my take.

Crazy, but I doubt that would happen.

Here's a theory post that I originally made as its own thread, but needed to move because it contained spoilers:

So I feel like the idea of a theoretical Elements of Disharmony has been bandied around a lot. I've seen pre-redemption Sunset Shimmer acknowledged as a pretty strong candidate for one, as an evil opposite of Twilight who misused Magic as a means to get power. Most arguments, though, have tried to gather scattered characters from different episodes of MLP to try to fill in the rest of the gaps, most of whom have never really met.
Enter the Crystal Prep students in Friendship Games. They're the evil opposite of a friend group- a clique. And each of them does for one of the Mane 6 what Sunset did for Twilight, warping and misusing their attributes for bad instead of good. Sour Sweet uses false sweetness/kindness to make her barbs hurt more, Sugarcoat uses honesty as a bullying tactic instead of possessing integrity, ect. That seems a lot like what the hypothetical bearers of the Elements of Disharmony would be.
Unfortunately for them, Twilight has no real capacity to be the anti-Element of Magic. She may be (presumably) manipulated to misuse it, but she doesn't possess the personality to lead such a mean-spirited group. However, pre-redemption Sunset Shimmer did. She was a full-blown Alpha Bitch in the first Equestria Girls movie, keeping the entire school under her thumb with bullying tactics. She would have naturally taken charge of the Shadowbolt clique. So here's my theory: Sunset was originally destined to be the leader of the Elements of Disharmony with the Shadowbolts, and Twilight, as usual, to be the leader of the Elements of Harmony. Somewhere in there, they got switched. Sunset ended up at Canterlot High, where she had to run a solo conquest with only Snips and Snails as her pathetic excuses for minions. Twilight stayed at Crystal Prep and never met the girls who were destined to be her best friends.
This switch ended up working out pretty well for the forces of good, as Sunset proved to be a great hero and Twilight will almost certainly end up befriending the protagonists anyway. Still, the reason I brought this up, besides thinking it was a cool theory, is that I would love to see (or write, if I could map out a good plot) fanfiction exploring this. I think it would make a nice AU, or villain-goes-back-to-set-things-wrong plot. Thoughts?

Best magic duel since Twilight vs. Tirek.

Friendship Games is everything wrong with Equestria Girls in general. I wanted this to be good. I wanted to have hope and confidence in Josh Haber. And you know what? those two or so years were all for nothing. I feel betrayed on a personal level. By myself, by Hasbro, by Josh Haber, by pretty much everyone. EVERYTHING I've been fighting for and believed in was for NOTHING! If my hopes were battered before, they're almost certainly shattered now.

Not only did Sunset Shimmer not go back to Equestria, but it STILL wasn't brought up at all. Once is excusable, and maybe twice. But this has been three strikes! And if that's not enough to justify my hatred for FG, let me go into detail on the other stuff.

Every single minute of the movie just WREAKED of Idiot Plots, Padding, and OOC behavior. The ONLY character even remotely competent in the entire movie was Sunset Shimmer. And the sad part is that I'm NOT saying this because of my biased opinions. It's honestly how it was when I watched the movie. I did not feel like any of it was compensated, I feel like my soul/dignity was drained with half the magic absorbed by Twilight's stupid device. Why was Twilight's device DRAINING the magic instead of just measuring/scanning it? What was the point in Principal Cinch's character, or ANY of the Shadowbolts for that matter? Why did the schools feel the need to keep going on with the Friendship Games even though some of the students were almost KILLED by giant plant-monsters?!

This movie exists only to insult every fiber of my being as not only a fan of Sunset Shimmer, but of MLP in general. And why? TO SELL SOME FUCKING DOLLS?! Screw you, Josh Haber. You may have written some great episodes, but you hurt me more than any online argument I've ever gotten into in the intervening two years. Go ahead and insult me for being upset about a movie, argue back, downvote the shit out of this comment. At this rate, I. DON'T. FUCKING. CARE.

I haven't seen the movie yet--which might be a good thing or a bad thing--but I don't see Sunset going back to Equestria, and I don't think she ever will. If ever she does go back it will only be to tie up loose ends, but not to stay there for long.

Hasbro never intended for her to stay on there--she was made for EqG, not FiM, although I would think that she will be the unique character that will be able to go between worlds at will. But eh, that is my take, since I haven't seen the movie yet...

And as an aside, can that moratorium for not posting any spoilers extend until Oct. 13 when the dvd/blu-ray is released? If people can wait that long...

4737922 You just like to see me suffer. Like everyone else in this fucking group.

It was hinted at throughout the movie that Sunset missed Equestria's magic. So stop denying it!


Not only did Sunset Shimmer not go back to Equestria, but it STILL wasn't brought up at all. Once is excusable, and maybe twice. But this has been three strikes! And if that's not enough to justify my hatred for FG, let me go into detail on the other stuff.

"Friendship Games didn't appeal to my headcanon!"

Now doesn't that sound familiar?

"Twilight was supposed to fall in love with my OC, not Flash Sentry!!"

Seriously though, get over it, and get over yourself.

4737960 lol Nah really--not all people have access to Discovery Family, or whatever The Hub is now these days. And I am still waiting for the dvd/blu ray to come out on Oct. 13 to see the movie. Might get the boxed set so I have a collection going. Word is still out on how is the movie. I've read some saying it's good, not as good as RR but it's not abysmal as well.

4737964 Why can't you take your own advice?

This has nothing to do with headcanons, anyway! It's just bad writing!

4737976 Ok, if you saw it that way.

4737976 This is more your opinion then fact, which you are welcome to have.

4737994 It's only "opinion" because the rest of you are too desensitized to see what the hell is wrong with it. I know bad, and I know good, and I know that public opinion tends to be bullshit, anyway.

Group Admin


The door is right over there if you're not happy here. You're entitled to your opinion about the movie, but be civil about it and stop attacking people.

4738006 Attacking people? This group has done nothing but attack ME ever since I first joined it.

Bad and good, when it comes to entertainment like movies, TV and music anyway, is pretty much subjective. For one who think it's bad, another think it's good, and vice versa.

4738015 Yeah, but that's not going to make my feeling of betrayal/emptiness any better.

4738069 Nice to know your thoughts on everyone who enjoyed the movie, prick.

If you didn't like it, move on, and wait for the next episode of season 5 like everyone else.

4738082 Did you even read the comment? I wasn't insulting anyone.

I know the original version was harsh, but I obviously changed it.

I really like this movie. My only complaint is that the Shadow Bolt girls didn't get enough time to flesh out their characters but everything else was really good, and the ending was gold.

Comment posted by EldritchNexus deleted Sep 27th, 2015

4738102 I agree about the Shadowbolts, actually. But Cinch just seemed like a completely pointless character.

4637069 Sunset Shimmer was amazing in this movie. Though, at times, I could hear Rebecca using her Nightglider voice for Sunset. Wonder why that was?

The best excuse to have Sunset come back is that while Sunset is in the human world, it will always have magic. For the magic to leave, she'll have to leave as well. Cue sad outro where she says goodbye to her human friends, and goes back to Equestria. Some good feels potential.


We can really tell how attacked you are by all the commenters not even linking your name in their original comments about the movie, to which you angrily reply as if each person just unzipped their pants and slapped you in the face with their dick.

If you don't like it, cool. Post your opinion, be civil, and don't go after people like a child. If you can't do that, hit the "Leave" button at the top of the group page and get out. Or just learn how to conduct yourself and treat people with the respect you demand from them.

As it is, I've not seen this movie yet, nor am I sure that I will. But acting like an ass because you disagree with others is just ridiculous. Sit the fuck down.


I just wish that taste wasn't measured in intelligence

Yeah, I read it.

And yes, you were insulting people. Insulting everyone who enjoyed the movie, because they had 'bad taste', and apparently that also means a lack of intelligence.

Nice to see you edit your post to hide your anger at others, hoping that people wouldn't notice.

4738170 And it's nice to see you're an asshole who doesn't know how to let water stay under the bridge.

Group Admin


24 hour time out for the both of you, since you're insisting on acting like children.


It's the most electrifying move in all of forum moderation! The Banhammer!

Group Admin

Now that I've seen the movie, I can participate in this thread finally. Woo.


Well, lets start off with nice stuff.

I agree. Sunset was pretty damn amazing. Hell, everyone was. Even the characters that I don't tend to care much for, like Fluttershy, Pinkie, or that background pony with the hat. Every single one of them not only had good parts in the movie, they all had something very positive to bring to the story. I'd say this is pretty close to their best effort so far to give us a movie that really sells the Elements of Harmony, Friendship (also with a capital F), and so on.

I didn't even know who Night Glider's VA was until just now. That said, you can occasionally hear other characters in each of the VA's voices. Like, when Fluttershy is cheering at the end of Sonic Rainboom, she sounds a lot like Pinkie.

I will admit, I would not be disappointed to see more of pretty much all of them. Sugarcoat was my favorite, but the rest of them were rather light on detail. Lemon Zest (I think the one with the headphones?) has a pretty design too.



You clearly do, so much so that you apparently can't even be civil.

Thanks, Jondor.

Comment posted by Carapace deleted Sep 27th, 2015
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